3.1. Surface morphology
The effects of the hybrid treatment on the surface morphology of the fibers were analyzed through SEM coupled with mapping; representative images of pure and coated BNF are shown in Fig. 2 and SI-Fig. 1. Pure bamboo fibers (L1) had a comparatively smooth surface with clean grooves. However, the hybrid-treated fibers (L2–L9) showed a coarse surface texture with a thin layer of material covering the fibers; the surface grooves were filled with the chemical treatments. The hybrid combination of SBC and APP (L2 and L3) resulted in a rough morphology and increased the roughness significantly. In the case of the CTS-SBC hybrid treatment (L6 and L8), the fiber surface exhibited roughness at lower percentages, but a higher percentage of the surface morphology was almost unchanged. The CTS-APP hybrid treatment (L4 and L7) had a lower percentage of the morphology of the fiber, but at higher percentages, the fiber surface became predominantly coarse. However, the hybrid combination of the three flame retardants at both concentrations (L5 and L9) left the fiber morphology almost unchanged, although the grooves were filled with the coating chemicals.
In the EDS mapping of pure BNF, the only elements appearing were C and O, representing lignocellulosic fibers without any inorganic impurities. However, the hybrid surface coating significantly changed the fiber surface composition, showing the elements of the respective coating chemicals. In addition, most elements appeared to be based on the top-layer chemicals. In the case of the combination of SBC and APP coating (L3), P, N, and Na are detected in addition to C and O and are uniformly distributed within the coated chemical. Similarly, the combination of CTS and SBC coating (L6) exhibited a higher percentage of Na in addition to C and O owing to the top layer of SBC. L7 showed C, O, N, P, and Na, corresponding to CTS and APP, and the predominant phosphorus content reflects the top layer being APP. In the hybrid combination (CTS-SBC-APP), the major elements of the chemicals C, O, N, Na, and P were detected. Overall, the mapping images of the coated fibers showed uniform dispersions of the respective major elements, which further demonstrated the complete attachment of CTS, SBC, and APP thin coatings to the bamboo nonwoven fabric.
3.2. Chemical interaction
The chemical interaction of the hybrid treatment with bamboo fibers was analyzed using spectral analysis, and the obtained spectra are shown in Fig. 4(A). The pure bamboo fibers showed spectral peaks at 3442, 2923, 1740, 1429, 1624, 1075, 775, and 690 cm− 1 corresponding to –OH, the C–H carbonyl peak (hemi-cellulose), hemicellulose, C–O–C stretching, cellulose, and glycosidic linkages, respectively (Afrin 2012). Significant changes in the spectral and peak intensities could be observed in all hybrid chemically-treated fibers, and the combination of chemical compounds clearly shows interaction with the fibers as presented in Fig. 3. For the treated fibers, the spectral peaks at 3442 cm− 1, 775 cm− 1, and 690 cm− 1 almost disappeared. The peak intensity at 2923 cm− 1 increased, the hemicellulose peak at 1740 cm− 1 disappeared, and the peak at 1075 cm− 1 shifted to lower wavenumbers. However, the peak at 1429 cm− 1 exhibited no significant change after the hybrid treatment, clearly demonstrating the presence of cellulose. In the case of the APP combinations (L2, L3, L4, L5, L7, L9), the hybrid-treated fibers showed the characteristic peaks of APP, which are the δN-H and γN-H peaks of NH4+ at 3225 and 1430 cm− 1 respectively. Additionally, peaks appear at 1258 and 890 cm− 1, corresponding to γP = O and P-OH, respectively (Prabhakar 2017). Similarly, in the CTS combinations (L4, L5, L6, L7, L8, and L9), the hybrid-treated fibers showed characteristic peaks of chitosan at 3408 and 1635 cm− 1 representing the combination of –OH and N–H groups and N–H (amid-II), respectively (Prabhakar 2018). Overall, the obtained peaks clearly indicate that the hybrid treatment effectively changed the surface chemistry of the bamboo fibers.
