A model has been developed for the formation of STEM education for primary school students in the system of additional education. Experimental work was carried out to test the effectiveness of the described model. The experimental study was carried out in educational center "Lego Education". The experiment involved 55 children aged 6–9 years - in the experimental group, 55 children - in the control group and 40 parents. The same experimental and control groups were identified to determine the reliable results of the implementation of the STEM-learning model for primary school students in the system of additional education. The experimental group included 55 people who were engaged in the new program "Early STEM integration". The control group consisted of 55 people involved in the World of Robotics group. To identify the initial level of formation of scientific and technical skills in younger students, we used the criterion and indicators proposed by N.V. Sychkova (the nature of the solution of the research problem; the nature and quality of the course and thesis work) [10], V.M. Kolikova (knowledge of the theory of experiment and awareness of the actions performed, the system of materialized results of actions) [9]. Thus, taking into account the goals of our study, we came to the conclusion that it is possible to most accurately assess the levels of formation of skills to apply the acquired knowledge in solving scientific and technical problems already in the study of disciplines in the field of natural science using the following set of criteria: interest in practical activities (attitude towards practical activities, initiative in applying the theoretical foundations in technical matters); knowledge of the theoretical foundations of topics and modules in general of the studied subjects of the natural-mathematical cycle of disciplines and disciplines of the direction (their completeness, strength, quality, consistency and structuredness); the correctness of the actions (the number of correctly completed tasks in the homework, the stages of the laboratory work report, the correct sequence in the performance of the technical task); the quality of the performance of actions (their awareness, consistency, completeness).
To solve the tasks set, the following research methods were used: analysis, systematization, generalization of the results obtained, observation, questioning, survey, conversation.
In order to determine the role of additional educational institutions in the upbringing and development of students, two studies were conducted. Visitors to the institution of additional education were invited: students, their parents, relatives, teachers, employees. The first study "Child's Motivation to Attend Children's Institutions of Additional Education" was aimed at determining the reasons why children attend additional education. The survey was conducted on the basis of the questionnaire presented in the study by Chernousova-Nikorova T.V. (158). Secondly, the survey "Your opinion about the work of the institution of additional education" is aimed at finding out the degree of awareness of children's visitors and students, parents, children about the possibilities of additional education; on determining the degree of satisfaction of parents with the work of the educational center; determine the wishes of parents to improve the educational process of the center. The second survey was made on the basis of surveys proposed by the Yaroslavl group of scientists (52, p. 290). The study involved 40 parents and guests of the center at different stages of the survey. The survey results are presented in Table 1.
Table 1
The result of the survey on the desire of the child to attend a children's institution of additional education
Motivation for attending the center | Number of parents | Percentage ratio |
Due to the small number of Lego in the city | 14 | 35% |
Few places where children can spend their time usfully | 11 | 27,5% |
According to acquantances | 9 | 22,5% |
Based on school recommendation | 6 | 15% |
An analysis of the results of the first survey showed that the quality of the educational services provided is not the main criterion for visitors to the center when choosing an institution of additional education for children. The main reason for coming to an additional educational institution was a small number of Lego centers in the city − 35%. And 27.5% of visitors come because there are few places in the city where children can usefully spend time, 22.5% - according to friends, 15% - come to an additional educational institution for children on the recommendation of the school.
The second survey involved 40 parents of students aged 6–9. The questionnaire “Your assessment of the work of the Lego Education educational center” consists of open questions: what programs / groups does your child attend? How long has your child been attending classes at our educational center (now, several months, about a year, several years)? Be aware of the work of the educational center (what courses are available for your children in an additional education institution; how many programs are provided for children of primary school age and which of them; what competitions and events does your child participate in, do you know the schedule of program groups?); What prevents your child from attending an educational center more often? How does your child feel about the center, teachers and the atmosphere of the school? Are you satisfied with the work of the educational center: the schedule of classes, the quality of lessons, the relationship between the teacher and students, the organization of working conditions? What circle / group / program to organize for your child on the basis of our center? The results of the second survey showed that children come to the center in one group (67%), in 2 groups − (28%), 3 or more (4.5%) at the same time. Parents of students are generally satisfied with the quality of classes, the child's attitude to the teachers of the center, living conditions and technical support. However, the majority of respondents showed a low level of awareness about other departments of the center, departments (unlike those that their children go to), work schedule, areas of creative development, events and competitions in which our pupils participate. Also, the results of the survey showed that most parents do not have a complete understanding of the possibilities of an additional educational institution for children in the development of their child. An analysis of surveys showed that 1/2 of parents do not understand well the interests and capabilities of their children. In a conversation with parents, they expressed their wishes regarding the work of the institution of additional education for children as an improvement in the system of interaction between parents and employees of the center, and the organization of educational work. Some parents (15 people) expressed a desire to participate in open classes and conduct joint classes with their children. The results of the survey showed that the number of additional educational institutions where children of primary school age can participate outside of school, where they can develop their knowledge and practice their practical experience in the city, is small and not in great demand.
