The results of the simulation of the crystal structure of phlogopite in comparison with the experimental values from (Redhammer and Roth 2002) are shown in supplementary information (Table S1). As is evident from the table, the unit-cell volume is reproduced quite accurately, and the deviations of the cell parameters are characterized by an error of ≤ 2.7%. This allowed us to use the selected set of potentials for a comparative analysis of the energies of defect formation in the crystal structure according to the isomorphic schemes described above.
Simulation of Ti- and Cr-phlogopite end-members
The hypothetical Ti and Cr end-members isostructural to phlogopite were simulated using the model of interatomic potentials in order to estimate thermodynamic properties of solid solution mixing and isomorphic capacity of phlogopite for Ti4+ and Cr3+.
The energies of the structures and those of the formation of point defects were calculated without a pressure and temperature applied to the structure for the considered end-members of solid solutions. The results of simulations via different methods for each considered isomorphic scheme are reported in Table 3. The energy of defect calculated for each mechanism in the selected supercells is an averaged value in the calculation for nonequivalent atomic configurations. The associate energy was normalized to 1 point defect.
Table 3
Energies of structures and formation of point defects of impurity incorporation into the phlogopite structure calculated according to the considered mechanisms by two different methods
Defect formation mechanism | Calculation/ Method | Defect energy, eV | Number of configurations | Defect energy, eV | Number of configurations |
(Mg2+)VI + 2(Si4+)IV = (Ti4+)VI + 2(Al3+)IV | | KMg3AlSi3O10(OH)2 | K(Mg2Ti)(Al3Si)O10(OH)2 |
Energy, eV | -285.3 | -275,35 |
Supercell 4×2×2 | 3.364 | 9 | -3.211 | 9 |
Supercell 6×3×3 | 3.406 | 9 | -3.253 | 9 |
Two-region strategy | 3.417 | 18 | -3.261 | 18 |
2(Mg2+)VI = (Ti4+)VI + (□)VI | | KMg3AlSi3O10(OH)2 | K(MgTi□)AlSi3O10(OH)2 |
Energy, eV | -285.3 | -308,16 |
Supercell 4×2×2 | -11.220 | 13 | 11.822 | 12 |
Supercell 6×3×3 | -11.210 | 7 | 11.833 | 8 |
Two-region strategy | -11.056 | 20 | 11.665 | 20 |
(Mg2+)VI + 2(Al3+)IV = (□)VI + 2(Ti4+)IV | | KMg3AlSi3O10(OH)2 | K2(Mg5,□)Ti2Si6O20(OH)4 |
Energy, eV | -285.3 | -596.3 |
Supercell 4×2×2 | -4.343 | 5 | 4.165 | 4 |
Supercell 6×3×3 | -4.309 | 3 | 4.483 | 4 |
Two-region strategy | -3.987 | 8 | 4.517 | 8 |
(Si4+)IV = (Ti4+)IV | | KMg3AlSi3O10(OH)2 | KMg3AlTi3O10(OH)2 |
Energy, eV | -285.3 | -263,97 |
Supercell 4×2×2 | 7.269 | 7 | -7.037 | 7 |
Supercell 6×3×3 | 7.219 | 7 | -6.985 | 7 |
Two-region strategy | 7.233 | 14 | -7.006 | 14 |
(Mg2+)VI + (Si4+)IV = (Cr3+)VI + (Al3+)IV | | KMg3AlSi3O10(OH)2 | K(Mg2,Cr)Al2Si2O10(OH)2 |
Energy, eV | -285.3 | -282.27 |
Supercell 4×2×2 | 1.632 | 11 | -1.423 | 10 |
Supercell 6×3×3 | 1.574 | 5 | -1.481 | 6 |
Two-region strategy | 1.593 | 16 | -1.444 | 16 |
3(Mg2+)VI = 2(Cr3+)VI + (□)VI | | KMg3AlSi3O10(OH)2 | K(Cr2,□)AlSi3O10(OH)2 |
Energy, eV | -285.3 | -302.80 |
Supercell 4×2×2 | -5.684 | 10 | 6.018 | 10 |
Supercell 6×3×3 | -5.742 | 5 | 5.981 | 5 |
Two-region strategy | -5.723 | 15 | 5.963 | 15 |
3(Mg2+)VI = (Al3+)VI + (Cr3+)VI + (□)VI | | KMg3AlSi3O10(OH)2 | K(Al,Cr,□)AlSi3O10(OH)2 |
Energy, eV | -285.3 | -303.48 |
Supercell 4×2×2 | -6.009 | 10 | 6.094 | 10 |
Supercell 6×3×3 | -6.059 | 5 | 6.075 | 5 |
| Two-region strategy | -6.023 | 15 | 6.127 | 15 |
(Al3+)IV = (Cr3+)IV | | KMg3AlSi3O10(OH)2 | KMg3CrSi3O10(OH)2 |
