Mangroves are very vibrant ecosystems of global significance which provide multitude of benefits to society. As such, these wetland systems are highly productive and diverse systems representing ecotonal zones between aquatic environments (i.e., rivers) and terrestrial uplands. They offer a critical nursery ground for many faunal species (Secor and Rooker, 2005). By temporarily storing large amounts of water, wetlands play a significant role in decreasing floods and enriching groundwater. They support to maintain water quality by filtering out pollutants and sediments, and aid to regulate erosion by trapping soil leached from adjacent uplands (Fennessy and Mitsch, 2001). The productivity of mangrove wetlands indicate that they deliver sufficient food supplies to sustain the complex food chains in these systems (Alongi, 2016). Continuous interactions among the mangrove vegetation and upland terrestrial areas occur through exchanges of energy, nutrients, and species and thus these systems function as highly integrated aerobic-anaerobic interfacial systems.The juxtaposition of aerobic and anaerobic zones is a crucial part in the sustenance of mangrove systems which in turn enable them to support a wide range of specific processes, activities and vegetation. Hence, soil-monitoring mechanisms play a key role in planning and developing strategies for their conservation.
The development of sound concepts and methodologies for monitoring these pristine system requires an understanding of their structure and function. Given the high cost of environmental monitoring in terms of time, human resources and funding, methods need to be developed that are simple, efficient, scientifically rigorous and ecologically meaningful. One of the most attractive approaches is to develop scientifically rigorous indicators integrating physical, chemical and biological properties or processes. As such, a fundamental understanding of the biogeochemical processes regulating the functions of the mangrove ecosystem is critical in evaluating their health and designing successful restoration efforts. The certainty associated with such assessments decreases if the factors that affect biogeochemical processes regulating the fate and transport of nutrients in these systems are not well understood (Andrews et al, 2002). Decision tools that help arrange soil test information into a single comprehensible value or index would help easy understanding of the system with a few selected parameters (Beinat and Nijkamp, 1998). Soil Quality Index (SQI) is one such decision tool that combine a variety of parameters or information for informed decision making (Jernigan et al. 2020, Williams et al. 2020). However, indices should be selected based on the soil functions of interest in a specified system and the intended management goals. Further, the index should be based on the fewest possible parameters that would help reduce the myriad of complex soil tests and recommendations that present management dilemmas (Beinat and Nijkamp, 1998). The SQI technique is preferred over dynamic soil quality models (Larson and Pierce 1994), soil quality cards, test kits (Ditzler and Tugel, 2002) and fuzzy association rules (Xue et al. 2010) because of its quantitative flexibility and easiness (Chen et al, 2013).
The concept of a minimum data set for soil quality indicators for specific ecosystems is widely accepted but has relied primarily on expert opinions or field experiences to select the components (Karlen et al., 1996; Andrew et al., 2002). A more prudent approach of variable selection would be by way of statistical methods and thereby reduce the possibility of biases (Doran and Parkin, 1996; Walter et al., 1997; Bachmann and Kinzel, 1992). Recent advances in combining parameters into reliable indices and affixing value ranges to grade the system vary from simple linear scoring techniques to complex curvilinear scoring functions (Liebig et al., 2001; Karlen and Stott, 1994; Andrews and Carroll, 2001). Soil quality indices that vary widely in their complexity have been developed and used extensively for agroecosystems, but such indices and their use are scarce in forest systems.
The quality of mangrove soils is a subject of "unusual scientific and ecological interest”. The chemical changes in these mangrove soils will influence (a) the character of the sediment or soil that forms, (b) the suitability of wet soils for plants, (c) the distribution of plant species around lakes and streams and in estuaries, deltas, and marine flood plains, (d) the quality and quantity of aquatic life, and (e) the capacity of lakes and seas to serve as sinks for terrestrial wastes.
Wetlands are areas of marsh, fen, peat land or water, whether natural or artificial, permanent or temporary, with water that is static or flowing, fresh, brackish or salt, including areas of marine water the depth of which at low tide does not exceed six meters' (Ramsar convention, 1971).
Wetlands are highly productive and diverse systems representing ecotonal zones between aquatic environments (i.e., rivers) and terrestrial uplands. Continuous interactions among the vegetation and upland terrestrial areas occur through exchanges of energy, nutrients, and species and thus these systems function as highly integrated units. Such ecosystems are particularly important in the hydrologic relations of the watershed (Mitsch and Gosselink, 2000). Water is stored and its quality improved by filtering or removing nutrients and pollutants from the water (Fennessy and Mitsch, 2001). Finally, wetlands sequester carbon dioxide and act as a sink for carbon. Recently these systems have experienced the greatest decline of all wetland types.
Many species depend upon wetlands for successful completion of their life cycle and most require, or benefit from, nearby aquatic habitat. Changes in the structure and function of a wetland will eventually have far-reaching effects on the biota of the wetland and the surrounding uplands. Monitoring wetland systems can provide information on environmental change, including changes in community structure and function, in both the wetland and adjacent upland watershed.
Aerobic-anaerobic interfaces in the water column (e.g. surfaces of detrital plant tissue and benthic periphyton mats), at the soil water interface, and in the root zone of aquatic macrophytes are unique features of wetlands, as compared to upland landscapes. The juxtaposition of aerobic and anaerobic zones in wetlands supports a wide range of microbial populations and associated metabolic activities, with oxygen-reduction occurring in the aerobic interface of the substrate, and reduction of alternate electron acceptors occurring in the anaerobic zone (Reddy et al, 2008). Under continuously saturated soil conditions, vertical layering of different metabolic activities can be present, with oxygen-reduction occurring at and just below the soil–floodwater interface. Much of the aerobic decomposition of plant detritus occurs in the water column; however, the supply of oxygen may be insufficient to meet demands and drive certain microbial groups to utilize alternate electron acceptors, e.g., nitrate, oxidized forms of Fe and Mn, sulfate and HCO3- (Ponnamperuma, 1972; Aldous et al, 2005; Chen et al. 1999).
Development of sound concepts and methodologies for ecosystem monitoring require an understanding of ecosystem structure and function. Given the high cost of environmental monitoring in terms of time, human resources and funding, methods need to be developed that are simple, efficient, scientifically rigorous and ecologically meaningful. One of the most attractive approaches to developing scientifically rigorous methods is based on the concept of using physical, chemical or biological properties or processes as indicators of wetland condition, change or response to anthropogenic impacts. A fundamental understanding of the biogeochemical processes regulating the functions of the ecosystem is critical to evaluating nutrient impacts and successes of restoration efforts. The certainty associated with an assessment decreases if the factors that affect biogeochemical processes regulating the fate and transport of nutrients in wetlands are not well understood; i.e., the risk assessment is only as good as the information/knowledge available at the time (Andrews et al, 2002).
Mangrove ecosystems are one of the major wetland systems in Kerala. These are unique pristine systems and are known to provide a number of ecological services and economic benefits, but with no information on its soil geochemistry. In Kerala, mangrove forests that once occupied about 700 km2, have now dwindled to 25 km2 (Vidyasagaran and Madhusoodanan 2014). Understanding the underlying soil processes in tandem with the vegetation dynamics will help us evolving better management, restoration and conservation strategies for these ecosystems. This study intends to outline the underlying soil physico - chemical processes in relation to the vegetation in mangrove ecosystems of Kerala. The objective of this study was to develop a soil quality indexing method for the mangrove systems and use it to assess the health of the existing mangrove patches along the South Western Coastal belt of Peninsular India.