To determine the level of STEM education of children, a method of pedagogical observation and an open-ended questionnaire were developed. The method of pedagogical observation made it possible to investigate the manifestation of all criteria and indicators of the level of interest, knowledge, correctness and quality of tasks performed by students not in isolation from each other, but in combination. The purpose of pedagogical observation, as it has already become obvious, was to determine the level of interest in knowledge, the correctness and quality of the tasks performed by younger students.
To identify the initial level of formation of skills in younger students, we used the criterion and indicators proposed by N.V. Sychkova (the nature of the solution of the research problem; the nature and quality of the course and thesis work) [10], V.M. Kolikova (knowledge of the theory of experiment and awareness of the actions performed, the system of materialized results of actions) [9]. Thus, taking into account the goals of our study, we came to the conclusion that it is possible to most accurately assess the levels of formation of skills to apply the acquired knowledge in solving scientific and technical problems already in the study of disciplines in the field of natural science using the following set of criteria: interest in practical activities (attitude towards practical activities, initiative in applying the theoretical foundations in technical matters); knowledge of the theoretical foundations of topics and modules in general of the studied subjects of the natural-mathematical cycle of disciplines and disciplines of the direction (their completeness, strength, quality, consistency and structuredness); the correctness of the actions (the number of correctly completed tasks in the homework, the stages of the laboratory work report, the correct sequence in the performance of the technical task); the quality of the performance of actions (their awareness, consistency, completeness).
At the very beginning of the pedagogical observation, the researcher drew up a plan that detailed all the questions that needed to be answered at the end of the observation. After conducting pedagogical observation in the classroom, the researcher chose a method for analyzing the data obtained, based on the classification of N.A. Semenova.
1. Initial level (0–10 points). Students with the initial level are characterized by a low level of interest in conducting educational research work, lack of knowledge and skills in scientific and technical activities. A student rarely shows initiative and an original approach in educational and practical activities, does not express ideas, suggestions, assumptions about work.
2. Initial level (11–21 points). Students with an initial level are characterized by the appearance of external motives for conducting practical work, the ability, with the help of a teacher, to find a problem and offer various options for solving it. At the initial stage, children are able to perform elementary short-term technical tasks by analogy with the help of adults. There is a possession of the basic knowledge of the organization of their scientific and technical work, some simple research skills. The manifestation of creativity can be regarded as low.
3. Productive level (22–32 points). Students with a productive level are characterized by stable internal and external motives for conducting practical work, there is a desire to conduct experiments independently (individually or with a group). The student has certain knowledge about technical activities, possesses many skills for conducting educational research (can determine the topic, purpose and objectives of the study with the help of a teacher or independently); demonstrates the possibility of an original approach to solving a problem, presenting the result of its activities.
4. Creative level (33–42 points). Students with a creative level show a constant interest in conducting various kinds of scientific, technical and educational-practical classes, the ability to independently and creatively approach the choice of the topic of practical tasks and the ability to set goals, tasks, productively find ways to solve the tasks; a high degree of independence in the implementation of work at all stages of work; the ability to present the result of the activity in an original way.
Pedagogical observation of the formation of natural-scientific and scientific-technical knowledge was carried out by the author in the classes on elementary robotics. In the classroom, students were asked to invent a robot from the Mindstorm construction set. Students could use school supplies, paper, any parts from Lego constructors, school laptops, instructions on assembling various products produced by Mindstorm for work.