Energy, eV | -285.3 | -282.83 |
Supercell 4×2×2 | 2.443 | 10 | -2.388 | 10 |
Supercell 6×3×3 | 2.429 | 5 | -2.403 | 5 |
Two-region strategy | 2.479 | 15 | -2.354 | 15 |
As is evident, the data obtained in the 4×2×2 supercell correlate with the results of simulation in the 6×3×3 cell and calculations via the Mott–Littleton model. The difference between the defect energies for all simulated end-members obtained by different methods does not exceed 0.4 eV. Such consistence allows us to consider the results obtained as quite reliable. Note that the defect energy is negative and minimal for the vacancy schemes of the isomorphic incorporation of minor elements into phlogopite. Thus, the most energetically preferable schemes are the vacancy ones upon the formation of one point defect when an impurity enters the phlogopite structure.
Mixing properties of Ti- and Cr-phlogopite end-members
The selected set of potentials reproduces correctly both the properties of the end-members of solid solutions and the structures of phlogopites with one point defect. The results obtained allowed us to apply a consistent set of potentials for simulation of a series of solid solutions in order to identify the most energetically preferable isomorphic scheme under the condition of various P-T parameters, as well as to estimate the isomorphic capacity of phlogopite by the content of impurity Cr3+ and Ti4+.
The mixing entropy ∆Smix was calculated in the pressure range of 1–7 GPa and temperatures of 373–1573 K for each series of solid solutions via the formula:
∆Smix = Sconf +∆Svib,
where Sconf is the configuration and ∆Svib is the vibrational contributions calculated by the formulae:
S conf = kN[x lnx + (1-x)ln(1-x)],
where k is the Boltzmann's constant, N is the Avogadro's number.
∆Svib = Sss – xSstr(Phl) – (1-x)Sstr(Imp−Phl),
where Sss and Sstr are the vibrational entropies of the given solid solution and pure components: Phl, phlogopite; Imp-Phl impurity (Ti or Cr) end-member.
The simulations showed that Sconf often provides the main contribution to the mixing entropy. The solid solutions formed via the mechanisms 2VI(Mg2+) = VI(Ti4+) + VI(□) and VI(Mg2+) + IV(Si4+) = VI(Cr3+) + IV(Al3+), for which, based on the calculations, the vibrational contribution exceeds the configuration one, are exceptions.
The results of calculations of the mixing enthalpy ∆Hmix for the considered isomorphic substitution mechanisms are shown in Figs. 2. The calculation of the enthalpy of mixing ∆Hmix was carried out using the equation:
∆Hmix = x1x2(x1Q1 + x2Q2),
where x1 and x2 are the mole fractions of solid solution components; Q1 and Q2 are the interaction parameters defined as follows:
Q 1 = Edefect(Imp in Phl) + Estr(Phl) – Estr(Imp−Phl)
Q 2 = Edefect(Phl in Imp−Phl) + Estr(Imp−Phl) – Estr(Phl)
where Edefect is the isolated defect energy; Estr is the structure energy of corresponding solid solution end-member per formula. Calculations within the limits of infinite dilution were carried out in the approximation of a linear dependence of the interaction parameter Q on the composition of isomorphic mixtures (see supplementary information Table S2).
The results obtained allowed us to evaluate the change in the Gibbs free energy (∆Gmix= ∆Hmix – T∆Smix) depending on the compositions of the considered solid solutions in a given P-T range. The coexisting compositions of solid solutions were obtained at a minimum of ∆Gmix by searching for the minimum of the polynomial function for each series, and the solvus curves were plotted for some of them (Fig. 3).
