Figure 1 shows the variation in the shape of the voltammograms as a function of the working electrode used to analyze the honey samples. The mean voltammogram for each honey class, Ortigueira (O) and outside places (E), is shown in Figure 2. It is possible to observe that the working electrodes C60, Fe, and Ni presented more differences in the mean signal intensity associated with each honey class. For all used electrodes, the Ortigueira samples present lower current intensities.
Table 1 shows the variance represented at each PC for PCA of physicochemical data and PCA of voltammetry data for each working electrode. The number of PCs that accumulated a variance greater than 95% ranged from 4 (graphite electrode) to 6 (iron and nanotube electrodes). Two PCs were sufficient to result in an accumulated variance greater than 80% for all data sets. For the physicochemical data, five PCs accumulated 77.19% of the variance, but from the sixth PC onwards, the eigenvalues were lower than unity. Therefore, only the first five PCs were kept considering the eigenvalue criterion for autoscaled data.
Figure 3a shows the score plot obtained for the physicochemical analyses; it is impossible to observe a clear separation between Ortigueira samples (O) and outside places (E). In PC1 and PC4, it is possible to observe a predominance of O samples in the negative quadrant and E samples in the positive quadrant. Figure 3b shows the biplot of PC1 and PC4; the outside samples present higher values of hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), absorbance at 635 nm (C635), total acidity (AcT), lactonic acidity (AcLa), and a*. The samples from Ortigueira showed higher luminosity (L*) values, total sugar (AT), reducing sugar (AR), diastase activity (AD), b*, electrical conductivity (CE), and proline. A previously published work offers a more in-depth discussion of the physicochemical data (Scholz et al. 2020).
Figure 4 shows bidimensional score plots for the voltammograms obtained for working electrodes used in this work. For the graphite electrode, it was possible to identify a separation of Ortigueira samples in the positive quadrant of PC1 and the negative quadrant of PC2 (Figure 4a). The iron electrode voltammograms (Figure 4b) separate the samples mainly in PC2, with the Ortigueira samples in the negative quadrant and the outside samples in the positive quadrant. The nickel electrode voltammograms (Figure 4c) show a separation of the samples in PC2, with the Ortigueira samples in the negative quadrant and the outside samples in the positive quadrant.
In the other score plots (Supplementary Material), it was impossible to visualize a clear separation of the samples. It should be highlighted that, according to the PCA results, the commercial glassy carbon electrode presented lower discrimination of the samples concerning graphite, iron, and nickel electrodes. In addition, a greater separation of Ortigueira samples from outside samples can be seen in the voltammograms of these electrodes compared to the PCA of the physicochemical data.
The loading plots for PC1 and PC2 of the graphite, iron, and nickel electrodes (Figure 5) confirmed that the external samples present higher current intensity, mainly in the region of 0.6 – 1.0 V. This result is in agreement with the plots of the average signal of the electrodes for each honey class (Figure 2). It has been reported that electrodes containing copper nanoparticles respond to the presence of carbohydrates by exhibiting characteristic peaks due to irreversible oxidation at approximately 0.70 V. It has been suggested that copper nanoparticles play a prominent role in glucose and fructose oxidation due to their electrocatalytic property (Santos et al. 2016). However, in our results, the copper electrode did not discriminate the samples with the same performance observed for graphite, iron, and nickel electrodes.
After exploratory analysis, classification models were built using the PLS-DA method. The figures of merit for the best model obtained for each electrode and physicochemical analysis are shown in Table 1. The best PLS-DA model for physicochemical analyses was obtained with Pareto normalization, three latent variables, a correct classification ratio of 88.57%, and an RMSEP of 0.3081 for the prediction set. Voltammograms obtained with graphite, iron, and nickel electrodes resulted in PLS-DA models with similar or superior performance to the model obtained using the physicochemical data. On the other hand, the other electrodes did not present good classification results. A hypothesis to be confirmed in future works is that the concentration of nanoparticles was insufficient to increase the electrode’s sensitivity. The best PLS-DA model using cyclic voltammetry data was obtained with data from the graphite electrode with two latent variables, obtaining a correct classification ratio of 94.44% and RMSEP of 0.2854 for the prediction set.
Table 3 shows other figures of merit for the PLS-DA model using voltammograms obtained with graphite electrode and the PLS-DA model using the physicochemical data. The PLS-DA model using the voltammograms obtained with the graphite electrode showed greater accuracy and selectivity. The physicochemical data resulted in a model of high sensitivity but low selectivity resulting in high false-positive rates.
The significant variability of the samples in terms of color and flora leads to the significant variability of chemical composition. Even in this scenario, the classification performance for the graphite electrode was good. Also noteworthy is the speed (about 5 minutes per sample) of the analysis using cyclic voltammetry and the low cost for producing graphite electrodes compared to the analysis time and cost for executing the physicochemical analysis. Therefore, the proposed methodology proved to be adequate for the origin authentication of honey from Ortigueira.