CSF dynamics along the spine have only recently been characterised in humans and NHP (macaca fascicularis) (15–19). Large animal models are increasingly being used to investigate SCI (27, 31). The current study provides normative data for spinal CSF flow in experimentally naïve anaesthetised domestic pigs as a baseline and comparison for future SCI studies. The study provides evidence that spinal CSF flow in anaesthetised and ventilated pigs is lower, and has slower velocity wave propagation, than in conscious humans, but is similar to that in anaesthetised NHP (15, 19, 34, 36).
Spinal net CSF flow in anaesthetised pigs is considerably lower than in conscious humans across the cardiac cycle. Peak systolic CSF flow measured in the cervical (C4; 2.836 ± 0.238 mL/s) and lumbar (L1, L2 or L3; 1.260 ± 0.213 mL/s ) spine of awake humans is approximately eight times greater at both levels than in the anaesthetised pigs (15). Peak diastolic flow in the cervical spine is approximately fifteen times (C4; 1.486 ± 0.198 mL/s) greater, and in the lumbar spine is approximately three times (L1, L2 or L3; 0.295 ± 0.121 mL/s) greater, in humans than in the current pig study (15). In healthy conscious humans, peak mean velocity in the lower thoracic region (5.81 ± 1.42 cm/s; N = 14) (37) is greater than in the anaesthetised pig (Additional file 10: Table S6). The SAS is also larger in humans than the pig: for example, the T10 anterior-posterior diameter of the CSF (dural minus spinal cord diameter) in the domestic pig is 2.03 mm [1.28 mm – 3.11 mm] (median and range; ultrasound measurements) (38), whereas in humans it is 7.4 ± 3.1 mm (mean ± SD; computed tomography contrast myelogram measurements) (39). Together, these results suggest that higher CSF flow in conscious humans than anaesthetised pigs results, at least in part, from the combined effect of a larger SAS and greater CSF velocity in humans. CSF flow in the pig was similar to that reported for anaesthetised, but not mechanically ventilated, NHPs: peak systolic flow in the cervical spine was approximately 1.5 times greater in the NHP (0.5 ± 0.2 mL/s, C2/C3; estimated from graphical data), and in the lumbar spine was slightly lower (0.1 ± 0.05 mL/s, L3/L4; estimated from graphical data), than in the pigs. NHP cervical peak diastolic flow was nearly two times smaller than (0.2 ± 0.2 mL/s; estimated from graphical data), and lumbar flow was approximately the same as (0.1 ± 0.1 mL/s; estimated from graphical data), that in the current pig study (19). In pigs, peak systolic CSF flow decreased from the cervical to the thoracic levels, but was unchanged at the thoracolumbar levels both dorsally and ventrally. In humans, peak systolic and diastolic flow decreases caudally to a minimum in the lumbar region (15, 18). Such a reduction across the spine may not have been observed in the current study because the thoracic (T8/T9) and lumbar (L1/L2) measurements encompassed a limited span (193 ± 20 mm). It is also possible that respiratory forces have a greater effect on CSF flow in the thoracic region compared to at the lumbar levels (16), and that no difference was observed between adjacent thoracic and lumbar sites due to mechanical ventilation of the pigs.
Although the relative contribution of respiratory and cardiac cycles to CSF dynamics is unclear, it is evident that physiological variations of both can alter CSF flow (40–43). It is commonly thought that CSF travels cranially with inhalation, and caudally with exhalation, due to changes in intrathoracic pressure with spontaneous breathing (16, 17, 41, 42). Unlike in most, non-acute, clinical CSF flow studies reported, the animals in this study were anesthetised and ventilated, which causes positive intrathoracic pressure and produces increased pressure during inhalation and decreased pressure during exhalation (the opposite of spontaneous breathing). Positive intrathoracic pressure throughout the respiratory cycle may contribute to lower CSF flow. Mechanically ventilated rats had less movement of fluorescent tracer in the spinal SAS in the caudal direction compared to spontaneously breathing animals (40). This suggests that respiratory conditions need to be carefully considered in CSF flow study comparisons. Mechanical ventilation can also influence arterial pulse pressure through complex cardiopulmonary interactions (44). It is apparent that reduced arterial pulse pressure decreases CSF flow in the spinal perivascular spaces (45, 46), but its effect on CSF pulsations in the SAS is unknown. There is limited and conflicting evidence that heart rate influences CSF flow: increasing heart rate resulted in increased bidirectional CSF flow velocities in a three dimensional computational fluid dynamics model of the SAS (43), while a study in rats showed that increased heart rate had little influence on CSF flow (40). The heart rate range in this study (71–174 bpm) is larger than in the other animal studies (canines, 70 − 110 bpm; NHP, 92–132 bpm). In this current study, two animals had notably higher heart rates (P004, 120–130 bpm; P012, 174 bpm), both with apparent abnormal cardiac gating. The animal (P006) with markedly higher peak systolic and diastolic CSF flow across most spinal levels in the ventral region (Additional file 9: Table S7) had unremarkable physiological parameters (Additional file 4: Table S2). Anaesthesia may also contribute to CSF dynamics (47), and this is potentially due to its influence on blood pressure and partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the blood stream. Mean arterial pressure is thought to influence CSF flow in the cerebral perivascular spaces (48); however, its effect on pulsating spinal CSF flow in the SAS is understudied. In one rat study there was no effect of mean arterial pressure on spinal SAS CSF flow (40). In the current study, the animal that received a propofol bolus during the scan (P014; T11/T12 and L1/L2 scanned prior to bolus, and T8/T9 and C2/C3 after bolus) had abnormally higher peak systolic flow at T11/T12 and L1/L2 dorsally, T8/T9 and L1/L2 ventrally and peak diastolic flow at T8/T9 dorsally. The propofol bolus was indicated because the animal was not deeply anaesthetised (as evidenced by physical movement), and was therefore likely to have higher blood pressure; however, blood pressure was not measured concurrently in this study. In addition, cerebral blood flow is influenced by the partial pressure of arterial carbon dioxide (49). Hypercapnia increases cerebral blood flow and intracranial pressure (50), which may effect spinal CSF flow due to the potential interaction between intracerebral arteries and pulse propagation (51). It is becoming increasingly clear that respiratory forces have a large influence on CSF flow; however, the potential contributions of other physiological parameters such as heart rate, blood pressure, and carbon dioxide in the bloodstream, need to be further investigated to establish their relative effect on CSF dynamics. These physiological parameters should be measured and recorded during PC-MRI acquisition of CSF flow in future studies.
