1.1 A changing epidemiology of mosquito-borne viruses
Dengue is the most widely distributed mosquito-borne viral infection. Dengue virus (DV) is primarily transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes, with an annual incidence of cases increasing from ca. 29 millions in 1990, to ca. 57 millions in 2019[1]. DV is prevalent in 128 countries - mostly located in tropical regions, where rainfall, temperature, relative humidity and rapid unplanned urbanization favor DV mosquito vectors[2–7].
Worldwide, Aedes aegypti is the most important and efficient DV vector, followed by Aedes albopictus[7, 8]. Nevertheless, in several south-western Indian Ocean islands (SWOI) - especially in La Reunion, Ae. albopictus is considered as the main DV vector[9]. Several dengue epidemics have been reported since 1977/78, when a large type-2 DV outbreak infected ca. 30% of the population[10]. However, only 3 to 31 sporadic DV cases were reported yearly, until the occurrence of a new type-1 DV outbreak, with 228 reported cases[11]. Since 2015, DV outbreaks yearly occurred[12]. More than 16,000 cases were reported in 2020[13]. At the end of July 2021 - i.e., at the end of DV transmission season, public-health authorities reported 27,213 confirmed dengue cases and 15 deaths as of January 2021[14]. The consecutive circulation of several DV serotypes is accompanied by an increased risk of clinical severity, a possible sign of DV endemisation[15].
Besides DV, Aedes albopictus is also the main vector of the chikungunya virus (CV). In July 2004, CV firstly spread from outbreaks on the East African coast to the Comoros Archipelagos, and all the other SWIO islands thereafter. In La Réunion, CV transmission was intense, with 300,000 cases recorded during a first wave (2005), and more than 250,000 cases during a second wave (2006), with more than 200 deaths, despite much efforts devoted to the control of vector populations[16, 17].
1.2 Aedes aegypti in La Reunion: uncovering peculiarities
Soghigian et al.[18] found the common ancestor Ae. aegypti s.s., after diverging from Ae. mascarensis seven million years ago, colonized the African continent less than 85,000 years ago, long after it had colonized La Reunion and other SWIO islands, including Madagascar. Kotsakiozi et al.[19] reported the Ae. aegypti strain found on La Reunion was genetically unique, and close to Ae. mascarensis. Thus, Ae. aegypti mosquitoes found nowadays in this island might have diverged from Ae. mascarensis populations. This last species is absent from La Reunion, but endemic to Mauritius[20]. Indeed, Ae. aegypti mosquitoes described in La Reunion, are peculiar. They show the morphological traits of Ae. aegypti aegypti, sharing ecological traits with Ae. aegypti formosus. Both mosquitoes are considered as subspecies of Ae. aegypti s.s. spreading on the African continent less than 1,000 years ago[18]. In La Reunion, the distribution of Ae. aegypti mosquitoes seems to be restricted to a few rural areas[21]. This tiny distribution is attributed to the competition with Ae. albopictus mosquitoes, which are predominant in urban areas[22]. The same authors also identified evidences of introgression events from Asian strains of Ae. aegypti aegypti, which were probably moped up from urban environments during DDT campaigns against malaria vectors[18].
Since the first description of Ae. aegypti in Saint-Paul, La Reunion in 1907[23], little information on its preferred development sites were obtained, unlike Ae. albopictus. The latter shows a strong ecological plasticity. It is present on almost all along the island’s coastline, up to an altitude of 1,200 m (800 m during the dry season), both in urban and rural sites. It uses natural and anthropogenic water collections such as rock holes and saucers under flower pots as larval sites[21, 24]. Following the discovery of Ae. aegypti in 1907, a discontinuous distribution up to 600 m altitude, especially in the western part of the island, was observed in the 1950’s[25]. Thereafter, observations of Ae. aegypti mosquitoes were not reported for more than 30 years: the population seemed to have disappeared from La Reunion. It was actually restricted to a few natural habitats,[21] such as rock holes that it shares with Ae. albopictus and is never found in artificial sites[22], unlike the urban pan-tropical Ae. aegypti aegypti. In La Reunion, the distribution of Ae. aegypti remains poorly known. Individuals of this species are rarely caught by the oviposition trap network implemented by the Regional Health Agency (ARS) to monitor Ae. albopictus populations. Thus, only a few Ae. aegypti eggs - vs. thousands of Ae. albopictus eggs, were collected by the ARS ovitrap network in the months preceding our study: 5 vs. 4,063 in 15 ovitraps set in our study site from 28 July 2020, to 6 October 2020, G. Dupuy, unpublished data).
