Study design and period
Institution-based retrospective follow-up study design was conducted from September 20/2021, to October 10 / 2021.
Study area
This study was conducted at the west Amhara region level, patients who admitted with stroke at Felege Hiwot comprehensive specialized Hospital (FCSH) stroke care center, Ethiopia, 2021. The hospital provides services for the people in Amhara and neighboring regions, and it serves over 12 million people from the surrounding area. It is a referral hospital with more than 400 hospital beds and a 95.5% bed occupancy rate (BOR). All hospitals in the region refer stroke patients to FCSH for better diagnostic and management care.
Source population
All stroke patients in west Amhara region
Study population
All stroke patients in west Amhara region who were admitted at FCSH from July/2017 to June/2021.
Inclusion and exclusion criteria
All stroke patients in west Amhara region who were admitted at FCSH from July/2017 to June/2021 were included in the study, whereas patients who had seizure before admission were excluded.
Sample size determination and sampling procedure
The sample size was calculated using Epi-info version-7.2. The total sample size was determined using the double population-proportion formula with the assumption of a 95% confidence level, 80% power, and 1:1 ratio of unexposed to exposed group. The final sample size was calculated using the variable nasogastric tube therapy from the previous study (percent of outcome in unexposed group = 16.5%, percent of outcome in exposed group = 25.5%, and Adjusted Risk ratio = 1.61 then the final sample size was 568).
Initially, medical registration numbers of stroke patients who were admitted from July/2017 to June/2021 at FCSH stroke care center were collected. Then, the patient charts were selected using a computer-generated random sampling technique.
Operational definition
Post-stroke seizure: seizure is an episode of neurologic dysfunction caused by abnormal neuronal activity that occurs after a stroke without a previous history of epilepsy and confirmed by physician.
Stroke: It is sudden brain cell death due to lack of oxygen; the cause is vascular origin, and clinical presentations persist for more than 24 hours.
Comorbidity diseases: A patient who had any disease in addition to stroke.
Data collection tool and procedure
The data were collected using a structured checklist. It comprised different parts, including socio-demographic variables, clinical variables, treatment-related variables, and characteristics of Seizure. The data were collected from existing medical records of the stroke patients from July/2017 to June/2021, and a review of the record was done from September 20/2021, to October 10/ 2021.
Data quality assurance
For the data quality assurance, a proper data extraction checklist was prepared. Before the actual data collection period, the consistency between the data extraction checklist and completeness of the recording system was checked using 5% of the sample size (28 charts). One-day training was given for the data collectors and supervisors. Finally, all the collected data were checked by the investigators for their completeness and consistency during the data entry, storage, management and analysis processes.
Data management and analysis procedure
The completeness and consistency of the checklist were checked manually. Epi data version 3.1 was used to enter the data, and then it was exported to stata version-15 Statistical software for final analysis. Before analysis, missing values were checked by the principal investigators. Missing values were handled through multiple imputation technique. Multicollinearity was checked between independent variables through the variance inflation factor for continuous independent variables and spearman's rank correlation for categorical independent variables.
Hosmer and Lemeshow's test was used to test the model goodness of fit, and its value was 0.80. To assess the association between outcome and independent variables log-binomial regression model was applied at 95% confidence level. To select significant predictors, bi-variable and multi-variable log-binomial regression was carried out. Those variables with a p-value less than 0.25 in the bi-variable analysis were entered into multi-variable analysis. In multi-variable analysis, a P-value of less than 0.05 at 95% confidence interval was taken as a cut point to declare a statistically significant association between predictors and post-stroke Seizure.