MS is characterized by the development of focal areas of demyelination on a background of inflammation. As of now there is no actual cure for MS, and the current FDA approved therapies mainly target the inflammatory component, in order to contain myelin damage. Some of these strategies however, for example the use of Fingolimod, are also able to increase the efficiency of the remyelination process [52–55]. In most mouse models, remyelination is a spontaneous process, occurring in response to demyelination, and leads to functional recovery. In MS in humans, however, this process is poorly efficient and its failure ultimately results in axonal dysfunction, degeneration, and loss of sensory and motor function [56]. For this reason, therapies that increase the chances of the regenerative outcome of demyelination have been getting more and more attention recently. The strategies that are currently being developed to increase efficiency of remyelination can be grouped as follows: 1) cell transplant, involving the transplantation of myelination-competent cells directly into lesion sites [57, 58]; 2) promotion of repair by the resident CNS stem- and precursor-cell populations, through the administration of growth, trophic, and neuroprotective factors [59]; 3) use of CNS reactive antibodies to induce remyelination [60]. Two of these remyelination promoting antibodies, BIIB033 and rHIgM22, are currently in clinical trial for MS treatment. The first is an anti-LINGO-1 IgG acting on LINGO-1, a protein known to inhibit remyelination via RhoA activation, and is currently being tested in a Phase II study in relapsing-remitting MS ( NCT01864148). The second antibody, instead, is an IgM sharing several features with naturally occurring antibodies and is currently undergoing a phase I clinical trial aimed to evaluate safety and tolerability in relapsing MS patients ( NCT02398461), after the first phase I clinical trial in MS patients was completed successfully ( NCT01803867). This antibody, rHIgM22, first identified from a patient with Waldenström macroglobulinemia, has been shown to bind selectively to myelin and to the surface of oligodendrocytes in vitro [30, 31]. Moreover, there is evidence showing that this antibody is able to enter the central nervous system, accumulate in the demyelinated lesions, and promote remyelination in mouse models of chronical demyelination [31, 32]. The signaling mechanisms through which this antibody exerts its function is still unclear, even if recent evidence suggests the involvement of a pathway involving Lyn and ERK cascade, which leads to inhibition of the apoptotic pathway and also to inhibition of OPCs differentiation and promotion of OPCs proliferation [35, 61]. Lyn activation seems to be subsequent to an rHIgM22 mediated reorganization of a signaling complex which includes Lyn itself, integrin αvβ3 and PDGFαR [34, 62]. Nevertheless, the actual binding target of rHIgM22 has yet to be identified. Evidence suggests that the antigen recognized by rHIgM22 could be associated with plasma membrane lipid rafts and that this target could be represented either by a sulfated glycolipid or by a multimolecular complex including a sulfated antigen. rHIgM22, in fact, binds the CNS tissues with a pattern similar to that of O4, an anti-sulfatide antibody (even if probably other molecules are as well recognized by O4 [63, 64]. Moreover, binding of rHIgM22 is abolished in CNS tissues from CST (-/-) mice, suggesting that the antigen recognized by rHIgM22 could be one or more CST-sulfated antigens present in myelin and on the surface of oligodendrocyte [33, 34]. On the other hand, it is known that the expression of several myelin proteins is deeply altered in CST (-/-) mice [65].
The analysis of the binding of rHIgM22 to different amounts of sulfatide, tested with different techniques (TLC immunostaining and surface plasmon resonance assays), revealed that rHIgM22 is indeed able to recognize sulfatide in vitro. Moreover, SPR experiments, where antigen presentation is closer to the one happening in a biological membrane respect to TLC immunostaining, showed that the binding of this remyelination promoting antibody to sulfatide is specific, suggesting that sulfatide could actually be one of the molecular targets of rHIgM22. Interestingly, rHIgM22 is also able to recognize lysosulfatide, the deacylated form of sulfatide, usually present in the normal CNS as a minor component, but whose levels can be increased in some pathological conditions, such as metachromatic leukodystrophy, a demyelinating disease [45, 46, 66]. Moreover, the binding of rHIgM22 to lysosulfatide is specific. In both cases, however, the affinity resulted quite low if compared to that of other known anti-glycolipid antibodies, such as the anti-lactosylceramide T5A7, for their own target [38]. Evidence reported in the literature, on the other hand, shows that, in model membranes, antibody recognition of sulfatide is affected by the membrane lipid microenvironment. This evidence suggests that the lipid environment might play a role in the determination of the surface topology of sulfatide. Distinct populations of anti-sulfatide antibodies show a different reactivity to sulfatide in a dipalmitoyl-PC/cholesterol environment or in a sphingomyelin/cholesterol environment. Moreover, length and hydroxylation of fatty acid chain of PC or of SM seem to restrict the recognition to higher affinity antibodies [43, 44]. Interestingly, our data obtained using SPR assays suggests that the binding of rHIgM22 to sulfatide might be affected by the composition of the lipid microenvironment. In particular, the presence of either GalCer or cholesterol lead to a reduction of the binding of rHIgM22 to sulfatide-containing monolayers, whereas SM has the opposite effect, suggesting that that the presence of different lipids, at a certain density, might be required to allow an optimal recognition of the antigen by rHIgM22. Sulfatide topology, distribution and dynamics in phospholipid bilayers, however, is also affected by the presence of proteins that are supposed to be physiologically relevant partners of sulfatide, such as myelin basic protein (MBP) [67, 68]. Furthermore, several studies highlighted a role of external factors, like the presence of soluble sulfatide binding proteins [69], pH [70, 71], and the presence of cations [72, 73] in the dynamics and distribution of sulfatide in phospholipid bilayers. This suggests that the binding of rHIgM22 to sulfatide in oligodendrocytes and in myelin could be affected by a plethora of factors, and could actually be different than the one observed in the in vitro experiments.
