The effects of oral administration of Methanolic and aqueous leaf extracts of Schleichera oleosa on haematological parameter are shown in table 1 and 2 and hormonal profile of Wistar albino rats treated with methanolic and aqueous extracts of Schleichera oleosa are shown in Table 3 and figure 1.
The amount of RBC for the controlled group was found to be 9.6±0.057106/mm3. The group treated with low dose of methanolic extract of Schleichera oleosa expressed 9.7±0.0125 106/mm3of RBC the group treated with high dose of methanolic extract showed 9.5±0.003 106/mm3 of RBC The group treated with low dose of aqueous extract of Schleichera oleosa was found to have 9.5±0.012 106/mm3 of RBC, The group treated with high dose of aqueous extract of Schleichera oleosa possessed 9.5±0.023 106/mm3 of RBC.The amount of WBC for the controlled group was found to be 13.5±0.058 103/mm3. The group treated with low dose of methanolic extract of Schleichera oleosa expressed 13.6±0.0113 103/mm3 of WBC the group treated with high dose of methanolic extract showed 13.7±0.021 103/mm3 of WBC The group treated with low dose of aqueous extract of Schleichera oleosa was found to have 9.5±0.012 103/mm3 of WBC, The group treated with high dose of aqueous extract of Schleichera oleosa possessed 9.5±0.023 103/mm3 of WBC.
The amount of Platelets for the controlled group was found to be 396±0.577103/mm3. The group treated with low dose of methanolic extract of Schleichera oleosa expressed 395±0.03 103/mm3 of Platelets the group treated with high dose of methanolic extract showed 397±0.042103/mm3 of Platelets The group treated with low dose of aqueous extract of Schleichera oleosa was found to have 398±0.020103/mm3 of Platelets, The group treated with high dose of aqueous extract of Schleichera oleosa possessed 397±0.011103/mm3 of Platelets. The amount of Packed cell volume for the controlled group was found to be 43.6±0 %. The group treated with low dose of methanolic extract of Schleichera oleosa expressed 44.6±0.0234%of Packed cell volume the group treated with high dose of methanolic extract showed 44.7±0.013%of Packed cell volume The group treated with low dose of aqueous extract of Schleichera oleosa was found to have 45.5±0.115%of Packed cell volume, The group treated with high dose of aqueous extract of Schleichera oleosa possessed 44.5±0.042%of Packed cell volume. The amount of haemoglobin for the controlled group was found to be 11.4±0.011 (g/dl). The group treated with low dose of methanolic extract of Schleichera oleosa expressed 11.8±0.0342 (g/dl)of haemoglobin the group treated with high dose of methanolic extract showed 11.5±0.004 (g/dl)of haemoglobin The group treated with low dose of aqueous extract of Schleichera oleosa was found to have 11.6±0.001 (g/dl)of haemoglobin, The group treated with high dose of aqueous extract of Schleichera oleosa possessed 11.5±0.023 (g/dl)of haemoglobin. The amount of mean corpuscular volume for the controlled group was found to be 48.3±0.022 fl .The group treated with low dose of methanolic extract of Schleichera oleosa expressed 48.5±0.022 fl. of mean corpuscular volume the group treated with high dose of methanolic extract showed 48.6±0.022 fl of mean corpuscular volume The group treated with low dose of aqueous extract of Schleichera oleosa was found to have 48.8±0.012fl of mean corpuscular volume, The group treated with high dose of aqueous extract of Schleichera oleosa possessed 48.7±0.0123 fl of mean corpuscular volume.The amount of mean corpuscular haemoglobin for the controlled group was found to be 16.5±0.046 Pg .The group treated with low dose of methanolic extract of Schleichera oleosa expressed 16.3±0.013 Pg. of mean corpuscular haemoglobin the group treated with high dose of methanolic extract showed 16.4±0.033 Pg of mean corpuscular haemoglobin The group treated with low dose of aqueous extract of Schleichera oleosa was found to have 16.6±0.032 Pg of mean corpuscular haemoglobin, The group treated with high dose of aqueous extract of Schleichera oleosa possessed 16.5±0.034Pg of mean corpuscular haemoglobin. The amount of mean corpuscular haemoglobin for the controlled group was found to be 16.5±0.046 Pg .The group treated with low dose of methanolic extract of Schleichera oleosa expressed 16.3±0.013 Pg. of mean corpuscular haemoglobin the group treated with high dose of methanolic extract showed 16.4±0.033 Pg of mean corpuscular haemoglobin The group treated with low dose of aqueous extract of Schleichera oleosa was found to have 16.6±0.032 Pg of mean corpuscular haemoglobin, The group treated with high dose of aqueous extract of Schleichera oleosa possessed 16.5±0.034Pg of mean corpuscular haemoglobin. The amount of mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration for the controlled group was found to be 35.0±0.173g/dl .The group treated with low dose of methanolic extract of Schleichera oleosa expressed 35.1±0.0577 g/dl. of mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration the group treated with high dose of methanolic extract showed 35.2±0.014 g/dl of mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration The group treated with low dose of aqueous extract of Schleichera oleosa was found to have 35.2±0.014g/dl of mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration, The group treated with high dose of aqueous extract of Schleichera oleosa possessed 35.0±0.014 g/dl of mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration. The amount of neutrophils for the controlled group was found to be 39.2±0.021 103/mm3. The group treated with low dose of methanolic extract of Schleichera oleosa expressed 39.3±0.002 103/mm3 of neutrophils, the group treated with high dose of methanolic