Results confirmed that the gaze direction task induced head rotations in the sagittal and horizontal plane. Head movements in the sagittal plane were associated with a distributed sagittal plane movement pattern in the torso and legs, while head movements that occurred in the horizontal plane were mainly associated with mainly frontal plane movement patterns in the left arm and right lower leg. Using PCA, the current study established how these exploratory head movements are coordinated with whole-body activity during gait under these specific experimental constraints. It is likely that, when walking in the real-world, different movement patterns might emerge, as constraints in movement control will differ27,28. The relevant take-home messages therefore do not lie in the details of the movement patterns that were identified (e.g. PM order, specific segment loadings, etc.) but in the fact that specific PMs can be distilled from the general patterns. In our opinion, these main messages are: 1. exploratory head movements are associated with distributed movement patterns across the body. 2. These movement patterns were not represented in the lower-order components, but higher order PMs need to be assessed to understand the coordination between eye, head and body. 3. Sagittal plane head movements were generally associated with sagittal plane body segment activity while horizontal plane head rotations were more associated with frontal plane activity.
Stemming from postural control research, there are ever improving insights relating to the differentiation between exploratory and performatory whole-body movement29,30. In posture, exploratory activity is in direct conflict with the need to stabilize the body as much as possible and thus, a trade-off exists between stability and exploration. During walking, this direct trade-off is less prominent as people will attempt to explore visually before actively engaging the entire body31 and perhaps it is for this reason that it has been only recently that visual exploration during gait in natural walking has been gaining research attention7. Here, we have shown that exploratory head movement still influences whole-body coordination during gait, implying that a similar exploration-vs-stabilization trade-off exists during gait. Where people find themselves in this trade-off would be a result from the constraints involved in the execution of the task27. That is, when a task is simple and/or an individual is very skilled then the trade-off is not stressed and active exploration becomes an opportunity for action32. However, when stability demands rise, less exploration will be afforded.
The interpretation of the current results in terms of an exploration-vs-stabilization trade-off might provide new insight on the results of Chapman and Hollands, who observed that older adults look away from stepping targets sooner than their younger counterparts. In older adults, age-related declines to the musculoskeletal and balance system33 stress the exploration-vs-stabilization trade-off. A longer visual fixation on a target step would require more extreme levels of head pitch rotation and therefore greater compensation across the body; compensation which might lead to destabilization given de decreased balance capabilities in older individuals. As a result, exploration becomes less prominent in older adults. In this way, understanding the exploration-vs-stabilization trade-off in older people and clinical groups might shed new light on mobility issues in the older cohort, as limited exploration might lead to inaccuracies in estimating the demands of obstacles or the judgment of tripping hazards, elevating the risk to fall.
Another field where insights into the whole-body compensation strategies associated with visual exploration might be relevant is in sports. Here, situations occur where both exploratory and stability demands are high. A postural compensation strategy related to visual exploration, in addition to the already high postural demands of sport (e.g. handling equipment while sprinting, jumping or sharply turning), might increase the risk for injuries. Although speculative at this point the exploration-vs-stabilization trade-off described here might prove valuable in explaining injuries such as anterior cruciate ligament injuries that are known to occur often when athletes find themselves in close proximity to an opponent (indicating increased exploratory demands), when balance is perturbed or when engaging in a challenging manoeuvre (indicating increased stability demands) such as decelerating or side-cutting34. There is an opportunity for future studies here to quantify the exploratory and stability demands in the instances leading up to injury events using video analysis, or to prospectively assess whether individuals who show stronger postural responses are at a higher risk for injury.
While many studies use PCA as a method for dimensionality reduction and aim to only analyse a low number of components while retaining the critical information, we reported results that clearly indicated potentially relevant information could still be present in the higher order components. If the current study would have followed traditional guidelines and would have only included PMs until a ‘marked drop’ in eigenvalues can be observed18, until we would have reached 90% of explained variance e.g 35–37 or by including all PMs that explain more than one percent of the total variance38, then we would have executed an analysis on respectively one, two or five PMs (Supplementary Fig. 1). In terms of head movements, this would have limited the analysis to a focus on PM3 and PM4, which showed differences between conditions (Fig. 1e-f), but would have excluded the PMs that showed patterns resembling rotations of the head: PM19 and PM23 (compare Fig. 1a-b and 1g-h). This analysis proves that while a focus on the lower order PMs might be a good strategy for dimensionality reduction, a focus on the higher order PMs enables an analysis of specific movement patterns that occur systematically throughout the movement.
In summary, the current study assessed whole body coordinative patterns associated with visual exploration induced head movements during gait. Analysing the higher order components resulting from PCA, we established that exploratory head movements are associated with specific movement patterns across the body, where sagittal plane head rotations were generally associated with sagittal plane activity and transverse plane head movements were more associated with frontal plane activity. These results imply an exploration-vs-stabilization trade-off that could hold relevance for better understanding visual exploration during gait, as well as injuries occurring during gait. Further research should assess the generalizability and applicability of results towards everyday gait in the general population, as the investigated relationships hold relevance for balance and postural control research across the lifespan.