Molecular cytogenetic characterization and isolation of the 7B-7E recombinants critical for the Fhb7 locus
The Fhb7 locus resides in the distal region of the long arm of Th. elongatum/Th. ponticum chromosome 7E (7EL) (Guo et al. 2015; Wang et al. 2020). In this study, we selected a double crossover-derived 7B-7E recombinant involving the terminal regions of 7BL and 7EL (i.e., 7BS·7BL-7EL-7BL) that likely contained the Fhb7 locus on the smallest 7EL segment in our 7B-7E recombinant pool (Zhang et al. 2020) for further cytogenetic and genomic characterization of the Fhb7 locus. This recombinant was initially recovered from a 7B-7E recombination population using wheat 90K SNP arrays. The 7BL terminal segment on the recombinant chromosome was not detected by genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) in the previous study of Zhang et al. (2020). Here, we performed a multi-probe (or called multi-color) FISH analysis of the original 7B-7E recombinant line and found that it was a mixture of two recombinants, including a double crossover-derived recombinant (7BS·7BL-7EL-7BL) and a single crossover-derived recombinant (7BS·7BL-7EL). The recombinants 7BS·7BL-7EL-7BL and 7BS·7BL-7EL were individually isolated from the original recombinant line and hereafter are designated WGC001 and WGC002, respectively (Figures 1 and S1).
Three FISH probes, including E genome-specific repeats, (GAA)n, and pSc119.2, generated diagnostic patterns in the terminal regions of chromosomes 7B and 7E in DS 7E(7B). pSc119.2 (labelled red) detected a terminal segment on 7EL, but not on 7BL. This clearly differentiated 7BS·7BL-7EL from 7BS·7BL-7EL-7BL. Also, a small terminal segment of 7BL was directly visualized in 7BS·7BL-7EL-7BL by the multi-color FISH (Figures 1 and S1).
Reaction of the 7B-7E recombinants WGC001 and WGC002 to FHB
The 7B-7E recombinants WGC001 and WGC002 were evaluated for FHB resistance with four replications in 1-3 greenhouse seasons. DS 7E(7B) and its wheat parent ‘CS’ were used as resistant and susceptible controls, respectively, in the FHB evaluation experiments. WGC002 consistently exhibited an FHB severity similar to DS 7E(7B), which was significantly lower than CS in all three screening seasons. WGC001, however, showed an FHB severity equivalent to CS, which was significantly higher than DS 7E(7B) and WGC002 (Table 1 and Figure 1). The reaction of these two 7B-7E recombinants and their parents to FHB indicated that Th. elongatum chromosome 7E in DS 7E(7B) and the terminal 7EL segment in WGC002 contained the gene for FHB resistance, whereas the 7EL segment in WGC001 lost the resistance gene due to the small 7BL-7EL recombination within the terminal regions (Figure 1). Thus, the recombinants 7BS·7BL-7EL and 7BS·7BL-7EL-7BL resolved the position of the FHB resistance locus on 7EL and were critical for genomic analysis of the resistance gene.
Genomic analysis of the Fhb7 locus in the critical 7B-7E recombinants
The Th. ponticum-derived Fhb7 cloned by Wang et al. (2020), here designated Fhb7Thp, encompasses a genomic segment of 846 bp in the distal region of 7EL. Meanwhile, the Fhb7 allele was identified within the same chromosomal region (739,934,264 bp - 739,935,109 bp) from the reference E genome of Th. elongatum (Wang et al. 2020), which is designated Fhb7The1 in this study. We developed an Fhb7-specific STS marker (Xwgc2315) (Figure 2b and Table 2) based on the genomic sequence of Fhb7Thp (Wang et al. 2020) and used Xwgc2315 to examine the presence of the Fhb7 locus in the recombinants 7BS·7BL-7EL and 7BS·7BL-7EL-7BL. We found that the Fhb7 locus was present in 7BS·7BL-7EL, but not in 7BS·7BL-7EL-7BL, which was consistent with their responses to FHB. Therefore, the terminal 7EL segment replaced by the homoeologous counterpart of 7BL in 7BS·7BL-7EL-7BL contains the Fhb7 locus with an FHB-resistant allele hereby designated Fhb7The2 (Figures 2a and 2b).
We positioned the homoeologous recombination breakpoints in the recombinant chromosomes 7BS·7BL-7EL and 7BS·7BL-7EL-7BL using wheat 90K SNP arrays (Table S1 and Figure 2). Initially, the wheat 90K SNPs were aligned to chromosome 7B using IWGSC RefSeq v2.0 (Table S1). The sizes of the alien introgression segment and the position of Fhb7The2 in the recombinant chromosomes were determined using the recent IWGSC RefSeq v2.1 (Zhu et al. 2021) and Th. elongatum 7E sequence (GenBank accession CM022303.1; Wang et al. 2020). The full lengths of chromosomes 7B and 7E were determined as 764,081,788 bp and 744,091,923 bp, respectively, according to IWGSC RefSeq v2.1 and CM022303.1. The primary 7EL-7BL recombination breakpoint mapped between SNPs IWB58112 (656,740,791 bp) and IWB31227 (661,206,798 bp) on wheat chromosome 7B. The size of the distal 7BL segment, substituted by 7EL chromatin in the recombinant chromosome 7BS·7BL-7EL of WGC002, was estimated to be ~105 Mbp. Both IWB31227 and IWB9204 were absent on chromosome 7E. So, the primary 7BL-7EL recombination breakpoint in the recombinant 7BS·7BL-7EL mapped to the mid-point between IWB58112 (656,740,791 bp) and IWB75604 (635,440,226 bp) (Figure 2a). As a result, the physical size of the 7EL segment in 7BS·7BL-7EL was estimated as ~ 111 Mbp. The distal secondary 7EL-7BL recombination breakpoint in the recombinant 7BS·7BL-7EL-7BL of WGC001 was positioned to the interval flanked by the SNPs IWB55488 (744,248,183 bp) and IWB49181 (745,376,542 bp) on wheat chromosome 7B. The terminal 7BL segment that replaced its homoeologous counterpart of 7EL containing Fhb7The2 in 7BS·7BL-7EL-7BL was estimated to be approximately 19 Mbp in length according to the IWGSC RefSeq v2.1 assembly (Zhu et al. 2021). The terminal 7EL segment containing Fhb7The2, which was replaced by its homoeologous 7BL counterpart in the recombinant 7BS·7BL-7EL-7BL of WGC001, was estimated as ~30 Mbp based on the wheat 90K SNP genotyping data and the reference genome sequences of chromosome 7E (Wang et al. 2020) (Figure 2a).