Let us consider the conditions for the decomposition of each of the considered solid solutions.
Phlogopite–Ti-phlogopite solid solution
The highest isomorphic capacity in the series of the studied solid solutions of Ti-bearing phlogopite was gained via the mechanism VI(Mg2+) + 2IV(Si4+) = VI(Ti4+) + 2IV(Al3+) (Fig. 3a). The solvus of such solid solution is asymmetric (see supplementary information Table S3) and its maximum is shifted towards Ti-phlogopite, which is consistent with the polarity rule of isomorphic substitutions (an ion with a high charge is more preferably incorporated into mineral than an ion with a lower charge occupying the same crystallographic site upon heterovalent isomorphism). The vacancy mechanism VI(Mg2+) + 2IV(Al3+) = VI(□) + 2IV(Ti4+) suggests limited miscibility (Fig. 3b), and the maximum isomorphic capacity of phlogopite detected at 7 GPa is almost identical to the capacity of its Ti end member (22 mol % TiPhl). The isomorphic capacity in the KMg3AlSi3O10(OH)2–KMg3AlTi3O10(OH)2 solid solution is significantly lower (Fig. 3c). The entry of Ti4+ ions into phlogopite is extremely limited (microconcentrations) up to a temperature of 1373 K. The solvus curve is characterized by a slight asymmetry being shifted towards the Ti end-member, which is consistent with the polarity rule for isomorphism. The G-x sections demonstrate complete immiscibility over the entire range of the studied P-T parameters for a solid solution simulated via the vacancy mechanism 2VI(Mg2+) = VI(Ti4+) + VI(□); therefore, this mechanism may provide minor concentrations of impurities only.
Phlogopite –Cr-phlogopite solid solution
Analysis of the G-x sections for a series of solid solutions with KMg3CrSi3O10(OH)2 and K(Al,Cr,□)AlSi3O10(OH)2 end-members showed the complete miscibility even at room conditions. At the same time, it should be noted that a substitution like IV(Al3+) = IV(Cr3+) is most likely hypothetical and obviously unfavorable from the point of the crystal field theory (Cr3+ ions are preferentially incorporated into the octahedral rather than tetrahedral sites) (McClure, 1957). The crystal field stabilization energy (CFSE) is − 1.2∆o in the octahedral site and − 0.8∆t in the tetrahedral site for Cr3+ ions; since ∆t = 4/9∆o, the CFSE in the tetrahedron is 0.35∆o. Hence, the energy of octahedral site preference in the crystal field for the Cr3+ is ∆Eoct = 0.85. Thus, energy of the octahedral site preference by Cr ions provides an additional, and rather significant, energy effect. Nevertheless, the values of the mixing enthalpy and entropy obtained for simulated solid solutions of phlogopite with K(Mg2,Cr)Al2Si2O10(OH)2 and K(Cr2,□)AlSi3O10(OH)2 end-members allowed us to define the limited miscibility when Cr3+ ions enter the octahedron. Isomorphic substitution via the scheme VI(Mg2+) + IV(Si4+) = VI(Cr3+) + IV(Al3+) suggests limited miscibility over the entire tested temperature range (Fig. 3d). An increase in pressure leads to an expansion of the stability fields of both solid solutions, and this effect increases with temperature. The critical temperature is estimated as 1075 ± 17 K for the vacancy mechanism (Fig. 3e) in the pressure range of 3–5 GPa, (see supplementary information Table S3); however, at a pressure of 1 GPa, the critical temperature is much higher, 1370K. Note that the solvus curve is relatively symmetrical and its maximum is close to the composition of 50 mol % K(Cr2,□)AlSi3O10(OH)2 (x(Cr) = 0.46–0.50 in the selected pressure range).
The depression isomorphism rule characteristic of the simplest isovalent substitutions most often does not work for the studied solid solutions, which are characterized by limited solubility. This shows that the isomorphic capacity at various pressures in each case is controlled by a whole complex of parameters, such as the compressibility of various polyhedra, volume of vacancy regions, and their mutual arrangement.