A qualitative analysis of pedagogical observation allows us to say that many students still find it difficult to cope with research tasks, and some do not cope at all. Only a few students were able to independently and qualitatively go through all the stages of the study. After conducting a qualitative analysis of the data obtained, one should proceed to the subsequent interpretation of the results of the quantitative characteristics of students in both groups, which are presented in Table 2.
Quantitative indicators of pedagogical observation are as follows: in the EG with the initial level were 16 (%) people, in the CG − 18 people, with the initial level in the EG − 17 students, with a productive level − 15, with a creative level − 7 students, while while 17 students from the CG with an initial level, 14 with a productive level and 8 students showed creative results.
Table 2
Quantitative indicators of pedagogical observation in the ascertaining stage
| Initial level | Entry level | Productive level | Creative level |
Experimental group | 16- (29%) | 17 -(30,9%) | 15 - (27,2%) | 7 - (12,7%) |
Control group | 18 - (32,7%) | 17 - (30,9%) | 14 - (25,4%) | 11 - (14,5%) |
To determine the level of education of elementary school students in the field of STEM, an open questionnaire was developed containing the following questions:
Section I: What is the field of science, technology, engineering and mathematics? What professions work in STEM? What qualities should an engineer, inventor, designer have? What is this item for? What else can be done with these things? What are the ingredients/parts of this item? Where in your life have you seen such things?
Section II: WATER Experiments and experiments with water.
"What color is the water?" Does water have a taste and smell? "What will happen to the water in the cold?" "Sinking - not sinking." "Surface film of water". "What dissolves in water?" "How to purify water?" How is salt water different from fresh water? Growing Salt Crystals.
AIR Experiences and experiments with air.
"What is air?" Experience "Dry out of water". Experience "Air whirlwinds". Experience "Learn the volume of the lungs." "Does air have weight?" "How does a balloon fly?" "Where can air hide?" "Is there air in the water?" "Air in the aquarium." "Air and Smell". "Air tricks". "Air pressure and wind".
STONES, SAND, CLAY AND SOIL Experiments with stones, sand, clay and soil.
"In the kingdom of stones." "Where are the stones born?" "Watch out, vinegar!" Experience "Let's find limestone." "Collecting a collection of stones." "Exploring the Sand" "Hourglass". Experience "Weigh the sand." "In desert". Experience "Grains of sand - the inhabitants of the desert." "Introduction to Clay" "What is soil made of?" "Is there air and water in the soil?" "Caution, fire!"
The results of the survey show a rather low level of development of ideas about STEM and natural science in children of the experimental and control groups. For example, in the answer to the first question, some aspects of the STEM field were touched upon: “What qualities should an engineer, inventor, designer have?” The answers to the question were divided as follows: 30% (33 people) noted that they are resourceful/unconventional/special/talented. 13.6% (15 people) chose interest and enthusiasm, 25.4% (28 people) described it as a capable, intelligent person, 19% (21 people) called a person who should be able to work better than others, high mental ability and 2. 7% (3 people) did not answer this question.
The questions in the questionnaire were asked in order to determine the level of awareness of primary school students on the basis of non-standard, practical-thinking tasks and their readiness to solve them. Analysis of the results showed that schoolchildren are not ready to solve scientific problems and do not know the methods of practical activity. Most of the responses provided indicated a low or medium level of development of stereotyped thinking, technical thinking and imagination. We evaluated the results of this survey on the following scale: "formed - high", "partially formed - medium", "unformed - low" (the level of formation of the knowledge base on the problem of scientific thinking, methods and methods, its implementation is indicated). We came to the conclusion that in the EG 12.7% (7 people) fully answered 90% of the questions, 38.1% of students (21 people) were able to answer more than half of the questions and give non-standard answers to 6–7 questions, and 49% (27 people) showed a low level of formation of the knowledge base on scientific and technical problems, because most of the questions could not be answered. According to the CG, 8 (14.5%) people showed a high level of formation, 21 (38.1%) people showed an average level, 26 (47.2%) people showed a low level of formation. (Table 3).