This study was the first step of a research project aiming at providing methods and tools for controlling Aedes mosquito populations in La Reunion, with the boosted Sterile Insect Technique (SIT). This mosquito-control strategy is derived from classical SIT, which consists in large-scale release of sterile male mosquitoes to reduce wild mosquito populations. Mosquitoes are mass-reared in the laboratory, sexed, and then sterilized through a mixture of X- and \(\gamma\)-ray irradiation before being released in the wild. Wild virgin females mate with sterile males and therefore have no offspring. In boosted SIT, sterile males are coated with a biocide before release. They are used as carriers of the biocide to females and larval sites. The boosted SIT approach may allow considerable cost savings by reducing the numbers of sterile males to be released, as well as the frequency of releases[26, 27].
A pilot trial of boosted SIT was conducted in 2021 against Ae. aegypti in Saint-Joseph in the south of La Reunion. An accurate knowledge of the ecology and phenology of target mosquito populations is needed before starting any SIT-based control program.[28] For instance, egg sterility - combined with the ratio of released sterile to wild males (available from the outcome of adult traps, such as CO2baited BG traps), allow assessing the competitiveness of sterile vs. wild males[29]. In addition, competitive release - i.e., better population dynamics, is expected for Ae. albopictus following the population reduction of its competitor, i.e. occupying the same breeding sites. Should such changes occur in the relative dynamics of these populations, they would only be detected if an efficient trapping method provided accurate apparent densities estimates for both species. Thus, it was necessary to assess and optimize the sensitivity and efficiency of oviposition traps which are widely used to assess the density of eggs laid down by gravid Aedes mosquito females[30, 31]. Preliminary observations in the study area revealed rock holes, human-created micro-habitats, and tree holes exclusively hosted Ae. albopictus larvae. Aedes aegypti larvae were only found in water collections at the inner basis of vacoa-tree leaves (Pandanus utilis) (Fig. 1a, 1b, and 1c, and fig. S3), together with Ae. albopictus larvae.
1.3 Goals
The aim of this field experiment was to optimize oviposition trap settings - including height position, baiting scheme and oviposition surface, for the detection of Ae. aegypti mosquito population, and assessment of their density.
The main question addressed in this field experiment was:
What it the best setting for the ovitrap - including for survival of immature stages from hatching eggs up to the fourth larval instar (L4) occurring during the laboratory-rearing step, to maximize the probability to detect Ae. aegypti mosquitoes - and to provide accurate apparent density estimates for Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus populations ?
The study was conducted in the municipality of Saint-Joseph, in the south of La Reunion. Two sites were selected after preliminary investigations to assess the presence of well-established Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus mosquito populations:
a 10-ha tree orchard located along the Langevin River, planted with vacoa trees (Pandanus utilis), coconut trees and other indigenous or endemic trees (latitude 21°23′04.2″S, and longitude 55°38′45.3″E),
an isolated “ravine” (i.e, a narrow valley) with a riparian forest, covering ca. 2 ha, lying between the main road and the Indian Ocean (latitude 21°22′48.2″S, and longitude 55°39′34.7″E) in the Vincendo district of St Joseph municipality.
1.4 Study design
Black plastic ovitraps were used in the field experiment (Fig. 1b): Ae. aegypti female mosquitoes prefer to lay their eggs in black containers.[30,32−34] Each ovitrap was filled with 250 mL of tap water. A Latin square design was adopted to control the effect of external factors possibly influencing the outcome: air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, habitat suitability for feeding, breeding, and resting. At each site, two well-developed vacoa trees were selected and kept all along the experiment. Three bimodal factors were crossed on each tree (i.e., eight traps / tree) during a given trapping session:
1. Height position (covariate “pos”) in the vacoa tree: ground level (“ground”) vs. tree-canopy level (“canopy”): between 1.5 and 2.0 m high,
2. Oviposition surface (covariate “surf”): blotting paper strip, innocuity assessed for Aedes eggs (“paper”) vs. piece of vacoa leaf (“leaf”): see Fig. 1d,
3. Organic matter (covariate “om”): addition (“added”), or not (“none”) to trap water. We used commercial fish food (JBL™ Novo Cuppy).
With two vacoa trees per site, a total of 32 outcomes were recorded on each trapping session: two sites * two trees / site * eight traps / tree. Each ovitrap had four possible (surf, om) combinations. Thus, four trapping sessions were needed to complete a replicate, i.e., 128 outcomes / replicate. Each replicate lasted two weeks. Two replicates were implemented in this experiment, for a total of 256 outcomes.