Change of the structure geometry as a function of impurity concentration
Analysis of the local structure of the simulated solid solutions was carried out with account for changes in both individual and average interatomic distances and volumes of coordination polyhedra within the framework of the phenomenological theory (Urusov, 1992).
The geometry of isolated impurity polyhedra of titanium [TiO4], [TiO6] and chromium [CrO4], [CrO6] in phlogopite for each of the considered mechanisms for the incorporation of impurities is shown in supplementary information (Fig. S4).
Figure S5 (see supplementary information) shows the change in the structure geometry depending on the composition of the solid solution upon incorporation of the considered impurities via the competing substitution mechanisms. Deviations from the additivity of structural parameters depending on the composition of the considered solid solutions are reported in supplementary information (see supplementary information Table S6).
Note that the dependences of structural parameters and cell volume on the composition of solid solution are close to linear upon Ti incorporation into phlogopite via to the non-vacancy substitution mechanisms IV(Si4+) = IV(Ti4+) and VI(Mg2+) + 2IV(Si4+) = VI(Ti4+) + 2IV(Al3+) (see supplementary information Fig. S5a). There are slight deviations of these mechanisms from additivity, which do not exceed 0.09 Å and 3.678 Å3 for bond length and cell volume, respectively (see supplementary information Table S6). At the same time, change in the structural parameters for vacancy mechanisms has a pronounced non-linear character. The mechanism VI(Mg2+) + 2IV(Al3+) = VI(□) + 2IV(Ti4+) is characterized by a negative deviation of a, c, and cell volume V, and a positive deviation of b from additivity. Such regularities are rather rare; however, according to (Urusov 1977), they may be one of the reasons for the observed increase in isomorphic capacity with increasing pressure.
The Vegard’s and Retger’s additivity rules are systematically violated upon the substitution like 2VI(Mg2+) = VI(Ti4+) + VI(□) (see supplementary information Table S6). There is a regular increase in the unit-cell volume V and c parameter up to 40 mol % of Ti component. A further increase in the Ti component ceases to have a noticeable effect on the value of these parameters. This pattern may explain the detected immiscibility in the K(Mg,Ti,□)AlSi3O10(OH)2 – KMg3AlSi3O10(OH)2 series described in the previous section.
We also note that vacancy mechanisms are characterized by a decrease in the structure density (see supplementary information Fig. S5). At the same time, the opposite effect is observed for non-vacancy mechanisms. According to the mechanism VI(Mg2+) + 2IV(Si4+) = VI(Ti4+) + 2IV(Al3+), the structure density increases with increasing concentration of the Ti component of the solid solution, which is naturally explained by an increase in the unit-cell parameters. However, the density in the KMg3AlTi3O10(OH)2–KMg3AlSi3O10(OH)2 series is constant, despite increase in the unit-cell parameters, which is compensated by the difference in interatomic distances: Ti-O bond length is larger than Si-O bond length.
Cr incorporation into phlogopite shows no obvious deviations from the additivity rules, which do not exceed 0.11 Å and 28.13 Å3 for bond length and unit-cell volume, respectively (see supplementary information Table S6). A linear change in the structure density of Cr phlogopites is recorded for all mechanisms, with the greatest increase for the vacancy mechanisms (see supplementary information Fig. S5b).
Let us consider the patterns of the local structure of a solid solution in terms of changes in interatomic distances, volumes of coordination polyhedra, compliances of cation sites (Dollase 1980), and degree of their relaxation λ (Vegard 1928; Urusov 1992) depending on the impurity content. The values of λ for most polyhedra are close to the bond length alternation model, in which it is equal to 1 (Table 4, supplementary information Fig. S7a,b,e,f, Fig. S8a,b,e,f), which demonstrates the constancy of the lengths of individual bonds in the structures of analyzed solid solutions, regardless of the composition of the solid solution. This is explained by the key influence of the size of the common structural unit of an isomorphic mixture, which follows the isomorphism assistance rule (Urusov 1977).