3.3. Crystalline structure
The surface chemistry of the hybrid-treated bamboo fibers was further confirmed by X-ray diffraction analysis, and the obtained patterns of the pure and treated bamboo fibers are shown in Fig. 4(B). The pure bamboo fiber exhibited a high-intensity sharp peak at 26.5°, representing the semi-crystalline nature of the fiber, its reflections corresponding to the 002 crystallographic plane of the cellulose-I lattice. There were also broad peaks at 25° and 35°, corresponding to the amorphous parts of the lignocellulosic fiber, which are hemicellulose and lignin [23]. For the treated fibers, the amorphous peaks disappeared, and sharp crystalline peaks appeared, based on the combination of the hybrid treatment. The APP-containing hybrid-treated fibers (L2, L3, L4, and L7) exhibited sharp peaks at 23.7°, 29.1°, 33.8°, and 37.8° owing to the crystalline nature of APP. With the combination of SBC and APP (L2 and L3), the intensity increased significantly due to the crystalline nature of both APP and SBC (Asim 2020). The amorphous nature of CTS suppressed the crystalline peaks of APP (L4 and L7). The hybrid combinations L5 and L9 both showed similar diffraction patterns, exhibiting broad peaks due to the amorphous characteristics. Overall, the diffraction patterns support both the morphological and spectral analysis data, indicating that the hybrid chemicals were successfully loaded onto the surface of the bamboo fibers.
3.4. Thermal properties analysis of treated fiber
3.4.1. Thermogravimetric analysis
TG analysis was performed to estimate the impact of the hybrid chemical treatment on the thermal properties of the bamboo fibers. Figure 5 and Table 2 display the weight loss vs. temperature plots of the pure and surface-treated BNF under inert (N2) and oxidative (O2) atmospheres. The thermograms of the samples under an inert atmosphere, as shown in Fig. 3(A), have two thermal degradation steps at approximately > 100°C and < 209°C, representing the onset and maximum degradation points, respectively. All the fibers followed a similar trend. An initial degradation of approximately 10 wt. % weight loss occurred around 100°C due to the elimination of loosely-bonded water and volatile compounds. Pure BF (L1) showed a different maximum thermal degradation than the treated fibers. It occurred at approximately 300°C owing to the typical degradation behavior of natural fibers containing high amounts of multi-hydroxyl groups and lignin (Prabhakar 2019). At a higher temperature of approximately 700°C, the fiber burned almost completely, leaving 6.3 wt. % of char residue, demonstrating the heat sensitivity of the natural fiber. All the treated fibers exhibited a similar trend in the degradation process. They showed onset degradation at 100°C and major degradation (Tmax) at 210°C by the elimination (~ 10 wt. %) of volatile compounds (moisture) and the decomposition of the major constituents present in the natural fibers as well as the respective hybrid treatment chemicals. At Tmax, the natural fibers decompose gradually by the thermal degradation of hemicellulose (200–230°C), followed by lignin (230–340°C) and cellulose (350°C), which can be observed in the pure BF thermogram. However, APP-containing hybrid treatments significantly suppressed Tmax, lowering it by ~ 100°C and started degradation at lower temperatures because the chemical combination of APP in the hybrid treatment released phosphoric acid that could support thermal degradation along with heat, thereby increasing the impact of the degradation double. Similarly, the SBC-containing hybrid treatments also initiated earlier degradation because of the effective removal of loosely bonded natural fiber constituents, especially hemicellulose. Notably, the treated fibers L3, L4, L5, L7, and L9 showed approximately 40% residual char, and L2, L6, and L8 fibers showed around 28% char at 700°C, representing excellent thermal stability. This positive phenomenon was seen for APP because the released phosphoric acid reacts with the possible hydroxyl groups of the bamboo fibers and forms esters, thereby resulting in the formation of a thermally insulating char and an increase in the % of APP. CTS can act as a synergistic supporting agent for producing a dense carbonaceous char (Prabhakar 2018); it effectively supports the intumescent flame retardancy of APP. Overall, the three chosen chemical combinations worked synergistically to improve the thermal stability of bamboo fibers.