extract showed 39.4±0.021 103/mm3 of neutrophils, The group treated with low dose of aqueous extract of Schleichera oleosa was found to have 39.6±0.002 103/mm3 of neutrophils, The group treated with high dose of aqueous extract of Schleichera oleosa possessed 39.6±0.002 103/mm3 of neutrophils. The amount of Eosinophils for the controlled group was found to be 2.0±0.02 103/mm3. The group treated with low dose of methanolic extract of Schleichera oleosa expressed 2.2±0.021 103/mm3 of Eosinophils the group treated with high dose of methanolic extract showed 2.4±0.023 103/mm3 of Eosinophils The group treated with low dose of aqueous extract of Schleichera oleosa was found to have 2.6±0.021 103/mm3 of Eosinophils, The group treated with high dose of aqueous extract of Schleichera oleosa possessed 2.5±0.023103/mm3 of Eosinophils. The amount of Lymphocytes for the controlled group was found to be 78±0.033103/mm3. The group treated with low dose of methanolic extract of Schleichera oleosa expressed 79±0.03103/mm3 of Lymphocytes the group treated with high dose of methanolic extract showed 77±0.05103/mm3 of E Lymphocytes The group treated with low dose of aqueous extract of Schleichera oleosa was found to have 76±0.034103/mm3 of Lymphocytes, The group treated with high dose of aqueous extract of Schleichera oleosa possessed 78±0.033 103/mm3 of Lymphocytes. The amount of Basophils for the controlled group was found to be 1.0±0.01103/mm3. The group treated with low dose of methanolic extract of Schleichera oleosa expressed 1.0±0.01 103/mm3 of Basophils the group treated with high dose of methanolic extract showed 1.0±0.01103/mm3 of Basophils The group treated with low dose of aqueous extract of Schleichera oleosa was found to have 1.0±0.01 103/mm3 of Basophils, The group treated with high dose of aqueous extract of Schleichera oleosa possessed 1.0±0.01 103/mm3 of Basophils. The amount of Monocytes for the controlled group was found to be 2.4±0.001 103/mm3. The group treated with low dose of methanolic extract of Schleichera oleosa expressed 2.5±0.002 103/mm3 of Monocytes the group treated with high dose of methanolic extract showed 2.4±0.001 103/mm3 of Monocytes The group treated with low dose of aqueous extract of Schleichera oleosa was found to have 2.5±0.002103/mm3 of Monocytes, The group treated with high dose of aqueous extract of Schleichera oleosa possessed 2.4±0.001 103/mm3 of Monocytes
It was observed that oral administration of aqueous and methanolic leaf extracts of Schleichera oleosa did not have any major impact on the haematological parameters.
It has been reported that persistent treatment with Vanadate, Ammonium metavanadate for 7 to 8 days caused a dose dependent significant decrease of RBC from 11.29 ± 1.2 to 5.67 ± 0.9 and 11.350 ± 1.4 to 4.245 ± 1.02 g / dL respectively (Ahmad, F.,1995). Ashour et al., [17] also observed oral administration of 1000 or 2000 ppm lead acetate significantly decreased red blood cell count, hemoglobin level and hematocrit value at 20, 40 and 60 days compared with control groups of male wistar albino rats. According to Terayama[18], lead could affect the rat erythrocyte membrane and decrease their mobility, it may also induce oxidative stress in RBCs [19]. Our results showed that aqueous and methanolic leaf extracts of Schleichera oleosa did not cause any major changes in the haematological parameters. From the result it could be said that methanolic and aqueous leaf extracts of Schleichera oleosa have no negative impact in the haematological parameters and do not cause toxicity on albino rats. Therefore they can be considered safe when they are used as medicine.
The amount of testosterone for the controlled group was found to be 0.75± 0.024 pg/ mL. The group treated with low dose of methanolic extract of Schleichera oleosa expressed 2.96± 0.088 pg/ mL of testosterone the group treated with high dose of methanolic extract showed 3.9± 0.14pg/ mL of testosterone The group treated with low dose of aqueous extract of Schleichera oleosa was found to have 3.9± 0.14 pg/ mL of Testosterone, The group treated with high dose of aqueous extract of Schleichera oleosa possessed 2.85± 0.074 pg/ mL of Testosterone.
It showed significant increase from 0.75± 0.024 pg/ mL (control) 2.96± 0.088 pg/ mL (treated with low dose of methanolic extract) and 3.9± 0.14pg / mL (treated with high dose of methanolic extract) to 1.85± 0.076 pg/ mL (treated with low dose of aqueous extract) and 2.85± 0.074 pg/ mL (treated with high dose of aqueous extract). Mean serum testosterone level of rats treated with of the Schleichera leaf extract for 14 days significantly increased (p < 0.05) compared with the controls.
Male sex hormone testosterone is responsible for the growth, development and proper functioning of male urinogenital system and the accessory sex organs. A study conducted by Nagendra Singh Chauhan et al has stated thatcrude extracts of plants that are used for treating sexual disorders have the potential to improve sexual behaviour, spermatogenesis and as a whole reproduction. [20]. M. Carpentier, et al said that plants have the capacity to rectify erectile dysfunction [21]. W. Low et al proved the some Asian traditional medicine can be used for erectile dysfunction [22,23]. Improvement in the testosterone will improve the sexual functions and reproductive functions of the body [24,25]. Our study also proved the same as it is shown in table 3 the prolonged treatment of Wistar rats with both low dose and high dose of methanolic as well as the aqueous extract of Schleichera oleosa increased the amount of testosterone in the blood which is indicative of the testosterone enhancement function of leaf extract of Schleichera oleosa.