FOM biomass in shoots of Arabidopsis
qPCR analysis generally showed lower FOM quantities in G5 compared to G3 in Arabidopsis tissues (Fig. 1B). In G3, FOM levels were as expected higher in samples from the FOM inoculated setups S1 and S2 than in the non-inoculated S3. There were higher FOM levels in the un-primed S2 shoots compared to the host-primed S1shoots in G3, although statistically non-significant (Fig. 1B). We further assessed the effects of a continuously FOM-primed microbiome on FOM accumulation in Arabidopsis shoots in the S1 setup and found a significant and decreasing amount of FOM biomass during generations (p < 0.001) and genotypes (p < 0.01) (Fig. 1C).
Figure 1. Schematics of experimental outline and Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. mathioli (FOM) quantification. A) Our experimental system showing the three different setups S1, S2 and S3 and the treatments applied, indicated with a red pipette for FOM application and a blue for BCs. Arrows show the transfer of BCs from one planting generation to the other. B) Boxplots of FOM quantities in shoots of Col-0 and Ler-0 lines harvested from generations 3 (G3) and 5 (G5) in S1, S2 and S3. FOM quantities were determined using qPCR. Significant differences of FOM levels in shoots of G3 and G5 are shown. C) Relationship between FOM quantities and planting generations (G3, G4 and G5) in S1. A significant decreasing effects of both experimental cycle (P < 0.001)) and genotype (P < 0.01) with generation was observed. The trendlines were produced using geom_smooth function in the ggplot2 package.
Sequence data
Sequencing of the rhizosphere samples amplified with bacterial primers yielded 1,784,855 reads in total for all samples (range:1221–76,111; median: 15,595) that clustered into 8,726 OTUs after quality control, chimera filtering, as well as removal of chloroplast and mitochondrial reads. The fungal dataset resulted in 1,524,782 reads (range: 512–106,099; median: 7,146) that clustered into 429 OTUs. For microbial read distribution and rarefaction curves, see Supplementary Figure S1B-E).
Further microbiome analyses were primarily focused on the host-primed (S1) and non-primed (S2) setups in G3 and the FOM-primed and host-primed setups of G5 (Fig. 1A).
Effects of host-primed BCs on root microbiomes (G3)
We compared the S1 and S2 setups in G3 and tested whether host-primed BCs would affect root microbiome structures. Our analysis revealed a higher relative abundance of the bacterial phylum Bacteroidetes in S1, and more specifically the genera Cytophaga and Pedobacter belonging to Bacteroidetes were strongly enriched (Supplementary Figure S2A,B), while a higher abundance of Proteobacteria was observed in S2 (Fig. 2A). After removal of fOTU1 from the analysis (representing the inoculated FOM), it could be observed that Trichoderma, Apiotrichum and Zepfiella were distinctively enriched in S1 (Supplementary Figure S2C).
To further determine microbial OTUs that were significantly sensitive to the host-priming, we performed biomarker and differential abundance analysis. A linear discriminant analysis showed the highest number of biomarker taxa in S1 (Fig. 2B). Alpha-Gamma Proteobacteria including the families Caulobacteraceae and Azospirillaceae (genus Azospirillum) and Gemmatimonadaceae were strongly enriched in S1 while the family Streptomycetaceae was enriched in S2 (Fig. 2B). In addition, the bacterial genera Flavobacterium, Azospirillum, Massilia, and Thermomonas were highly enriched in S1 (Tables S3). The fungal order Helotiales was highly enriched in S1 while the family Bulleribasidiaceae, and Gibberella tricincta (OTU221), strongly characterized S2 (supplementary Figure S2D, Tables S3).
