“Marvel’s The Avengers, featuring Iron Man, Captain America, the Hulk, and Thor is not just inspiring for comics fans. There’s a huge lesson about teamwork you might not have paid attention to. Not just teamwork – but the value of teams themselves…When you’re part of a team, a truly cohesive unit that functions with a single purpose, you can accomplish wonders.”1
Team performance is explained not just by a single factor but by various factors including members’ belief of what the team can accomplish as suggested by the vignette. In work or school settings, among the characteristics of desirable team members are being driven to contribute their best to achieve group goals, persisting in times of difficulties, and having the confidence in their members’ abilities. Psychologists termed this as collective efficacy (CE) which is refers to shared belief in the group’s capability to accomplish goals, which has been linked to key psychological outcomes,2–4 including group performance.5–6
Collective efficacy, according to Bandura,7(p477) “represents a group’s shared belief in its conjoint capabilities to organize and execute the courses of action required to produce given levels of attainments”. It influences team members’ actions, the amount of effort they put into it, and their staying power when their efforts fail to produce the desired results.8 Bandura9 asserted that CE is strongly linked with action potential, since individuals in a group have little incentive to act unless they believe that their actions would produce the desired outcomes.
CE has been gaining traction in many areas given its role in achieving important team goals. For example, research on CE has been implemented in a wide variety of social systems: team sports,6,10−16 leadership attributes,17–19 classroom learning,20,21 urban neighbourhoods,22,23 combat teams,24 and political system.25 In the context of healthcare, CE has likewise been linked with positive outcomes, such as reduced missed care, improved patient outcomes,26 and improved nursing performance.27 These findings provide support for the notion that CE could contribute in healthcare teams’ attainment of positive group outcomes.
However, despite the abundance of research establishing the cognitive28 and affective consequences29 of CE in teams, antecedent factors that promote CE are still relatively underexplored. We propose team cohesiveness as an antecedent to CE, which in turn, would predict academic-related outcomes (i.e., teamwork satisfaction, satisfaction with team experience, and goal attainment). Although previous studies have shown that CE is related with academic outcomes 30, to our knowledge, none yet have examined the antecedents, specifically team cohesiveness, and outcomes of CE in one analytic model. Examining this model could inform both theory and practice in IPE.
Moreover, there is a lack of studies on group processes in medical education. Despite the traction IPE is getting in medical education, the psychological mechanism that determines the achievement of key collaboration-related outcomes remains poorly understood. For instance, in medical education where interprofessional team-based approach is emphasised as a way to circumvent avoidable medical errors and provide patient-centred care, there is reason to believe that team cohesiveness can benefit the members of the healthcare team as they carry out their clinical duties,31 through increased CE.
This study hopes to address the abovementioned limitations and extend the existing research in the following ways. First, we investigated the mediating role of collective efficacy in the relationship between team cohesiveness and teamwork satisfaction, overall satisfaction with team experience, and goal achievement. This could explain the mechanism or underlying process in the relationships among these variables. Second, the study was conducted in the context of medical education. Specifically, we included interprofessional teams involving students of Chinese medicine, medicine, nursing, and social work, who performed care-based and team-based learning activities under the interprofessional education (IPE) learning module on depression. This was in response to the call to approach IPE research with conceptual and methodological rigours through the integration of robust theories to interprofessional science.32,33 Lastly, the study was conducted in an Asian setting, which is relatively underexplored in the field. Hence, this study could provide useful information to help understand group processes in the context of IPE in medical education.
Social-Cognitive Theory
In order to understand the role of collective efficacy in team cohesiveness and outcomes, we draw on the social-cognitive theory (SCT). SCT is a learning theory that focuses on the agentic perspective suggesting the ability of individuals to produce and shape experiences. It asserts that believing that one’s actions can produce desired outcomes could serve as an incentive to act or persevere when faced with difficulties.34 In SCT, an individual’s cognitions are viewed as processes intervening between environmental stimuli and responses in real world situations. We propose that the same applies to team members’ shared beliefs as well. This theory has been used in various areas, including health behaviour,35,36 to understand the socio-structural determinants of health as well as the personal determinants of health behaviour.
