In the wake of the sixth report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2021), carbon removal strategies have come to appear an inevitable feature of meeting climate targets. Pathways toward 1.5 or even 2 degrees C warming above pre-industrial levels, it now seems, will not be not possible without the drawdown of atmospheric or ‘legacy' carbon dioxide (IPCC, 2018). Known as negative emissions technologies or NETs, these remove carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere and store it as durably as possible. The need for NETs is deemed necessary despite potential changes in how people use energy, buildings, and vehicles as well as what people eat and, more broadly, how they live or define a good life (Temple and Crownhart, 2022). However, the potential for such drawdown will depend on, amongst other factors, the social acceptability of its many forms (IPCC, 2022).
While IPCC pathways rely on a limited set of options for drawdown -- afforestation in the low drawdown scenarios, and bioenergy with carbon capture and storage in the higher drawdown cases (IPPC 2022) -- scientists, businesses and beyond are developing and examining a growing portfolio of NETs. In parsing this array, decisive categories prove elusive but some scholars have grouped them according to whether a NET is ‘nature-based’ vs. ‘engineered’ (Bertram & Merk, 2020). ‘Nature-based’ NETs, like afforestation and coastal restoration, have numerous environmental and social co-benefits, but may have limited potential for addressing the sheer volume of removals needed (Minx et al., 2018). Many terrestrial options may also introduce justice implications by competing with equally pressing needs for food production (e.g., expanding afforestation into agricultural areas) (Schubel and Helmer 2021). Enhanced rock weathering – the surficial application of minerals in the form of rock silicates to capture atmospheric CO2 -- is promising and readily deployable (Beerling et al., 2020), but its cost, material toxicity and scalability remain a concern (Strefler et al., 2018). While most of these options work to enhance existing carbon sinks, others seek to more directly capture and store carbon (Kelemen et al., 2019). BECCS, which as noted above feature heavily in IPCC models, have raised many concerns about life cycle emissions (e.g., producing more CO2 than is captured) (Fajardy et al., 2019; Hurd et al., 2022; National Academies of Sciences, 2021). And not all BECCS are NETs, in particular those not aimed at targeting legacy emissions per se, but rather at reducing emissions via production of lower-CO2 fuels. Still other approaches that modify ocean biogeochemistry—such as ocean fertilization—may raise concerns about the environmental and social effects of direct intervention in the marine environment (Bertram & Merk, 2020; Cox et al., 2021).
Also controversial are heavily engineered technologies or approaches that are not categorized as NETs but are often discussed in reference to them. Carbon capture and storage (CCS) involves point-source capture of carbon dioxide rather than atmospheric capture of excess CO2, and is often not socially acceptable given its perceived association with fossil energy more broadly (L׳Orange Seigo et al., 2014a; L’Orange Seigo et al., 2014b). Approaches glossed as solar geoengineering raise questions of ‘messing with nature’: for example, the manipulation of the climate system through stratospheric aerosol injection ( Corner et al., 2013; Braun et al., 2018; Corner et al., 2013; Thomas et al., 2018). Ultimately, most scientists, engineers and climate-oriented NGOs agree that no single NET (or related approach) will meet the carbon removal challenge where the challenge remains: (a) the continued need for reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, and finding options that (b) meet the sheer gigaton per-year scale of removals needed as well as (c) provide durable (long term) storage (Hurd et al., 2022).
1.1 Capturing carbon from the air and storing it deep underground
More recently, a new class of engineered technologies has emerged, which has the potential to address some of the social concerns associated with conventional CCS, solar radiation management, or undesirable changes to ocean biogeochemistry (Gutknecht et al., 2018; Kelemen et al., 2019). These new approaches use direct air carbon capture in combination with durable sequestration within geological reservoirs—and are also known as “DACCS”, or direct air carbon capture with storage (Climeworks, n.d.). Geological storage can be affiliated with hydrocarbons (e.g., by using depleted gas reservoirs) or feature dedicated reservoirs. Mineral reservoirs (e.g., in basalt, much of which is offshore) is an example of the latter, where the promise is for stored CO2 to form carbonates (mineralize) over time, transforming into rock. Ultimately, the expectation is that several technologies and processes will be combined to achieve long-term geological sequestration of CO2 that can be operationalized widely. All such approaches are gaining momentum to the degree that offshore carbon capture and ocean storage is fully evident and financially supported in the U.S. (D'Angelo, 2022). Here we provide a detailed study of public thinking about one such system known as Solid Carbon (Solid Carbon, n.d.). It includes: (1) the use of renewables (e.g., wind at sea) to power the capture of atmospheric CO2; (2) the use of complexes of machines to convert captured CO2 into a fluid or ‘pure’ form (i.e., as compared to CO2 captured from fossil or industrial process emissions), and (3) injection of CO2 into subseafloor porous basalts where it is expected to remain permanently ‘still’ (due to reservoir characteristics and deep ocean pressure) and/or mineralize into solid carbonate rock as noted above (Tutolo et al., 2021).
1.2 Understanding public views on DAC-based capture and mineralization of CO2
The challenge for these emerging systems is their sheer complexity from the point of view of their societal viability as concerns both how they are governed and what they are comprised of, and even whether people are generally optimistic or pessimistic about new technologies. At minimum, any multi-faceted technology of this kind is comprised of attributes likely to invoke both highly negative responses amongst public groups (e.g., due to injection deep underground) and highly positive ones (e.g., due to use of renewables to power direct air capture of CO2) (Pollard & Rose, 2019, Cooley et al, 2023). Support or rejection cannot also be reduced to the attributes of the technology alone, as the values people hold will also likely matter be that about the responsibility people hold for natural systems , about the severity of and urgency assigned to climate problems (Cox et al., 2020), or about the trust assigned to those responsible for risk management and the quality of decision making itself (Buck, 2016).
