Based on a recent study reporting cross-over fatigue after eccentric exercise9, G*Power (version; Kiel University, Kiel, Germany) was used to estimate sample size a priori. The sample size determination led to the participation of ten individuals in a repeated-measure, within-between interaction analyses with a power set at 0.95. Seventeen healthy young men [mean ± standard deviation (SD); age: 23.8 ± 4.6; body mass: 77.2 ± 10.2 kg; height: 180.5± 3.9 cm] took part in this study. A sensitivity power analysis (α = 0.05, power = 0.95) led to a large effect of f = 0.47 for the sample size of the participants included in this study. In order to be part of the study, participants had to be involved in regular recreational sport activities, free of any medical contraindication to physical activity. Neither could they have experienced musculoskeletal, neurological, or orthopedic disorder in the lower limbs for at least six months. All volunteers were fully informed about all risks, discomforts, and benefits of the study.
Knee flexors’ torque
A specific ergometer (Hamtech device, Human Kinematic, Carros, France) allowing reliable and reproducible measurements in isometric and dynamic conditions22 was used to assess the unilateral force production of knee flexors of both lower limbs. A force transducer (S-beam, LS02-s, Tech Co. Ltd, Shenzhen, China; capacity: 1000N) was positioned 5 cm above the external malleolus on the Achilles tendon. A Biopac MP 150 (Biopac Systems, Inc., Goleta, CA., USA) was used to record force production at a sampling frequency of 1 kHz. Force was converted into torque during offline data processing using participants’ lever arms (i.e., distance between the lateral tibial condyle and the force transducer). The ergometer also included a potentiometer (P4500, Novotechnik U.S., Inc., Southborough, MA, USA) allowing measurements of angular velocity. To stabilize the participants’ pelvis during force production, two elastic bands were positioned ~5cm above participants’ sacroiliac joint and below the gluteal fold. Isometric contractions were measured on both the exercised (EL) and non-exercised (NEL) lower limbs in a standardized position with the hip and the knee flexion angles set at 40° and 30°, respectively (0° = full extension). Dynamic eccentric contractions of the EL started from a position combining 65° of hip flexion and 90° of knee flexion to a final position combining 40° of hip flexion and 30° of knee flexion.
Knee flexors’ surface electromyography
Surface electromyography of the biceps femoris (BF) muscles of both lower limbs was collected using pairs of surface electrodes (Ag-AgCl, diameter = 10mm; inter-electrode distance = 20mm; Contrôle-Graphique, Brie-Comte-Robert, France) placed in accordance with the SENIAM recommendations23. A reference electrode was placed on the lateral tibial condyle of the tested lower limb. Indelible ink marks ensured identical repositioning during the entire experiment. Low-resistance impedance (< 3kΩ) was obtained by shaving and slightly abrading the skin with emery paper. Electromyographic signals were recorded at a sampling frequency of 2 kHz using the Biopac MP150 system (Biopac Systems, Inc., Goleta, CA, USA; bandwidth frequency = 10 – 500Hz, common mode rejection ratio = 110dB, Z Input = 1000MΩ, gain = 1000).
Knee flexors’ electrical stimulation
Percutaneous electrical myostimulation (400V and 1ms duration rectangular pulse) was delivered by an electrical stimulator (DS7, Digitimer Ltd., Hertfordshire, UK) through self-adhesive rectangular electrodes (5cm × 9cm - Stimex, Wetzlar, Germany) placed on the participants’ lower limbs. The cathode was positioned on the hamstrings’ proximal part (i.e., below the gluteal fold) and the anode was located at the popliteal fossa. Electrodes positions were marked on the skin to guarantee similar placement during the entire experimental procedure. Maximal twitch force and maximal amplitude of the BF compound muscle action potential were determined at rest by progressive stimulation intensity increments on both lower limbs. The stimulation intensity was further increased by 20% (EL: 142.1 ± 24.9mA, NEL: 148.2 ± 31.0) to warrant adequate assessment of knee flexors’ neuromuscular function.
Ratings of perceived fatigue and muscle soreness
The notion of perceived fatigue, which was explained to the participants as “a feeling of diminishing capacity to cope with physical stressors”24 was assessed using the French translated and validated version of the Rating-of-Fatigue Scale 25. Ratings of perceived fatigue (RPF) accounting for participants’ general fatigue were scored from 0 to10 (0, not fatigued at all; 10, total fatigue and exhaustion – nothing left).
Perceived muscle soreness (PMS) was recorded in both lower limbs using a visual analog scale. A steady 25-N pressure was applied with a 0.5cm diameter cylindrical object just above and below surface electromyography electrodes of the BF on both the EL and NEL26. Participants had to score their pain perception from 0 to10 (0, no pain; 10, worst pain).
Experimental procedure
The participants were required to attend the laboratory in three occasions (Fig. 1): i) a familiarization session, ii) a testing session including the different measurements realized before (PRE) and immediately after (POST) the unilateral fatiguing exercise (Session 1), and iii) a testing session performed 24 hours after the fatiguing exercise (POST24; Session 2).
