Strength property
Compressive strength
The compressive strength of different mortar mixtures is presented in Figure 6. The compressive strength of all mixtures varied between 32MPa and 65MPa after 28 days of curing. At the age of 90 days, there is a continuous improvement in the compressive strength performance of all the mixtures except L15CCG30. As can be seen in Figure 6, at 7, 28, and 90 days, the mixture containing the type of KZ calcined clay (CCZ30) and the control mixture exhibited comparable compressive strength but lower than the mixture containing 8% silica fume. This is in agreement with results obtained earlier by Antoni et al. (2012), which showed that the replacement of cement with a blend of calcined clay and limestone produced a comparable mechanical property as plain Portland cement. The 7, 28, and 90-day compressive strength of CCG30, the calcined clay with lower pozzolanic activity and greater particle size, is lower than CCZ30 about 15-29%. Based on results reported by Tironi et al. (2012), the compressive strength of blended cement with 30% of calcined clay with medium and high kaolinite content (48-94% kaolinite content) reaches or surpasses the level of compressive strength of Portland cement mortar at 28 days. For both calcined clays which are used in the present study, adding 15% limestone with specification corresponding to Table 1, was led to a reduction of compressive strength. In this regard, the mixture with 15% limestone exhibited a reduction in strength between 11% and 13% compared to those without limestone. The authors believe that the addition of both calcined clay and limestone can lead to a marked decrease in the compressive strength of the mortars due to the high substitution and dilution effect.
Durability properties
Water absorption
The results of water absorption related to mortar specimens are presented in Figure 7. It can be seen that both the SF8 and CCZ30 mortar mixtures displayed a lower amount of water absorption compared to the control mixture (for every three times of immersion processes). This event may be attributed to the fact that the hydration products formed by the pozzolanic reaction in mixtures including calcined clay are deposited in the pores and as a result, these mixtures contained fewer interconnected pores compared to the control mixture. According to Figure 7, the CCZ30 mixture exhibits the lowest amount of water absorption and the mortar containing type of KG calcined clay with and without limestone has higher water absorption values than that of all other mixtures. The results display that substitution of 30% type of KZ calcined clay slightly reduces the amount of water absorption compared to SF8. As can be seen in Figure 7, a reduction of 16% and 30% in 30 min water absorption was found for mortar with 30% of calcined clay compared to SF8 and control mixtures respectively. This is consistent with the findings of Shah et al. (2020), who reported that the water-permeable porosity and rate of water absorption were found to reduce by different replacement levels of cement with limestone calcined clay pozzolan. It is worth mentioning that for both types of calcined clay, the addition of limestone has increased the amount of water absorption.
Water permeability
Figure 8 shows the results of water penetration depth for all mortar mixtures with and without calcined clay and limestone at 28 days. As can be seen, the results clearly display that there is a reduction in the water penetration depth for all mortars including calcined clay and limestone except the L15CCG30 mixture. As can be seen, the highest penetration depth was observed in the mortar mixture of L15CCG30, while the lowest water penetration depth is observed in L15CCZ30. It is possible that adding limestone up to 15% as a substitution for cement may improve pore structure in the transition zone, and thereby decreases water permeability, but on the other hand, the same phenomenon was not observed for the type of KG calcined clay mixture. This may be attributed to the lower pozzolanic activity of KG calcined clay compared to the type of KZ. The results of this section agree with those obtained by Kenai et al. (2004) and Menadi (2009) who reported a reduction in the water penetration depth when 15% of limestone as a replacement for cement and replacement of crushed sand were used respectively. The lower water permeability of L15CCZ30 is also consistent with the results obtained from the water absorption test but is inconsistent with results obtained by compressive strength. This conflict could be explained by the fact that the amount of water permeability does not only depend on compressive strength but also tortuosity, specific surface, pore size distribution, and connectivity of pores.
