Immunohistochemistry is an important and widely used application to identify cholinergic neurons. The enzyme choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) acetylates choline to acetylcholine (Ach) and has been successfully used as a marker to specifically stain cholinergic neurons in several immunohistochemical studies (Mesulam et al., 1983b, 1983a). However, this approach seems to have some limitations, and to address these inconsistencies the transgenic mice that express eGFP directed by the promoter for ChAT was developed. The ChATBAC- eGFP experimental mouse model facilitates the identification and study of the cholinergic nerves in the central and peripheral nervous systems (Tallini et al., 2006). However, we identified discrepancies between Chat-eGFP expression and immunostaining in several different important brain regions such as the forebrain, diencephalon, and the midbrain when compared to the immunohistochemical presentation of the ChAT antibody. We manually mapped and qualitatively analyzed coronal sections of the entire mouse brain for the expression of neurons that contain ChAT, mapping both ChAT-eGFP and ChAT antibody labelled cells. These expression patterns were then compared with Allan Brain Institute images of ChAT in situ hybridization on adult mouse brain. We have also included a qualitative summary of all our findings in Table 1.
The transgenic mice, ChATBAC- eGFP, used in this study was created using the strategy mentioned by Tallini et al. (2006). This new strategy employed a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) construct spanning the entire mouse cholinergic gene locus and an approximately 78 kb of 3’- and 36 kb of 5’-flanking DNA. Within this construct eGFP was knocked into the 3rd exon to replace the start codon of the ChAT gene and was linked to a poly-A signal that terminates translation of the mRNA into protein. Hence, in these mice the transcription of transgenic ChAT is impeded and replaced by eGFP. It is noteworthy that ChAT-eGFP mice have four genomic copies of the cholinergic gene locus, which contains the vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT) and ChAT promoter and coding regions (Tallini et al., 2006; Nagy and Aubert, 2012). However, it was confirmed that a single copy of the ChAT gene was expressed like in the wild-type mice, as the ChAT protein levels were not statistically different in the brain of ChAT-eGFP mice compared to wild-type mice, while the GFP mRNA and protein expression is two-three times higher than ChAT expression (Nagy and Aubert, 2012, 2013). Moreover, while the transcription of the VAChT transgene remains operational; VAChT is overexpressed, while levels of ChAT, choline transporter (CHT), and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) are maintained, in cholinergic neurons (Nagy and Aubert, 2012, 2013). Accordingly, the ChAT-eGFP mouse model validate the use of GFP fluorescence expression as an indicator for the presence of ChAT.
It is not yet confirmed whether the lack of complete expression fidelity in this line, especially in the peripheral nervous system, is related to lack of distinct transcriptional control/ regulatory process due to random insertion of a very large piece of DNA into the mouse genome. That is, BAC transgene may not necessarily be inserted in or near the gene locus of interest thus the exact insertion site is still unknown. There is also the possibility of the entire BAC spanning the ChAT locus might have not been inserted due to rearrangements or truncations. Such alterations could alter or remove some cis regulatory modules, including cell type specific enhancer binding sites, possibly explaining the lack of eGFP expression in some cholinergic cell classes that might be exploiting a somewhat distinct transcriptional regulatory process. A second possibility is that, since fluorescence requires active transcription at the time of analysis as well as sufficient transcription to be able to detect the eGFP, these cells are less transcriptionally active and/or that the Ach receptor protein is stabilized, requiring less robust protein production. We also identified brain regions with little or no antibody immunoreactivity but with marked eGFP expression. ChAT is synthesized in the neuronal soma and transported to neuronal varicosities where synthesis, storage, and release of ACh occurs. Thus, the relative abundance of cholinergic marker level in neuronal soma would depend on the rate of synthesis, type of neuronal sub population, and brain region, affecting the distribution of goat-anti-ChAT immunoreactive neurons in a given region.
