Crucial point of this work concerns assignment of signs of 13C‑15N coupling constants. It is well known, that the 15N nucleus has a negative gyromagnetic ratio [4, 6]. So, one could expect, that overwhelming majority of the 13C–15N constants studied in this work are negative (see below in more details). Our preliminary calculations shows, that there should be at least few of them exactly positive ones. The modulus of coupling nJCN can be determined experimentally as a doublet splitting from regular 13C NMR spectrum. In contrast, experimental determination of the sign could require special NMR experiments, as for instance, triple selective experiment 13C{1H, 15N}, soft‑COSY, COSY‑45 or high resolution HMBC or HSQC [1, 21]. To date, evidence-based experiments of this class for 13С‑15N couplings have not been done, yet. So the question of what sign of presented here literature 13C‑15N constants remains relevant. So, it is the matter of quantum chemical calculations that should play a significant role in assigning their signs.
The use of calculated values makes it possible to determine the absolute value of the coupling without resorting to complicated and time‑consuming NMR experiments on a given compound. The determining factor remains the evaluation of the set of experimental and calculated data in the form of a two-parameter model, since this approach makes it possible to estimate the practical error in comparison of experimental couplings with theoretical ones. This approach looks good for cases then the coupling are big in modulo and theory gives reasonable approach to experiment. If however, the coincidence between experimental and calculated values is not good enough, the sign of the coupling can be attributed erroneously. In this paper we suggest criterion for making the decision based on confidence level of decision-making based on the methods of applied probability theory [22]. The decision can be based on a fairly representative sample of experimental and calculated data. Here we test 2D map analysis based on the similarity between the calculated DFT and the experimental SSCC 13C-15N as a critical approach for this feature.
Compounds with sp-hybridized nitrogen
Experimental and calculated values of the 1JCN and 2JCN couplings in the series of aliphatic 1‑9 (Table 1) and aromatic nitriles 10‑14 (Table 2) are presented in Tables 1 and 2.
Table 1 Experimental and calculated values of 1JCN and 2JCN couplings in the series of aliphatic nitriles 1-9
CDCl3, C6F6
exptl, [23]
exptl, [24]
exptl, [25]
exptl, [26]
calcd a
exptl, [27]
calcd a
exptl, [27]
calcd a
exptl, [28]
exptl, [29]
calcd a
exptl, [30]
calcd a
exptl, [31]
calcd a
exptl, [31]
calcd a
exptl, [28]
calcd a
exptl, [32]
calcd a
a This work.
As can be seen from the values presented, the theoretical and calculated values of the couplings are in a narrow range of values for both aliphatic and aromatic derivatives. Thus, the direct coupling, according to the literature data, varies in the range 1JCN = -18.1 ─ -16.3 Hz, and the coupling through two bonds 2JCN = 1.89 ─ 3.8 Hz.
Figure 2 shows the correlation between the experimental and calculated values of SSCC 1JCN and 2JCN in the nitrile series 1‑14.
A two‑parameter linear regression model was used for statistical treatment of the experimental and calculated couplings.
Jexptl = α Jcalcd + β. (1)
For equation (1) in the nitrile series 1‑14 the correlation coefficient is 0.99, with a slope coefficient insignificantly different from unity (α = 1.03 ± 0.01) and the free term differs slightly statistically from zero (β = 0.28 ± 0.17), which can be considered a satisfactory coincidence of quantum chemical theory with the experiment for aliphatic and aromatic nitriles.
As can be seen from Figure 2, the values of the 1JCN and 2JCN couplings differ greatly, both by modulo and by sign. The high accuracy of the calculated values makes it possible to reliably determine the sign of the spin-spin coupling constant.
The calculated values of the two-bond coupling for nitriles 1-14 lie in the range of 2JCN = 2.50 ─ 4.09 Hz while the standard deviation of the experimental and calculated values of the couplings is 0.76 Hz which on intuitive basis allows us to assign of 1JCN as negative and 2JCN as positive ones. All geminal 13C‑15N couplings from the second cluster have smaller modules. Still, comparison, for example of 2JCN for compound 12 gives (2*2.7)/0.76 = 7.1. This is significant for a confidence level above the 99.9% level. In this case, we take the modulus of the experimental value with the sign corresponding to the calculation and place it in this form in Table 2.