Table 4
Estimated relaxation parameters λR, bond lengths, and polyhedron volumes λV
| (Si4+)IV = (Ti4+)IV | (Mg2+)VI + 2(Si4+)IV = (Ti4+)VI + 2(Al3+)IV | (Mg2+)VI + 2(Al3+)IV = (□)VI + 2(Ti4+)IV | 2(Mg2+)VI = (Ti4+)VI + (□)VI |
λR (Mg-O) | | 1.00 | 1.00 | 0.89 |
λR (Ti-O) | 1.00 | 1.00 | 0.88 | 0.95 |
λR (Si-O) | 1.00 | 0.89 | | |
λR (Al-O) | | 0.95 | 0.70 | |
λV (Mg-O) | | 0.92 | | 0.64 |
λV (Ti-O) | 1.00 | 1.00 | 0.75 | 0.94 |
λV (Si-O) | 1.00 | 1.00 | | |
λV (Al-O) | | 1.00 | 0.78 | |
| (Al3+)IV = (Cr3+)IV | (Mg2+)VI + (Si4+)IV = (Cr3+)VI + (Al3+)IV | 3(Mg2+)VI = (Al3+)VI + (Cr3+)VI + (□)VI | 3(Mg2+)VI = 2(Cr3+)VI + (□)VI |
λR (Mg-O) | | 0.90 | 0.88 | 0.95 |
λR (Cr-O) | 0.97 | 0.97 | 0.90 | 0.96 |
λR (Si-O) | | 0.99 | | |
λR (Al-O) | 0.993 | 1.00 | 0.96 | |
λV (Mg-O) | | 0.81 | 0.77 | 0.76 |
λV (Cr-O) | 1.00 | 0.94 | 0.82 | 0.80 |
λV (Si-O) | | 1.00 | | |
λV (Al-O) | 0.99 | 1.00 | | |
The greatest deviations from the bond length alternation model are typical (see supplementary information Fig. S7c,g, Fig. S8c,g), when an impurity enters with the formation of a vacancy, and there is a non-linearity in the change in the considered parameters from the content of impurity as well (see supplementary information Fig. S7h, Fig. S8h). For the K(Mg,Ti,□)AlSi3O10(OH)2 – KMg3AlSi3O10(OH)2 solid solution, Significant deviations from additivity are fixed for the K(Mg,Ti,□)AlSi3O10(OH)2–KMg3AlSi3O10(OH)2 solid solution (see supplementary information Fig. S7d, Fig. S8d), which may be another criterion for the described immiscibility.
Comparison of incorporation of Cr and Ti in phlogopite
Comparison of the patterns of Cr3+ and Ti4+ incorporation into phlogopite by the competing substitution mechanisms shows that the formation of Cr-bearing solid solutions requires less energy consumption. Although the radii of impurity ions in the octahedral site have very close values (rTi4+ = 0.75Å, rCr3+ = 0.76Å), incorporation of Ti4+ ions distort the structure of the solid solution stronger than Cr3+ ions compared to pure phlogopite (see supplementary information Fig. S5). This is due to the greater difference in charges and electronegativity of the Ti4+–Mg2+ pair compared to the Cr3+–Mg2+ pair. In addition, such distortion results in a stronger change in the structure energy in relation to the energy of pure phlogopite in the case of Ti4+ incorporation (Table 3).
Comparison of isomorphic substitution schemes
Analysis of thermodynamic mixing properties, as well as structure geometry of the considered solid solutions, allowed us to identify the most energetically preferable schemes. Thus, the most likely scheme of Ti incorporation into phlogopite is VI(Mg2+) + 2IV(Si4+) = VI(Ti4+) + 2IV(Al3+), which stimulates complete miscibility at relatively low temperatures in the entire pressure range of phlogopite stability. The simplest isovalent substitution (Si4+)IV = (Ti4+)IV is energetically inferior to that described above, despite the smaller deviations of structural parameters from additivity, and exhibits highly limited miscibility over the entire considered P–T range. The vacancy mechanism 2VI(Mg2+) = VI(Ti4+) + VI(□) is most preferable in the case of very low Ti concentrations only, which is explained by the minimum energies of defect formation. Moreover, such substitution is unlikely in significant scale, as indicated by the facts that the additivity rules, as well as the Vegard’s and Retger’s rules, do not work, the interaction parameters have extremely high values, and, as a result, the immiscibility is detected. The formation of a vacancy in the octahedral site upon Ti incorporation into the tetrahedron most likely proceeds via the scheme VI(Mg2+) + 2IV(Al3+) = VI(□) + 2IV(Ti4+). Such substitution is energetically more favorable in comparison with the scheme 2VI(Mg2+) = VI(Ti4+) + VI(□) and allows the accumulation of higher Ti concentration (Table 3).
