While regional venous saturations can be helpful in guiding clinical management, some clinicians still prefer to utilize mixed venous measurements. Regional near infrared spectroscopy values have moderate correlation with regional venous saturations and, thus, the current study aimed to determine how regional near infrared spectroscopy values correlate with mixed venous saturation 7. To do this, the current study utilized patients on VA-ECMO in whom the ECMO pump venous blood reflects a mixed venous blood sample. The current study demonstrates that regional near infrared spectroscopy has a significant, moderate correlation with the actual mixed venous saturation. While the correlation is moderate, the absolute correlation has a wide 95% confidence interval. Thus, the regional near infrared spectroscopy values are more useful as indicators of the directional change in the mixed venous saturation rather than predicting the exact value of the mixed venous saturation.
Near infrared spectroscopy values obtained from the Fore Sight elite device were not significantly impacted by temperature, methemoglobin, or total bilirubin. Hemoglobin, did, however, impact near infrared spectroscopy values. Interestingly, the estimated mixed venous saturation was only minimally more accurate when hemoglobin was included in the model along with weighted near infrared spectroscopy values. A simple average of the cerebral and near infrared spectroscopy values actually had moderate correlation with the measured mixed venous saturation, demonstrating that the average of the two regional near infrared spectroscopy values can be trended to help determine the direction of change in the mixed venous saturation. Thus, it may be reasonable that at the bedside one can simply average the two rather than try to use the specific coefficients from the model to help estimate what the mixed venous saturation is.
What is interesting about the findings from the current study are the relative contributions of the cerebral and renal near infrared spectroscopy values on the mixed venous saturation calculation. Previous studies have described models to estimate the mixed venous saturation with variability in the coefficients for superior and inferior caval vein saturations. Thus, it is not surprising that a similar phenomenon is noted with near infrared spectroscopy values. Additionally, there may be physiologic reasons for variability in regional oxygen economy. Nonetheless, as the normal difference between the superior and inferior caval vein saturations is approximately 10, assigning different relative contributions of each to the mixed venous saturation will yield estimates with low enough difference to truly be clinically significant 8.
Near infrared spectroscopy utilizes the Beer-Lambert law, employing infrared light with a wavelength between 660 and 940 nm. The sensor detects how much light is absorbed at wavelengths generally associated with oxyhemoglobin and deoxyhemoglobin, providing an estimate of the underlying regional oxygen saturation.
Being able to monitor the trend of the regional venous saturation, or the mixed venous saturation, allows for assessment of the adequacy of systemic oxygen delivery. The adequacy of systemic oxygen delivery is determined by oxygen consumption and oxygen delivery. While near infrared spectroscopy doesn’t allow for determining whether changes are due to oxygen consumption or oxygen delivery, it allows for assessment of the overall adequacy of systemic oxygen delivery. Previous studies in children have demonstrated that near infrared spectroscopy can help predict morbidity and mortality and that titration of care utilizing near infrared spectroscopy can lead to a reduction in morbidity and mortality 9-13. A continuous, noninvasive means to do this is not otherwise available. Invasive methods such as central venous catheters are associated with risks including vascular damage, thrombosis, and infection. Compared to serum laboratory evaluations such as lactate, venous saturation is a more robust way to estimate cardiac output and, subsequently, systemic oxygen delivery. It is important to recall that venous saturation is part of the Fick equation to estimate cardiac output while serum lactate is not. Serum lactate can be elevated for reasons other than inadequate cardiac output or inadequate systemic oxygen delivery.
While this study utilizes children on ECMO, this is simply because these are the patients that actually have true mixed venous saturations measured. There is little reason, or previous data, to demonstrate that this correlation between near infrared spectroscopy and mixed venous saturation should change once off ECMO. Previous studies have demonstrated good correlation of regional near infrared spectroscopy values and regional venous saturations in patients not on ECMO, with coefficients similar to that noted in the current study.
Cost may be another consideration. Near infrared spectroscopy devices cost approximately $10,000 to $20,000. These are reusable while the sensors themselves cost approximately $100 each. The average blood gas analyzer costs approximately $22,591. The billed charge for a venous gas with lactate can be approximately $500. Thus, the near infrared spectroscopy and blood gas analyzer cost may equal out. Two-site near infrared spectroscopy then costs $200 per every three days since the sensors can last approximately three days. This is far less than the cost of a single venous blood gas with a venous saturation and lactate included. Thus, it is possible to hypothesize that near infrared spectroscopy may offer some cost-savings. This, however, has not been demonstrated objectively in reported studies in pediatric cardiology. Other disciplines of medicine and surgery, however, have reported some cost savings associated with the use of near infrared spectroscopy 14.
Near infrared spectroscopy is not without its limitations. Different device models will have different predictive values and device-specific limitations must be understood 15. Different devices will have values impacted by skin pigmentation, total bilirubin, temperature, and hemoglobin values to different extents. The sensors may also result in cutaneous burns. Nonetheless, these limitations don’t pose a significant increase in the risk of harm to patients.
This study is also not without its limitations. First, while the mixed venous saturation and near infrared spectroscopy values were collected with temporal proximity, there was still a 30-minute window that was used. It is possible that in some patients that the near infrared spectroscopy values collected didn’t accurately reflect the ones precisely when the mixed venous gas was drawn. This is unfortunately a limitation of the retrospective nature of this study. It was felt that a 30-minute window, with 15-minutes on either side of the time that the mixed venous saturation was drawn, would be acceptable based on anecdotal experience. It is likely that this limitation would lead to a slightly lower correlation coefficient and thus the correlation coefficients reported in this study may be lower than what would have been noted with precisely simultaneous measurements.
Another limitation of this study is that we did not have a robust means by way to quantify and adjust for skin pigmentation. So, while were able to account for other things that could have impacted near infrared spectroscopy values, we were unable to do so for skin pigmentation. Regardless, if this played a role with the device utilized for this study, the correlation coefficients reported in this study may be lower than what they would have been if skin pigmentation had been adjusted for. Additionally, most of the patient cohort were patients with parallel circulation, although those patients had normally draining systemic veins and an atrial level communication that was all right to left.
Local factors on the venous side of the extracorporeal membrane oxygenation circuit, including continuous infusions, blood transfusions, continuous renal replacement therapy, type of pump, and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation flow may all impact the mixed venous saturation without altering the near infrared spectroscopy. If anything, this would mean that the true correlation between the mixed venous saturation and the near infrared spectroscopy would be higher than noted in this study.
The findings of this study may not be exactly portable to other near infrared spectroscopy devices. While the direction of associations should be similar, the magnitude may not be.