Surface microtexturing has been known to change the physio-chemical properties of the surface to improve the surface properties of materials. Some of the widely used surface microtexturing techniques are chemical etching, electrical discharge, and sandblasting [1]. Among the different surface microtexturing techniques, grit-blasting or sandblasting is a widely used method, but one of the main disadvantages of using this technique is that it does not allow selective roughening and does not create any fixed and repeated pattern. Grit-blasting also leads to grit entrapment [2]. One of the alternative techniques for surface microtexturing is using a laser. Laser microtexturing can provide several advantages like easy automation, localized treatment, and three-dimensional profiles [3]. Surface microtexturing by laser ablation is a low-cost and scalable method, devoid of the use of hazardous chemicals [4].
The thermal spray coating/substrate adhesion has been shown to improve by laser surface microtexturing. Preparation of the substrates to be coated by the thermal spray process involves two steps: cleaning and roughening [5]. Chemicals can be used to clean (degrease) the surface [5], while the roughening process can be performed by laser. In thermal spraying, adhesion bond strength is strongly dependent on the substrate type, process temperature, and topography [6]. An increased coating contact area is favorable for increased adhesion bond strength. Laser surface microtexturing has also been shown to increase thermal spray deposition efficiency. The laser wavelength, spot size, scanning rate, pulse duration, and pulse frequency can be optimized for enhanced adhesion [3]. The process of thermal spraying uses molten particles (powder or wire feedstock) sprayed onto a surface. Specific types of coatings that are resistant to heat, wear, and erosion can be deposited using the thermal spray process [7].
However, low adhesion strength poses a serious problem to thermally sprayed coatings [7]. It is of particular interest to note that thermal spraying can be used to deposit bond coats of thermal barrier coatings (TBCs), and the quality of the TBC is strongly dependent on the adhesion between the coating and the substrate [8]. TBCs are generally used to isolate metallic turbine blades from the hot gas coming from the engine [9]. Lima et al. [8] studied the adhesion properties of thermal barrier coatings on steel substrates and reported that the general coating failure location is at the interface between the bond coat and the substrate. Laser surface microtexturing can improve the bond strength of thermal spray coatings on metals. The surface microtexture generated by the laser is responsible for creating a mechanically interlocked bond in the case of thermal spray coatings. Thermally sprayed metallic powder particles fill the pores on the surface created by laser microtexturing, and this results in a strong bond between the surface and the coating [10]. The laser surface microtexturing should be optimized in such a way that it traps more of the deposited particles due to higher surface roughness and coating builds-up [11]. For nanosecond (ns) pulsed lasers, the roughness forming mechanism is a thermo-mechanically dominated process [12]. The formation of ns laser-induced microtexture can be explained by localized surface melting and the formation of superheated droplets around the solid surface. The expelled molten materials cool down, settle back onto the surface of the metal, and resolidifies, giving rise to "pillar" like surface features [13]. The laser pulse energy density and frequency influence the shape and height of the surface features considerably. Increasing laser fluence and frequency results in the expulsion of more molten materials, which could lead to wider grooves and increased height of the resolidified surface microtexture. The laser parameters can be used to control the microtexture on the surface that influences the bonding strength of the thermal spray coatings.
The thermally sprayed coating that is adhered to the surface by a mechanical interlocking mechanism can be classified into five types – embedding, anchoring, holding-on, spreading, and a mixture of several styles [14]. Depending on the material, both mechanical and physicochemical bonds can exist, and the bonding mechanism is influenced by particle-substrate contact time, contact temperature, and contact area upon impact [15]. It should also be noted that the adhesion strength is not only dependent on the contact area ratio and the density of the features but also varies with the microtexture shape and pattern [14, 16]. The adhesion strength can be further improved by optimizing the laser parameters to create features that are even denser and taller. But this increases the time and cost associated with the laser patterning process. The thermal spray process parameters can also be optimized to enhance the adhesion strength. Adhesion strength can be significantly increased by increasing the particle velocity keeping the particle temperature constant, or by increasing the particle temperature, keeping the particle velocity at a fairly high constant value [17]. Other thermal spray process parameters like gas flow rate, spray distance, etc., may also be optimized to get a potentially superior adhesion strength.
