In the present work, we extracted five trunk muscle synergies from 12 trunk muscle activations (six unilateral muscles) during 11 multidirectional and stability trunk-related motor tasks. Even in a highly variable task context, five trunk muscle synergies were used to reconstruct the original EMG data well (i.e., the mean value of VAF was 91.3%). Overall, while the similarities of trunk synergies between participants and sessions appeared to be comparable with those reported by some previous studies on other body parts, these metrics had a broad range, reflecting some level of redundancy of the musculoskeletal system in healthy individuals. Furthermore, the significant differences in variability between the synergies reflect the different features of trunk synergy organization and strategies for addressing various mechanical demands of a motor task.
Regarding the similarity between participants, our findings presented the median values of similarity ranging from 0.73 to 0.86 for five trunk muscle synergies (W) and from 0.64 to 0.75 for their temporal patterns (C). These inter-cluster similarities appear to be greater than those in highly variable upper-limb movements found in a previous study, although the similarity of temporal patterns was not assessed 20,50. This suggests that trunk muscle synergies have more robust features as the trunk requires both stability and movement even in the loosely constrained task scenario, compared with the upper limbs, which primarily function as a wide range of manipulations with many degrees of freedom and involve motor cortical neurons with complex and heterogeneous motor patterns 33. However, as shown in Table 1 and Fig. 5, the ranges of the individual pair values for both W and C were broad. That is, the lowest and highest values of similarity were 0.17 and 0.99 for W and 0.42 and 0.90 for C. Thus, it is strongly suggested that some healthy participants shared similar control strategies for highly variable scenarios of the trunk while other did not. The lower similarity values may reflect the redundancy of the musculoskeletal system in which different participants have different motor control options for executing the same motor task 51. We further found that muscle synergies of bilateral muscle activations (i.e., W3 to W5) presented significantly higher intra-cluster similarity than those of unilateral muscle activations that involved different levels of paraspinal muscles (i.e., W1 and W2) (Fig. 4). A previous study utilized network analysis to investigate the relationship between anatomical and functional connectivity, defined by the intermuscular coherence of muscle activation 27. They found bilateral connectivity between the abdominal and back muscles, as opposed to the upper and lower limbs that primarily connect unilaterally across different muscle groups 27. The finding of bilateral connectivity may reflect the fact that sharing common input with bilateral trunk muscles is strongest in spinal motor neurons that innervate muscle pairs that are anatomically and functionally closely related 52. These embedded structures may lead to a higher similarity of bilateral muscle patterns of W3, W4, and W5 between participants when compared to the unilateral patterns of W1 and W2. In contrast, an increase in the number of unilateral trunk muscle involvements in W1 and W2 with a different nerve supply may allow motor control strategies in less similar manners between participants 52. Furthermore, we found that the less similar features of unilateral muscle synergies in W1 and W2 produced more consistent temporal patterns (C1 and C2), as shown in Fig. 5. Here, C1 and C2 showed that W1 and W2 were only activated in the right and left cross-extension tasks, in which participants were asked to stabilize the trunk in all four positions with the ipsilateral upper limb and the contralateral lower limb elevated (Fig. 4). It is possible that when executing the highly constrained trunk stability tasks, participants present more consistent activation patterns regardless of the highly variable synergy organization (i.e., W1 and W2). However, significantly lower similarities of C3, C4, and C5 than those of C1 and C2 were found. As shown in Fig. 4, C3 to C5 involved rocking backward, forward bend, and backward bend and employed a larger excursion of trunk movement. This reflects that the large trunk movement allows each participant to find many output solutions and presents highly variable recruitment patterns.
We found that the similarity between sessions was 0.81 to 0.96 across W and 0.74 to 0.84 across C, with no significant differences between W and C except between C1 and C3 and C1 and C4 (Fig. 4). For W, our results were comparable or may be more similar to those of a previous study that investigated the inter-session similarity of forearm muscle synergies for various daily life grip postures, which was between 0.70 and 0.85. 17. This suggests that trunk muscle synergies may be more robust between sessions than those of the upper limbs. In contrast, another study found a higher similarity (> 0.9) between sessions for lower limb muscle synergies during daily life activities, such as walking, running, and ascending and descending stairs 18. However, they extracted lower-limb synergies and analyzed the inter-session similarity for each task independently, resulting in the relatively high mechanical constraints demanded by a task. It has also been suggested that muscle synergies related to locomotion are determined by early development and robustly preserved into adulthood 53,54, reflecting the existence of lower-level neural control structures in the lower limbs 10,43,55. Thus, these mechanical and neural constraints may be associated with the higher similarity between sessions in lower limb synergies compared to trunk synergies in our study. Furthermore, as shown in Table 1 and Fig. 6 (a), the individual values of inter-session similarity presented broad ranges. Here, the lowest and highest values of the similarity were 0.06 and 0.99 for W and 0.49 and 0.91 for C. Notably, there were few cases that showed 0.4 or lower similarity for W between sessions. In contrast, the similarity of C did not show such low cases. This suggests that although muscle synergies are dissimilar, they may share similar temporal patterns. As such, the very low similarity of muscle synergies between sessions could reflect the fact that some healthy participants may use different muscle recruitment options in a different session during the same motor tasks due to the redundancy of the musculoskeletal system 51. This was further supported by the loosely constrained task scenario in the current study without any tempo for the execution of the task using a metronome that facilitates the same motor output patterns between sessions 19. Furthermore, some level of variability between sessions can also be attributed to experimental protocols, including the fact that electrodes were not placed on each trunk muscle in exactly the same way between sessions, or other physical factors, such as skin conditions and fatigue 17,56. Thus, variability due to experimental factors needs to be considered when evaluating motor control strategies in different populations in longitudinal studies with multiple sessions 50.
Muscle synergy analysis can be a useful tool in assessing specific sensorimotor profiles to define targets for the rational development of novel motor control interventions that enhance neural plasticity and improve motor recovery 57. Here, we analyzed the muscle synergies during 11 multidirectional trunk movements and stability motor tasks in healthy participants for clinical application. Specifically, the datasets for intra-cluster similarity and inter-session similarity were assessed to provide reference data on variability in trunk coordination patterns in healthy individuals. Thus, it will be interesting to investigate these variability indices for other populations (i.e., musculoskeletal and neurological diseases or athletes) to assess whether trunk motor control strategies present stereotypes or diverse features in the population of interest. For example, there is evidence that each participant has diverse adaptations of muscle synergies in response to experimentally induced pain during neck movements 58, multidirectional reaching 59 and locomotion 60. These findings highlight subject-specific solutions with many degrees of freedom in the musculoskeletal system to avoid further tissue damage while performing motor tasks. On the other hand, athletes exhibited similar neuromuscular control strategies for complex motor skills, reflecting stable and precise execution of movements achieved through similar training experiences 24. To the best of our knowledge, the analysis of muscle synergies during highly variable trunk motor task behaviors has not been applied in research to reveal distinct features of trunk control in the population of interest. Our methods using these muscle synergy analyses would allow the capture of a broad spectrum of movement characteristics in the trunk and provide efficient biomarkers as indicators of pathological processes and responses to therapeutic interventions based on motor control 61.