Table 3
The average value of the level of knowledge formation in the field of STEM in the experimental group
Level | Number of attendants | Percent | X average |
Low | 27 | 49% | 1,47 |
Medium | 21 | 38,1% | 1,52 |
High | 7 | 12,7% | 0,63 |
Х average of group | | | 3,62 |
Table 4
The average value of the level of knowledge formation in the field of STEM in the control group
Level | Number of attendants | Percent | X average |
Low | 27 | 49% | 1,47 |
Medium | 21 | 38,1% | 1,52 |
High | 7 | 12,7% | 0,63 |
Х average of group | | | 3,62 |
To calculate the average score, each level of formation of the components of the scientific and technical potential of a junior schoolchild was compared with a certain number of points, namely: L - low level − 3 points; C - average level − 4 points; B - high level − 5 points.
Model of formation of STEM knowledge in elementary school students.
We have created a model for the formation of STEM knowledge among primary school students in the system of additional education. In general terms, it is reflected in the diagram. In the model, the methods listed in this article are brought together. Their conditions and real results are indicated
The main goal of the model is the formation of STEM knowledge among younger students in the system of additional education. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were put forward:
1) to promote the development of STEM knowledge among younger students in the system of additional education;
2) ensuring the motivation of younger students for scientific and technical activities;
3) develop interest in independent creativity, self-realization;
4) develop the skill of collective and individual activity;
5) develop various types of memory: fantasy, imagination, mental activity, wide cognitive interest;
6) create an educational environment conducive to the development of scientific and creative potential;
7) apply methods and means of stimulating the scientific and creative activity of schoolchildren in the institution of additional education;
8) create a psychologically comfortable atmosphere in a temporary team.
The target component of the model includes the achievement of the following results:
− determination of learning objectives at each stage of the model functioning and general requirements for the level of knowledge formation in the field of STEM of primary school students;
− creation of a scientific and technical environment for new academic disciplines and their inclusion in the pedagogical system of an educational institution;
- mastery by students of the theoretical and methodological content of the subjects of the developed complex.
The principles of the model of formation of STEM knowledge among younger students in the system of additional education.
1) The principle of democratization (providing students with freedom for self-development, self-regulation, self-learning).
2) The principle of accessibility. The availability of education involves the choice by the teacher of such methods, means and techniques that will correspond to the age characteristics of students.
3) The principle of the unity of the concrete and the abstract. This principle in pedagogy has other names - the golden principle of didactics, the principle of visibility in teaching. According to him, the success of learning depends entirely on the primary perception of objects, processes and events of reality. Only through visual observation of the objects of the surrounding reality, one can derive logical, correct judgments and acquire solid theoretical knowledge. The importance of this principle cannot be underestimated. Its effectiveness in teaching was proved by outstanding teachers of the past, such as Ya.A. Comenius, Diesterweg, K.D. Ushinsky and others.
4) The principle of consciousness and activity, based on the conscious inclusion of children in creative activities, their independent search for expressive means, the use of non-traditional image techniques, the desire for creative self-expression in productive activities. This principle involves the use of such methods and techniques as explanation, explanation, conversation, observation, demonstration of non-traditional image techniques, expressive possibilities of visual material.
The target component of the model defines all other elements of the model. The degree of achievement of the set goals is determined in the performance-evaluative component. The well-known didactic principles were chosen as the basis for selecting the content and developing the model: gradation, accessibility, continuity, consistency and scientific character.
The content block contains a description of classroom and extracurricular activities, including theoretical and practical development of the natural science, scientific and technical activities of primary school students in the system of additional education.
The content component of the model is presented in the form of a program for the formation of STEM knowledge in the system of additional education (Table. 5).
