TOF is the most common cyanotic congenital heart defect. With this knowledge, TOF repair constitutes a significant portion of the CHD population requiring postoperative care. TOF includes a wide variety of RVOTO and anatomical variants. And because of these multiple variants, the process is completed with surgical intervention and post-operative management that is tailored to each patient. Early recognition and treatment of postoperative complications is essential for a better prognosis of our patient population.
Closure of the VSD, resection of the muscle bundles in the RVOT with or without augmentation, strengthening of the pulmonary artery and pulmonary artery branches, and removal of severe occlusion in the pulmonary valve ring, if indicated, are the surgical procedures that should be performed to achieve complete surgical repair of TOF. In addition to complete repair surgery, only VSD closure and minimal muscle resection of the infundibulum are sufficient in infants with well developed pulmonary artery and mild RVOTO. Infants with moderate to severe RVOTO require ventriculotomy and resection of the hypertrophied muscle in addition to closure of the VSD during the course of the surgical procedure. Closure of the VSD is performed via a transatrial approach. This approach allows the length of the surgeon's incision in the right ventricle to be minimal enough to be just the length necessary to relieve RVOTO. The VSD is closed by suturing from the right side of the septum with a patch cut to size.
The surgeon takes special care when suturing to avoid damaging the bundle of His and Purkinje fibers. The annulus of the pulmonary valve is measured during surgery and examined for adequate size. The size of the PV ring is considered insufficient when the z-score is less than 2 standard deviations from normal. If the PV annulus size is insufficient, the ventriculotomy incision is extended to the PA through the PV, and one such procedure is called the transannular patch technique [6]. Transanular patch repair can result in moderate to severe pulmonary failure and volume overload in the right ventricle. Transannular patch repair also increases the long-term risk of RV dysfunction and ventricular arrhythmias. Because of these risks, current surgical techniques focus on maintaining PV competency and tolerating mild RVOTO. If the PV annulus is adequate in size, a transatrial-transpulmonary valve-sparing technique is preferred. This technique spares the PV at the expense of tolerating mild RVOTO. If the PA is hypoplastic, a patch can be used supravalvar and/or subvalvar into the RV if necessary. Current techniques also encourage avoidance of excessive right ventricular muscle resection to avoid associated RV diastolic dysfunction.
Infants with TOF/PA or diffusely small PAs may require an RV-PA conduit. The type of conduit varies depending on surgeon expertise and preference. An RV-PA conduit commits an infant to multiple surgical repairs over a lifetime [10].
After 2005, we changed our surgical criteria for tetralogy of Fallot in our clinic. In our clinic, we preferred the strategy of applying total correction surgery in every case without palliative surgery. If the patient was symptomatic, we operated on each patient regardless of age. We did not use parameters that were previously in our criteria, such as the patient's age or the Mc-Goon index. We made sure that the Mc-Goon index was greater than 1. In the presence of severe hypoplastic annulus and pulmonary artery, we performed central shunt or limited RVOT reconstruction.
The most important reasons affecting morbidity and mortality in the postoperative intensive care unit are related to low cardiac output. In our study, low cardiac output was found in 12.9% and 10% of patients in Group 1 and Group 2, respectively.
After TOF repair, almost 50% of patients experience restrictive RV physiology and RV diastolic dysfunction [8,11]. LCOS is a common postoperative complication seen in approximately 25% of children. In addition, LCOS is a common postoperative complication seen in approximately 25% of children and is often associated with JET.
To prevent the development of low cardiac output and RV diastolic dysfunction, we have some recommendations that you can follow during and after surgery. Cardiopulmonary bypass, ventriculotomy, myocardial edema, and dysfunctional patches on the ventricular septum and RVOT are among the most common causes of RV diastolic dysfunction. Because of this information, our surgical recommendations are not to make the ventriculotomy too long, to avoid excessive infundibular resection, to divide the moderator band if it is short and hypertrophic, and to leave a small shunt at the atrial level.
In the postoperative period, our recommendations are to minimize positive pressure ventilation with early extubation. Because this situation significantly increases the occurrence of early postoperative low cardiac output syndrome (LCOS) due to insufficient RV filling and decreased effective compliance of the LV. The reduction in effective compliance of the LV is due to leftward cambering of the septum. To reduce this risk, we recommend leaving an atrial septal defect (ASD) to allow a small right-to-left shunt to continue at the atrial level. Right-to-left shunting is allowed from the small ASD left open by performing total correction surgery at an early age. Thus, low cardiac output is prevented by increasing left ventricular filling. The residual ASD is left uncorrected to maintain cardiac output even if it lowers the patient's systemic oxygen saturation.
The echo finding consistent with severely restrictive RV physiology is the presence of antegrade flow into the PAs during diastole [12–14]. Due to the inability of the RV to fill during diastole, the RV acts as a passive channel, which can be easily detected by the presence of antegrade flow into the PAs during late diastole at echo.
