3.1 Physical properties of MSW
The physical properties of MSW at each landfill age were tested. The density of the sample was obtained using the sample bucket weighing method. Then, MSW (5 kg) was taken from each bucket, divided into two equal portions, and baked in an oven at 65°C for more than 24 h to reach a constant weight. The two portions were then weighed to obtain the moisture contents (dry weight basis), and the average moisture content was obtained. A 50-g sample was prepared according to the composition, and the specific gravity was determined using the volumetric flask method. The density, moisture content, and specific gravity of MSW at each landfill age are shown in Fig. 3.
As can be seen in the figure, the density of MSW increases with an increase in landfill age; this is because with an increase in landfill age, the depth and vertical pressure increase, thereby causing an increase in density. The natural moisture content of MSW does not appear to have a significant relationship with landfill age. The specific gravity of MSW increases with an increase in landfill age, which is due to the high organic content of MSW in the Xi'an landfill; as the landfill ages, the organic materials decompose, whereas the inert material content increases; thus, the specific gravity increases.
3.2 Organic content
Organic matter tests were conducted on MSW at various landfill ages using a muffle furnace, and the relationship between organic content and landfill age is shown in Fig. 4. The figure indicates that the MSW contained a large amount of organic materials, especially the low-age MSW; however, with an increase in landfill age, the organic materials gradually decomposed, and the lowest organic matter content was 8.91%. The organic content of some high-age MSW was higher than that of low-age MSW, which indicates that the organic content is not only influenced by the landfill age but also related to the composition and degradation conditions (moisture content, temperature, microbial activity, etc.). For example, Gurijala et al. (1993) found that MSW degradation was faster when the moisture content was close to the field moisture capacity. Kumar et al. (2019) found that the rate of MSW degradation increased when the temperature was increased from 20 to 50 ℃. Therefore, the change in organic content is influenced by several factors, one of which is landfill age.
3.3 MSW field moisture capacity
A permeability and compression correlation tester was designed and built to conduct field moisture capacity tests. Field moisture capacity can be expressed in three ways: dry weight, wet weight, and volumetric. In this study, dry weight field moisture capacity was adopted. The relationship between field moisture capacity and landfill age is shown in Fig. 5. The moisture in waste is different from that in soil because it exists not only in the form of bound water and free water but also as intracellular water stored inside the organic cells, which cannot be transferred under the action of gravity or air pressure and can greatly affect the field moisture capacity of MSW. As the landfill age increases, the organic content decreases, the intracellular water content decreases, and the field moisture capacity decreases.
3.4 Shear stress–displacement behavior
As an example, the shear stress–displacement behavior of MSW at landfill ages of 1 and 21 y and moisture contents of 20% and 80% is shown in Fig. 6. The shear stress–displacement relationship exhibits the displacement hardening phenomenon. During the test, some samples showed a sudden rise or fall in shear stress, which may have been caused by overstretching or pulling the reinforced materials in shear.
3.5 Relationship between shear strength of MSW and landfill age
The shear stress of MSW exhibits a displacement hardening state, making it difficult to obtain a peak value. Gao et al. (2010) concluded that a landfill destabilizes after the MSW strain reaches a certain level. At the maximum strain that an internal pipe network can withstand, the damage strain of MSW is often taken as 10–15% when considering the combined deformation of the domestic waste and the bottom liner of the landfill (Feng et al. 2005). In this study, according to the deformation that the landfill can withstand, the shear strength corresponding to a sample strain of 10% was selected as the breaking strength for this test.
The relationship between the shear strength of MSW and landfill age is shown in Fig. 7. When the vertical pressure is low, the relationship between the shear strength of MSW and landfill age is not obvious, but with an increase in the vertical pressure, the overall shear strength of MSW increases with the landfill age; the higher the vertical pressure, the greater the impact of landfill age on the shear strength of MSW. This is because as the MSW landfill ages, c decreases, and φ increases. According to Coulomb theory, φ dominates in the process of increasing vertical pressure; thus, the shear strength of MSW tends to increase with an increase in MSW landfill age.
