16 subjects participated in the present research, whose age ranged from 23 to 47. Factors affecting HH extracted from the texts belonged to either TPB framework or outside this framework:
The main Categories related to TPB framework (Table 2):
(A) Attitude (include Behavioral beliefs and Evaluation of outcomes): In this structure, phrases were extracted such as: The belief to the behavior, Good feeling and satisfaction after hand washing (Behavioral beliefs), Valuing for self-health, the importance of family health (Evaluation of behavioral outcomes).
Quotation: A male nurse with 6 years of work experience stated: “there was another human being I cared about. For the respect I pay health of him and myself, I do not wish to transmit infections to him or get them from him”.
(B) Subjective Norms (include: Normative beliefs, Motivation to compliance, Descriptive norms): In this structure, phrases were extracted such as: Supervisor’s emphasizes to Hand washing, The effect of Doctor’s believe to Hand washing (Normative beliefs), Hand washing must begin from the top (Motivation to compliance) and Effect of behavior by physicians (Descriptive norms).
Normative beliefs: As an example, a 36 year-old staff nurse declared: “They are really effective. Those above us set a model for us. When for example I see that the head nurse washes hands always when visiting a patient, I get impressed”.
Motivation to compliance: “others play a key role here”.
Descriptive norms: As an instance, a participant admitted: “when my top rank does a certain thing, I do too”.
(C) Perceived Behavioral Control (include Control beliefs and Perceived power) In this structure, phrases were extracted such as: Negligence and laziness, Crowded wards and high workload situations (Control beliefs), Possibility of adherence in every circumstances (Perceived power).
Control beliefs (Head nurse (40 year-old): “well, when he is pressed for time, there is no way to concentrate, no way to wash hands”.
Perceived power: “being busy should not be an excuse for not washing our hands”
The main Categories related to outside TPB framework (Table 3):
(A) Environment: Refers to the physical and social environment surrounding an individual.
- Monitoring and supervision: some initial code this subgroup Includes: rules and regulations, consistent controls, direct and indirect monitoring.
Quotation (A male employee with six years of experience): “monitoring has a great effect. Hand culture test done a few years ago was very effective indeed. But it no longer exists. They used to let us know of the culture test result”.
- Reinforcement: The initial code, such as encourage writing, seen important, was placed on this sub-category.
Quotation (A head nurse with 15 years of experience): “we learned through the system to expect positive/negative reinforcement. There should be a difference between who abides by the rules and who does not”.
- Cues to Action: refer to facilitating force which produces a need for doing a certain thing. The initial code, such as poster in sight and reminders was placed on this subscale.
Quotation: “They need to put up advertisements especially LEDs everywhere”.
- Availability & Accessibility: system’s commitment to provide the required facilities was among the factors mentioned by the present nurses. Some initial code include: Availability of sink and Appropriate dryer.
Quotation: “The staffs are mostly young females. Regular hand wash irritates their skin. It would be better to provide quality lotions”.
Preferences: among the issues mentioned by the interviewees were quality odorous hand wash liquid and hand-rub which could help promote HH behavior.
Quotation: “The better quality the soap, the less allergic it is and the better stuff it has, the more comfortably the nurses will use it”.
- Modeling: some initial code in this subgroup include: See nurse and head nurse behaviors.
Quotation: “It differs from one unit to another. In a given unit once the head nurse keeps washing hands 5 times, others would see that and follow that”.
(B) Perceptions:
- Outcome expectations: Refer to belief about the likelihood of the behavior leading to a specific outcome. Participants pointed to prevention of infection transmission, patient’s longer stay in hospital and control of infections resistant to treatments.
Quotation (A nurse with 10 years of work experience): “Instead of recovering, his disease gets worse”.
- Perceived barrier: It is refer to an individual's assessment of the obstacles to behavior change.
In the present study, these concern skin irritation, lack of proper hand wash soap or lotion, loss of nails (due to excessive hand wash), skin allergy and forgetting to wash hands.
Quotation: “we use too much liquid and our skin gets irritated and this all plays a role”.
Education: Lack of awareness of hand infections, patient education, patient education, education through the media, were in this sub-category.
Quotation: “Awareness rising should be through the media”.
- Organizational culture: refers to the main values, assumptions and interpretations of approaches characterizing an organization. Initial codes in the sub-categories included: one’s priority of HH in the public sector as compared to the private sector and conveyance of the importance of work to the personnel.
Quotation: “In private hospitals you do what others often do. The context dominates you and keeps imitating others. There is a fear of conditioning”.
- Salience: The sensitivity of the subject, mental priority and underestimating the role of hygiene were included in this subgroup.
Quotation: “It is very important to see hand washing as a primary priority”.
- Personality: this is Sub-category, initial codes such as: characteristics as being disciplined and having a strong personality were included.
Quotation: “I think they have a strong personality, because they believe where there is a will, there is a way”.
- Morality: It refers to covers human spiritual and natural characteristics. Initial codes were including: conscience, fairness, feeling responsible towards others, indifference and lack of attention.
Quotation: “How do they feel responsible? Two people working side by side in an office, but working differently. It all depends on their conscience and morals”.
- Life style: Refers to the specific way of life led by an individual, group or a society. Initial codes in the Sub-category were: establishment of washing in one’s unconscious mind, family training, establishment of the hand washing habit, creating the culture of hand washing (both in families and society).
Quotation: “Too often we are snowed-under but yet for me, it’s part of my within, my unconscious”