The oxidative atmospheres and thermograms of the pure and treated fibers show a two-step thermal degradation process, as shown in Fig. 5(B), at approximately > 100°C and < 206°C, representing the onset and maximum degradation points, respectively. The trend of all thermograms was similar to that of the inert atmosphere at the onset and maximum temperatures. However, at higher temperatures, the char residue of pure BF was oxidized with oxygen from the air atmosphere, resulting in the formation of CO and CO2 and reaching zero residue at 650°C by gradual weight loss. Notably, even under an air atmosphere, the treated fibers contained a higher proportion of char residue at 700°C, as observed in the figure. The L3 and L7 combination treatments produced the highest amounts of char at 31.3 and 29.9 wt. % respectively, reflecting their excellent thermal stabilities, matching the results of the nitrogen atmosphere thermograms. The higher percentage of APP combined with SBC and CTS worked effectively via an intumescent mechanism, producing a dense char. This finding is consistent with our previous research findings on APP and APP-CTS combinations on flax fiber (Prabhakar 2019; Prabhakar 2020) [26, 27]. L4, L5, L6, and L8 showed the next highest residue percentages of 22.6, 23.8, 28.5%, and 28.4%, respectively, due to the action of APP and the carbon agent CTS. The L2 sample showed the lowest percentage of char residue, which might be due to the predominant APP content and lower carbon content; the result is similar to that seen in the inert atmosphere, giving a lower char residue than other combinations. The L5 samples show better thermal stability than the L9 samples, which may also be the reason for the scarcity of the carbonization agent and APP supremacy; thus, a higher amount of APP in the combination releases more acid, which strongly affects the organic compounds, thereby affecting the esterification process and eventually influencing the thermal stability (Prabhakar 2020). Overall, the combination of SBC, APP, and CTS worked effectively to improve the thermal stability of the bamboo fibers, and the combination of 6% APP with 6% SBC and 6% CTS showed the best thermal stability.
Table 2
Thermogravimetric analysis results of pure and treated BNF
3.4.2. Differential scanning calorimetry
DSC was performed to understand the chemical alterations between the treatment chemicals and fiber constituents when exposed to heat and to further support the TGA results. The DSC curves of the pure and treated bamboo fibers are shown in Fig. 6 (SI-Fig. 2), and the key numerical data are presented in Table 2 (SI-Table 1). There were two broad endothermic peaks and two exothermic peaks observed at approximately 72–98°C and 224–261°C, and 160–200°C and 280–390°C, respectively. The initial endothermic peaks correspond to the heat of vaporization of the water absorbed by the fibers. The treated fabrics showed peaks at a lower temperature range (72–78°C) and with broader peaks than pure BF (98°C) because the treatment increased the length–diameter ratio of the fiber during surface treatment, which facilitated the evaporation of surface moisture/trapped water from the fibers, as well as volatile materials present in the coated chemicals, and the dehydration of the saccharide rings (Hung 2021). The pure fibers, and samples L6 and L8, did not show any endo- or exothermic peaks in the region of 150–240°C, suggesting that the fibers are stable between these temperatures. The second endothermic peak occurred at approximately 220–260°C, and APP evolved ammonia and water and formed crosslinked polyphosphoric acid. The exothermic peak at approximately 250°C for the pure fibers corresponds mainly to hemicellulose degradation. In the treated fibers, the weakly bonded constituents of CTS, APP, and SBC were also degraded in addition to the hemicellulose. The second exothermic peak appeared at approximately 280–392°C, and the pure fiber showed a peak at 327°C, corresponding to the degradation of lignin. Chitosan degraded at ~ 300°C, related to the decomposition of the amine units (GlcN). Similarly, APP showed a peak at 350°C, at which temperature the polyphosphoric acid may evaporate and dehydrate into P4O10.
3.5. Burning behavior
The UL-94 vertical burning test is an elementary tool used to evaluate the flame retardancy of materials. The vertical burning test results of pure and surface-treated BNF are presented in Table 3. The digital pictures captured during the test are provided in the supplementary section SI-Fig. 3. The exposure of pure BNF to flame caused the fabric to immediately catch fire; the flame extended vigorously upward for 6 s, burning up the BNF completely within 18 s. Similarly, the L9 fabric quickly caught fire, the fire propagated rapidly for 10 s, and the fabric scorched completely within 16 s. In the case of L6 and L8, the material also burned completely but took longer, with durations of approximately 418 and 387 s, respectively. In contrast, the flames on the L2, L3, L4, L5, and L7 fabrics self-extinguished once the flame source was removed, extinguishing at 9, 8, 9, 9, and 12 s, respectively, after ignition and self-extinguished after the flame source was removed. The self-extinguishing behavior of the chemically treated fabrics followed the order: L3(8s) > L2(9s) = L4(9s) = L5(9s) > L7(12s). The black char on these fabrics extended only 4.5 cm, and the 1 cm reddish patch seen on the fabrics shows that the fire could damage only a small portion of fabric; the rest of the fabric remained undamaged. Therefore, the combination CST-APP-SBC treatment contributed to the flame resistance of the bamboo fabric by forming a combination of phosphoric and carbonaceous shielding char layer.