The purpose of this paper is to investigate emerging public thinking in general and in reference to the many components and linked values, as well as the potential positive and negative outcomes of a carbon dioxide removal system of this kind. Specifically, we seek to understand whether a potential application of a DAC-plus-mineralization system is perceived as overly concerning given its perceived physical, economic or social risks, thus suggesting little ‘social license’ to proceed. Or, might such systems be perceived as a viable CDR solution with economic and social co-benefits? We divide our efforts into consideration of perceived advantages and disadvantages of such an approach based on existing studies and analogous social science literatures from which we draw.
Potential perceived advantages of DACC systems of this kind include: the potential ‘draw down’ of legacy emissions in the form of atmospheric CO2 could be implemented by an entity outside of the oil and gas sector given recent criticisms of that industry (Wallquist et al., 2012). As well, DACC technologies need not rely on proximity to any one point-source industrial facility or a supply of sustainable biomass, as is the case for conventional CCS or BECCS respectively. Projects might also eventually be co-located with renewables, which could avoid energy transportation problems or involve off-grid power generation (e.g., avoiding competition with electrification in other sectors) (Strefler et al., 2018). Their potential capacity to offer CO2 removal at the gigaton scale with a degree of permanence (as mineralized rock) also avoids the landmass needed for options such as afforestation, where stored carbon is susceptible to wildfires (Kelemen et al., 2019), and involves converting large portions of the global food production land base to forest (Qiu et al., 2022). Other forms of mineralization could involve distribution of fine crushed rock across lands, but this again requires a very large terrestrial footprint (Kelemen et al., 2019). When combined with geologic storage, another possibility is that such DACC-plus-mineralization projects might be preferred given their potential for employing skills from those formerly employed by the oil and gas sector—a consideration for scholars of just energy transitions (Swennenhuis et al., 2020). As well, it is possible that people might regardless perceive the storage associated with mineralization to be unique, as it involves storing CO2 as inert rock, as opposed to storage perceived as a more labile or fluid in form.
To possible perceived disadvantages, public groups might associate any injection of CO2 with the purposeful injection of high-pressure liquids to open new fissures in rock, as with hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”). Little is known, as well, about how discrete aspects of capture and storage system are perceived. Tcvetkov et al., (2019) found, for example, that most studies of CCS and CDR are devoted to storage and not its transport and capture, and so we know little about how these components influence acceptability judgments or their opposite. A technology of this kind may also require large investments of time, money and energy to become viable at scale (Fuss et al., 2018; Qiu et al., 2022). This option is also currently one of the most expensive NETs, requiring a level of design, engineering and oversight that surpasses other NETs (Giannousakis et al., 2021; Ishimoto et al., 2017). Concern about impacts on ocean systems might also prevail, as might concerns regarding natural seismicity, leakage, or other impacts associated with subsurface drilling and injection (Erans et al., 2022). Intervening in coastal and ocean space as well as the deep sea may also evoke strong risk perceptions, as commonly found in studies of social response to ocean fertilization among other examples (Cox et al., 2021).
Distrust of those who might monitor or govern such systems might be a barrier for implementation, as it has been in numerous other evaluations of the risks associated with unknown technologies (Siegrist & Cvetkovich, 2002). Knowledge amongst the general public of both DACC and mineralization is also low at best as the language of ‘NETs’ and ‘carbon removal’ is only just entering the public lexicon: roughly, 9.6% awareness in the US and 5.7% in the UK (Cox et al., 2020). DACCS of this kind -- demonstrations aside (e.g., Climeworks, 2021) -- might also be regarded as too slow to a point of operation and so frustrate those who feel a more urgent need to act as soon as possible (Cox et al., 2020). Lastly and importantly, options that involve DACCS might also be seen as too burdened by problems of ‘moral hazard’, or ‘mitigation deterrence’ (Markusson et al., 2018). This is the idea that such technologies will deter development or investments in renewables (Markusson et al., 2022), encourage avoidance of hard energy-transition decisions (Baatz, 2016) or enable continued dependence on fossil fuels (Anderson & Peters, 2016).
To summarize these possibilities, the goal of this paper is to understand how newly emerging systems of this kind are perceived, including:
- Whether support for a DAC and mineralization system is driven by views on its deep-ocean components (injection, drilling and storage) versus its above sea-surface features (offshore platform, wind energy and capture of atmospheric carbon);
- Whether any perceived negative consequences of a DAC and mineralization system (e.g., moral hazards, concerns about leakage, cost, ocean pollution or impacts to ocean ecosystems) outweigh any perceived positive outcomes (e.g., as addressing legacy emissions or climate change more broadly, employing former oil and gas workers, reducing land use competition associated with other NETs);
- Lastly, whether values about nature, perceived urgency of climate change as a problem or (dis)trust of responsible parties, predict support of rejection of such systems?
We investigate these questions using the aforementioned case of Solid Carbon (Solid Carbon, n.d.). It has been proposed for a demonstration project in the EEZ waters of the Pacific Northwest’s Cascadia Basin, and was previously the subject of a pre-feasibility study under the name of CarbonSafe (Goldberg et al., 2018). We describe the case’s site and study design below before discussing the results of a representative survey of public views amongst residents (n=2120) living in Washington state and British Columbia, that is, in the vicinity of the Cascadia Basin.