Serum fatty acid levels are different between Ghanaian men and men from the United States
It was the aim of our study to gain knowledge whether serum fatty acid profiles and their association with prostate cancer are different between Ghanaian, AA, and EA men. We utilized two case-control studies with an overrepresentation of men of African ancestry: the NCI-Ghana and NCI-Maryland Prostate Cancer Case-Control Studies. Both studies have been previously described10-12. Participant characteristics are shown in Supplementary Table 1. A CLIA-certified, mass spectrometry-based assay was applied to measure concentrations of 24 fatty acids (Supplementary Table 2) in sera from 2,934 participants, including 1,431 prostate cancer cases (585 Ghanaian, 407 AA, 439 EA) and 1,503 population controls (658 Ghanaian, 381 AA, 464 EA). To control for any batch effects, the serum samples were assayed in a random order along with 5% blind duplicates. All 24 fatty acids were detected in 100% of the samples tested.
To uncover global differences in circulating fatty acid profiles between the three groups of men in our study, we applied unsupervised hierarchical clustering to examine how the levels of the 24 fatty acids may associate with population groups (Fig. 1). We performed this analysis separately for controls (Fig. 1a) and cases (Fig. 1b). Among the controls, fatty acid levels tended to cluster by population group, with marked differences between Ghanaian, AA, and EA participants. A similar pattern was observed among cases, but the separation into Ghanaian men as one group and the AA and EA men as the other group was not as robust. These findings are consistent with the observed differences in median absolute concentrations for the 24 fatty acids between Ghanaian, AA, and EA healthy controls based on group comparisons, with Bonferroni-corrected significance testing to address multiple comparisons (Supplementary Table 3).
In another approach to characterize dissimilarities in circulating fatty acids between these groups of men, we investigated differences in fatty acid levels after grouping them into five structurally distinct classes: saturated, trans, cis-monounsaturated, omega-3, and omega-6 fatty acids. An initial analysis showed that circulating levels of these fatty acid classes are disparate between Ghanaian, AA, and EA healthy controls (Supplementary Table 4). We then compared one group of men to another (i.e., Ghanaian vs. AA, Ghanaian vs. EA men, or AA vs. EA men) and calculated fatty acid level ratios from these comparisons (Fig. 1c-e). The analysis was performed for both controls and cases and particularly highlights the significantly higher concentrations of circulating omega-3 fatty acids in Ghanaian men, among both controls and cases, when compared to EA and AA men (Figs. 1c and d). A more in-depth statistical evaluation of these comparisons that also included the serum total fatty acid level as an additional variable and Bonferroni adjustments can be found in Supplementary Table 5. In contrast to the omega-3 fatty acid observations, trans and omega-6 fatty acid levels were consistently higher in EA and AA men, in both controls and cases, when compared to Ghanaian men (Figs. 1c and d). We did not find these stark differences in an analysis that compared EA with AA men (Fig. 1e). However, trans and cis monounsaturated fatty acid levels tended to be higher in EA compared to AA men among both controls and cases. Lastly, due to the elevated concentration of circulating omega-3 fatty acids in Ghanaian men, together with their rather low serum concentrations of omega-6 fatty acids, these men had the lowest omega 6:3 fatty acid ratio. Notable, the omega 6:3 fatty acid ratio may have implications for prostate cancer progression. A low ratio has been associated with a delay in such progression13.
Association of socio-demographic and clinical characteristics with circulating fatty acids
We investigated the association of various socio-demographic and clinical characteristics that have been reported to be associated with prostate cancer (age, BMI, education, smoking, diabetes, and aspirin use) with serum levels of circulating fatty acids using a multivariable linear regression model, with adjustment for multiple comparisons (Fig. 2, Supplementary Data 1). Aspirin use and education level had only few relationships with circulating fatty acids. Levels of saturated fatty acids tended to be negatively associated with age among EA men while omega-6 fatty acids were negatively associated with age in both AA and EA men (Fig. 2). However, there was no relationship with age among the Ghanaian men. In contrast, BMI strongly associated with most of the circulating fatty acids among these men, but less so among US men. Lastly, smoking showed positive associations with two omega-6 fatty acids, namely docosapentaenoic-n6 and docosatetraenoic acids, among Ghanaian, AA, and EA men.
Association of dietary factors with circulating fatty acids
Next, we examined the relative contribution of diet to the concentration of circulating fatty acids. Previously, we collected nutritional data via a brief supplemental questionnaire from participants in the NCI-Maryland study. We applied variance analysis to evaluate the relationship between concentrations of individual fatty acids and diet using the questionnaire data on meat and fat consumption (Supplementary Data 2-4). Few notable associations were observed. In agreement with the literature, fish consumption was significantly associated with the variability of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acid levels (Supplementary Fig. 1, Supplementary Data 2-4), accounting for 6.7% and 4.2% of the variability in the levels of docosahexanoic acid in AA cases and controls, and 7.2% and 12.3% of the variability in EA cases and controls, respectively (Supplementary Fig. 1, Supplementary Data 2-4). Frequent intake of bacon fat or drippings during the 2-year period prior to interview significantly, albeit modestly, explained the variability in the concentration of all three trans fatty acids only among cases: palmitelaidic (AA cases: 4.5%, EA cases: 5.0%), elaidic (AA cases: 2.9 %, EA cases: 3.7%), and linoelaidic (AA cases: 2.8%, EA cases: 3.9%) (Supplementary Fig. 2, Supplementary Data 2 and 4). Thus, dietary differences appear to account for at least some of the variability in the concentration of circulating fatty acids in our cohorts, yet the detected effect sizes were small.