3.6 Relationship between shear strength of MSW and moisture content
The relationship between shear strength of MSW and moisture content at each landfill age is shown in Fig. 8. With an increase in moisture content, the shear strength of low-age MSW first increases and then decreases.
However, when the moisture content of low-age MSW is lower than the optimum moisture content, an increase in moisture content allows the reinforced materials to become better interspersed in the composition; thus, the reinforced materials can provide better tensile strength, and the shear strength increases. Additionally, an increase in moisture content increases the compressibility of the sample, and the sample becomes more compact under the same vertical stress; thus, the shear strength increases.
When the low-age MSW moisture content is higher than the optimum moisture content, under the action of vertical pressure, a portion of the gravity water flows out from the shear surface, which produces a lubricating effect on the materials on the shear surface, allowing them to easily slide. Meanwhile, the remaining water in the sample lubricates the reinforced materials in shear, allowing them to easily slide with upper and lower shear box displacement; thus, the shear strength reduced.
The optimum moisture content of low-age MSW is 60–80%. When the moisture content is close to the field moisture capacity, water exists mainly in the forms of bound and intracellular water. The reinforced materials can provide the maximum tensile strength, and the materials on the shear surface can provide the maximum friction and occlusion force.
The reduced reinforced materials and lower percentage of highly compressible materials in the middle- and high-age MSW compared with those in the low-age MSW make it harder for the moisture content to increase the shear strength through these two aspects. The materials on the shear surface may slide more easily to reduce the shear strength due to the lubrication effect of water. This makes the effect of increasing moisture content on shear strength full of uncertainty.
3.7 Relationship between shear strength parameters of MSW and landfill age
The relationship between shear strength parameters of MSW and landfill age is shown in Fig. 9. As landfill age increases, c decreases, and φ increases. This is a result of the change in composition; as the MSW landfill age increases, the amount of reinforced materials, such as plastic, that provide c decreases, whereas the components, such as indistinguishable materials, that provide φ increase. Low-age MSW has a higher plastic content, and plastic has a smaller φ; thus, the overall φ is lower.
3.8 Relationship between MSW shear strength parameters and moisture content
The relationship between shear strength parameters of MSW at each landfill age and moisture content is shown in Fig. 10. With an increase in the moisture content, the c and φ of low-age MSW first increases and then decreases.
When the moisture content of low-age MSW is less than the optimum moisture content, an increase in moisture content allows the reinforced materials to become better interspersed between the remaining composition and, thus, increases c. Additionally, an increase in moisture content increases the compression of the sample and, thus, increases φ.
When the low-age MSW moisture content is greater than the optimum moisture content, under the action of vertical pressure, a portion of the gravity water flows out from the shear surface; the remaining water acts as a lubricant on the materials, allowing the reinforced materials to easily slide with the upper and lower shear box displacement during shear, thus reducing c, and allowing the materials on the shear surface to easily slide, thus reducing φ.
Middle- and high-age MSW have fewer reinforced materials, fewer high-compressibility materials, and lower field moisture capacity than low-age MSW, which makes the effect of increasing moisture content on c and φ full of uncertainty.
3.9 Relationship between shear strength parameters–moisture content–landfill age for low-age MSW
The relationship between shear strength parameters–moisture content–landfill age for low-age MSW is shown in Fig. 11. With an increase in the moisture content, c and φ of low-age MSW first increase and then decrease. The relationship between shear strength parameters, moisture content, and landfill age can be fitted as a nonlinear surface. The fitting equation is shown in Eq. (1), and the fitting correlation coefficients R2 of the c and φ equations are 0.75 and 0.72, respectively. The degree of fit is relatively high.
where ω is the moisture content (%) and y is the landfill age (y).