According to the results of the simulations, the schemes 3VI(Mg2+) = VI(Al3+) + VI(Cr3+) + VI(□) and VI(Mg2+) + IV(Si4+) = VI(Cr3+) + IV(Al3+) turn out to be the most energetically preferable. The incorporation of chromium into phlogopite is less preferable via the substitution 3VI(Mg2+) = 2VI(Cr3+) + VI(□). Despite the absence of anomalies with change in the structure geometry, following the additivity rules, and detection of complete miscibility, this mechanism is the least favorable energetically (Table S2). As was mentioned above, the scheme IV(Al3+) = IV(Cr3+) is obviously unfavorable in accordance with the crystal field theory, despite the extremely low values of the mixing enthalpy (Fig. 2).
Some reasoning for the schemes of isomorphic substitution under the natural conditions
The quantitative estimates of the isomorphic capacity of phlogopite in terms of the content of Ti and Cr impurities in comparison with their calculated concentrations in the studied end-members of solid solutions, as well as the highest Ti and Cr concentrations recorded in phlogopites from inclusions in natural diamonds, other natural mineral assemblages, and those synthesized in different experimental systems are reported in Table 5.
Table 5
Concentration of impurities in phlogopites and Ti and Cr end-members
| System | Reference | TiO2, wt % | System | Reference | Cr2O3, wt % |
Experiment | Ti-KNCMASH (4 GPa, 1250°C) | (Konzett 1997) | 3.7 | Chromite + ilmenite with H2O-CO2-K2CO3 fluids (5 GPa, 1200°C) | (Safonov et al. 2019: Butvina et al. 2019) | 2.7 |
Inclusions in diamonds | Eclogitic association | (Sobolev et al. 2009) | 12 | Ultramafic association | (Sobolev et al. 2009) | 3.23 |
Natural phlogopites | Mongolian basaltoid rocks | (Koval et al. 1988) | 12.5 | Phlogopite harzburgite xenolith (Wesselton kimberlite) | (Griffin et al. 1999) | 2.26 |
Muranska Zdychava listvenites | (Ferenc et al. 2016) | 6.54 |
| Scheme | Composition | | Scheme | Composition | |
Atomistic modeling | IV(Si4+) = IV(Ti4+) | KMg3AlTi0.15Si2.85O10(OH)2 | 2.29 | IV(Al3+) = IV(Cr3+) | - | - |
KMg3AlTi3O10(OH)2 | 44.7 | KMg3CrSi3O10(OH)2 | 17.18 |
VI(Mg2+) + 2IV(Si4+) = VI(Ti4+) + 2IV(Al3+) | - | - | VI(Mg2+) + IV(Si4+) = VI(Cr3+) + IV(Al3+) | K(Mg2.7,Cr0.3)Al2.3Si1.7O10(OH)2 | 5.48 |
K(Mg2Ti)(Al3Si)O10(OH)2 | 15.1 | K(Mg2,Cr)Al2Si2O10(OH)2 | 17.12 |
VI(Mg2+) + 2IV(Al3+) = VI(□) + 2IV(Ti4+) | K(Mg2.9,□)Ti0.3Al0.7Si3O10(OH)2 | 3.54 | 3VI(Mg2+) = VI(Al3+) + VI(Cr3+) + VI(□) | - | - |
K(Mg2.5,□)TiSi3O10(OH)2 | 15.58 | K(Al,Cr,□)AlSi3O10(OH)2 | 17.95 |
2VI(Mg2+) = VI(Ti4+) + VI(□) | - | - | 3VI(Mg2+) = 2VI(Cr3+) + VI(□) | - | - |
K(Mg,Ti,□)AlSi3O10(OH)2 | 15.95 | K(Cr2,□)AlSi3O10(OH)2 | 33.9 |
As is evident, the results of atomistic simulation do not contradict the patterns of impurity accumulation detected in natural samples and in run products. The maximum Ti concentrations calculated for the most energetically preferable stoichiometric mechanism VI(Mg2+) + 2IV(Si4+) = VI(Ti4+) + 2IV(Al3+) exceed those in natural assemblages (Table 5). At the same time, the formation of a vacancy in the octahedral site is often reported in the literature. In the absence of X-ray diffraction data, information on the