Table 3
Vertical burn test and microcalorimeter test results of the pure and treated BNF.
Vertical burn test
Burning time [sec]
Burnt length (mm)
UL-94 Rank
Micro calorimeter
Time [sec]
Temperature [°C]
Peak HRR [W/g]
3.6. Flammability behavior
The flammability of the treated BNF was further examined using a microcalorimeter test to support and strengthen the outcomes obtained from the burning test results. Plots of the heat release rate (HRR) peaks of pure and treated BNF are shown in Fig. 7. It can be clearly seen that pure BNF burns quickly after ignition, and a sharp HRR peak appears (at 320 s) with a peak heat release rate (pHRR) as high as 307 kJ/g. Treatment with BNF greatly suppressed the pHRR by retarding combustion. The HRR data of L2, L3, L4, L5, L6, L7, L8, and L9 are 41, 22, 31, 17, 37, 19, 48, and 22, respectively. It can be observed the pHRR values decrease by at least 84.3%, At 3.7 kJ/g, the pHRR of treated BNF is 94.2% lower than that of pure BNF. However, as shown in SI-Fig. 4 the combustion of the treated BNF started at lower temperatures, at 8% minimum, 26% maximum, and 20.4% minimum, 31.2% maximum, respectively. The temperature drop also agrees with previous results reported by Prabhakar (2022), where APP-treated flax fabrics with 5 wt. % APP exhibited a 296.3°C reduction in the temperature at which pHRR occurred (from 376.7°C for pure flax fibers), with a 49% reduction in pHRR. In the present study, the temperature reduction was slightly greater, approximately 28%; however, the hybrid treatment enhanced the flame retardancy by suppressing pHRR by at least 84%. These findings provide evidence that the combination of CNS-APP-SBC is effective in improving the flame retardancy of BNF and further supporting the flame retardancy mechanism.
3.7. Char morphology
The char residue of the treated BNF obtained from vertical flame testing was examined using scanning electron microscopy coupled with EDS. Representative images are shown in Fig. 8. The SEM images in the figure show that discontinuous fine char flakes with a completely collapsed fiber structure could be observed for pure BNF, indicating the heat sensitivity of the lignocellulosic fibers and supported by EDS showing only the elements C and O. However, the burned areas of the hybrid-coated bamboo fabrics maintained the non-woven fabric structure and integrity. For the L3 fibers, a foamy surface formed due to the phosphoric acid generated during the combustion of APP that effectively reacted with carbonaceous compounds such as bamboo fibers and sodium bicarbonate, and the respective elements P (phosphorus), Na (sodium), and C and O, were detected by EDS. Similarly, for L7, the APP coating on the top layers clearly shows a foam structure on the fibers. EDS shows the corresponding elements P, Na, C, and O. In the case of L6, the char appears to have a flake structure formed by the Na coating on the fibers by obtaining a higher flame retardancy. EDS also supports this by showing the element Na, which is present at a higher percentage than L3 ( in which SBC is found in the lower layer) owing to the upper layer of SBC. In the case of the hybrid coating L9, the fiber structure was not disrupted, and a smooth surface morphology with a coating of char ash could be observed on the fibers; the EDS supported this finding, showing the elements P, Na, C, and O that indicated the presence of flame-resistant elements even after combustion. In addition, the P contents in the L3, L7, and L9 char layers were considerably higher than that of the coating before the combustion test. Hence, it can be concluded that the hybrid coating achieved effective flame retardancy through an intumescent mechanism via both condensed and gas phases.