Velocity wave propagation was detected in the caudal direction along the spinal axis in laterally recumbent pigs. Velocity wave propagation speed can be used to approximate pulse wave velocity (pressure wave propagation) since it has been shown that they are nearly identical under certain conditions (36). Because of this, some studies use the term ‘pulse wave velocity’ rather than VWS, for the identical measure(19, 34). It has been hypothesised that CSF pressure waves originate in the intracerebral arteries and propagate in a caudal direction (51); however, the origin of the pulse remains unresolved since there are other studies which suggest local sources (15, 52, 53). In cardiovascular diagnostics, pulse wave velocity is a measure of vessel compliance. VWS has recently been reported for spinal CSF flow studies (34, 36, 54) where it likely reflects compliance of the spinal cord tissue, dura, and surrounding tissues (55). A one-dimensional tube model of the spinal SAS has been used to show that increasing spinal compliance results in slower VWS and greater attenuation of the pulse (56). In healthy conscious humans, VWS is three (4.6 ± 1.7 m/s)(36) to four (5.83 ± 3.36 m/s) (34) times faster than that measured in the pigs. In NHP, VWS is similar to the VWS estimated for the dorsal SAS in this study (1.13 m/s) (19). In the current study, VWS was calculated between C2/C3 and L1/L2, rather than between each adjacent spinal levels. Because the lower spinal levels sampled were concentrated around T10, the increased distance, and therefore pulse transit times, between these locations should improve temporal accuracy but remove detection of region-specific VWS. Further study is necessary to elucidate the relevance of VWS along the spine, and locally, in healthy and diseased states.
Defining dorsal and ventral regions in the SAS is likely to be beneficial for future CSF flow investigations in the context of SCI, where SAS occlusion may not be uniformly distributed. The current study suggests that, in these pigs, CSF flow and maximum velocity were dependent on SAS region at C2/C3. While the majority of studies do not report CSF flow in separate SAS regions, a study using dynamic sagittal PC-MRI scans on cervical myelopathy patients found that grade 2 cervical stenosis was more frequently associated with interrupted flow patterns in the ventral or dorsal SAS (20). A study of Chiari malformation in canines reported that syringomyelia was associated with lower peak velocity in the dorsal SAS (foramen magnum and C2/C3) but not in the ventral SAS (57). Together, these observations suggest the potential importance of considering local CSF flow characteristics. In the current study, CSF flow was generally similar, but not identical, in the two regions, and at spinal level T8/T9, four animals had no flow signal in the dorsal SAS while CSF flow was observed in the ventral SAS. There is some evidence that CSF velocity is higher ventrally during both systolic and diastolic flow, in the human cervical SAS (58); therefore, it is possible that in these animals flow in the dorsal SAS was not detected by PC-MRI because of lower velocity. In addition, the variability of maximum CSF velocity between animals in this study suggests that multi-VENC scans should be run in the thoracolumbar spine. Maximum CSF velocity at C2/C3 also exceeded the applied VENC (6 cm/s) in 75% of the scans in the first ten animals. Aliasing can be difficult to detect prior to image post-processing, therefore “real-time” post-processing should be completed immediately after the scan to allow for immediate re-scanning as needed. A VENC of at least 8 cm/s at C2/C3 is recommended to minimise the risk of aliasing, in pigs.
There are several limitations in this study. The sample size was limited; however, the number of animals used in this study is greater than that reported for similar animal studies characterising CSF flow in NHP (macaca fascicularis; N = 8) (19), and quantifying CSF velocity in canines (beagle, N = 6) (59). In addition, the age and sex of the animals in this study were selected because of their relevance to the associated SCI experiments; it is not known if CSF flow characteristics change with animal age, size and sex. The spinal levels selected were of particular relevance to pig SCI contusion models, and may not be generalisable to levels of interest for the study of other spinal pathologies. Blood pressure was not measured concurrently with image acquisition, so blood pressure could not be identified as a physiological contributor to variability in CSF flow. The cause of the apparent abnormal cardiac gating in two animals could not be identified; the pulse oximeter signal was not acquired for post-processing. In addition, the cause of undetected CSF flow in three animals could not be identified; however, technical failures and/or insufficient CSF flow have also been reported in human PC-MRI studies (15, 17, 34, 54).