After the binaural beat stimulation, the participants underwent a spoken sentence comprehension task involving syntactic interpretation of the noun-verb relation (Figure 1C). These sentences were adopted and modified from a previous study (Lee et al., 2020) that contained either a center-embedded subject- (e.g., ‘Kings that help queens are nice’) or object-relative clause (e.g., ‘Kings that queens help are nice’). Object-relative sentences are more difficult than subject-relative sentences to comprehend due to their syntactically non-canonical structure (Wells et al., 2009; MacDonald & Christiansen, 2002) and their higher demand on working memory (Just & Carpenter, 1992; King & Just, 1991).
We used binaural beats of the theta (7Hz), beta (18 Hz), and gamma (40 Hz) frequency bands because each of these bands has been associated with sentence comprehension in previous research. In particular, coherence of EEG oscillations of the theta, beta, and gamma frequencies was increased in response to object-relative compared to subject-relative sentences (Weiss et al., 2005). Beta and gamma oscillations are thought to mediate core language functions — syntactic and semantic operations respectively during sentence comprehension (Prystauka & Lewis, 2019). For example, Bastiaansen et al., (2010) demonstrated a gradual increase in beta power over the course of syntactically well-formed sentences compared to randomly organized word sequences. Also, increased gamma power has been observed in response to semantically congruent sentences, but not to sentences with semantic anomalies (Hald et al., 2006). Critically, Bastiaansen and Hagoort (2015) demonstrated a functional segregation between beta and gamma frequencies in a single study wherein beta power was increased in response to syntactically correct sentences compared to incorrect sentences while gamma power was increased in response to semantically coherent sentences compared to meaningless sentences. Lastly, theta power has been shown to increase with a greater working memory load (Jensen & Tesche, 2002; Krause et al., 2000) and during on-line sentence processing (Bastiaansen et al., 2002; 2010), leading to a conjecture that theta oscillations play a domain-general role in working memory during sentence comprehension (Bastiaansen & Hagoort, 2003).
Based on the implications of neural oscillations in the theta, beta, and gamma frequency bands upon sentence-level language processing, we hypothesized that binaural beats in any, if not all, of these frequency bands would enhance sentence comprehension performance. In particular, we expected to observe a more pronounced impact of these binaural beats in the more difficult object-relative, compared to subject-relative, sentences.
One hundred undergraduate students from the University of Texas at Dallas (63 females, 36 males, and 1 other/not specified, 18-37 years, mean age= 21.6 years, SD = 3.5 years) participated in Experiment 1 for course credits or compensation. All of the participants were native speakers of American English, had normal vision and hearing, and had no known history of cognitive, developmental, or neurological disorders. They consented to participating in the study, which was approved by the University of Texas at Dallas Institutional Review Board (IRB-21-109).
Stimuli and procedures
All sound stimuli were presented at a comfortable volume via Sennheiser HD-280 headphones. For the binaural beat stimulation, a pure tone with a frequency of 250 Hz was presented to the right ear as a carrier frequency while another pure tone with 257 Hz, 268 Hz, or 290 Hz was presented to the left ear, eliciting theta (7 Hz), beta (18 Hz), and gamma (40 Hz) binaural beats, respectively (Figure 1B). The two pure tones were mixed with an excerpt of slow-tempo, non-rhythmical music (Dangol, 2019) at a signal-to-music ratio of –2 dB (Online Resource 1). In the control condition, the same music was played without binaural beats. Auditory sentence stimuli were generated using the Google Text-to-Speech and the speaker voice was set to an American-English speaking male (Online Resource 2). Experiments were conducted using Matlab R2021 (Mathworks, MA) in a dimly lighted sound-proof booth.
For the sentence comprehension task, the stimuli were comprised of 128 sentences, each of which consisted of six words: a male noun (e.g., boys, uncles, kings), a female noun (e.g., girls, aunts, queens), a gender-neutral noun (e.g., children, students, doctors), a relative pronoun ‘that’, a transitive action verb (e.g., help, hug, bully), and one of four transitive preference verbs: love, adore, hate, and dislike. Each sentence contained either a subject- or object-relative center-embedded clause, which was solely determined by switching the temporal order of the same noun and verb in the relative clause within the sentence (Table 1). For each sentence trial, participants indicated the gender of the individuals performing an action, while disregarding those who love/adore/hate/dislike others, by pressing either the ‘male’ (left arrow) or ‘female’ (right arrow) key within 5 seconds. The sentence type (i.e., subject- or object-relative) and the gender of the agent (i.e., female or male) were counterbalanced across trials.
Participants were randomly assigned to one of four binaural beat conditions (Figure 1B): music + theta (7 Hz), music + beta (18 Hz), music + gamma (40 Hz), or music only (N= 25 for each condition). Participants were first familiarized with the language task by undergoing 16 practice trials, during which they received feedback after each response. Sentences used during the practice session were never presented during the main experiment. After the practice was completed, participants listened to music mixed with or without binaural beats for 10 minutes while fixating their eyes on a speaker icon on the screen. Participants were not explicitly informed about the presence of binaural beat embedded in the music. Immediately after listening to the sound, participants underwent 64 trials of the sentence comprehension task. A 15-second break was provided every 16 trials. The task duration varied across participants, ranging from 10 to 15 minutes including the breaks. This procedure was repeated with another 64 trials (Figure 1C). No feedback was provided during the two task blocks.
Data analysis
We opted to use a logistic regression model to analyze the binomial accuracy data. The trial-by-trial accuracy data were entered into a mixed effects logistic regression model using the glmer function of the lme4 package (Bates et al., 2015) in R 4.2.1. The model included the factors of sentence type (i.e., subject- and object-relative), binaural beat condition (i.e., theta, beta, gamma, and music only), and an interaction between the two factors as fixed effects. In addition, the participant factor was included as a random intercept. The statistical significance of the fixed effects was assessed using the Type III Wald chi-square tests of the car package (Fox et al., 2012).
As expected, there was a significant main effect of sentence type on accuracy [χ2(1) = 155.66, p < .001], with a lower score in object-relative (M = 77.1%) compared to subject-relative sentences (M = 93.9%). Critically, we found a significant main effect of binaural beat condition [χ2(3) = 8.17, p = .043], with relatively higher mean accuracies in the theta (M = 83.7%), beta, (M = 88.2%), and gamma (M = 89.1%) binaural beat conditions than in the control (i.e., music-only) condition (M = 81.0%). We also found a significant interaction [χ2(3) = 18.96, p < .001] due to a more robust binaural beat effect on the object-relative sentences compared to subject-relative sentences (Figure 2).
To further examine the significant interaction effect, we analyzed the accuracy data using the same logistic model between the control group and each of the binaural beat groups within object-relative sentences. The results revealed higher accuracy in the beta (81.8%) [χ2(1) = 4.08, p = .043] and gamma (M = 83.1%) [χ2(1) = 5.27, p = .022] binaural beat groups than in the control group (M = 68.5%). However, the slight increase in theta relative to control did not reach statistical significance (M = 74.8%) [χ2(1) = .87, p = .349].