Figure 3 shows the optical and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of each created PDMS with CCP with respect to PLH and sizes (i.e., width and total perimeter) of CCP structures compared with theoretical calculation and experimental measurements. To take optical and SEM images, CCP surface PDMS before plasma treatment in Fig. 2b2 were employed. Figures 3a1-4 present optical images of each cured PDMS with respect to PLH (0.1, 0.12, 0.14, and 0.16 mm), respectively. Figures 3b1-4 show the SEM images of CCP surfaces with respect to the PLH (0.1, 0.12, 0.14, and 0.16 mm) in detail, respectively. It was noticed that the width and distance between tips were uniform for each PLH, and the width increased as the PLH increased. Interestingly, the width was calculated by theory with respect to the PLH. Figures S3a-b show the theory of calculation of the width. As a result, the width of each CCP can be expressed by
where w and h are the width and PLH in mm units, respectively. A more detailed derivation procedure for Eq. 1 was explained in Fig. S3 in Supplementary Information. According to Eq. 1, theoretical values of the width were 173, 208, 242, and 277 µm for 0.1, 0.12, 0.14, and 0.16 mm-PLH, respectively. In addition, to compare theoretical and experimental values, we measured the width of CCP with respect to the PLH based on the SEM images (see inset: SEM image of 0.16-mm PLH in Fig. 3c). For measurements, Image-J (National Institutes of Health) program was utilized to measure the width based on the SEM images (Fig. 3b). Consequently, measurements of the width were 185, 222, 264, and 285 µm for 0.1, 0.12, 0.14, and 0.16 mm-PLH, respectively, as shown in Fig. 3c. These results show that measurements of the width exhibited good linearity with 0.984-coefficient of determination (R2) and were similar with theoretical values. It was noteworthy that all values of measurements were upper than theoretical values. One possible reason is that the PLA planes were slightly stretched in the plane direction when they were pushed (collapsed) through the compression method (Fig. 2a2). We also analyzed the total perimeter of CCP using the width values, and it was also obtained theoretically. Figure S3c in Supplementary Information illustrates how to calculate the total perimeter in detail. The total perimeter of each CCP can be expressed by
where Ptotal and h are the total perimeter and PLH, respectively. The theoretical values of total perimeter were 966.4, 809.2, 696.8, and 612.5 mm for 0.1, 0.12, 0.14, and 0.16 mm-PLH, respectively. To estimate the total perimeter values, the optical images of CCPs on the PDMS were employed. The Image-J program was also utilized to measure the total perimeter based on the optical images. Consequently, the measurements of total perimeters were 973.2, 804.5, 679.5, and 609.1 mm for 0.1, 0.12, 0.14, and 0.16-mm PLH, respectively, as shown in Fig. 3d. These results exhibited that the total perimeter decreased as the PLH increased, on the contrary, the width of CCP. The measurement values followed their theoretical values well according to both width and total perimeter results. These results explained why the tendencies occurred with respect to the PLH.