While the team members’ shared beliefs in their concerted ability to produce desirable results is the key driver of collective efficacy, the factors that drive collective efficacy appraisal, especially in IPE, is underexplored. We propose that this efficacy appraisal is influenced by team cohesiveness. That is, when team members are bonded to stay in the group (team cohesiveness), this will influence their collective efficacy appraisal, which will then affect team outcomes.
Team Cohesiveness and Collective Efficacy
Cohesiveness refers to the magnitude or strength of each team members’ intent to stay in the team,37 which encompasses social and task forces that bring and keep individuals together.38 The literature describes team or group cohesiveness as the members’ attraction and bond to one another. Team cohesiveness drives members to develop conformity and remain part of the team despite the challenges.39,40
Previous studies identified a number of antecedents to collective efficacy, including leadership,41,42 motivational climate,43 team cohesion,44-46 previous expectation,47 and past performance and group size.48 These factors related to team cohesiveness could influence members’ appraisal of collective efficacy levels. In team sports, empirical studies have examined the relationships between cohesiveness, collective efficacy, and performance.43 Furthermore, the work of Zaccaro et al49 suggest that cohesion can contribute to teams’ efficacy appraisal.
While most studies examined the direct relationship of team cohesiveness with outcomes, the studies above suggest the potential mediating role of collective efficacy. Despite the evidence demonstrating the links between collective efficacy and adaptive outcomes, very few have examined the relationships among team cohesiveness, collective efficacy, and positive outcomes (e.g., Jung and Sosik's study50 involving leadership of Korean firms). Moreover, to the best of our knowledge, none have explored this model in the context of IPE.
Collective Efficacy and Team Outcomes
The link between collective efficacy and team outcomes has been widely supported in theory and empirical studies. For example, in the classroom setting, Zander51 found between-group differences when high and low efficacy groups were compared. High efficacy groups outperformed the low efficacy groups in terms of goal achievement.52 Similarly, high efficacy groups were found to set more challenging goals and were more determined to achieve those goals.53
Collective efficacy has also been found to have unique effect teachers’ job satisfaction;54 as well as satisfaction with one’s own performance and team performance in sports.55 Given the strong link between collective efficacy and group outcomes, we propose that collective efficacy in interprofessional healthcare teams would predict collaboration outcomes: teamwork satisfaction, overall satisfaction with team experience, and IPE goal achievement.
Context of the Study
The current study was conducted on a 10-day IPE asynchronous and synchronous programme in a government-subsidised learning institution in Hong Kong. As it was done during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the programme was administered using online tools were used to facilitate team interactions, including digital chat/discussion/white board for optimal interaction, share screen, main room, and break-out room functions of Zoom for team meetings and presentations, Google slides for the interprofessional management care planning, and Kahoot and Mentimeter to gamify the synchronous sessions.56 The IPE healthcare teams were composed of students from Chinese medicine, medicine, nursing, and social work. Figure 1 describes the IPE model of the programme in which this study was conducted.
The Present Study
This study aims to understand the psychological mechanism and team processes that underlie positive team outcomes in medical education. Specifically, we intend to examine the mediational effect of team cohesiveness, collective efficacy, and team outcomes (see Figure 2). Although collective efficacy has been found to have proximal effect on outcomes, and while there are also studies that explored its antecedents, examining such relations in a unified analytic model remains unexplored, especially in the context of IPE in medical education. Hence, we propose that collective efficacy would mediate the relationship between team cohesiveness and team outcomes. The following are the specific hypotheses tested in the study:
H1: Team cohesiveness predicts collective efficacy.
H2: Collective efficacy predicts collaboration outcomes (teamwork satisfaction, overall satisfaction with team experience, and IPE goal attainment).
H3: Collective efficacy mediates the relationship between team cohesiveness and teamwork satisfaction.
H4: Collective efficacy mediates the relationship between team cohesiveness and overall satisfaction with team experience.
H5: Collective efficacy mediates the relationship between team cohesiveness and IPE goal attainment.
The ability of collective efficacy to foster team outcomes may induce the likelihood of cultivating better academic engagement and achievement in IPE. The study was conducted in the context of an online IPE in Hong Kong during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.