Study Design
This is a cross-sectional laboratory-controlled study that was collected between July – August 2012.
A convenience sample of participants willing to undergo instrumentation with indwelling electrodes, with no recent (6 month) history of acute low back pain, an episode severe enough to seek treatment or miss school/work, were recruited from a university population. This population was chosen since they would be accustomed to sitting for extended periods of the day and should generally be free from degenerative changes of the spine commonly found in older individuals. We aimed to recruit as many participants as possible within a 3-month window. Informed consent was completed prior to testing and the study received ethics approval from the Office of Research Ethics at our institution.
Muscle Activity
Indwelling electromyographic (EMG) data were collected from multifidus bilaterally at L4/L5. Bipolar 44 μm gauge, 10 cm long fine wire nickel alloy electrodes with 2mm exposed tips bent into hooks (VIASYS Healthcare, Excellence for Life Neurocare Group, Madison, WI, USA), were inserted into the deep multifidus muscle with a 27-gauge hypodermic needle using real-time diagnostic ultrasound imaging for guidance (M-Turbo, Sonosite Inc., Bothell, WA, USA). Specifically, the needle was inserted 10mm lateral to the midpoint of the spinous process of L4 in a slight craniomedial orientation to a depth approximately 5 mm less than the vertebral lamina [31]. Before the needle was withdrawn, the real-time EMG signal was checked by having the participant raise their ipsilateral leg against mild resistance applied by the researcher [32]. Before continuing, the participant was instructed to contract their muscles a few times while lying prone so any temporary muscle spasms (if present) could settle. Raw EMG signals were band pass filtered from 10-2,000 Hz, amplified (AMT-8, Bortec, Calgary, Canada: CMRR=115 db at 60Hz and input impedance = 10 GΩ) and collected at a sampling rate of 4,096 Hz with a 16-bit A/D converter (+/- 2.5 V range). Maximum voluntary contraction trials were collected with the participant extending against resistance with their torso suspended off the edge of an examination bench. A 5 s resting trial was taken with the participant lying prone. Removal of the electrodes at the end of collection was done under ultrasound guidance to ensure that there was no displacement of the wires during the collection [33].
Surface EMG was also collected. The skin at each electrode site was first prepared by lightly shaving the area and wiping with 70% isopropyl alcohol. A ground electrode was placed on the clavicle. Eight channels of surface EMG were collected using two disposable electrodes (Ag-AgCl, Blue Sensor, Medicotest Inc., Ølstykke, Denmark) with a 2 cm inter-electrode distance and parallel to muscle fiber orientation bilaterally over the thoracic erector spinae (5 cm lateral to the spinous process of T9), lumbar erector spinae (5 cm lateral to spinous process of L1), lumbar multifidus (superiomedial angle, 1 cm lateral from the spinous process of L4 with the indwelling leads centred between the pair) and gluteus medius (2.5 cm distal to the midpoint of the iliac crest). Raw EMG signals were band pass filtered from 10-1,000 Hz, amplified (AMT-8, Bortec, Calgary, Canada: CMRR=115 db at 60 Hz and input impedance = 10 GΩ), and sampled at 4096 Hz with a 16-bit A/D converter (+/- 2.5 V range). Maximum isometric voluntary contraction (MVC) trials were collected for each muscle against resistance applied by a research assistant (3 trials, 10 s each). For the erector spinae this involved participants extending against resistance with their torso suspended off the end of an examination bench with their lower body fixed [34] and for gluteus medius this involved resisted hip abduction with the subject in the side lying position. A quiet trial was collected with the participant lying prone as a baseline reference for EMG.
Spine and Pelvic Posture
Sagittal thoracic, lumbar, and pelvic angles were calculated from time-varying accelerometer data. Three tri-axial accelerometers were affixed to the skin with double sided tape in the +y down and +z forward orientation over the following anatomical landmarks: spinous processes of T1, L1 and S1. Accelerometer data were collected continuously in 20-minute blocks (2 per 40-minute sitting block), low-pass filtered at 500 Hz; A/D converted using a 16-bit board at a sampling frequency of 4096 Hz. Five normalization trials were collected as follows: quiet standing, full lumbar flexion standing, full lumbar extension standing, full lumbar flexion seated, and full thoracic spine flexion seated.
Perceived Transient Pain
Perceived ratings of transient pain were measured using a digital 100 mm visual analogue scale throughout the study at 10-minute intervals. Subjects were asked to rate their pain for the right and left lower back by sliding a bar along a 100 mm continuous line with the following anchors: 0 = no pain whatsoever and 10= worst pain imaginable using a custom program on their workstation computer (Matlab version R2012b, The MathWorks, Natick, MA, USA). Once ratings were entered the bar reset to zero so past ratings were not viewed again by the participant.