The analysis regarding the binding of rHIgM22 was not limited to sulfatide and its deacylated form. Considering that glycerophospholipids in myelin represent approximately 43% of the total dry weight [49], and that we observed a diffuse binding of both rHIgM22 and control IgM to glycerophospholipids in total lipid extracts, the binding of rHIgM22 to several pure glycerophospholipids was assessed through TLC immunostaining. This set of experiments revealed no significant binding of rHIgM22 to PC, the most abundant phospholipid in any biological membrane, or to its deacylated form, lyso-PC, whereas a non-specific weak binding to PE, and a specific binding to PA, PS and PI was observed under experimental conditions similar to those used to assess binding to sulfatide. These lipids are usually enriched in the cytoplasmic leaflet of the plasma membrane, nevertheless the start point of several important biological processes causes a redistribution of PS from the inner to the outer, surface of the plasma membrane. For example, during the blood-clotting cascade, the transbilayer asymmetry of PS in the plasma membrane of activated platelets is markedly altered so that PS becomes exposed on the cell surface [74, 75]. During sperm maturation, the asymmetric distribution of PS in the plasma membrane changes and PS becomes exposed on the surface of the sperm [76]. The well-characterized process where there is a transbilayer movement of PS from the inner to the outer leaflet is during the early stages of apoptosis: the exposure of PS on the surface of apoptotic cells ("eat me" signal) has been identified as both an early event in apoptosis and a prerequisite for engulfment of these cells by phagocytic cells [77–80]. In addition, the exposure of PS on the surface of red blood cells serves as a signal for eryptosis [81]. Furthermore, lyso-PS (PS hydrolysis product) is exposed on the surface of activated and dying neutrophils thus initiating the clearance of these cells during acute inflammation [82]. PS has not only extracellular functions, but it has been demonstrated also its participation in many intracellular processes. For example, PS is the precursor of PE via the mitochondrial enzyme PS decarboxylase [83]. Although PS represents a minor phospholipid in mammalian cells, it is required for many fundamental cellular processes. The essential role of PS in mammalian cells was highlighted by the observation that mice in which PS synthesis was completely eliminated did not survive [84].
The binding of rHIgM22 to other myelin glycolipids, including GalCer, GlcCer, LacCer, SM, and several gangliosides, was also assessed, however the antibody did not show a significant binding to any of the aforementioned lipids.
Since it has been demonstrated that in mixed glial cell cultures rHIgM22 induces an increased production and release to the extracellular environment of sphingosine 1-phosphate [85], we also assessed the binding of rHIgM22 to this lipid. However, no significant binding was observed.
The binding of rHIgM22 was also observed in lipid mixtures obtained from a variety of relevant biological samples, including wild type, ASM (-/-), CST (+/-) and CST (-/-) mice brains, mouse mixed glial cells (MGC), mouse astrocytes, rat rHIgM22+ oligodendrocytes, rat microglia, and mouse myelin. The analysis of these samples not only showed the presence of a double band co-migrating with the sulfatide standard, thus confirming the data obtained using pure sulfatide from a commercial source.
Summarizing, the data so far collected demonstrate that rHIgM22 binds to sulfatide and, to a lesser extent, to lysosulfatide in vitro, which is in agreement with the observation that rHIgM22 is able to bind to myelin and to oligodendrocytes, and that its binding is abolished in CNS tissue from CST (-/-) mice. Moreover, the binding affinity for both sulfatide and its deacylated derivate is low, even if the binding is specific. However, our data shows that the binding affinity of rHIgM22 for sulfatide can be modulated by the presence of other lipids suggesting a possible role of the membrane microenvironment in the recognition of the antigen by rHIgM22. In addition, rHIgM22 also reacts with phosphatidic acid, phosphatidylserine and phosphatidylinositol. This suggests that not only sulfatide, but also other membrane lipids might play a role in the binding of rHIgM22 to oligodendrocytes and other cell types. Indeed, this observation could explain why rHIgM22 is able to elicit biological responses in cell types (including astrocytes [86] and microglia [87]) Moreover, binding of rHIgM22 to intact cells might require a complex molecular arrangement and or a peculiar cell surface recognition pattern (especially considering the multivalent nature of IgMs). In cell types expressing significant sulfatide levels, sulfatide might be the key actor in the functional rHIgM22 antigen localized at the cell surface, thus explaining the strong surface labeling observed in oligodendrocytes. However, in cell types with low or absent sulfatide expression, other lipids might contribute in the assembly of a surface recognition patterns, still able to elicit cellular responses. Understanding whether rHIgM22 effect on remyelination involves a lipid-organized membrane complex, and the exact identity of the antigen involved and their organization in this complex is of great importance. The identification of the binding targets of this antibody, able to promote remyelination in validated mouse models of MS, and the characterization of their membrane microenvironment could significantly contribute to the reveal the signaling mechanisms underlying the biological activity of rHIgM22. This, in turn, would allow to obtain a better comprehension of the process of (re)myelination, and of the molecular mechanism involved in the pathophysiology of multiple sclerosis, thus allowing to define new potential therapeutic targets.