Coral reefs are one of the most bio-productive and diversified ecosystems globally, which provide habitat for many marine organisms and play an essential role in the whole marine ecosystem (Soares et al. 2020). However, because of ocean warming, ocean acidification, rising water temperatures and mass bleaching events (Hughes et al. 2018; Brunner et al. 2021), and other anthropogenic stressors like overfishing, tourism, and environmental pollution (Cinzia et al. 2018; Patterson et al. 2020), many coral reef ecosystems around the world are facing degradation or even loss (Oliver et al. 2018; Zhang et al. 2021). In a narrow sense, coral is usually defined as the “coral polyp”, which is a class of lower marine invertebrates belonging to Coelentera, Anthozoa, and Corallidae (Huang et al. 2019). Zooxanthellae is particularly important to corals and the symbiotic relationship between corals and zooxanthellae is of great ecological significance for the growth and survival of coral (Jaspers et al. 2019). Soft corals are dominant space-occupiers, critical structural components of coral reef communities, and contributors to coral reef biomass, which provides habitat and food for many marine organisms (France 2010; Satoe et al. 2012). In recent years, more and more attention has been paid to soft coral, not only because it is facing a significant threat with the degradation of the coral reefs ecosystem, but also because it is the hot biotechnological research subject of marine natural products and the trading subject of the marine aquarium trade (Blunt et al. 2004). Therefore, the optimization of soft coral propagation and production techniques deserve more research efforts targeting economically profitable soft corals, contributing to the conservation and restoration of the coral reef ecosystem.
Light as the most important environmental factor is divided into three essential elements: light spectrum, light intensity, and photoperiod. Light affects marine organisms' growth, energy conversion, feeding, and reproductive behavior, and the degree of influence varies with species (Fox et al. 2008). In a symbiotic system, light provides energy for inducing various physiological reactions of symbiosis (Liu et al. 2021). Symbiotic algae transfer a large amount of fixed carbon to the host through photosynthesis and provide energy for basic life activities of corals (Cheng et al. 2022). Apparently, different light conditions would have a significant effect on both survival, metabolism of symbiotic algae and the host coral.
As for symbiotic algae, Chlorophyll is necessary for photosynthesis and helps protect host corals and zooxanthellae from UV radiation. Different light conditions will influence Chlorophyll in zooxanthellae. Too strong light intensity makes zooxanthellae produce excess oxygen, and a high concentration of oxygen is harmful to corals. In this case, some zooxanthellae will separate from the host coral, or the zooxanthellae cells will discharge chlorophyll, which may eventually lead to the death of corals. Conversely, the too low light intensity will increase the Chlorophyll content in the zooxanthellae, which may lead to the change of coral color. And Rocha et al (2013a) recorded that low light intensity was more conducive to the growth of Sinularia flexibilis and increased density of its zooxanthellae. Moreover, the time of illumination is significant for the process and efficiency of photosynthesis in zooxanthellae, and photoperiod played an essential role in monitoring photosynthetic characteristics and growth performance of host-zooxanthellae symbiosis.
Light intensity and photoperiod will affect the photosynthesis of zooxanthellae and ultimately the growth and survival of corals. However, inappropriate light intensity and photoperiod can also disrupt the physiology of coral symbiosis by affecting the cell cycle, metabolism, and other physiological mechanisms (Rosenberg et al. 2017; Levy et al. 2020). Therefore, appropriate light intensity and photoperiod in coral cultivation are of vital importance.
Corals cannot grow and survive without zooxanthellae. In addition to zooxanthellae, light conditions also have a significant impact on the coral itself. Sakai et al (2020) reported that corals polyps' sensitivity to light intensity. Besides, changes in light conditions could cause a variety of biological stress responses in corals, accompanied by excessive production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) (Chen et al. 2019). Generally, in marine organisms the antioxidant system, SOD, CAT and GST have the function of scavenging reactive oxygen species and play an essential role in enhancing the defense ability of phagocytes and immune function (Verlecar et al. 2008). Thereby, different light conditions will induce the change of antioxidant enzyme activity, and the alterations of antioxidant enzyme activity were also used to detect the effect of light stress. For example, Levy et al (2006) ever recorded the activity of two antioxidant enzymes (SOD and CAT) in the coral Favia favus under different light periodicities.
Additionally, as the critical roles in nutrient cycling and metabolism, the microorganisms are a crucial part of coral, and the microbial communities are also sensitive to the change of light condition. Different light conditions could also cause the evolution of the microbial community diversity level and the microbial community structure, which are crucial to the health of host coral. Thus, the microbial community could be seen as an indicator of the health status of corals. Taken together, the light conditions are essential to coral cultivation, and the indicators of the symbiotic zooxanthellae, enzyme activity and the microbial community should be considered for the safe and productive cultivation of soft corals.
Sarcophyton Trocheliophorum, as an important component of the coral reef ecosystem, is widely distributed in the South China Sea. The related physiological mechanisms as S. trocheliophorum responses to different light conditions have remained largely unexplored. To provide data support and scientific basis for the reasonable artificial culture and conservation of soft coral in the South China Sea, different light intensities and photoperiods were first set to study S. trocheliophorum, including an index of symbiotic algae, related enzyme activity, microbial diversity in the present study. Essentially, the study aimed to explore the appropriate light intensity and photoperiod for S. trocheliophorum. Our study will provide baseline data concerning the optimal artificial light conditions for the cultivation and conservation of soft corals, which could benefit the protection and restoration of the whole coral reef ecosystem.