We showed that 1JCN in the whole nitrile series 1-14 has a negative sign, while 2JCN values are positive. A similar approach in determining the sign of the couplings is used for subsequent series of objects. In the event that the resulting estimate is significant at a level of less than 99%, we also put the estimate of this constant in the corresponding table, but we take the sign of the number in brackets.
It should be noted that all the above mentioned one-bond SSCC 13С-15N are negative and relatively small in modulus compared, for example, with 13С-13С couplings through triple bonds in acetylenes [4, 36]. This can be explained by the negative gyromagnetic ratio of 15N, which, moreover, is approximately 2.5 times smaller in modulus than that of carbon. Such narrow ranges of values of both 1JCN and 2JCN couplings can be explained by the remoteness of the nitrile group from the main carcass of the molecule, or in other words, by the low degree of electronic coupling between the CN group and the groups that follow it. Thus, in aromatic substrates 10‑14 value of the couplings of nitrogen and carbon through one and two bonds, almost unchanged in the transition from electron-donor to electron-acceptor substituent and are weakly dependent on structural factors. All this leads to the visual fact that, apparently, there is no local correlation at all within both clusters.
Moreover, the transition from aliphatic nitriles to aromatic nitriles changes the type of hybridization of the sp3‑ and sp2‑ carbon atom, respectively, involved in spin-spin interaction through two bonds with a nitrogen atom, which could affect the value of 2JCN. However, for both the experimental and calculated values of the 2JCN couplings a similar range of values is observed for both aliphatic and aromatic nitriles.
It should also be noted such a clear separation of clusters, one-bond couplings and geminal couplings (see Fig. 2), accompanied by an alternation of signs: geminal couplings in all cases are positive and one-bond couplings are negative. This is in exact agreement with Dirac vector model of spin–spin coupling. However, the correct use of this approach requires additional verification that both spin-spin coupling data blocks are determined by the same dominant SSCC mechanism. Our calculations showed that all SSCC’s presented in Tables 1 and 2 are determined almost exclusively by the FC mechanism (from 65 to 75%). The SO term is the second most important, but in no case should its contribution exceed 25%. Since the stated condition is fulfilled, one should expect negative values for one-bond 13C‑15N couplings and positive values for the corresponding geminal couplings.
The dependence of the values of the couplings is most pronounced when the nitrogen atom is in close proximity to the basic skeleton of the molecule. One striking example is the isocyanide group in which the nitrogen atom is in a state of sp‑hybridization and bonded to two carbon atoms of different types. See Fig. 3.
Optimization of the geometry of the molecule confirmed the linear fragment of the isocyanide group in the isocyanide series 15‑28. Figure 3 shows the couplings through one bond of a nitrogen atom to two different carbon atoms. The dotted line shows the 1JC≡N coupling with the end carbene carbon atom, and the solid line shows the 1JC-N coupling with the carbon atom of the main skeleton of the molecule [37].
The results of calculations of the 1JC≡N and 1JC‑N couplings in the series of isonitriles are presented in Table 3.
The experimental value of the 1JC≡N coupling has a narrow range of values of -8.88 ─ -5.2 Hz and is almost independent of the structural features of the molecule skeleton. On the contrary, the value of the 1JC-N coupling essentially depends on the type of hybridization of the carbon atom. The values of the 1JC-N coupling vary within a very wide range of -20.0 ─ -7.0 Hz. As noted earlier, the 2JC≡N coupling in nitriles does not depend on the type of hybridization of the carbon atom; on the contrary, in the case of isocyanides there is a clear dependence between the value of the coupling and the type of hybridization of the carbon atom involved in the spin-spin interaction.