The thermal spray coating process is widely used to coat metals. Amongst the most commonly used metals, aluminum has high-surface energy and provides strong resistance to corrosion in aggressive environments. Aluminum alloys have had a long history of usage in the construction, automotive, aviation, and astronautics industries [18, 19]. It greatly benefits from the favorable properties offered by adhesive bonding due to its excellent formidability and high strength-to-weight ratio. Apart from having environmental advantages, surface morphology by laser modification aids mechanical interlocking and might even lead to interfacial chemical bonding between the adhesive and the adherend [18]. A recent report by Maressa et al. has illustrated that laser texturing of titanium-aluminum (Ti6Al4V) alloy surface resulted in an eightfold increase in shear strength compared to plain surfaces and a 30% increase compared to sandblasted surfaces [20]. A study on the improvement of adhesive bonding in aluminum alloys using laser surface texturing was also done by Wong et al. [21] and Sharma et al. [22]; they demonstrated the bond strength of commercially pure aluminum coatings (CP-Al) on grit-blasted AA 2024-T351 substrates. The substrates were grit-blasted using three different grit-blasting techniques, and the coating was deposited using the cold spray process. Nitrogen and helium were used as carrier gases during the grit-blasting process. Grit-blasted samples had significantly higher adhesion strength compared to untextured samples. Kromer et al. [23] measured the tensile adhesion strength of NiAl powder coating on the Al 2017 substrates, which are widely used in aircraft structural applications. NiAl powder with a mean particle size of 67 µm was thermally sprayed onto the laser textured aluminum alloy substrates. The adhesion test results showed that a decreasing density of holes on the metal surface causes a reduction in the adhesion strength of the thermally sprayed coating. Kromer et al. [7] also measured the adhesion strength of cold sprayed coatings on grit-blasted and laser textured aluminum alloy. Several light metal alloy powders with a mean particle size of 40 µm were used for the cold-spray process. A separate study was done by Kromer et al. [6], where laser textured and grit-blasted aluminum 2017 alloy samples were coated with NiAl powder (Amdry 956) using atmospheric plasma spray. The samples were textured using a pulsed fiber laser. The laser holes were made in the X and Y directions with varying spacing between them and oriented at different angles. It was shown that the effect of changing angle had a negligible effect on the adhesion strength of the powders. Kromer et al.6 studied the strength of bond coats on laser textured superalloy substrate. The maximum reported adhesive bond strength was 33 MPa. In another study by CRC Lima et al. [8], it was reported that the maximum adhesion strength of Amdry 9951 coat on grit-blasted steel substrates was 52.8 MPa. Karaoglanli et al. [24] demonstrated that adhesive failure occurs at the interface of thermally sprayed CoNiCrAlY bond coat on stainless steel substrates. The adhesion strength was increased by treating the samples with heat. However, irrespective of that, adhesive failure typically occurs at around 50 MPa. A recent study done by Zhang et al. [25] used a nanosecond pulsed laser to induce microtexture on the surface of aluminum alloy. This microtexture improved the bond strength of the Al-Cu aluminum alloy coating that was cold-sprayed on the surface of the laser microtextured aluminum alloy. The maximum reported bond strength was around 48 MPa. None of the aforementioned studies [6, 7, 23] demonstrated the effect of fully microtextured metal surfaces using a laser microtexturing process based on the thermomechanical process.
In this paper, a different method of laser microtexturing is reported, and a superior coating adhesion strength of bond coats is demonstrated. Compared to traditional texturing methods like grit-blasting and some other laser microtexturing methods based primarily on the ablation process, the method reported in the paper showed much-improved bonding strength. The laser microtextured features are created by melting and the subsequent cooling down of the surface in conjunction with a small degree of ablation. Hence, a series of closely packed peaks and valleys are formed on the surface, which gives the thermally sprayed coating powder more grip and enhanced surface area. The improvement in the coating adhesion strength leads to increased longevity, robustness, and lower maintenance costs of metal parts and has potential applications in the automobile, power generation, and aerospace industries.