The data used for this study is from a prospective, double-blinded, randomized control trial that was conducted over two years between November 2016 and November 2018 in ASA I and II patients aged between 18–60 years with a normal renal function who underwent substitutional urethroplasty with buccal mucosal graft. Patients were randomized into three groups, group-A received systemic morphine (0.1mg/kg), group-B received epidural morphine (3mg) and group-C received intrathecal morphine (150µg). Repeated measurements of hemodynamic parameters systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, and mean arterial pressure were collected for each patients at thirteen various time points. The mean arterial pressure was considered as an outcome for analysis. This study was approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB Number-10285; dated 21-09-2016) and ethics committee of Christian Medical College (CMC) and Hospital, Vellore.
Study variables
Baseline demographic variables, associated co-morbidities and other study characteristics of interest included were age (years), BMI (kg/m2), previous surgery (yes/no), allergies (yes/no), alcohol consumption(yes/no), smoker(yes/no), diabetes Mellitus(yes/no), hypertension(yes/no), and mean arterial pressure (MAP). Mean arterial pressure was considered as the outcome.
Statistical analysis
The descriptive statistics were reported as Mean ± SD for continuous and number (percentage) for categorical data. The Pearson Chi-square test and Fisher’s exact test (less cell frequency) were used to find the association between categorical variables. One-way analysis of variance was performed to find the difference between groups on the continuous data. Further, the only significant predictor variable hypertension was included in the model. Line plot was used to visualize a trend in MAP between three groups over time. Two analytical methods of GEE and Gaussian copula regression under the copula framework were compared. Unadjusted and adjusted estimates with 95% confidence intervals and p-values were reported for both GEE and Gaussian copula regression. All statistical tests were two-sided at α = 0.05 level of significance. All analyses were performed using R software version 4.1.0.
Generalized Estimating Equations
Many simple approaches are existing for handling the repeated data and analysis but the limit is the incapability of including covariates. GEE is a method to fit a marginal model for longitudinal data analysis, and it has been widely used in biomedical and clinical trial research [25, 26]. The GEE is a population-level approach based on a quasi-likelihood function and provides the population-averaged estimates of the parameter [27]. In Generalized Estimating Equations [28], the within-subject correlation structure is treated as a ‘nuisance’ variable (i.e. as a covariate). The simplest equation is extended as
$${Y}_{it = } {\beta }_{0}+\sum _{j=1}^{J}{\beta }_{1j} {X}_{ijt}+{\beta }_{2}t +\dots + {CORR}_{it}+ {ϵ}_{it}$$
\({Y}_{it}\) are observations for i th subject at time‘t’, \({\beta }_{0}\) is the intercept, \({X}_{ijt}\) is the independent variable j for i th subject at time ‘t’. \({\beta }_{1j}\) is the coefficient for independent variable j and J is the number of independent variables. \({\beta }_{2}\) is the coefficient for time ,\({CORR}_{it}\) is working correlation structure, and \({ϵ}_{it}\) is the error for i th subject at time ‘t’.
GEE has many features [29–31]. 1) The variance-covariance matrix of responses is treated as nuisance parameters in GEE and therefore this model fitting turns out to be easier than another approach of mixed-effect models [32]. 2) Specifically, if the treatment effect is of primary interest of the research study, the GEE approach is preferred [33]. 3) GEE relaxes the distribution assumption and only needs the correct specification of marginal mean and variance as well as the link function which connects the covariates of interest and marginal means [31].
However, generalized estimating equations are still in controversy in many aspects like [7] some issues on inconsistent estimation of within-subject correlation coefficient under a misspecified “working” correlation structure [34]. The estimation of the correlation coefficients using the moment-based method is not efficient. Such limitations lead investigators or researcher to actively work on this area to develop novel methods. Many alternative methods for estimating the correlation coefficients have been offered; among those, one method was based on the “Gaussian” estimation approach [20, 21].
Gaussian Copula
There are different types of copulas used in modelling. Majorly copulas are considered to be two families: (i) Archimedean copula family, and (ii) elliptical copula family. Copula function has some effect on the shape of the joint distribution so an appropriate and reasonable copula function should be selected because properties exhibited by different copula functions will vary [19]. Gaussian copula under the elliptical copula family has been successfully employed in several complex applications arising, for example, in correlated data analysis. For longitudinal data applications, elliptical copulas are more useful than archimedean copulas [35]. For longitudinal data, dependence among observations within a subject is relative to the time. Elliptical copulas have a correlation structure described with a correlation matrix that can handle the time-series behaviour of longitudinal data.
The Gaussian copula function is defined as
\({ C}_{R}\left({u}_{1} , {u}_{2}, \dots ,{u}_{n}\right)= {ɸ}_{G }[{ɸ}^{-1}\) (\({u}_{1}\)),\({ɸ}^{-1}\)(\({u}_{2}\)),…,\({ɸ}^{-1}\)(\({u}_{n}\))]
Where \({ɸ}_{G }\)is the multivariate normal cumulative distribution function with zero means and unit variances. \({ɸ}^{-1}\)(\({u}_{1}\)) is the inverse of the standard normal cumulative distribution function. \({ɸ}_{G }\)is the Gaussian copula with the correlation matrix R.
Gaussian Copula Regression
Longitudinal data can be analysed using Gaussian copula regression. In Gaussian copula regression, the modelling with the response and independent variables is done with Gaussian copula. The Gaussian copula is first proposed for modelling selectivity in the context of continuous but non-normal distributions. Gaussian copula regression provides a general framework for modelling dependent variables which may belong to any distribution families. It is flexible enough to allow for both positive and negative dependencies. Dependence observed can be expressed with a convenient working correlation structure like autoregressive and exchangeable [21, 22, 24]. Inference for continuous response is carried out through the likelihood approach, for non-continuous response variable numerical approximations are used. In Gaussian copula regression, the dependence between the variables is modelled with a Gaussian copula so that the joint data cumulative distribution function is given by
P (Y1 ≤ y1, Y2 ≤ y2… Yn ≤ yn) = ɸn (\({\in }_{1},{\in }_{2, } ,\dots ,{\in }_{n};P)\)
\({\in }_{i}\) = \(ɸ\)−1( F(yi | xi) ), with \(ɸ(.)\) indicating the univariate standard normal cumulative distribution function.
\({ɸ}_{n}\) (. ; P) the n dimensional multivariate standard normal cumulative distribution function with correlation matrix P.
Consider a regression model that links each variable Yi to a vector of covariates xi through the relationship
Yi = h (xi ,\({ϵ}_{i})\)
Where \({ϵ}_{i}\) is a stochastic error term. In many possible specifications of the function h (.) and error \({ϵ}_{i}\), the Gaussian copula regression model assumes that
h (\({x}_{i}\), \({ϵ}_{i})\) = \({F}^{-1}\) {ɸ (\({ϵ}_{i}\)) | \({x}_{i}\)},
the vector of error terms \(ϵ\) = (\({ϵ}_{1},{ϵ}_{2},\dots {ϵ}_{n})\) T has a multivariate standard normal distribution with correlation matrix P.