Figure 4 demonstrates correlation dependence between the calculated and experimental values of couplings 1JC≡N and 1JC-N in the series of isocyanides, among which both isocyanides with sp2-hybridized carbon atom of the main molecular framework and isocyanides with sp3‑hybridized carbon atom are presented.
The values of the experimental and calculated values of the coupling 1JC≡N are represented in Figure 4 by the dotted area (▲) and have a narrow scattering of values for the entire series of isonitriles 15‑28.
Figure 4 (■) shows the values of the 1JC‑N coupling for isocyanides 15‑21 in which the carbon atom bonded to nitrogen is in the sp3-hybridization state. Here we can recognize a total of three clusters, each combining constants with different nitrogen and/or carbon hybridizations. As can be seen from Figure 4, the values of 1JC-N are larger than 1JC≡N and also lie within a narrow range, while the similar values of the couplings for the substrates containing sp2‑hybridized carbon atom (●) significantly differ in value. Of particular note is the significant underestimation of the calculated values with the sp2 carbon atom at nitrogen.
It should be noted that all one-bond couplings of this type are negative. However, the relative values of the constants reveal an unexpected dependence. It could be expected that these constants with nitrogen would behave similarly to the related constants between carbon nuclei 13C‑13C, for which there is an almost linear increase in the constant from the s-character of the bond between carbon atoms [4]. For all studied here SSCC through one bond with the participation of nitrogen, on the contrary, for the C≡N triple bond, the smallest values are observed. We consider this fact unexpected and requires additional theoretical substantiation in the framework of the NJC/NBO approach [42].
For statistical treatment of experimental and calculated couplings in isocyanides, a two-parameter linear regression model according to equation (1) was used.
For equation (1) in the series of isocyanides 15‑28 the correlation coefficient is 0.99, with the value of the slope coefficient being significantly different from unity (α = 1.23 ± 0.04) and free term (β = 1.44 ± 0.40), which allows us to judge about a systematic error in the quantum chemical method used in the calculation of isocyanide couplings. The high value of the correlation coefficient indicates that the calculations take into account the redistribution of the electron density taking into account the transition of the carbon atom from sp3‑ to sp2‑ hybridization, and the calculated values of the couplings have the same dependence as the experimental values of the couplings. The root-mean-square deviation of the experimental and calculated values of the couplings is 1.22 Hz, which allows us to reliably determine the sign of the direct couplings. The couplings1JC‑N and 1JC≡N have negative values for the entire series of isocyanides 15‑28.
Such significant differences between the 1JC‑N couplings in aromatic and aliphatic isonitriles can serve as a reliable support for structural studies of organic molecules.
Compounds with sp2-hybridized nitrogen
Table 4 shows the experimental and calculated values of the 1JCN couplings in the series of aromatic nitro compounds 29‑44. In spite of the different variation of the substituents in the benzene ring, the value of the 1JCN coupling varies within a narrow range of values. Note that the introduction of electron-donor or electron-acceptor substituents has only a minor effect on the value of the coupling. 4‑substituted compounds 35 and 44 contain in their composition opposite electron effects of the substituents, but the value of the coupling 1JCN varies slightly.
In the optimization of the nitrobenzene 29 molecule, the nitro group is located in the plane of the benzene ring, which provides maximum overlap of the sp2‑hybridized nitrogen with the pi‑system of the molecule. The introduction of substituents in the ortho position, as in compound 47, leads to the fact that the nitro group leaves the plane of the benzene ring, but it does not affect significantly the value of the coupling 1JCN.
As can be seen from the table, all calculated values of the 1JCN couplings are in good agreement with experiment and allow us to reliably determine their sign. The standard deviation for this series of compounds is 1.01 Hz.
In the case of nitrobenzene (29), the authors [44] also measured long-range couplings, the values of which are shown in Table 5.
Table 5 Experimental and calculated values nJCN couplings (Hz) in nitrobenzene
exptl, [44]
calcd a
a This work.
