Saproxylic arthropods
Saproxylic arthropods are defined as species that are “dependent, during some part of their life cycle, upon the dead or dying wood of moribund or dead trees (standing or fallen), or upon wood-inhabiting fungi, or upon the presence of other saproxylics” (Speight 1989). Saproxylic species are associated with dead wood to different degrees. Obligate saproxylic species strictly require dead wood for their life cycles. In contrast, facultative saproxylic species (i.e. habitat generalists) use dead wood but can also use other resources (Stokland et al. 2012).
Wood decay is driven primarily by microbial activity, but arthropods are also thought to play a role (Ulyshen and Wagner 2013). For instance, fragmentation, tunneling, and digestion by arthropods facilitate wood decomposition (Rayner and Boddy 1988; Ulyshen 2016; Walker and Wilson 1991).
Study sites
We performed the study within a warm–temperate zone of Japan. In this climatic zone, areas with various levels of urbanization exist around the Tokyo metropolitan area. We selected nine forests have different area due to be surrounded by different levels of urbanization (see result) in the south-west region of the Tokyo metropolitan area (Table 1). The mean annual temperature of the region ranges from 16.9 to 20.5 °C, and annual precipitation ranges from 1342.5 to 1874.0 mm. The potential natural vegetation is evergreen broad-leaved forest (Miyawaki 1986) dominated by Castanopsis sieboldii and by Quercus acuta and other evergreen oaks. Coppice forest exists as secondary vegetation dominated by deciduous Quercus serrata.
In each forest, we set a survey line across two ridges and valleys in the dominant vegetation stand in the forest, and on each line we chose three sampling sites approximately 80 m distant from each other. Vegetation and dead wood accumulation were surveyed at each site.
Dead-wood sampling and arthropod identification
Dead wood on the forest floor was sampled and examined for the presence of saproxylic arthropods. We randomly sampled a maximum of 10 (13 at site FGY) pieces of dead wood (diameter ³3 cm and length ³30 cm) in each of three sampling plots (10 ´ 10 m; each set up at the center of a vegetation survey plot; see Table 2 and below) from December to May in 2016 and 2017 (we surveyed each plot one time). We sampled one time at each plot during this period. We broke the wood pieces and collected arthropods Pieces of dead wood longer than 250 cm or greater than 5000´p cm3 in volume were too large to break the whole and were cut into lengths of 30 to 50 cm or volumes of no more than 1250´p cm3 and used as three separate samples (upper, middle, lower) for sampling of the wood. These dead wood samples were used to compile both site arthropod datasets and single-wood-sample arthropod datasets (Table 2).
Collected arthropods were identified to species level. If this was not possible, the specimens were classified into morphospecies on the basis of their morphology. We also classified the arthropods into three functional groups—1) obligate saproxylic, 2) facultative saproxylic, and 3) non-saproxylic—and six food habit groups—1) xylophage (feeding on wood or phloem or both), 2) carnivore, 3) fungivore, 4) omnivore, 5) detritivore (excluding wood and fungus eaters), and 6) parasite of arthropods. Because of the massive numbers of social arthropods, including ants (Formicidae) and termites (Termitidae), in these cases we counted the number of colonies (i.e. the number of genet). We therefore excluded termites and ants from those analyses that were based on the number of individuals. We obtained many single dead-wood-based community data, 27 sets of arthropod plot-based community data, and nine sets of forest site-based community data.
We recorded seven features for each dead wood sample: 1) diameter (m), 2) length (m), 3) decay type (white, brown or soft), 4) decay stage (1 - 5), 5) strength (0 - 1), 6) occurrence of bark (0 - 100%), and 7) wood posture (standing or fallen) (Table 2). We excluded tree species identification of dead wood samples because of its difficulty, for example no leaves or a little bark. Strength was calculated by the depth of knife penetration (cm) per wood sample diameter (cm). Decay type and the percentage of bark present were observed visually. We followed the decay stages of Fukasawa et al. (2009). We evaluated stage from strength, bark and other visual features. For example, Stage 1 is wood hard, penetrable with a knife to only a few mm, bark and twigs (diameter <1 cm) intact. Stage 5 is wood disintegrating either to a very soft crumbly texture or is flaky and fragile, penetrable with a knife to more than 10 cm, original log circumference barely recognizable or not discernable (Fukasawa et al 2009).