Electrical resistivity
Generally, electrical resistivity represents the interconnectivity of pores in the paste and has direct correlation with the resistance to ionic ingress. Given this assumption, Figure 9 indicates the values of surface resistivity of all the mortar mixes studied at 7, 14, 21, and 28 days. As can be seen, in all the mixtures, the results show that the CCZ30 sample indicates higher electrical resistance than other mortar mixes. As shown in this figure, all mortar mixtures increased electrical resistivity irrespective of the type of pozzolan used in mixes. Additionally, an increase in resistivity occurred with increasing age. At all ages, it was obviously shown that the electrical resistivity of the mortar mixtures with the type of KG calcined clay (with or without limestone) was lower than those recorded for the type of KZ calcined clay (CCZ30 and L15CCZ30) mortars with the same replacement level. It seems that the use of calcined clay as earlier reported by Scrivener et al (2018) even with very low original kaolinite content; has a pore structure finer than pastes made with Portland cement and increased resistivity of mortar mixtures by creating a finer pore size distribution. The authors believe that this is the most important event that occurs in the pore structure of cement paste due to the utilization of calcined clay.
Figure 10 indicates the development of electrical resistivity of mixtures with time. As can be seen, the curve of the control sample had minimal changes beyond 7 days, while CCZ30 and L15CCZ30 show a distinct increase from 7 to 28 days. These electrical resistivity trends confirm the difference in kinetics of microstructural change in the present mixtures. As can be seen, for CCZ30 and L15CCZ30 mixtures, the slope of the electrical resistivity curve is steeper correspond to other mixtures. This means that, with the development of the pozzolanic reaction, the electrical resistivity for these two mixtures has increased more than the others. This behavior is probably attributed to previously mentioned pore refinement in the calcined clay and calcined clay with limestone leads to an increase in resistivity, especially at early ages against other mixtures. In the case of the L15CCZ30 mixture, the results and pore refinement is consistent with the results obtained by other researchers (Scrivener, 2014; Fernandez Lopez, 2009). Based on data available in the literature, it was demonstrated that even calcined clay with less than 50% kaolinite content is suitable for usage in ternary systems including calcined clay with limestone (LC3). In this system, in addition to the pozzolanic reactivity of calcined clay, the aluminates phase in the calcined clay reacts with calcite from limestone to create additional hydrate phases such as Mono- (Mc) and hemi-carboaluminates (Hc) and improve pore structure of pastes (Scrivener, 2014; Fernandez Lopez, 2009). In addition, limestone influence can also be attributed to packing improvement, increasing the early hydration as effective filler and further, participating in the reaction with the highly reactive calcined clay (Berodier and Scrivener, 2014; Bentz et al., 2012). In the case of CCG30 and L15CCG30, results are consistent with previous results obtained by compressive strength, water absorption and water penetration depth tests and indicates that for both mixtures, pore refinement and improvement of microstructures are not as well as the type of KZ calcined clay.
Resistance to chloride ingress
Results of rapid chloride penetration resistance at 28 days measured in terms of electric charge passed through the specimens in coulombs are illustrated in Figure 11. Except for the mixture of L15CCG30, other mixtures indicated lower values of the charge passed correspond to the control mixture, indicating higher resistance to chloride-ion penetration. In other words, in mixtures made with the calcined clay or calcined clay with adding 15% limestone binder, the 28-day chloride resistance has improved by nearly 60–80% correspond to the control mixture. This is consistent with the excellent resistance of calcined clay binder to chloride ingress at an early age with appropriate results reported in previous sections. The improvement of the microstructure resulting from the pozzolanic reaction of calcined clay has probably led to a reduction in the rapid chloride penetration. The results of an experimental study developed by Dhandapani et al. (2018) showed that concrete made with LC3 binder has excellent resistance to chloride ingress after 28 days of age.
According to Figure 11, L15CCG30 mixture presented a higher charge value compared to all other mixtures - around 4280 coulomb. Based on ASTM C1202, this value indicates a high permeability. This is consistent with all other tests including compressive strength, water absorption, water penetration depth, and electrical resistivity. Additionally, in the present study, at 28 days, chloride-ion penetration of mixtures incorporating 15% of limestone was found to be higher than that of mixtures without limestone. These results are in agreement with those obtained by Bonavetti et al. (2000), who reported an increase in chloride ion penetration for water cured concretes containing 10% and 20% limestone filler as cement replacement.
