In our efforts to develop a deeper insight into the physics of tensile response, we shall now analyze the atomistic insights and the rearrangement or restructuring of the covalent bonds in doped HA single crystals.
4.1 Atomistic insights into tensile response of single crystalline doped HA
In order to obtain atomistic insight into the stress-strain response, the distance between Ca2+/Fe2+ and phosphate ions has been calculated. For each case, the distance was found to be monotonously increasing with the applied strain, almost in a linear manner (Fig. 11, Fig. S4 and S5 in supporting information). This increment of the ionic distance is the major contributor to the mechanical response of doped HA. Moreover, it is clear from the above trends that the tensile response of undoped and Fe-doped HA strongly depends on the loading direction. Different atomic arrangement along the orthogonal crystallographic directions is the underlying reason behind the observed anisotropic nature of HA. Profoundly, different sets of atoms are displaced in the crystal during the mechanical response, depending on the loading directions. For instance, in the case of pure HA, OH− ions are observed to move apart, during loading along the X-axis (Fig. 9). This indicates the effective reduction of the attractive interaction between OH− ions and Ca2+ ions, which ultimately led to material failure. Similarly, the interactions among Ca2+ ions and PO43− /OH groups were noted to be reduced, when the load was applied along the Y-direction (Fig. 10). As more ionic bonds were broken along Y-direction, the tensile strength was higher along the Y-axis (Table 2).
On the other hand, the mechanical response of pure HA along the Z-direction strongly depends on the ionic bonds between Ca2+ ions and PO43− groups, which started to break during tensile testing (Fig. S2, S3 in Supporting information). The above-mentioned trend is observed independent of the temperature and the doping amount of HA.
Besides this, the redistribution of the atomistic charges in the presence of the foreign metal ions also alters the mechanical behaviour, which has been substantiated further in the present work. When Fe2+ ions were introduced in the apatite structure, the partial charge distribution of the constituent atoms changed significantly (Table 3). Partial charges on Ca2+, H+ and P5+ ions generally increased with an increase in Fe+ 2 content, whereas the same on O(H) generally decreased (Table 3). On the other side, partial charges on O(P) atoms fluctuate as a function of dopant content (Table 3). The observed decrease in partial charges on O(H) resulted in the change in the attractive electrostatic interactions among Ca2+ and O(H) atoms, while the increased charges on Ca and H atoms enhanced the repulsive coulombic forces (Table 3). The effects of these changes got reflected in the decreasing nature of the tensile strength with dopant content (Table 2). It is also evident from Table 3 that the Fe2+ ions carry lesser partial charges than Ca2+ ions. Hence, the presence of Fe2+ ions gave rise to a weaker electrostatic attractive interaction among Fe2+- PO43− or Fe2+- OH− ions compared to that among the Ca2+- PO43− or Ca2+- OH− groups, present in pure HA. This also promotes the recorded decline in the tensile strength in doped HA.
As seen in Figs. 5, 6, and 7 and also in Table 2, the temperature also negatively impacts the tensile strength. With an increase in the temperature, the atomic/molecular vibration increases because of the enhanced thermal movement. This, in turn, affects the tensile strength in a negative manner. Other than the above-mentioned bond breakage at TS point, the deformations of several other bonds are also responsible for the linear response of HA under tensile loading (see Fig. 9, 10 and Fig. S1-S3 in Supporting information). The strength of these bonds also changed with doping content and temperature. The synchronized influence of these changes gave rise to the non-monotonous behaviour of the tensile strength.
In order to quantitatively analyze the differences in the mechanical response of doped HA in different loading directions, we have calculated the anisotropic variation in the tensile strength for undoped and Fe-doped HA, at different temperatures. In analyzing the anisotropic strength behaviour, Fig. 8 shows the ratios of tensile strength plotted as σz/σx and σz/σy. A non-monotonous trend was observed for tensile strength (Fig. 8). A general observation is that the anisotropic nature of the tensile strength slightly decreased in the doped HA with an increase in temperature (Fig. 8). Like before, all these observations can be attributed to the altered partial charge distribution among the atoms in the presence of a foreign metal ion (Fe).
The anisotropic nature of the bone tissue is reported in the literature 48. This arises from the preferential orientation of the collagen fibers and mineral crystals (calcium phosphate like HA) along the bone growth direction 49. The anisotropic property of natural bone helps to maximize the stiffness and strength along the major load bearing axis, while keeping the bone mass minimum 50. Hence, an ideal bone implant material should exhibit elastic anisotropy. HA is known to exhibit anisotropic mechanical response [49], and our study establishes that the anisotropic nature of HA is retained after Fe2+ doping. Moreover, the elastic modulus of Fe2+-doped HA (data not shown) is close to that of cortical bone (7-30GPa) 51, which establishes its efficacy as bone implant material.
4.2 Rearrangement of covalent bonds during tensile loading
To study the effects of the tensile force on the covalent bonds, bond strain and the change in vibrational bond energy have been calculated.