One week prior to the testing session, participants were acquainted with the equipment, the experimental procedures, and the neuromuscular function assessment (see details below) on both limbs. During the familiarization session, a particular focus was put on the angular velocity to be maintained (i.e., 10°.s-1 provided by real time feedback on a screen placed in front of the participants) during the unilateral eccentric contractions of the EL. Once fully familiarized with all the procedures on both limbs, the 1 Repetition Maximum eccentric contraction (1RM ECC) of the EL was determined by adding loads until the participant could no longer control the angular velocity of 10°.s-1.
The two testing sessions (i.e., Session 1 - PRE and Session 2 - POST24) started with the measures of RPF and PMS scores. A standardized warm-up including the “Extender” and the “Diver” exercises 27 and a single-leg bridges exercise were performed on both limbs for each exercise (i.e., 2 sets of 6 repetitions), followed by 10 submaximal isometric contractions of both limbs in the isometric testing position. The intensity of the submaximal contractions (i.e., in the percentage of perceived maximal force production) was progressively increased (i.e., ~30%, 4 contractions; ~50%, 3 contractions; ~70%, 2 contractions and ~90%, 1 contraction). Then, neuromuscular function was assessed as follows: i) two maximal voluntary isometric contractions (MVIC) with a 100-Hz superimposed paired electrical stimulation delivered over the MVIC plateau, followed by potentiated stimulations elicited at rest at 2 (100Hz paired stimulus), 4 (10Hz paired stimulus) and 6 s (1Hz single stimulus), and ii) the determination of the 1RM ECC of the EL. The EL was always tested first followed by the NEL measures. For the measurements performed immediately after the unilateral fatiguing exercise (i.e., POST), only one MVIC with superimposed and potentiated stimulations was assessed on both the EL and NEL, followed by the measure of RPF and PMS scores.
Unilateral fatiguing eccentric exercise
The fatiguing exercise involved repetitive sets of five unilateral eccentric contractions of the EL knee flexors at 80% of the 1RM ECC measured in PRE. Contractions were performed at an angular velocity of 10°.s-1 (i.e., contraction duration: ~5s). After each contraction, participants were passively lifted into the starting position by experimenters, providing a 10-s rest period. A 25-s rest interspaced sets of submaximal eccentric contractions. A MVIC of the EL was performed at the end of each set to evaluate the level of force decrement. Sets were repeated until a 20% MVIC force decrement was reached on EL.
Data analysis
For PRE, POST and POST24 measurements, the highest MVIC peak torque value produced by both lower limbs was retained for data analysis. Root mean square (RMS) values of BF surface electromyography signals were calculated during a 500-ms period over MVIC. BF RMS was normalized to the respective BF compound muscle action potential (i.e., BF RMS/M) recorded at each time point. Potentiated torques evoked by electrical paired stimuli at 100 Hz (Dt100Hz) and 10 Hz (Dt10Hz) were used as peripheral fatigue indicators. The ratio Dt100Hz-to-Dt10Hz (Dt10Hz/Dt100Hz) was also computed. Along with BF RMS/M, the maximal voluntary activation level (VA) and the central activation ratio (CAR) of the knee flexors were calculated and served as central fatigue indicators 28,29. VA and CAR were computed according to the following formula:
During the unilateral fatiguing eccentric exercise, the number of contractions performed and the amount of total work calculated using torque-time integral (i.e., area under the torque-time curve) were collected. The amount of work produced was summed in four consecutive periods that represented 25% of the total duration of the exercise. The MVICs measured at the end of each set and expressed as a percentage of the initial MVIC value produced at PRE were linearly interpolated between the nearest values at 25%, 50% and 75% of the number of sets in order to describe the evolution of the participants’ MVIC throughout the entire duration of the fatiguing exercise. Similarly, the BF RMS of both the EL and NEL (computed over the entire 5s duration of the contraction) and expressed as a percentage of the initial value measured at PRE were linearly interpolated between the nearest values at 25%, 50% and 75% of the exercise. The MVIC and BF RMS values retained at 100% of the number of sets performed corresponded to the value measured after the last set of each participant.
Statistical analyses
The normality of the distribution of each variable was tested using the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test. For normally distributed data, a repeated measures two-way ANOVA (limb × time) was performed to assess fatigue-induced adaptations. For non-normal distribution, the data was processed through the nonparametric Aligned Rank Transform (ART) procedure30 using ARTool (v. 2.1.2) for main, interaction and post hoc pairwise comparisons (ART-C procedure)31. Separate ANOVAs were performed on ART responses. The effect size of each ANOVA was estimated from partial eta square (η²p) values and considered as small when ~0.01, medium when ~0.06 and large when ≥ 0.14. Bonferroni post-hoc tests were used when a significant interaction or main effect was observed. The nonparametric Friedman test with Conover’s post hoc comparison with a Bonferroni correction was conducted on the RPF and PMS scores of both the EL and NEL. The effect size was calculated from the Kendall’s coefficient of concordance (Kendall’s W). During the unilateral fatiguing eccentric exercise, separate repeated-measures ANOVAs tested the time course of MVICs and total work and a repeated measures two-way ANOVA (limb × time) was performed to assess the time course of BF RMS values of both the EL and NEL. Significance was set at p < 0.05. Statistical analyses were performed using Statistica (Statsoft, version 8.0 Tulsa, OK, USA) or JAPS (v. 0.14) software. Unless specified, normally distributed data is expressed as mean ± SD (standard deviation) and non-normally distributed data is displayed as median (interquartile range) in the manuscript, in the tables and figures.