The chloride concentration profiles as the results of the second method for the determination of resistance to chloride ingress are illustrated in Figure 12. As can be seen, generally, the chloride contents decrease higher depths. It can be also found that the use of SCMs remarkably enhances the resistance of mortar mixtures against chloride diffusion due to cement microstructure improvement. The results clearly show that at 30% calcined clay; there was a marked decrease in chloride penetration depth compared to the control mixture. It was demonstrated that from one side the number of pores with smaller size increases in mixtures including calcined clay due to the pozzolanic reaction of calcined clay helping in the refinement of the pore structure. On the other side, the refined pore structure increases the tortuosity of the system, thereby restricting the movement or transport of ions/fluids in the concrete or mortar. Apart from this pore refinement; it was demonstrated that chloride binding can also occur in mortars including calcined clay due to the higher amount of alumina hydrates. Chlorides are known to react with aluminate hydrates to form Friedel’s salt. Also, the physical binding of chloride ions on the surface of C–S–H is known to occur (Dousti et al., 2017). As a result, the above phenomena can collectively result in lower chloride ingress in mixtures containing calcined clay as compared to the control mixture. In this regard, it was observed that after 3 months of exposure to NaCl solution, chloride penetration depth was deeper than 25mm in the control mixture, while in the CCZ30 mixture; chloride ions reached a depth of about 15mm, in fact, something about 50% less. Adding 15% limestone to both mixtures incorporating calcined clay increased chloride penetration depth, but this increase is much greater for the type of KG calcined clay. Among all the mixtures, the L15CCG30 mixture as expected earlier has the highest chloride penetration depth (more than 30mm).
The calculated apparent diffusion coefficients (Da) and surface chloride concentrations (Cs) for all mixtures after 3 months of exposure to the saline solution are presented in Table 4. As can be seen, the results agree well with those obtained earlier by the RCPT test. As shown in Table 4, regardless of the addition of limestone, the use of SF and calcined clay decreases Da dramatically compared to the control mixture. The use of 30% type of KZ and KG calcined clay reduced apparent chloride diffusion of mortar by about 80 and 40% respectively and the use of 15% limestone and 30% type of KZ calcined clay decreased Da by 73%. As can be seen, for the L15CCG30 mixture the Da increased by about 100%. This increase in Da was expected earlier due to poor results obtained by other durability factors. In a similar investigation but on an LC3 binder system, Sui et al. (2019) revealed that LC3 mortar obtained the lowest apparent chloride diffusion coefficient among different binary and ternary cementitious materials.
Resistance to carbonation
To determine the carbonation resistance of mortar mixtures, the carbonation depth was measured by spraying 1% phenolphthalein indicator solution on the freshly broken surface of cylinder samples after 3 months of exposure. It can be seen from Figure 13 that on the un-carbonated surface of the sample where the mortar is still highly alkaline, purple-red color has appeared. On the carbonated surface, no coloration occurs. The carbonation depth values of the samples are shown in Figure 14. The minimum carbonation depth of 5mm was observed for the control mixture and maximum carbonation depth including the whole surface of samples (> 50 mm) was obtained for both CCG30 and L15CCZ30 mixtures. For CCZ30 and SF8, the carbonation depth was less than 20 mm. The results clearly indicate that the carbonation resistance of mixtures containing SCMs is generally lower as compared to PC due to lower total alkalinity and agree with data available in the literature (Sui et al., 2019; Branch et al., 2016; Khunthongkeaw et al., 2006). It should be noted that the lower carbonation depth obtained for the control sample compared to SF8 and CCZ30 mortars should not be taken into account as an advantage to reinforced concrete structures. The results obtained in other studies indicate that the reinforced concrete structures with no pozzolan are more vulnerable to the combined attack of carbonation and chloride ingress due to the higher chloride ion diffusion coefficient (Branch et al., 2016; Khunthongkeaw et al., 2006; Shah and Bishnoi, 2018; Šavija and Lukovic, 2016).