Vegetation survey and survey of dead wood accumulation
We obtained vegetation data at the same locations as where we had collected the arthropod samples. At each forest site we set up three 15 ´ 15-m quadrats and recorded the species, height, and diameter at breast height of every tree in the quadrat (Table 2) to obtain site datasets for vegetation. The vegetation survey was conducted from October to November in 2016 and 2017.
We established two extra survey lines that were parallel to the first sampling line and on each side of it at a separation distance of at least10 m, and we set up three plots (7 ´ 7 m) along each new line, giving a total of six plots in each forest (Table 2). We measured the volume of dead wood (diameter ³3 cm and length ³30 cm) in the forest in cm3 as a resource for saproxylic arthropods, thus obtaining dead-wood accumulation datasets. The seven above-described features of the wood were also recorded in these plots. This survey was conducted in winter (December to February) from 2016 to 2019 (we surveyed each plot one time).
Urbanization scale
We used the maximum inscribed circle as an indicator of forest area to consider the edge effects in forests of various shapes (Primack 1995; Soga 2013). Correlation coefficients to the percentages of surrounding urban land cover in 1000 m and 2000 m buffer were calculated to confirm validity of the maximum inscribed circle of the forest as an urbanization scale. Forest area (maximum inscribed circle area) was log transformed before this analysis. We performed these calculations by using ArcGIS 10.3.1 (ESRI, Redlands, California, USA).
A principal component analysis was conducted to summarize the vegetation in each forest. We used the sums of the basal areas (m2) of each family for this analysis. Fagaceae, Ericaceae, and Cornaceae had both evergreen and deciduous species, which we considered as separate groups (i.e., evergreen Fagaceae and deciduous Fagaceae were considered separately). The vegetation variable was the first principal component (PC1). (The proportion of variance was 0.89.)
Arthropod community analysis
We conducted a hierarchical cluster analysis to classify nine forest-based arthropod communities by using a Bray-Curtis dissimilarity matrix with arthropod abundance. We considered species collected from at least three dead-wood arthropod plots in order to exclude the noise potentially contributed by the presence of rare species.
To detect those environmental factors affecting community division, we analyzed environmental factors of vegetation and urbanization scale by using one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s HSD test.
We compared species richness between community types. We used both arthropod-individual-based and wood-volume-based rarefaction curves to compare the species richness of the different community types by using the accumcomp function of the Biodiversity R package (Kindt and Coe 2005).
To compare arthropod diversity and abundance by volume of wood, we used a Poisson regression with the number of species or individuals as the response variable and the community type as the categorical explanatory variable, with wood sample volume as an offset term. This analysis was based on the single dead-wood-sample-based dataset (see Table 2). The number of arthropod species and the number of individuals in each food habit group and with obligate or facultative saproxylicity were also analyzed.
To detect the species characteristic of each community type, we performed Poisson regressions for each arthropod species. The response variable was abundance in each dead wood sample; community type was the categorical explanatory variable and deadwood volume was the offset term. The single dead-wood-based dataset was used, and we considered only those arthropod species for which we collected more than 10 individuals in the whole study.
Wood property preference was analyzed for those arthropod species having significant correlations with arthropod community types. The response variable was the number of individuals of each arthropod species in a single dead-wood-sample; the wood properties were explanatory variables, and single dead-wood-sample volume was the offset term.
In all regression models, the best model was chosen on the basis of the Akaike information criterion, and all statistical analyses were conducted in R (R Development Core Team 2018, version 3.3.2).