As can be seen from Table 5, the experimental and calculated values of the long-range couplings are in good agreement. Optimization of the nitrobenzene geometry and the subsequent calculation of the long-range constants show a correct interpretation of the electronic properties of the molecule, which is reflected in the accuracy of the calculation of the long-range couplings.
Unsaturated nitrogen-containing heterocycles
Table 6 shows the values of the nJCN n = 1‑3 [15N]3,4‑dihydroisoquinoline and its derivatives. The nJCN n = 1‑3 imino nitrogen atom couplings have a wide range of values, which makes it possible to judge the electronic structure of the nitrogen atom in such compounds. From the values of the couplings given in Table 6, it should be noted that the presence of a free pair of electrons on the nitrogen atom significantly affects the value of the 1JCN couplings. Thus, the coupling of the imine nitrogen atom and the sp2‑hybridized carbon atom C1 in [15N]3,4‑dihydroisoquinoline (29) is 1JC1N = 2.9 Hz.
When the unshared electron pair of nitrogen is bound during protonation or during N‑oxide formation, the value of the1JC1N couplings increases markedly and is in the range of 1JC1N = -15.6 ─ -21.5 Hz for compounds 46‑48.
According to our calculations, when pyridine is protonated, the coupling 1JCN = 0.45 ‑ 0.70 Hz depending on the solvent for free pyridine, and for protonated pyridine 1JCN = -12.1 Hz (in trifluoroacetic acid) [46] (Table 7).
It is important to note that in the case of aromatic substrates, the value of the coupling is less than for 45.
Table 7 Experimental and calculated values nJCN couplings (Hz) in the pyridine derivatives
exptl a, [46]
exptl b, [46]
calcd c
Pyridinium cation
exptl b, [46]
calcd c
Pyridine N-oxide
exptl d, [47]
calcd c
a Neat.
b 30% (v/v) solution in methanol [46].
c This work.
d 1.0 M CDCl3.
The coupling of the imine nitrogen atom and the sp3‑hybridized carbon atom C3 also increases in the transition from 45 1JC3N = 3.4 Hz to the compounds 46-48 1JC3N = 5.9 ‑ 7.8 Hz, in which the unshared nitrogen pair is bound, but this increase in the coupling is not as significant as in the case of the imine carbon atom.
It is important to note that the values of the couplings through the two bonds 2JC4N and 2JC9N for compounds 46‑48, as reported by the authors in [19] 2JCN < 1.0 Hz, which correlates with the data of our calculations, so the calculated values of 2JC4N and 2JC9N are in the range 0.142‑0.776 Hz. In 3,4‑dihydroisoquinoline the same trend is observed, only the value of 2JC9N = 2.0 Hz.
The couplings of nitrogen and carbon through three bonds in compounds 46‑48 are more informative. According to the literature data [45], the values of the couplings for 46‑48 are in the range 3JC8N = 1.5‑3.9 Hz, and 3JC10N = 2.0-2.4 Hz.
In this case, the entire set of couplings comes out as one indivisible cluster, which characterizes a satisfactory correlation between theory and experiment. For equation (1) in the series of compounds under study (27 compounds), the correlation coefficient is 0.98, with the value of the slope coefficient (α = 1.05 ± 0.04) and the free term (β = -0.05 ± 0.32). The combined data for 27 interactions make it possible to clearly demonstrate the high convergence of the calculated values for all measured combinations in a series of six-membered cycles (Figure 5). The standard deviation in this series of compounds is 1.44 Hz.
Experimental values of the nJCN couplings in the indazole series are extensively presented in the work [48]. The unsubstituted indazole has two types of nitrogen atoms of the N-1 pyrrole type and the N-2 pyridine type. The variation of the substituents and the selective introduction of the isotope tag, leads to a significant diversity of the spin-spin interaction transfer couplings and routes. Various indazoles studied in the work [48] are presented in the table 8.
The experimental and calculated values of the nJCN constants of the indazole series are shown in Table 9. The values of the constants depend substantially on the spin-spin coupling pathroute. The determination of the sign of the constants was made possible by the high degree of correlation between the experimental and calculated values of the constants.