Data Collection Protocol
After completing the informed consent process, a brief history, and baseline rating of pain, a physical examination of the spine and hips was completed by a licensed chiropractor (8 years of experience) to confirm participants were free of hip/spine pain and that there were no contraindications to SMT. Prior to EMG and accelerometer instrumentation and normalization trials, participants were seated at a computer workstation consisting of height adjustable desk, desktop monitor, keyboard, mouse, and office chair seat pan (regular office chair with the backrest and arm rests removed). Monitor height, keyboard/mouse placement, table height and chair height were adjusted to the participant's anthropometrics and personal preference with reference to ergonomic guidelines [35]. A footrest was used if required.
Experimental Trial
The 2-hour experiment trial involved the participants seated at a computer workstation completing a standardized typing task on the computer with continuous collection of synchronized EMG and accelerometer data. The trial was divided into three 40-minute blocks. Perceived pain ratings were taken at the start of each block (time 0) and at 10-minute intervals throughout the block. Between blocks 1 and 2, and blocks 2 and 3, in a block randomized order of presentation, participants received either a (1) control maneuver: set up for as for SMT with skin slack tensioned by flexing the top knee and rotating the upper body with hook contact or (2) a high velocity low amplitude (HVLA) SMT set up in the same manner as the control maneuver immediately followed by a HVLA thrust, both centered at the L4/L5 spinous process. Participants were moved from the chair to lying on a portable chiropractic table. The table was placed immediately beside the chair such that participants could transfer by standing up, pivoting, sitting, then lying down on their right side. Participants were blinded to the maneuver order but the researcher delivering the maneuver was not.
Data Reduction
Muscle Activity
EMG data were processed using Matlab software. EMG signals underwent bias removal, band pass filtering between 30-500 Hz, notch filtering with cut-off frequencies of 59 to 61 Hz, full wave rectification followed by low-pass filtering using a 2nd order Butterworth filter with an effective cut off frequency of 2.5 Hz [36]. Processed signals were then normalized to a percentage of maximum voluntary contraction (% MVC) by subtracting resting EMG levels and dividing by the maximum voluntary contraction (taken as the maximum value of the three MVC trials) for each muscle respectively. Following processing, a gap analysis was conducted to determine the on/off characteristics of each muscle channel. For this, muscle activity at or less than 0.5 % MVC for longer than 0.2 s was considered inactive [37,38]. To assess the degree to which muscle groups were similarly activated cross-correlations of all combinations of muscle pairs were calculated according to the method described by Nelson-Wong et al. (2009) using Equation 1.
Cross-correlations within a window of 500ms were calculated for each minute of the sitting blocks throughout the study and the absolute maximum Rxy value was recorded. After confirming no difference between these intervals, the average cross-correlation co-efficient was taken to compare between blocks. Average Normalized EMG and average gap numbers were calculated for each muscle group per block of sitting data.
Spine and Pelvic Kinematics
Custom software (Matlab2012, The Mathworks Inc., Natick, Massachusetts, USA) was used to process the accelerometer data by calibrating to gravity, calculating sensor inclination with the arc tan function and then relative angles between the sensors (T1-L1 for the thoracic angle, L1-S2 for the lumbar angle). The pelvic angle was calculated as the inclination of the S2 sensor relative to the vertical. The calibration trials were used to normalize spine angles to the functional range of motion: presenting spine angles as a percentage of maximum flexion range of motion (% ROM) and the pelvic angle relative to upright standing. Movement profiles of the normalized lumbar spine angle was calculated as the frequency and magnitude of fidgets and shifts [39]. Outcome measures included average values over the sitting trial. To provide a better idea of the posture distribution found over the entire trial an amplitude probability distribution function was calculated for the 10%, 50%, 90% percentiles and range of spine and pelvic angles.
Perceived Transient Pain
Custom software was used to record and measure perceived pain throughout the study (Matlab2012, The Mathworks Inc., Natick, Massachusetts, USA). Data was extracted to the nearest mm and the baseline score was subtracted. Since pain and discomfort ratings have been shown to consistently rise throughout prolonged sitting trials for most participants, the last pain score of each block was used for comparison. To assess the immediate impact of the control and manipulation maneuvers the differential between the pain score taken immediately after each maneuver was compared to the last pain score of the preceding sitting block.
The outcome measures included the following factors: normalized spine (thoracic and lumbar) and pelvic angles, spine movement (fidgets, shifts), muscle activity variables (average EMG, gap numbers, and cross-correlation co-efficient per condition) and the last perceived pain score for each condition block. The above variables were compared in a two-way mixed general linear model with sex as a between factor and maneuver type (control and HVLA) as within factors. To compare surface and indwelling lumbar multifidus EMG signals, a two-tailed paired student’s T test was conducted for the right and left pairs of measures from the pre-intervention block only. Statistical significance was accepted at the p=0.05 level and Tukey post hoc testing were completed as required (SAS Statistical Software, version 9.4, SAS Institute Inc, Cary, NC, USA).