3.8. Signal/Noise (S/N) ratio analysis
The S/N ratio analysis is a statistical method based on the Taguchi technique. This is an essential tool for understanding the impact of the individual chemicals used in the hybrid coating on the flammability behavior of bamboo nonwoven fibers. The experimental values of the vertical burning test, the microcalorimeter HRR values, and their corresponding S/N ratios are tabulated in SI-Table 2. The plot of the mean S/N ratios of factors vs. levels is shown in SI Fig. 5. By utilizing the obtained results, the influence of each factor on flammability can be estimated separately. Because of the S/N ratio, an option with a lower burning time data has better flame retardancy. The S/N ratio analysis results are as follows. The dotted circle in the figure shows the mean value of the S/N ratio, and the individual values of each factor at different levels are plotted. The S/N ratio values for each factor and level were compared to the mean values. As a result of the analysis using Minitab, it was possible to determine that a formulation containing 3% chitosan, 0% sodium bicarbonate, and 6% APP was optimal, having the highest impact on burning time. Table 3 shows the S/N ratio response for the burning time. The optimum value of each factor level was that with the highest S/N ratio. The rank of each factor shows its importance in terms of its influence on properties. Compared to chitosan and sodium bicarbonate, the difference in the S/N ratio graph of APP is significant, indicating that the APP flame-retardant treatment has a large effect on the results. Therefore, APP (rank 1) had the most significant influence on the burning time.
3.9. Contour plots for burning time and pHRR
Contour plots examined the relationship between the response variable and the two control variables by viewing the discrete contours of the predicted response variables. Fig. SI Fig. 5 shows contour plots explaining the relationship between the process parameters concerning the burning time and peak-HRR, respectively. From SI-Fig. 5a, a high level of SBC and a medium level of CST improved the burning time. SI-Fig. 5b shows that a medium level of APP and a high level of CST led to a high burning time. Finally, SI-Fig. 5c shows that a medium level of APP and a high level of SBC led to the generation of a high burning time. Similarly, SI-Fig. 5(d–f) shows the combined relationship between the process parameters and peak HRR of the composites. Peak HRR was obtained at medium to high CST, SBC, and APP levels. To attain a low peak-HRR, the selected process parameters in the range 3–6% are feasible. The scientific reasons for the aforementioned observations are explained in correlation with the experimental results in the previous sections.
3.10. Flame retardant mechanism
The possible flame-retardant mechanism is shown in Fig. 9, based on the experimental results and with the support of published research. As mentioned earlier, four combinations focused on this mechanism, which was explored using the subsequent batches.
Batch 1 (SBC-APP): The burning process of the coated fabric begins with the release of ammonia, water, phosphoric acid, and carbon dioxide (Huang 2021). In later stages, the released acid reacts with cellulose and carbonate compounds via an esterification reaction through dehydration, resulting in the formation of a densely crosslinked char with a P-O-P or P-O-C structure, as shown in FTIR (SI Fig. 3) with P, Na, O, and C (Deng 2014).
Batch 2 (CTS-APP): During the initial burning stages, the coated fibers release ammonia, water, and phosphoric acid, and a synergistic effect can be seen between APP, CTS, and cellulose fibers that results in a phosphorus-based carbonaceous char with a P-O-P or P-O-C structure, as shown in FTIR (SI Fig. 3) with P, O, and C (Deng 2014).
Batch 3 (CTS-SBC): The elimination of water and carbon dioxide occurs in the initial combustion stages. Later, ammonia is released, and a crosslinked hexatomic ring structure is formed by the process of self-condensation with the decomposed polyhydric alcohols, thereby creating a carbonaceous char with a C-O-C structure, as shown in FTIR (SI Fig. 3) with only C and O detected (char EDS) (Maddalena 2018).
Batch 4 (CTS-SBC-APP): The hybrid-coated fiber combustion starts with the removal of water, ammonia, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide. In later stages, the dense char formed consisted of C-O-C, P-O-P, and P-C-P, as shown in FTIR (SI Fig. 3) with the elements P, Na, O, and C detected (char EDS).
Overall, the hybrid chemical coating worked synergistically on the bamboo fabric to achieve superior flame retardancy, irrespective of the chemical combination. However, the APP combination was the most effective and followed an intumescent flame retardant mechanism. The sodium bicarbonate and chitosan combination contributed to flame retardancy by releasing high amounts of moisture and N2 at earlier combustion stages. The formation of char consisted of metal and dense carbon.