A significantly higher bacterial richness was observed in S1 (Fig. 2E), and the bacterial Shannon diversity was also highest in S1, although not significant. Beta diversity analysis and PCoA visualization revealed a clear clustering of the bacterial communities according to the setups (Fig. 2D), and a PERMANOVA analysis indicated that host-priming effects (Adonis, R2 = 0.27, p < 0.001, Table 1) were stronger than genotype effects (Adonis, R2 = 0.16, p < 0.001, Table 1). Fungal alpha diversity was not significantly affected by host-priming, whereas community composition, although less distinct when visualized on PCoA plots (Supplementary Figure S2E,F), was significantly affected. Host-priming (Adonis, R2 = 0.14, P < 0.001, Table S1) and genotype x host-priming (Adonis, R2 = 0.16, P < 0.001, Table S1) contributed most to the variation in the fungal communities compared to the genotype effects (Adonis, R2 = 0.12, P < 0.01, Table S1). Expectedly as we transferred BCs, the effects of host-priming were higher on the bacterial communities than on the fungal communities (Table S2).
Table 1
Permutational analysis of variance (PERMANOVA) using the ‘adonis’ test on Bray-Curtis distance matrices for bacterial community dissimilarity assessment using 1000 permutations.
Bacteria (R2)
Host-primed BC
0.27 ***
Genotype* Host-primed BC
0.10 **
FOM-primed BC
0.14 ***
Genotype: FOM-primed BC
0.08 *
Significance of test indicated as *** for p < 0.001, ** p > 0.01, *p < 0.05 and R2 for proportion of variation explained. n.s denotes non-significant. |
Next, we used co-occurrence network analysis to pinpoint the effects of host-priming on the microbial community structures. Both bacterial and fungal networks associated with the roots that had been host-primed were denser with higher clustering coefficients, mean node degrees and shorter average path lengths (Fig. 2E, F). Transitivity (Tr) or clustering coefficient is a measure of the tendency of the nodes to cluster together, while average path length is the average number of steps along the shortest paths between each node, being a measure of efficiency on a network [56–58]. Similarly, the total number of both positive and negative microbial co-occurrences were higher in host-primed networks (bacteria, 207; fungi, 448) than in non-primed networks (bacteria, 117; fungi, 267) (Table S4).
Figure 2. Host- primed bacterial communities (BC) alters and enhances microbial community networks against Fusarium invasion. A) Bacterial class level relative abundances in the S1 and S2 setups. B) Bacterial biomarkers between S1 and S2 using linear discriminant analysis (LDA). C) Bacterial alpha diversity (observed OTU richness and Shannon diversity) in S1 and S2. D) Bacterial beta diversity visualization using PCoA ordinations of bacterial communities in the different setups of generation 3 (G3), based on Bray-Curtis distance metrics. Compared setups of interest are shown in rectangle. E) Bacterial and F) fungal co-occurrence networks in G3 of S1 and S2. Positive and negative correlations are shown as grey and red edges, respectively. Bacterial and fungal nodes are represented with circle and square symbols in the network, respectively. Network metrics transitivity (Tr) or clustering coefficient, mean node degree (Nm) and average path length (Apl) were computed for each network. Each node represents the OTUs assigned to class (bacteria) or family (fungi), and the size of each node is proportional to the number of connections (degrees). Bacterial and fungal nodes are represented as circle and square symbols in the networks, respectively. Networks were constructed and analyzed using the SpiecEasi and Igraph packages in R.
Effects of FOM-primed BC on root microbiomes (G5)
For an analysis of the effects of FOM-primed BCs on the root microbiome structures, we compared the FOM-primed S2 and host-primed S3 setups in G5. Plants that received FOM-primed BCs had distinct microbial communities compared to those receiving host-primed BCs. Relative abundances of Bacteroidetes were higher in the FOM-primed roots while Actinobacteria abundance was higher in the roots that received host-primed BCs (Fig. 3A). By excluding the inoculated fOTU1 (FOM) from the analysis, it became obvious that Olpidium abundance increased in the FOM-primed roots compared with host-primed roots (Supplementary Figure S3 B, C).
The bacterial family Chthoniobacteraceae was the best marker for the FOM-primed root communities, while Micrococcaceae and Norcardioidaceae were highly present in the host-primed communities (Fig. 3B). The bacterial genus Flavobacterium (OTU112) was highly enriched in the FOM-primed setup (Table S3). The fungal genus Exophiala and family Phaeosphaeriaceae were the most enriched biomarker taxa in the FOM-primed while the families Didymellaceae and Ceratobasidiaceae were strongly enriched in the host-primed setups (Supplementary Figure S3D; Table S3).