In this study, we reported striking discrepancies between ChAT-eGFP and Goat-anti-ChAT labelling in the mouse cortical brain areas. According to Figs. 3A-C, there is a scattered distribution of ChAT+ neurons throughout the entire cortex, with ChAT-eGFP positive neurons outnumbering antibody labelling and scarce overlap of the two markers. Consistent with previous findings showing that in the cortex colocalization and labelling is lower than in other brain regions (Von Engelhardt et al., 2007). Presence of putative cholinergic neurons in the rodent cortex was first identified through immunolabelling for ChAT (Ecicenstein and Thoenen, 1983). Even theses early studies emphasized the limitations in staining sensitivity of these ChAT-immunoreactivity containing neurons throughout the entire cortex, compared to cholinergic neurons in the basal forebrain. Thus, confirming the reliability of transgenic rodent models with intrinsic eGFP expression specific to ChAT, in giving reproducible access to analyze the physiology and function of cortical cholinergic neurons. Especially for electrophysiological/ cell isolation/ tissue culture studies of cortical cells and circuits, and for crucial imaging (Gong et al., 2003). Furthermore, it has been reported that anti-ChAT antibody is quite sensitive to the fixative PFA, ensuing very weak immunoreactivity in cells with scarce ChAT content such as cortical interneurons (Von Engelhardt et al., 2007). Additionally, as seen in Fig. 3A-C, we observed a strong immunoreactivity of a dense network of fibers in the cortex, most likely formed of axons originating from basal forebrain cholinergic neuronal population, which could be masking the weakly ChAT-immunoreactive cell bodies. When visualized, we observed that cortical eGFP-positive neurons cluster mainly into two groups, bipolar and multipolar cells as previously reported (Von Engelhardt et al., 2007) with bipolar appearance constituting most eGFP-positive interneurons (Fig. 3A-C). Furthermore, recent studies have emphasized the importance of genetically labelled cholinergic neurons in rodents to study different subpopulations of the cortical interneurons, to provide quantitative information on neuronal distribution and detail patterns of axonal projections (Li et al., 2017; Záborszky et al., 2018; Granger et al., 2020).
The most striking colocalization of Chat-eGFP expression and anti-Chat immunoreactivity was seen in the basal forebrain (BF) cholinergic neurons. These results were consistent when compared to Allan Brain Institute in situ hybridization maps (Fig. 1C-D). Moreover, the BF is composed of various structures including the extended amygdala (EA) and peripallidal regions, facilitating processes of cortical activation motivation, attention, learning, and memory (Mesulam et al., 1983a; Masuda et al., 1997; Kanemoto et al., 2020). The BF is largely populated by cholinergic neurones compared to other neuronal cell types in rodents and primates, and these neurones project to the cerebral cortex, the hippocampus, and the amygdala (Gritti et al., 2003; Záborszky et al., 2018). We found virtually all eGFP-positive neurons are also ChAT-immunoreactive in the entire BF expansion including the MS, VDB/HDB/LDB, VP, EA (Fig. 3D-I). Hence, confirming that the transgene recapitulated faithfully the expansion of the endogenous gene, predominantly in areas where ChAT levels are high, also including the CPu, GP, IPAC (Fig. 1). Our findings were also consistent with previous reports using ChAT-eGFP (Von Engelhardt et al., 2007) and ChAT-tauGFP/ ChAT-YFP (Yi et al., 2015) transgenic mice.
According to our observations, eGFP expression could be observed in all areas known to contain cholinergic neurons. In our initial examination of the hippocampus of ChAT-eGFP mice, dense network of GFP-containing fibers were found innervating all hippocampal layers, presumably arising mainly from MS-DBB cholinergic projection neurons of the basal forebrain (Dutar et al., 1995). In contrary, this network was not as dense and significant with antibody labelling (Fig. 4). Moreover, intrinsic hippocampal cholinergic interneurons have been found almost 30 years ago, that may contribute to an intrinsic pool of ACh (Frotscher et al., 1986, 2000). Consistent with these findings we observed a sparse and scattered distribution of eGFP-expressing cholinergic interneurons in the CA1, CA3, and DG subregions, though not as big and bright as the basal forebrain neurons (Fig. 4). Interestingly, we could not observe these neurons when stained with goat-anti-ChAT antibody, most likely due to low signal-to-noise ratio of ChAT antibody labelling showing very weak ChAT immunoreactivity in the hippocampus compared to that in the basal forebrain (Frotscher et al., 1986). More recent findings also confirm these observations, reiterating that eGFP (Gong et al., 2007; Von Engelhardt et al., 2007; Grybko et al., 2011) or eYFP (Yi et al., 2015) expression under the control of the ChAT promotor is likely to amplify the detection sensitivity of ChAT expressing cells beyond the detection sensitivity of anti-ChAT antibody. Further confirming ChAT-eGFP transgenic mouse model is a reliable model to investigate the physiological and functional properties of hippocampal cholinergic interneurons.
The inferior colliculus (CIC), a midbrain hub for both ascending and descending auditory pathways, contains nicotinic and muscarinic cholinergic receptors throughout, and ACh modulates the responses to acoustic stimuli of a majority of CIC cells (Beebe and Schofield, 2021). The CIC receives cholinergic inputs mainly from the pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus (PPT) (Noftz et al., 2020). However, reports of intrinsic cholinergic neuronal cell population within the CIC are almost none. We report a significant population of ChAT-eGFP expressing neurons in the CIC (Fig. 5A-C) but not labelled by the antibody.