Table 9 Experimentala [48] and calculated values of the nJCN couplings (Hz) in the series of indazoles 52-60
15N b
exptl, [48]
calcd с
exptl, [48]
calcd с
exptl, [48]
calcd с
exptl, [48]
calcd с
exptl, [48]
calcd с
exptl, [48]
calcd с
exptl, [48]
calcd с
exptl, [48]
calcd с
exptl, [48]
calcd с
a Experimental spectra were recorded in DMSO-D6.
b Position of isotopic label.
с This work.
Table 10 presents experimental and calculated values of nJCN constants in [15N]indole. The experimental data were obtained in this work and are of great importance for the formation of a holistic picture about the structure and constants in the five-membered nitrogen-containing heterocyclic compounds. The high degree of correlation between the experimental data obtained and the quantum-chemical calculation together with the results for indazole derivatives are shown in figure 6.
Figure 6 shows the correlation between the experimental and calculated values of the nJCN couplings in the indazole series 52-60 and indole 61 where n = 1 - 4. In this case also, the entire set of couplings comes out as one cluster, which characterizes a good correlation between theory and experiment.
Two-parameter linear regression model of equation (1) was used for statistical treatment of experimental and calculated couplings.
For equation (1) in the series of compounds under study (53 compounds), the correlation coefficient is 0.99, with the value of the slope coefficient (α = 1.10 ± 0.02) and the free term (β = -0.18 ± 0.10). The combined data for 53 combinations make it possible to clearly demonstrate the high convergence of the calculated values for all measured combinations in a series of five-membered nitrogen-containing heterocycles. The standard deviation for series of compounds is 0.59 Hz, which makes it possible to reliably determine the sign of connections that exceed this value. Moreover, conjugations at the 3rd and 4th bonds fit well into the overall picture, which reliably describes the structural parameters in indazoles according to the calculated values.
Aromatic amines and ammonium ions
Aromatic amines 62‑74 are characterized by the nitrogen in the sp2‑hybridization state, in which the unshared electron pair of the nitrogen atom of the amino group overlaps with the aromatic pi-system. When the amino group is protonated, the nitrogen enters the sp3‑hybridization state and an effective charge arises on the nitrogen.
An important aspect is to study the behavior of the direct 1JCN coupling in the series of substituted amines 62‑74 and anilinium ions 75‑85, since protonation leads to a change in the type of nitrogen atom hybridization and, consequently, in the value of the coupling.
Thus, experimental and calculated values of 1JCN couplings are presented in table 11. As can be seen from the above values in the case of anilines, the location of substituents in the benzene ring of the molecule has a significant influence on the value of the coupling.
It is well known that the electronic properties of the substituent, differently affect the value of the coupling. For example, for 4‑nitroaniline containing electron‑accepting substituent, the value of coupling 1JCN = -14.7 Hz while the donor CH3O‑substituent in 4‑methoxyaniline changes the value of coupling 1JCN = -11.0 Hz. Since the substituents are at a distance relative to the amino group, these changes in the value of the couplings are mainly due to electronic effects in the molecule. Due to the fact that 1JCN in anilines changes even when the substituent is introduced into the deleted para-position, the values of the couplings change over a wide range, which can be used in structural studies.
Table 12 presents experimental and calculated values of nJCN constants in aniline and diphenylamine. As can be seen from Table 12, the experimental and calculated values of the long-range couplings are in good agreement.
Table 12 Experimental and calculated values of the long-range couplings nJCN (Hz) in the PhNH2 and Ph2NH
exptl [51]
calcd a
exptl [52]
calcd a
a This work.
Calculated values of nJCN couplings in anilines 62-74 and 86, are also in good agreement with the literature data. According to our calculations, there is only considerable systematic error in the estimation of the 1JCN couplings, however, the influence of electronic effects finds a clear trend in the calculated values. The RMS deviation for series of compounds is 0.86 Hz.
