Notwithstanding the many studies that are available on the Western-Atlantic lionfish invasion, little still is known about the dynamics of the lionfish and the factors governing its populations in the Caribbean (McCard et al. 2021). Even such a fundamental process as lionfish larval transport has only most recently been documented (Sponaugle et al. 2019). In the meantime the species appears to have reached the final stage of its invasion process, in which it has become firmly established and numerous in a wide variety of habitats and is able to reproduce and disperse across a wide geographic range (Harris et al. 2018). The lionfish preys on large numbers of juvenile native Caribbean fishes and crustaceans and is expected to have serious detrimental effects on native coral reef fish populations, even affecting or endangering endemic undescribed fish faunas (Tornabene and Baldwin 2017).
In this study we document a large population crash for the lionfish following its rapid increase in abundance on the Saba Bank in the eastern Caribbean, a few years following its arrival in 2010. Our data, indicate also a gradual increase in mean size of lionfish caught, since they were first recorded on the bank in 2010 and up through 2021. As the data further come from two fisheries operating at different depth ranges but which still show the same pattern of peaking lionfish abundance followed by rapid decline, it all but precludes that the population declines observed could be explained by any large scale or ontogenetic vertical migration of the fish. In corroboration of this, our fisheries-independent 2018 studies into lionfish trapping efficiency at different depths on the bank, indicated no evidence of size-dependent depth distribution as is common in many other reef fish species.
Population size-frequency and density comparisons for different depths using fisheries-dependent catch data is complicated for the Saba bank based on the fact that lobster traps and snapper traps differ greatly and are deployed at greatly different depths, with little overlap. Hence, the large difference in lionfish catch rates documented between the two fisheries may reflect a depth-related habitat preference for the lionfish, but may also simply reflect a difference in catchability between the two types of traps used. This is because, unlike redfish traps which are designed to target fish, lobster traps have a wider mesh size and a broader funnel. To address this complexity we conducted sampling using the typical arrowhead fish traps and slightly modified arrowhead traps across all depths. The results showed that lionfish population densities were relatively low at the comparatively shallow depths of deployment of the lobster traps and had higher population densities between 50 and 100 m of depth on the Saba Bank. Hence, this density difference certainly contributes to the much lower catch rate of lobster versus snapper traps. Many trap in the redfish fishery are set in the 50–100 m depth range and can partially explain why the redfish trap fishery had much higher catch rates than the lobster trap fishery.
Several other researchers have examined how lionfish density and population size-structure might differ with depth. Some results indicate lionfish densities are often highest at mesophotic (30–150 m) depths (Andradi-Brown et al. 2017), as do our findings. Like Nuttall et al. (2014), we ascribe the observed density differences with depth especially due to differences in habitat availability. On the Saba Bank, three-dimensional reef structure and hence shelter is limited in the shallower central parts of the bank and most reef cover which lionfish appear to depend on and actively seek, occurs along the outer slopes of the bank (Mckenna and Etnoyer 2010).
As regards potential depth-related size-frequency differences some studies suggest that lionfish preferentially recruit to shallow areas and then migrate down to deeper reefs (Claydon et al. 2012). However, the studies examining fish in the (larger) size range susceptible to being caught by fish traps conclude that lionfish size structure is not really affected by depth unless shallow-biased culling by divers takes place (Andradi-Brown et al. 2017). notwithstanding our considerable dataset, in corroboration of the studies cited above, no trend in mean lionfish size with depth could be demonstrated for the Saba bank where also no culling takes place.
Benkwitt et al. (2017) were the first to suggest that the lionfish invasion might be waning. More recently, Harris et al. (2020) found evidence to suggest that an infectious, undescribed pathogen that causes skin ulceration in lionfish may have caused or at least contributed to a population crash and recruitment failure for this species in the Gulf of Mexico. On the Saba Bank, and based on the data we have, the population crash we document has likely not been accompanied by a similar incidence of the new ulcerative skin disease. Neither past observations during fisheries monitoring up through 2020, nor our directed sampling in 2021, uncovered any instances of skin disease. Hence there is no evidence that disease could play a similar local role on the Saba Bank as has been suggested for the Gulf of Mexico. However, if the skin disease can cause population crashes and reduced reproductive output elsewhere this might result in sharply lower larval densities and transport and ultimately reduce recruitment elsewhere. While the cause for the lionfish population crash of the Saba Bank remains unknown, our data indicate that in any case that a local outburst of necrotic skin disease is likely not the cause. Boom-bust dynamics are often witnessed in biological invasions and have critical implications for both understanding and managing invasive species (Strayer et al. 2017). While the underlying cause for the boom-bust event we document remains unknown, our work helps improve our understanding of this most serious biological invasion. Further research is needed to see to what extent other areas in the Western Atlantic have also undergone population changes and what the underlying causes might have been.
The exact causes for apparent levelling off of lionfish populations as also seen in different parts of the region remain unknown. Evidence for control by means of predators (e.g. Bejarano et al. 2015) or parasites (e.g. Tuttle et al. 2017) seems weak or largely lacking. For the population levelling seen in the Bahamas, evidence suggest that intraspecific density dependent effects such as local competition for food, cannibalism and/or low genetic diversity may all play a role (Burford Reiskind et al. 2019). The population crash we documented here for the Saba Bank suggests that control efforts will altogether be unnecessary as lionfish populations might gradually level off to a new (and lower) equilibrium density thanks to ecological control mechanisms which are yet poorly understood.