After the entire pressure sensor fabrication, we evaluated the performance of the pressure sensor, which comprised of CCPs and flat surfaces with PEDOT: PSS conductive layer coated on the PDMS with respect to the PLH. To evaluate the performance of the pressure sensor, the current between CCPs and flat surface electrodes was measured by applying a constant voltage of 1 V using a source meter (SMU 2611B, Keithley Instruments Inc.). Among the parameters of sensing performance, sensitivity is a critical parameter for pressure sensing. To characterize the sensitivity of the pressure sensor, current changes were measured by applying static pressure when the weight was on the sensing area where was CCP region with a 15-mm diameter. The weights were 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 5.4, 10.4, 20.5, 50.4, 100.4, 200.3, and 500.2 g, and the corresponding pressures were produced 28, 83, 139, 299, 577, 1137, 2795, 5568, 11108, and 27739 Pa, respectively [41]. As the different pressures applied, the currents were measured for 20 s. Meanwhile, the current responses were expressed as the current change (ΔI) from an initial current (I0) divided by the initial current (I0) such that ΔI/I0. Figures 4a-b show the response of the pressure sensor with respect to the PLH under applied pressure range from 0 to 27.7 kPa. (The number of samples used for a response was three). The responses of the pressure sensors rapidly replied at a low-pressure range (0-2.8 kPa) but saturated at a high-pressure range (> 2.8 kPa) for all PLH pressure sensors. The sensitivity (S) of the pressure sensor is defined as δ(ΔI/I0)/δP, where P is an applied pressure (kPa). In this study, to compare the sensitivity of pressure on CCPs, we set the same pressure range (0-0.577 kPa) and calculated the sensitivities of each pressure sensor. As a result, the pressure sensor with 0.16 mm-PLH presented a high sensitivity of 160 ± 53.8 kPa− 1, as shown in Fig. 4a. For 0.1, 0.12, and 0.14 mm–PLH pressure sensors had sensitivities of 1.68 ± 0.31, 9.09 ± 4.23, and 31.8 ± 14.0 kPa− 1, as shown in Fig. 4b. Accordingly, the CCP-based pressure sensor with PLH-0.16 mm exhibited the outstanding sensitivity with 95.2 times higher than PLH-0.1 mm. Therefore, the CCP-based pressure sensor with PLH-0.16 mm benefits from detecting external pressure. Notably, the sensitivities enhanced from 1.68 to 160 kPa− 1 with increasing PLH from 0.1 to 0.16 mm. This tendency can be attributed to the initial contact area. Figure 4c exhibits the relationship between initial resistance and total perimeter with respect to the PLH. The total perimeter represents indirect relation with the initial resistance instead of the contact area, but it is enough to explain the initial resistance. The average initial resistances were measured 2.58, 6.15, 35.7, and 193 kΩ for 0.1, 0.12, 0.14, and 0.16-mm PLH, respectively. High initial resistance means that the initial current is very low because of applying the same voltage of 1V. To improve the sensitivity, the initial current (I0) should be reduced because the available variation range increased when the initial current decreased [13, 42, 43]. The small contact areas between the electrodes cause the initial current to reduce. Therefore, to enhance the pressure sensor’s sensitivity, the microstructure’s contact area must be small. The total perimeter under the initial resistance was measured to be 957.5, 797.8, 677.7, and 604.7 mm for 0.1, 0.12, 0.14, and 0.16-mm of PLH, respectively. Because the total perimeter and contact area are in proportional relation, a short total perimeter means a small contact area, and it induces reducing in the initial current. Hence, the initial current decreased as the total perimeter reduced. From the total perimeter theory and measurements in Fig. 3d, the total perimeter decreased when the PLH increased. In summary, the increasing PLH decreases the total perimeter and reduces the contact area. In addition, reduced contact area induces an increase in initial resistance. Because increased initial resistance means that the initial current is reduced, it improves the sensitivity. Consequently, the sensitivity increases with increasing the PLH. These results reveal that the sensitivity of the pressure sensor enhanced as PLH increased. However, over the 0.16 mm-PLH (i.e., 0.18 and 0.2 mm-PLH), the cone model could not be printed by a 3D printer under the same conditions because the supporting area between each layer decreased, and it was not enough to support the layer.