content of Fe3+ and OH, as well as unconfirmed Ti-oxy substitution (Mg,Fe2+) + 2OH- = Ti4+ + 2O2- (Ventruti et al. 2020; Cruciani and Zanazzi 1994; Schingaro et al. 2005; Mesto et al. 2006), the 2VI(Mg2+) = VI(Ti4+) + VI(□) substitution is discussed in many studies (e.g., (Arima and Edgar 1981; Tronnes et al. 1985; Abrecht and Hewitt 1988; Thu et al. 2016)); based on the results of our study, we suggest only minor Ti incorporation via this scheme. In addition, the TiO2 content of > 7.81 wt % (> 50 mol % K(Mg,Ti,□)AlSi3O10(OH)2) should result in the formation of transitional di-/trioctahedral mica varieties, which were not recorded in the literature (Koval et al. 1988; Sobolev et al. 2006).
At the same time, Ti incorporation via the scheme VI(Mg2+) + 2IV(Al3+) = VI(□) + 2IV(Ti4+) may result in accumulation of 15.58 wt % TiO2 in the composition of the K2(Mg5,□)Ti2Si6O20(OH)4 component (Table 5) without significant structural changes and with retention of three-layer packages of divalent cations. It is important that such Al substitution for Ti leads to the complete absence of Al in the tetrahedron, which is unlikely under the natural conditions. Thus, comparing the substitutions 2VI(Mg2+) = VI(Ti4+) + VI(□) и VI(Mg2+) + 2IV(Al3+) = VI(□) + 2IV(Ti4+), we may suggest that the accumulation of Ti will be more energetically favorable in the tetrahedron, while the high Al concentrations may be gained in the octahedral site via one of the schemes: VI(R2+) + IV(Si4+) = VI(Al3+) + IV(Al3+) or 3VI(R2+) = 2VI(Al3+) + VI(□). Such multistage substitution can compete with Ti-oxy substitution, and the choice of a certain mechanism will be determined by the conditions of mineral crystallization.
The data of atomistic modeling for Cr incorporation of into phlogopite are consistent with the literature data as well. An exception is the high Cr2O3 content (up to 6.54 wt %) reported for trioctahedral Ni-bearing micas from listvenite (Ferenc et al. 2016). The limited miscibility detected for the substitution mechanism VI(Mg2+) + IV(Si4+) = VI(Cr3+) + IV(Al3+) provides Cr2O3 accumulation up to 5.5 wt % (Table 5). Ferenc et al. (2016) point to the predominant role of the schemes VI(R2+) + IV(Si4+) = VI(Cr3+) + IV(Al3+) и 3VI(R2+) = 2VI(Cr3+) + VI(□), where R2+ are divalent cations. At the same time, the described micas contain the high Al2O3 concentrations (up to 23 wt %), which cannot be realized, if Cr is incorporated via the scheme 3VI(R2+) = 2VI(Cr3+) + VI(□); according to this scheme, at a content of ~ 6.5 wt % Cr2O3, the concentration of Al2O3 will not exceed 12.1 wt %. Note that only the mechanisms VI(R2+) + IV(Si4+) = VI(Cr3+) + IV(Al3+) и 3VI(R2+) = VI(Al3+) + VI(Cr3+) + VI(□) provide the high concentrations of Al in mica. The energetically more preferable vacancy mechanism 3VI(Mg2+) = VI(Al3+) + VI(Cr3+) + VI(□) stimulating the complete miscibility in a wide P–T range seems to be more likely for accumulation of high Cr2O3 concentrations (up to 18 wt %) in the composition of dioctahedral component K(Al,Cr,□)AlSi3O10(OH)2. Thus, an increase in the Cr content in trioctahedral micas will always stimulate the formation of transitional varieties between di- and trioctahedral micas.