In addition, we developed a SNP-based co-dominant PACE marker (Xwgc2317) that was diagnostic for the 7EL distal region (~30Mbp) containing Fhb7The2 (Table 2; Figures 2a and 2c). The homoeoallele of Xwgc2317 on 7BL was located at 754,117,575 bp (Figure 2a). It is a user-friendly SNP-based marker useful for high-throughput marker-assisted selection (MAS) of Fhb7The2 in wheat breeding.
Cloning of Fhb7The2 and comparative analysis of Fhb7The2 with Fhb7Thp and Fhb7The1
The Fhb7 locus has been reported to be horizontally transferred to the E genome of Thinopyrum species from fungus Epichloë aotearoae. A unique E. aotearoae-originated fragment harboring the Fhb7 locus has been identified in the reference E genome (Wang et al. 2020). Based on the genomic sequences flanking the E. aotearoae-originated fragment in the reference E genome, we designed an STS (Xwgc2316) primer pair (Table 2) to amplify the fragment including the Fhb7The2 allele from the 7EL segment in the FHB-resistant recombinant WGC002. DNA sequence analysis of the amplicons identified the coding sequence of 846 bp for Fhb7The2. In addition, we recovered 32 bp upstream and 19 bp downstream E. aotearoae-derived sequences flanking the Fhb7The2 allele.
A total of 12 SNPs were identified in the coding regions of the Fhb7 alleles Fhb7Thp, Fhb7The1, and Fhb7The2 (Figures 3 and S1). Seven of the SNPs lead to amino acid changes in translation. Out of the seven SNP-derived amino acid changes, two are nonpolar-to-polar uncharged conversions (A5T and P128Q) and one basic-to-polar uncharged conversion (R220Q). The other four SNP cause amino acid that do not alter chemical properties of amino acid. No DNA sequence variation was detected in the 32 bp upstream and 19 bp downstream E. aotearoae-derived sequences flanking these three Fhb7 alleles.
The amino acid sequences of Fhb7Thp, Fhb7The1, and Fhb7The2 were used as queries to search against the SWISS-MODEL database ( The glutathione transferase GSTFuA3 from Phanerochaete chrysosporium was found to be the best template to build structural models for the three variants. The predicted ribbon models of Fhb7Thp, Fhb7The1, and Fhb7The2 were highly similar to each other with 28.7%, 29.1%, and 28.9% of identities to the crystal structure of glutathione transferase GSTFuA3, respectively (Figure S3).
Flour color determination of the FHB-resistant 7B-7E translocation line and genomic analysis of the yellow pigment gene PSY-E1 closely linked to Fhb7
Both DS 7E(7B) and WGC002 showed a b* value (yellowness) similar to their wheat parent ‘CS’, indicating a low level of yellow pigment in the flour. In addition, the flour of DS 7E(7B) and WGC002 had a high L* value for lightness (over 90 in a 0-100 lightness scale), equivalent to CS. The flour carotenoid content of DS 7E(7B) and WGC002 fell in the normal range of wheat flours (Table 3). Apparently, the Th. elongatum chromosome 7E in DS 7E(7B) and the distal segment of 7EL in WGC002 do not contain the PSY-E1 gene for yellow flour pigment as reported on Th. ponticum chromosome 7E (Zhang and Dubcovsky 2005; Zhang et al. 2008).
The STARP marker Rwgsnp41 was developed specifically for the yellow flour pigment gene PSY-E1 on Th. ponticum chromosome arm 7el2L and for the homoeallele of PSY-E1 on wheat chromosome 7D based on the DNA sequence of PSY-E1 reported by Zhang and Dubcovsky (2008) and group 7 DNA sequences in IWGSC RefSeq v2.1 ( Rwgsnp41 was used to determine whether PSY-E1 was present or absent on the Th. elongatum chromosome 7E involved in DS 7E(7B) and WGC002. A unique allele was identified at the PSY-E1 locus in KS10-2 (7DS-7el2S·7el2L) that contains the wild type of PSY-E1 allele for yellow flour on Th. ponticum chromosome arm 7el2L. A homoeallele of PSY-E1 was detected on chromosome 7D of CS, DS 7E(7B), and the FHB-resistance line WGC002 containing Fhb7 (Figure 4). Thus, the Th. elongatum chromosome 7E in DS 7E(7B) and the translocated chromosome 7BS·7BL-7EL in WGC002 contain Fhb7The2 for FHB resistance, but not PSY-E1 for yellow flour. Both flour pigment and genomic analysis consistently indicate that the PSY-E1 allele in KS10-2 conditions yellow flour, while DS 7E(7B) and WGC002 do not have the same allele for yellow flour. Hence, the 7B-7E translocation line WGC002 can be utilized directly in wheat breeding for FHB resistance without the unwanted linkage drag associated with yellow flour pigmentation.