In this study, we employed the CCP-based pressure sensor with 0.16-mm PLH, which exhibited the highest sensitivity of 160 kPa− 1 and good linearity with an average R2 of 0.978 in the linear range of 0-0.577 kPa− 1, to characterize other performance parameters of pressure sensor such as repeatability, I-V curve, response and recovery times, and durability. To characterize the dynamic response for repeatability, a tensile and compression testing machine (MCT-2150, A&D Co.) was used with a loading and unloading speed of 30 mm/min. Figure 4d shows the dynamic responses, the current response when pressure is loading and unloading onto the pressure sensor to seven different external pressures from 1.16 to 21.1 kPa for seven cycles. The results presented that the current responses were stable and repeatable under various and repeated pressures. Furthermore, as pressure increased, increase rate of variation response gradually decreased because the pressure sensor saturated over the pressure of 2.8 kPa. Figure 4e shows the pressure sensor’s current-voltage (I-V) curves under static pressures from 0 to 27.7 kPa. The voltages were sweeping from − 3 to 3 V during static pressure applied. The I-V curves results presented linear relations between the currents and voltages. These results indicated that the pressure sensor behaved under Ohmic contact. To evaluate the response and recovery times, the current response was measured while a tiny leaf of 26 mg was on the pressure sensor, as shown in Fig. 4f. This result indicated that our device could detect as small as a tiny leaf weight. When a small load was applied, the pressure sensor exhibited a response and recovery time of 114 and 192 ms, respectively. To evaluate the durability of the pressure sensor, the currents were measured for 2000 cycles of loading and unloading under 4.7 kPa using the tensile and compression testing machine. As shown in Fig. 4g, there was no significant deterioration of the current responses. In addition, the beginning and end of the responses from 100 to 110 and from 1900 to 1910 cycles, respectively, showed stability, steady, and repeatability of output signals (see inset graphs in Fig. 4g). Therefore, these results supported that the pressure sensor is durable.
Table 1 compares the pressure sensors between this study and previous research for flexible pressure sensor performance, including manufacturing methods based on 3D printing, materials, sensitivity, corresponding linear pressure range, response, and recovery time [26–28, 44–49]. All references were published after 2019. Herein, we listed research based on 3D printing manufacturing for the pressure sensor. By comparing the performance, we presented what situations our device has a benefit. Although our device’s response and recovery times were slow compared to the other research [26–28, 44, 48], our pressure sensor showed an outstanding sensitivity of 160 kPa− 1 at a low-pressure range (0-0.577 kPa). In particular, the developed pressure sensor with CCP was more sensitive in low-pressure range and wide linear pressure range by comparing previous studies, which fabricated microstructures of concentric circles to utilize pressure sensors [27, 28]. These results support that the proposed pressure sensor has potential applications in sensitively detecting subtle external signals, such as wrist pulse for humans.
Table 1
Comparison table of flexible pressure sensors based on 3D printing fabrication
3D printer | Materials (Substrate/Conductive layer) | Sensitivity (kPa− 1) | Corresponding linear range (kPa) | Response time (ms) | Recovery time (ms) | Ref |
DIW | PDMS/CB, MWCNT, Cu | 255 | 50–300 | 32 | 61 | [26] |
DIW | PDMS/CNT | 2.08 | < 0.12 | 50 | N/A | [27] |
DIW | PDMS/Graphene | 2.4 | < 0.18 | 60 | N/A | [28] |
DIW | TPU/CB | 5.54 | < 10 | ~ 20 | ~ 30 | [44] |
DIW | Ecoflex/CNT, SiNP | 0.096 | 0-175 | N/A | N/A | [45] |
DLP | DN ionic conductive hydrogel | 0.06 | 0–5 | 320 | 400 | [46] |
DLP | Conductive PAAm-PEGDA hydrogel | 0.91 | 0–2 | ~ 200 | ~ 500 | [47] |
DLP | TPU/CNT | 1.02 | 0-130 | 65 | 19 | [48] |
DLP | PU/CNT | 0.111 | 0–10 | N/A | N/A | [49] |
FDM | PDMS/PEDOT: PSS | 160 | 0-0.577 | 114 | 192 | This work |
DIW Direct ink writing, DLP Digital light processing, FDM Fused deposition modeling, PDMS polydimethylsiloxane, CB Carbon black, MWCNT Multiwalled carbon nanotube, CNT Carbon nanotube, TPU Thermoplastic urethane, SiNP Silica nanoparticle, DN double-network, PAAm-PEGDA Polyacrylamide-polyethylene glycol diacrylate, PU Polyurethane, PEDOT: PSS poly (3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene): poly(styrenesulfonate) |