As can be seen from Table 11, the values of the 1JCN couplings in the protonated form of anilines 75‑85 are in the range -13.5 to -7.9 Hz and differ markedly from the analogous values for non-protonated anilines. It should be noted that there is a marked decrease in the value of the couplings modulo. When aniline is protonated, nitrogen transitions to the sp3‑hybridization state and the planar conformation of the hydrogen atoms is broken. Although the range of values of the 1JCN couplings remains approximately the same with the corresponding range of values for anilines, the nature of the effect on the direct coupling changes.
For the series of studied anilines the significant influence of electron effect of substituent in benzene ring is clearly seen while for anilinium ions the values of direct coupling depend less on the electronic properties of substituents, for example for compounds 80 and 81 where in the 4th position substituents with opposite electron effect are located, the value of coupling remains the same. The effect can be realized due to a change in the length of the CN triple bond due to the effects of conjugation of the aromatic ring with the CN bond.
The substituent at the ortho‑position with respect to the protonated ammonium group has a significant influence. It should be noted that the nature of the properties of the substituent plays a minor role; the location of two bulk substituents in the ortho-positions of the benzene ring has a much greater influence on the value of the coupling. Thus, the steric loading of the ortho positions leads to a noticeable increase in the value of the 1JCN bond. Apparently this is also related to some specific orbital interactions.
As in the case of anilines, the calculated values of the 1JCN couplings give an overestimate and a systematic error is observed. However, it should be noted that the calculated values still feel a dynamic change in the nature of the effect on the direct coupling. For the same compounds 80 and 81, the calculated values differ by 4.5 Hz from the experimental values, but they differ relative to each other by only 0.1 Hz, as in the case of the experimental values. The RMS deviation for series of compounds is 0.91 Hz.
Such a serious systematic error in the calculations may be caused by a number of factors. In the case of incomplete protonation of the amino group under experimental conditions, the 1JCN coupling will be the average of the contributions of the two forms of free aniline and aniline ion. In the case of protonated compounds and the effect of steric effect, the choice of solvent, both for spectrum registration and for quantum‑chemical calculations, plays an important role. Calculations in the isolated molecule approximation give very accurate estimates of the couplings for objects weakly interacting with the solvent. It should be noted that the experiment for this series of compounds was carried out quite a long time ago and, apparently, requires additional verification.
All studied compounds together
The correlation between the experimental and calculated values of the entire set of studied in this work spin-spin coupling constants is shown in Figure 7.
A two-parameter linear regression model was used for statistical processing of experimental and calculated couplings.
For the equation (1) in a series of the studied compounds (193 couplings) the correlation coefficient is equal to 0.98 with the value of the slope coefficient insignificantly differing from unity (α = 1.01 ± 0.01) and almost zero free term (β = 0.08 ± 0.16). The totality of the data on 193 couplings allows to demonstrate a high convergence of the calculated values and the possibility of using the obtained data for predicting the values of the couplings. The root-mean-square deviation for the entire data sample is 1.5 Hz, which allows us to reliably determine the sign of the couplings exceeding this value. As can be seen from Figure 6, some sets of values have overestimated calculated results, which can be explained by systematic errors of the calculated method.
The use of such dependencies makes it possible to estimate the value of the couplings and to plan NMR experiments in advance, where preliminary knowledge of the value of the couplings is necessary. It should be noted that the standard deviation for the entire set of studied data on the 13C‑15N constants, as expected, has a value that exceeds this parameter for all eight local samples studied (see above). The best agreement between the calculated and experimental values is observed for a number of five-membered nitrogen-containing heterocycles. It is the compounds of this class (namely, substituted indoles, pyrroles, indazoles, oxa- and thiazoles, etc.) that seem to us the most important from the point of view of predicting their structure by NMR. In these five-membered cycles, which are very important for pharmaceutics, the set of “standard” spectral parameters (with the participation of 1H and 13C nuclei) is very limited, which causes growing interest in the search for new approaches to elucidation of their structure, including those based on the use of spin-spin constants interactions involving 15N nuclei.