Microbial alpha diversity was not significantly different between host- and FOM-primed roots (Fig. 3C). Bacterial beta diversity was significantly distinct between the root microbiomes that had received either host- or FOM-primed BCs as observed in the PCoA plots and PERMANOVA (Fig. 3D, Table 1). A significant but small effect was contributed by genotype (Adonis, R2 = 0.07, p < 0.001, Table 1), BC priming (Adonis, R2 = 0.06, p < 0.001, Table 1) and genotype x FOM-priming (Adonis, R2 = 0.07, p < 0.001, Table 1) on the bacterial communities.
Fungal alpha diversity was not significantly different, and the communities of the different host-primed and FOM-primed setups did not form any notable clusters in PCOA plots (Supplementary Figure S3E,F. Table S1). Priming explained most of the variation observed in the fungal community (Adonis, setup; R2 = 0.16 p < 0.001, Table S1).
Network analysis using the G5 dataset revealed distinct co-occurrences with highly destabilized bacterial networks in the FOM-primed roots exhibiting a lower clustering coefficient, a lower mean node degree and a shorter average path length compared to the host-primed networks (Fig. 3E,F). Unlike fungal co-occurrences, positive and negative bacterial co-occurrences were lower in the FOM-primed networks (bacteria, 97; fungi, 245) compared to the host-primed networks (bacteria, 157; fungi, 350) (Supplementary Table S4).
Genotype specific microbiome assembly in host and pathogen -primed BC conditions
Col-0 and Ler-0 exhibit different levels of resistance towards FOM [59, 60] and assemble distinct microbiomes [43, 61]. Thus, we examined whether there were any differences in how the microbiomes of these two genotypes responded to inoculation with host- or FOM-primed BC combined with their response to FOM infection. Data from the individual setups (G3-G5) were pooled for each genotype in this analysis. By examining network metrics, we found that in S1 and S2, bacterial networks were mostly stronger in Col-0 while fungal networks were more robust in Ler-0 (Fig. 4A,B; Supplementary Table S5). The most remarkable network breakdowns in both Col-0 and Ler-0 occurred in the S2 setups that had been challenged with FOM in the first generations (Fig. 4A,B). In contrast, bacterial networks in Ler-0 were stronger than in Col-0 in S3.
We identified distinct microbial biomarker taxa discriminating Col-0 and Ler-0 in both FOM- and host-primed setups (Supplementary Figure S5A,B). In S1, dominant biomarkers included the bacterial families Micrococcaceae, Sphingomonadaceae, Gemmatimonadaceae and the fungal taxon Lasiosphaeriaceae in Col-0, while Chthoniobacteraceae and the fungal taxon Typhulaceae were highly enriched in Ler-0. In S2, the most highly discriminating microbial taxa were Streptomycetaceae and Phaeosphaeriaceae in Col-0, while Pedosphaeraceae and Herpotrichiellaceae were strongly enriched in Ler-0. In S3, the bacterial family Cellvibrionaceae and the fungal class Agaricales were the most highly differentiating taxa in Col-0 while the fungal families Nocardioidaceae and Hypocreaceae dominated in Ler-0 (Supplementary Figure S5A,B).
Figure 4. Microbial co-occurrence networks of A) Col-0 and B) Ler-0 samples in the different setups. Bacterial and fungal nodes represent taxa affiliated at phylum and order levels, respectively. Bacterial and fungal datasets in G3, G4 and G5 were pooled for these analysis. Size of node is proportional to the number of connections (that is, degree). Bacterial and fungal nodes are represented as circle and square symbols in the networks, respectively. Network metrics transitivity (Tr) or clustering coefficient, mean node degree (Nm) and average path length (Apl) were computed for each network. Networks were analyzed using the SpiecEasi and visualized using the ggnet package in R.