Association of fatty acid desaturase 1 and 2 (FADS1/2) locus with circulating fatty acid levels
It has been shown that the levels of circulating fatty acids are partly under genetic control14,15. Thus, we examined how germline genetic factors may relate to fatty acid concentrations in our diverse cohorts focusing on key examples from the published literature. We concentrated our efforts on single nucleotide polymorphisms in the FADS1/2 locus that have been found to influence fatty acid levels in humans14,15. In European descent individuals, this gene cluster has been shown to have the strongest effect among all genetic loci on the levels of certain fatty acids, namely omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. We selected three SNPs covering the FADS1/2 locus (Supplementary Table 6). We then tested if the levels of each of the 24 fatty acids in blood circulation are influenced by the selected SNPs in our cohort. We found that the SNPs had significant associations with the levels of several omega-6 fatty acids including arachidonic, dihomo-gamma-linolenic, docosatetraenoic (or adrenic), and γ-linolenic acids in EA men, consistent with the literature, explaining up to 19% of their variance in this population. However, with the exception of rs174556 SNP in FADS1 gene explaining a small fraction of the variability (4.7%) in circulating arachidonic acid level among AA cases, these SNPs did not influence the levels of omega-6 fatty acids in AA or Ghanaian men (Figs. 3 and 4, Supplementary Fig. 3, Supplementary Tables 7-12). The observation suggests population differences in the genetic control of circulating fatty acids.
Association of fatty acid concentrations with prostate cancer across population groups
We next assessed the association of individual fatty acids and fatty acid classes with prostate cancer in all men, and then stratified by population group (Table 1, Supplementary Tables 13 and 14). In all men combined and across the three population groups, only trans fatty acids, including elaidic, palmitelaidic, and linoelaidic acids, were consistently associated with increased odds of having prostate cancer. This key finding and a few other associations are further summarized in Fig. 5, emphasizing how the three trans fatty acids – elaidic, palmitelaidic, and linoelaidic acids – are associated with prostate cancer across Ghanaian, AA, and EA men.
The link between trans fatty acids and prostate cancer was further investigated using multivariable logistic regression analyses with adjustments for potential confounders. Here, we divided each trans fatty acid concentration into tertiles, termed low, intermediate, and high, and assessed the associations with prostate cancer across the three population groups (Table 2). We found a significant dose-dependent increase in the odds of having prostate cancer with increasing elaidic, palmitelaidic, and linoelaidic fatty acid concentrations in all three population groups. Notably, although Ghanaian men were found to have the lowest mean trans fatty acid concentration when compared to AA and EA men (Supplementary Fig. 4), they still experienced significantly increased odds of developing prostate cancer with increasing trans fatty acid levels.
To assess if fatty acid levels were associated with disease severity, we correlated individual fatty acids and fatty acid classes with National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) risk scores that describe disease severity16, which were obtained for the AA and EA patients in the NCI-Maryland study4. In this analysis, only palmitoleic acid showed a positive dose-dependent relationship with increasing NCCN risk scores, even after adjusting for multiple testing (Ptrend = 0.002, Supplementary Table 15).
Relationship between circulating immune-oncological markers and fatty acids
Circulating fatty acids may influence the immune environment. For the NCI-Maryland and NCI-Ghana studies, 82 immune-oncological markers have previously been measured and grouped into pathways: apoptosis/cell killing, autophagy/metabolism, chemotaxis/trafficking to tumor, suppression of tumor immunity (Th2 response, tolerogenic), promotion of tumor immunity (Th1 responses), vasculature4. Thus, we assessed whether there was a relationship between the immune-oncology marker-defined pathways and circulating fatty acid levels. For this analysis, we grouped the fatty acids into the five classes as already described and assessed the relationships separately for men with and without prostate cancer. The correlation heat maps for our control population revealed significant positive correlations between circulating omega-3 fatty acid levels and the immune-oncology marker-defined pathway activity scores, with the only exception being autophagy (Fig. 6a, Bonferroni-corrected P< 0.01). We further observed significant negative correlations between trans fatty acids, omega-6 fatty acids, and the omega 6:3 ratio and the pathway activity scores representing apoptosis, chemotaxis, inflammation, and tumor immunity (Fig. 6a; Bonferroni-corrected P< 0.01 for all). Similar relationships were also found among men with prostate cancer: here omega-3 fatty acid levels positively correlated with almost all immune-oncological pathways whereas the omega 6:3 ratio negatively correlated with pathway activities representing chemotaxis, inflammation, tumor immunity, and vasculature (Fig. 6b; Bonferroni-corrected P< 0.01 for all). The observations suggest generally increased immune-oncology marker-defined pathway activities when circulating omega-3 fatty acid levels are high or the omega 6:3 ratio is low, and decreased pathway activity scores when levels of circulating trans and omega-6 fatty acids are elevated.