Study design
We used a matched case-control design to compare the exposure of patients who underwent major cardiac surgery to a range of risk factors, chosen based on hypothesis, and who went on to develop SWI (cases) with those from the same source population who did not (controls). The source population is an open cohort of patients who had cardiac surgery during the defined time period 2017-2020.The matching ratio was 1:3 and cases were matched to control for unmeasured confounders. Explanatory Covariates included a range of preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative risk factors, which were chosen from root cause analysis, brain storming and published literature of known predictors of SWI. Institutional approval to conduct the study was obtained.
Saud Al-Babtain Cardiac Centre serve the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia and neighbouring areas since 2001 with a total capacity of 64 beds, and it is located within the 500 bed Dammam Medical Complex.
The Cardiac Surgery data base (Dendrite version 1.7) was interrogated in November 2021 and all patients who underwent major cardiac surgery including CABG, valve replacement, and repairs of all kinds (ICD-10: PCS 012, 02R, 02Q) between 1st January 2017-31st December 2020 were recruited as the source population. Both exposure and outcome data were available at the time of data collection. We had no comorbid or gender restrictions. Exclusion criteria: age <18 years, isolated pericardial surgery, short procedure, and cardiac surgery without full median sternotomy.
Cases of SWI between 2017-2020 were ascertained through the Health Care associated Infection Surveillance records. The cases were diagnosed according to the CDC/NHSN case definition which include total SWI: superficial, and deep infections. The controls were selected from the same source population. Hospital-based controls were deemed appropriate and convenient as they best represent the catchment population of the hospital, and the exposures variables collection would be more convenient. The case definition is robust, and collection of variables from hospital records reduced the likelihood of measurement and recall bias respectively.
We initially planned to select 4 controls who did not develop SWI after their cardiac surgery for every case who did. This ratio and the matching was chosen to maximize the power and efficiency of detecting the effect estimates of the exposure covariates’ odds ratio. Also, matching allowed control of unmeasured confounders and convenient sampling of the controls. However, we obtained only randomly selected controls to cases at ratio of 3:1 because of lack of enough matched female controls in our study population. Independently of exposure, we selected and individually matched controls for gender, age and time of surgery. Gender was randomly matched first, then age +/- 2 years, and finally time of surgery +/- 2 years [14,15].
Variables sources and measurement
The outcome variable was binary, being a case of SWI or Control coded as indicator variable one and zero respectively. Our candidate explanatory variables included 23 covariates, both continuous, and categorical. Some are derived variables from the raw data. In addition, we scaled some continuous variables to clinically relevant groups. Also, we added two design variable, strata and time, to allow conditional logistic regression analysis. The continuous variables were age, inpatient days, HbA1c, weight, BMI, EuroSCORE II, perioperative blood glucose, haemoglobin, and white cell count and surgery time. And the categorical variable included gender, mortality, procedure, graft conduit, diabetes, smoking, pre morbidity, Antibiotic prophylaxis, Infection control supplies status, enrolment of an on-going antibiotic prophylaxis study, environmental issues in the operating room, surgeon ID code, blood transfusion, and re exploration.
The sources and measurements of our variables included the dendrite data base where data was retrieved directly from medical and laboratory records, and infection control surveillance records was obtained separately. There is dedicated personnel who enter clinical and laboratory data into the database. Laboratory data was obtained from a single inhouse laboratory, observing the CLSI standards, which did not change its methods within the study period. Also, the infection control staff is well trained in surveillance methods and use a robust inpatient and outpatient surveillance system based on the NHSN case definition. There were no differences between cases and controls in the way of measuring the outcome and exposure variables. Potential confounders included: HA1c, weight, BMI, pre morbidities, blood transfusion and re exploration. And the anticipated effect modifiers were age and gender.
Mitigation of potential sources of bias
Cases of SWI were ascertained within the continuous surveillance system for hospital acquired infections using internationally recognized methods and documentation guidance (NHSN). The latter uses both clinical and microbiological criteria to confirm the diagnosis, and is concurrent during hospital stay with outpatient follow up. This make misclassification unlikely. Also, the exposures variables consist of clinical and laboratory data documented in the participants’ medical records and hence not subject to recall bias. Furthermore, we chose cases and controls completely independent of exposure. In addition, the design of our study and source of variables did not have issues of potential participation and non-participation as we had no questionaries and, of course, we had no follow related potential sources of bias in this case control design. So, overall, the potential for selection and misclassification bias is little. Thus, we assume neither the external or infernal validity of our study are likely to be compromised.
Sample size
The sample size was determined by the number of cases during the study period. The cases were 51 and the matched control 153, which made our total study size 204. Also, we entered this sample number in the CDC EpiInfo sample size calculator. It calculated detection ability of OR difference of 2.60, for population exposure of 20%, and 6.06 for exposure of 2% at 80% power and 5% alpha.
Statistical Methods
Statistical Analysis Software- (SAS)–version 9.4 was used to analyze all the data after importation from the final excel workbook where it was stored after collection from the sources. We used t-test, ChiSq-test and conditional logistic regression to compare patients with SWI and their matched controls for selected perioperative risk factors.
We visualized, cleaned, corrected, recoded, scaled, and filled-in missing values by Multiple imputation as data was assumed Missed at Random (MAR). After, initially, filling-in missing values by reviewing the sources, the remaining missing were HbA1c (39/204,19%) and Surgery time (25/204,12%). No missing outcome variables. Multiple Imputation was used due to the relatively large missing values. Sensitivity testing with Incomplete data, single imputation, and full information maximum likelihood (FIML) was used for comparison.
Then, we obtained descriptive statistics, correlation matrix, and compared the distribution of covariate between cases and controls. Finally, we fitted several univariate and a final multivariate logistic regression model. We used conditional analysis in all model.
Descriptive statistics included summaries and plots of all the exposure variables using univariate and frequency procedures for continuous, and categorical variables respectively. Also, differences of exposure between cases and controls were compared with t-test and Chi-sq test. Furthermore, a correlation matrix was obtained to detect any potential colinear variables, cut-off (r=>0.7).
Univariate analysis yielded variables associated with SWI, and those with p-value <.10 were selected to progress to the final multivariate logistic model. We entered all determinant variables individually in 3 blocks. Confounding and interactions were identified. The total covariates were 23, the final complete multivariate model included 12 significant covariates with p<0.5 from univariate analysis including confounders. Two colinear variables were removed. Model diagnostics were used to assess and compare the models, and their goodness of fit (GOF).