Hypovolemia is an often overlooked problem. Ideal volume replacement in the patient will prevent low cardiac output. Hypovolemia should not be evaluated by monitoring central venous pressure (CVP) alone. Because CVP may be high without hypovolemia due to an RV compliance problem. These patients should be followed up with ECO.
The presence of MAPCA is a risky problem in the postoperative period. The presence of an overlooked MAPCA in intensive care period causes an increased volume load in the lungs. Preoperative detection and treatment of MAPCA is very important. In our study, MAPCA embolization was applied to 9 and 27 patients in Group 1 and Group 2, respectively, and it played an important role in our morbidity and mortality.
Hemodynamically significant arrhythmias occur in up to 12% of patients, usually within the first 24 hours following TOF repair [14]. The most common hemodynamically significant postoperative arrhythmias are JET, supraventricular tachycardia, and heart block. JET is a common postoperative arrhythmia experienced after TOF repair. After congenital heart surgery, JET is estimated to occur at a rate as high as 15% and more commonly occurs after TOF repair because of the close proximity of the repair to the atrioventricular (AV) node [15–18].
In our study, arrhythmia developed in 10.4% and 11.6% of our Group 1 and Group 2 patients, respectively. Atrial arrhythmias, heart block (HB), right bundle branch block (RBBB), junctional ectopic tachycardia (JET), and ventricular arrhythmias are common arrhythmias in the postoperative period. JET developed in 3.8% of our patients in Group 1 and 2.4% in Group 2. Transient AV block developed in 6.5% of our Group 1 patients and 9% of our Group 2 patients. Permanent AV block developed in 0.6% of our patients in Group 1, and permanent AV block was detected in 0.2% of patients in Group 2. Younger age, lower body weight, longer cardiopulmonary bypass time, longer aortic cross-clamp time, deep hypothermia and cardiac arrest are risk factors for the development of arrhythmia in the postoperative period. Typically, temporary atrial and ventricular pacing wires are placed for the diagnosis and management of postoperative arrhythmias.
Additional risk factors for JET include younger age, longer cardiopulmonary bypass and aortic cross-clamp times, hypomagnesemia, and use of vasoactive agents postoperatively [19,20]. JET occurs when the AV node has increased automaticity and spontaneously depolarizes, resulting in a mismatch between the atria and ventricles. Clinically, it is manifested by junctional ectopic tachycardia, absence of P waves, tachycardia, and a narrow QRS complex on the EKG [19]. JET is associated with increased postoperative morbidity and mortality.
In our study, although the mean age in Group 2 was smaller than in Group 1, no significant difference was found in terms of JET development. The incidence of JET is typically limited to the immediate postoperative period. The medical management of JET is designed to reduce heart rate through thermoregulation and restore synchrony between the atria and ventricles; correction of electrolyte imbalances; reduce catecholamine levels; transient atrial overrate pacing; and administration of pharmacotherapies such as dexmedetomidine, amiodarone, procainamide and propranolol [21,22].
Heart blocks develops as a result of damage to the cardiac conduction system following surgical repair of CHD [23]. Moderate to severe hemodynamic deterioration after surgery, mechanical ventilation longer than 5 days, and the need for cardiac reintervention within the first 14 days after surgery are additional risk factors for HB. HB is a potential but uncommon risk, with occurrence ranging between 1% and 3% [24]. Repairs near or adjacent to the AV node have increased risk for HB. Studies have revealed that a longer surgery time is a risk factor for complete HB. Early postoperative HB can be transient or permanent. If HB persists after 2 weeks of temporary pacing, a permanent pacemaker is recommended. This condition is typically caused by damage to the bundle of His and Purkinje fibers or by trifascicular damage associated with an increased risk of bradycardia and asystole [25].
Our patients were admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) with medium-dose inotropic support and atrial pacing when necessary. Follow-up with echo is very important in the ICU. Residual defects or stenoses, volume status, ventricular contractility, and valve function should be evaluated, particularly for RV diastolic dysfunction, and fluid replacement performed if necessary. It is important to monitor the heart rate on the patient's monitor. Nodal rhythm is an important problem as it affects cardiac output. A rhythm of 140–150/min should be maintained with atrial pacing. Saturation is important in the post-operative period. It is expected to drop to 85% in the early period due to the PFO being left open. Low saturations should be carefully monitored.
In our study, when the causes of lower morbidity and mortality in Group 2 were evaluated, 5 main conditions were observed. It is listed as: The increase in experience in anesthesia and intensive care unit; the routine use of echocardiography in the operating room and intensive care unit has enabled early recognition and treatment of complications; prevention of arrhythmias such as RV diastolic dysfunction and JET; a good preoperative evaluation and imaging is very important, especially for the presence of MAPCA. MAPCA treatment significantly reduced postoperative problems. And finally, increased use of ECMO in the ICU has reduced mortality. ECMO was applied to 6 of our 7 patients who developed sudden cardiac arrest, and 3 of our patients were treated and discharged.