Ischaemia in skeletal muscle occurs due to insufficient supply of nutrients and oxygen. In patients with peripheral arterial disease (PAD), ischaemia of distal muscles occurs due to the narrowing or occlusion of peripheral arteries due to the build-up of atherosclerotic plaques [23]. Ischaemic calf muscle in PAD patients is characterised by several histopathological changes such as local inflammation, increased fibrosis and inter- and intra-muscle adipocyte content, muscle fibre atrophy, and impaired metabolic function, among others [15, 24]. The most severe manifestation of PAD, namely critical limb ischaemia (CLI), is characterised by rest pain, non-healing ulcers, gangrene, tissue loss and death [23]. In the past years, there has been an increased interest in developing novel therapeutic products aiming to improve tissue perfusion and/or restoration of tissue function in these patients [25]. The mouse model of HLI is considered the most clinically relevant pre-clinical model of PAD, and especially CLI [26], and has been largely used to assess pre-clinical efficacy of cell therapy products such as mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) [27–31]. In most cases, a complete morphologic assessment of tissue using a range of histological techniques is performed for treatment group comparisons. However, no standardised tools are used for the assessment of the degree of skeletal muscle damage across all these studies and there exists great variation amongst the histological techniques and quantification methods employed. This may impair inter-study comparability. Semi-quantitative histopathology scoring systems have been previously used to obtain semi-quantitative data from tissue samples [8]. To our knowledge, there are a small number of studies that have described a semi-quantitative scoring system as part of their methodology to assess the level of skeletal muscle damage [10–14]. McCormack et al. described an absolute injury score (i.e. percentage of injury) calculated by dividing the number of injured myocytes by the total myocytes scored within 15 photographed fields (approximately 1000 fibres per animal) [13]. While this scoring system has the advantage of providing quantitative data (e.g. ratio) from a tissue, it does not provide information about other important histopathological parameters such the level of inflammation, fibrosis or others. Erkanh et al. described a histological damage score tool for histological evaluation of tissue sections based on a severity level (0: Normal, 1: Mild, 2: Moderate, 3: Severe) of disorganisation and degeneration of muscle fibres and inflammatory cell infiltration [12]. However, no scoring definitions are provided for each category to guide the observer when performing the scoring [12]. This is likely to result in a reduction of intra and inter-rater repeatability. Carter et al. described a more comprehensive skeletal muscle histopathology scoring system that scores a lesion’s magnitude on an ordinal scale from 0 to 10 [10]. While a score definition is provided for each category to guide the observer during the scoring, each category scores several parameters at once (e.g. the severity of mononuclear cell infiltration, polynuclear cell infiltration, level of fibre necrosis, presence of haemorrhage). In cases when a tissue has multiple lesions, it is preferable to assign its own appropriate scoring system for each parameter [32]. This approach is more sensitive, and results in higher inter-rater repeatability. Also, a large number of ordinal scores may cause difficulty or ambiguity during score assignment and is prone to have reduced repeatability [32]. Indeed, Smajović et al. reported a simplified version of the Carter et al. scoring system to include only 4 levels [11]. Finally, Hardy et. al. described a morphometric semi-quantitative analysis to assess the extent of muscle injury in four different injury models at different timepoints. In this case, a symbol ‘+’ with more or less +’s is given to each morphological parameter depending on the % of tissue affected [14].
Here, we have developed and validated a new semi-quantitative histopathological scoring tool to assess skeletal muscle damage due to ischaemia with excellent intra- and inter-rater reliability. We believe our scoring tool has many advantages over the scoring systems described above. We have used the ‘splitter’ approach, where we have assigned a specific score system to different individual parameters (e.g. inflammation, fibrosis, necrosis, etc.), as it is the preferred approach to use when multiple lesions are present in the same tissue [32]. We also used an ordinal scale with a maximum of 4 score levels for each parameter to describe the severity of the lesion, as it has been previously suggested that 4–5 score levels may be optimal for maximising detection and repeatability [32]. In addition, we have provided a comprehensive description of each score level including representative examples to guide the raters and enhance inter-observer repeatability (See Additional file 1). At the end, a cISS can be calculated by addition of all the individual scores. This can give an overview of the level of skeletal muscle ischaemic damage when taking in consideration all the histopathological parameters examined in the sample. An interpretation of the severity of ischaemic severity in muscle based on the cISS is proposed in Table 3. Also, here we can confirm that there is a similar distribution of each of the proposed levels across all the 70 scored samples, which is considered important when designing a new scoring system (Table 3) [32].