Table 5
Content of the “Early STEM integration” program
№ | Theme of the lesson | Theory and practice | Tasks | Methods |
1 | Lego Duplo | 5 | to form the ability to design from the details of the designer; form the basis of universal logical actions | Demonstration, story, conversation, examination of objects, game task, game educational situation. |
2 | Lego Mindstorm | 5 | to form the ability to design from the details of the designer; to form the basis of universal logical actions; expand your understanding of the environment | Introduction, story, conversation, examination of objects, game task, game educational situation. |
3 | Robotics | 6 | to provide basic knowledge about robots and robotics. | Explanation, story, conversation, examination of objects, game task, game educational situation. |
4 | Laser cutting | 5 | to introduce the method of laser cutting; form the basis of universal logical actions | Introduction, demonstration, story, conversation, examination of objects, game task, game educational situation. |
5 | Vynil cutting | 5 | to introduce the method of vinyl cutting; form the basis of universal logical actions | Introduction, demonstration, story, conversation, examination of objects, practical task |
6 | 3D printing | 5 | to introduce the method of laser cutting; form the basis of universal logical actions | Demonstration, story, conversation, examination of objects, practical task. |
7 | Basic circuitry | 5 | to introduce basic electronic circuits; form the basis of universal logical actions | Explanation, demonstration, story, conversation, examination of objects, practical task |
8 | Soldering | 5 | to familiarize with soldering technology; form the basis of universal logical actions | Story, conversation, examination of objects, game task, practical task. |
9 | I create the world | 6 | to increase the amount of attention; develop the foundations of creative imagination: unusualness, originality, novelty | Demonstration, story, conversation, examination of objects, game task, game educational situation. |
10 | I am inverntor | 5 | to develop stability, concentration, switchability and distribution of attention. | Conversation, observation, examination of objects, game task, game educational situation. |
11 | I am researcher | 5 | to cultivate a value attitude towards one's own work, the work of other people and its results | Conversation, observation, story, conversation, examination of objects, game task, game educational situation. |
12 | I am an engineer | 5 | to educate the motivation for success and achievements based on technical design and robotics | Conversation, observation, examination of objects, game task, game educational situation. |
13 | I am innovator | 5 | to cultivate the ability to take initiative, goodwill in relationships, curiosity. | Story, conversation, examination of objects, game task, game educational situation. |
14 | I am a scientist | | to instill an interest in technical design and robotics; support a special creative mood of the child; to awaken in children the need for creative independence, to instill a taste for the search and implementation of their own design ideas. | Presentation, story, conversation, examination of objects, game task, game educational situation. |
| Total | 72 | | |
The procedural-activity component is the types of scientific and technical activities of students that prevail at each stage of the model implementation, implemented in the form of methods and forms of organizing training. This component is based on the peculiarities of the educational process and scientific and technical activities of students, is implemented in the study of the content of a complex of educational subjects, relies on the psychological and pedagogical foundations of development, age and personal psychological characteristics of students.
The organizational and managerial component is necessary to solve the complex managerial task of introducing new subjects into the existing system of training courses implemented in each educational institution.
It should be noted that when using this model for the formation of STEM skills, the methodological direction of the teacher should take into account the systemic and activity approaches. A complex of various methods is used to form STEM skills in primary schoolchildren in extracurricular activities under the Early STEM integration program. The model presents a list of them according to the degree of productivity:
1. Heuristic methods. These include the method of getting used to; semantic vision method; the method of symbolic vision; figurative vision method; inventing method; agglutination method; brainstorming method; synectics method; morphological box method; inversion method.
2. Explanatory and illustrative methods. Explanatory and illustrative methods mean a story, a show, an explanation, a briefing, a report, a conversation.
3. Practical - the study of the surrounding reality (observation, experiment, exercises.)
4. Problem methods. Problematic methods include problem situation, game, generalization, persuasion, etc.
5. Partial search methods. Among them are dispute, observation, independent work, laboratory work, competition, etc.
The implementation of the organizational and managerial component required the use of pedagogical forms of interaction between teachers of four disciplines - science, technology, engineering and mathematics - seminars, open classes, familiarization with methodological ideas.
All of the above components of the model for the formation of scientific and technical skills should lead to the following result - an increase in the level of formation of skills in the field of STEM among younger students. This result is an element of the performance evaluation component of the model. In addition to the result, the assessment and effectiveness component includes criteria, indicators, and diagnostics of the formation of STEM skills of primary school students. The performance-evaluative component reflects the requirements for the quality of student training, defined by the SCES and regulatory documents. This component is implemented in the form of various forms of control and assessment of students' knowledge, as well as the degree of formation of their practical skills. To implement this component of the methodological system, we have developed control tasks, pedagogical supervision
The model we developed for the formation of STEM knowledge among primary school students in the system of additional education includes a specially created pedagogically organized environment that is attractive and valuable for students, turning learning into a way of life aimed at developing their scientific and technical knowledge. The study of natural science disciplines is a means of helping schoolchildren to master that part of human culture, which largely determines the face of modern civilization. The created program of additional education in the natural sciences and its successful implementation allows at this stage of development of the institution (Lego Education, Nur-sultan) to act in the light of the latest trends in education.