First, we analyze the changes in the characteristic properties of covalent bonds, (P-O) due to the application of the tensile force at both 10 K and 300 K. We have computed the bond strain and the effective change in its vibrational bond energy as a function of applied strain. These quantities are calculated using the following expressions,
Δr = r-r0 (1)
ΔE = 0.5×k(r2 - r02 ) (2)
where k is the force constant and r0 is the equilibrium bond length.
The average bond strain of the P-O bonds, present in pure HA at 10K has been presented in Fig. 12. The P-O bonds were found to be contracted at the beginning of the application of the tensile force and then stretched with the increment of the applied force (Fig. 12). After the TS point, the bonds again contracted and remained in that state for the rest of the simulation time (Fig. 12). In corroboration with the stress-strain curve (Figs. 5–7), the above-mentioned trend is most prominent when the force was applied along X and Y-axis. On the other hand, the O-P-O angle slightly decreased with the application of the tensile force, and then it maintained a steady state from 0.05% strain onward (Fig. 13).
The changes in the P-O vibrational bond energy at 10K took place in complete harmony with the bond strain (Fig. 14). For X and Y-loading directions, the change was maximum initially and then reached minima near the TS point. Beyond that, the vibrational bond energy was again moved further away from its value at the equilibrium position, r0 (Fig. 14). The bond energy under stress was recorded to be closer to the equilibrium bond energy value near TS point, when the force was applied along Y-axis, compared to that for other loading directions (Fig. 14). In agreement with the stress-strain curve (Figs. 5–7), the observed pattern of the bond energy change under stress was significantly different for Z- axis (Fig. 14). The anisotropic nature of the HA crystal is the underlying reason behind the differences recorded in the change in bond energy under stress. Because of the different atomic arrangements along the various crystallographic directions, the P-O bonds were experiencing significantly divergent resultant forces, when exposed to the same external stress along the orthogonal loading direction. Such phenomenon results in distinct anisotropic behaviour, as presented in Fig. 14.
When the temperature was elevated to 300 K, the general trend of both the bond strain and change in bond vibrational energy for pure HA remains identical with additional oscillations (Fig. S6 in Supporting Information). This is attributed to the thermal motion at high temperature. At both 10K and 300K, the behaviour of P-O bond strain/bond energy of Fe-doped HA under external tensile stress remains mostly identical to that of pure HA at 10K and 300K, respectively (Fig. S7 in Supporting Information). The only significant change observed in P-O bond strain was for 40FeHA at 10K with loading direction along the Z axis (Fig. 12). Throughout the tensile loading, the P-O bonds were found to be expanded, probably because of the high Fe2+ content (Fig. S7 in Supporting Information). Similar behaviour of P-O bonds for 40FeHA was absent at 300K due to the thermal agitation (Fig. S7 in Supporting Information).
The signature of the bond deformation with increased temperature can be found in the O-P-O angular strain in terms of oscillatory nature as well (Fig. S8 in Supporting Information). At 10K, the angular strain became much smaller for Fe-doped HA, compared to pure HA (Fig. 13), whereas similar angular stain was recorded for each material at 300K (Fig. S8 in Supporting Information).
As far as the O-H bond strain of the pure HA is concerned, it exhibited oscillatory behaviour under the external stress at 10K (Fig. 15), in corroboration with the change of O-H bond vibrational energy (Fig. 16). It is seen from the obtained atomistic trajectory during the tensile loading that the OH− groups underwent orientational changes under the tensile stress. The oscillatory bond strain is a signature of the force experienced by the atoms of the hydroxyl groups during the orientational change. The frequency of oscillation increased in the presence of Fe2+ ions at 10K, because of the altered interactions among the hydroxyl groups and metal ions (Fig. 15). For pure and Fe-doped HA, the amplitude of oscillation increased together with a decrease (reduction) in the oscillation frequency as well as with the increment of temperature, because of thermal motion (Fig. 15).
On the other hand, the oscillatory nature of the change in the O-H bond vibrational energy is more prominent at 300K for 0FeHA and 20FeHA, because of the greater change in its bond length at higher temperatures (Fig. S9 and S10 in Supporting Information). For 40FeHA, the oscillatory nature is visible in both 10 K and 300 K, although the amplitude is larger at 300K, due to greater (larger) thermal vibration (Fig. S10 in Supporting Information). Summarizing the results in this section, we can conclude that although the application of external tensile stress results in the change in both covalent bond length (Δr) and its corresponding vibrational energy (ΔE) in the apatite structure, such changes do not appear to result in the bond breakage. Moreover, the presence of dopant ions and the change in temperature also significantly influence the behaviour of the covalent bonds in apatite structure.
Most importantly, our study has provided an atomistic comprehension to the tensile response of single crystalline HA. On the experimental aspects, Gupta and co-workers performed a series of synchrotron-based studies to quantitatively analyze the deformation mechanism of natural bone, which is a composite of collagen and HA52–54. Since the elastic stiffness or strength properties largely depend on HA content in natural bone, we believe that the computational output from studies like the present study can be used further to validate the synchrotron-based experimental results. Also, synchrotron-based in situ study on single crystalline HA can be performed in future.
At the closure, our study shed light to the fracture mechanism of the single crystalline doped HA using a model system, which will be helpful to understand the planned experimental results. Similar in silico studies can be used to generate significant data for biomaterialomics approach.55