Table 3
Interpretation of the overall level of muscle ischaemia damage samples based on cISS.
cISS | Level of muscle ischaemia damage | Distribution of levels in scored samples |
0–1 | Normal | 24.3% |
2–6 | Mild | 27.1% |
7–10 | Moderate | 24.3% |
11–15+ | Severe | 24.3% |
cISS: cumulative ischaemia severity score
How To Use This Tool
We propose that samples should be scored by a minimum of two independent appraisers blinded to the treatments. While adding more appraisers may result in a reduction of the % of agreement, the calculation of cISS may become less biased when there are disagreements, as the cISS can be calculated using the median scores among three appraisers. In the cases where two appraisers score the samples, the two appraisers must discuss the disagreements and agree a final score. Furthermore, if the appraisers do not have experience in this study-area, we recommend achieving some level of training prior to starting the scoring. The National Toxicology Program (NTP) Nonneoplastic Lesion Atlas is a publicly available web-based resource containing images, terminology and guidelines for diagnosis of nonneoplastic lesions in rodents. Overall, the lowest percentage of agreement for a specific morphological category scored by two selected appraisers was 51% (Table 4). Therefore, we recommend reaching, at least, 50% agreement in scoring each morphological parameter among two selected appraisers prior to commencing the study. This will enhance inter-rater reliability. When reporting the results, we propose to report both, individual scores and cISS. Average scores (median) of the different experimental groups can be then compared using non-parametric statistical tests. Thuilliez et. al. work has compiled a glossary of definitions and pictorial examples of histopathological lesions often observed in skeletal muscle of rodents after intramuscular injection that may guide the researchers when reporting histological findings [33]. Finally, while this is a simple tool that requires the use of two routinary histological stains such as H&E and Mallory trichrome stain (Masson’s Trichrome staining is also valid), it can complement other staining and assessments that may be required and be specific to each study aim.
Table 4
Percentage of agreement among two selected appraisers.
Rater Comparison | Rater 1 vs 2 | Rater 1 vs 3 | Rater 2 vs 3 |
Inflammation | 65.7 (53.4; 76.6) | 71.4 (59.4, 81.6) | 51.4 (39.2; 63.6) |
Fibrosis | 70.0 (57.9; 80.0) | 71.4 (59.4, 81.6) | 58.6 (46.2; 20.2) |
Necrosis | 74.3 (62.4; 83.9) | 55.7 (64.0, 85.2) | 62.9 (51.5; 74.2) |
Degeneration/Regeneration | 65.7 (53.4; 76.6) | 65.7 (53.4; 76.6) | 57.2 (44.7; 68.9) |
Fat Infiltration | 58.6 (46.2; 20.2) | 70.0 (57.9; 80.0) | 54.3 (41.9; 66.3) |
Results are expressed as % agreement (95% confidence interval) |
We caution that Kendall’s W does not imply that any particular appraiser is correct or incorrect, simply whether observers agreed or not. We, however, have validated this tool using a clinical measure of disease severity in these mice, such as calf muscle weight. Muscle wasting and weakness is a common symptom in PAD [34]. We, and others have observed muscle mass loss after ischaemia in rodent, which is most likely secondary to muscle necrosis and fibrosis and can return to baseline levels with regeneration [21, 22]. Spearman rank-order correlation analysis showed a strong and statistically significant negative relationship between the cISS and calf muscle weight. This convincing finding lends credence and scientific merit to our scoring method, which shows a good representation of the pathology of the tissue.
However, there are some parameters that must be taken in consideration prior to using this tool, including the endpoint of the study at which muscles are scored, and the animal strain. Our in vivo study endpoint and assessment has been optimised at 28 days after ischaemia surgery. At this timepoint we have observed significant muscle mass loss compared to the non-ischaemic limb, and also muscle gain due to regeneration, which allows treatment group comparisons (unpublished observations, Sanz-Nogués et al). However, this study endpoint may differ for other studies. One should take caution as the severity of lesions can differ when scoring samples at different endpoints. Also, correlation analysis between skeletal muscle weight and cISS must be done with caution when other timepoints are used, as this was not included in our evaluation. On the other hand, it is widely acknowledged that there are differences between inbred strains of mice to surgically induced HLI [35–38]. For instance, C57BL/6 mice showed significantly better collateral artery formation and limb perfusion, and less tissue damage than BALB/c mice in response to HLI [36–38]. BALB/c mice have significantly lower expression of vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF-A), poor collateral artery formation, reduced limb perfusion and impaired recovery [36–38], as well as significantly greater myofiber atrophy, greater apoptosis and attenuated myogenic regulatory gene expression than C57BL/6 mice [35]. In cases when different animal strains and/or study endpoints are utilised, we recommend first evaluating whether the range of lesions present in the samples can be assessed using the lesion severity proposed in this scoring system for each parameter evaluated.