It was first discovered in 1986 the presence of smaller cholinergic populations (Ch8) in the parabigeminal nucleus (PBG) located at the lateral edge of the midbrain (Mufson et al., 1986). It was also reported that in the mouse approximately 80–90% of the PBG cells are cholinergic providing a major source of extrinsic cholinergic projections to the superior colliculus (Mufson et al., 1986; Tokuoka et al., 2020). Similarly, in our study, we observed both Chat-eGFP expression as well as antibody labelling in the PBG. However, as we see an overlap of both eGFP and antibody labelling, there were also some cells labelled only with the antibody towards the ventrolateral end of the cholinergic population (Fig. 5D-F). PBG contains neurons that lack VCHAT (Sokhadze et al., 2022) and this might be the reason for some ChAT neurons not expressing eGFP.
Smaller cholinergic populations are also located in the hypothalamus (Rao et al., 1987; Ahmed et al., 2019). A substantial proportion of hypothalamic cells were found in the lateral preoptic-hypothalamic continuum - peduncular part of the lateral hypothalamus (LPO-PLH) (Gielow and Zaborszky, 2017). In agreement with previous findings, we also report small population of sparingly distributed cholinergic neurons in the PLH (Fig. 5G-I). Here we found both ChAT-eGFP expressing and ChAT-immunoreactive cells, with some cells overlapping and some cells expressing only eGFP or Gt-anti-ChAT-labelling. Again, the differences most likely accounting for regional differences and expression fidelity.
The habenula is a complex nucleus, which is a part of the epithalamus connecting the limbic forebrain and the midbrain, and is divided into medial (MHb) and lateral (LHb) subregions (Gould et al., 2019). The MHb has drawn attention recently for its dense population of cholinergic neurons and the expression of unique nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (β4 and α5 subunits), thus thought to regulates nicotine aversion and withdrawal (López et al., 2019; Cho et al., 2020). In the current study, we observed doubled labelled neurons with eGFP expression and antibody labelling in the MHb, but lack of antibody labelling in the LHb (Fig. 1F). However, the LHb has received considerable attention for its potential role in cognition and pathogenesis of various psychiatric disorders, and since we observed eGFP expression in the LHb, the ChAT-eGFP mouse model could be a potential transgenic model to study further on the hebenula complex.
Cholinergic neurons of the midbrain nuclei, such as pedunculopontine nucleus (PPN) and laterodorsal tegmental nucleus (LDT), provide widespread innervation to the thalamus and the basal ganglia (Steriade et al., 1988; Huerta-Ocampo et al., 2020). Thus have been associated with locomotion, reward, arousal, and control of the sleep/wake cycle (Motts and Schofield, 2010; Xiao et al., 2016). In our study, in agreement with previous findings (Steriade et al., 1988; Spann and Grofova, 1992; Huerta-Ocampo et al., 2020, 2021), we report Chat-immunoreactivity in the LDT region of the midbrain with faint and sparse distribution of eGFP expression (Fig. 6A-C). However, for the first time, we found strong but small ChAT-eGFP expressing neurons in the dorsomedial tegmental (DMT) area (Fig. 6A) but interestingly no Goat-anti-ChAT immunoreactivity (Fig. 6B), accounting for regional specific expression fidelity of eGFP. Hence, Chat-eGFP mouse model could be useful in studying the cholinergic system in the DMT.
In our study, we observed the motor nucleus of the trigeminal-V (5N) densely packed with cholinergic neurons, as reported recently for Cre-dependent fluorescence reporter mouse line (Li et al., 2017). It is clear from the current study that eGFP expression and antibody labelling overlap for cholinergic neurons in the 5N for ChAT-eGFP mouse line, except for some sporadically distributed cholinergic cells with only eGFP expression as shown in Fig. 6D-F. The reason for these discrepancies could be fidelity of the ChAT-eGFP expression compared to goat-anti-ChAT immunoreactivity.
The mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus (Me5), located at the mesopontine junction, contains primary sensory neurons that innervate the muscle spindle of the masticatory muscles in the oro-facial region and is responsible for receiving and transmitting proprioception from this region (Wang et al., 2007). There are not many reports about the cholinergic neurons of the Me5. However, two reports on rats, state that Me5 contains prominent AChE-reactive cells (Paxinos et al., 2012) and ChAT-immunostained neurons (Spann and Grofova, 1992). In consistent with these studies, we report both ChAT-eGFP expression and Goat-anti-ChAT immunoreactivity in the Me5 region. There was a prominent aggregated neuronal population containing both eGFP and ChAT-immunoreactivity (Fig. 6G-I), but we also found a secluded population containing only ChAT-immunoreactivity (Fig. 6H-I). Once again accounting for regional specific eGFP expression.