Supplementary Figure 3: Additional analyses of subclustered MNP populations. a,.Violin plots grouped by MNP cell cluster (labeled as in Figure 4a) of select MNP transcripts. b, Feature plots of module usage of previously published 28,30,31 gene sets in subclustered MNPs. c, Violin plots grouped by subject group of module usage of previously published 28,30,31 gene sets. Testing for statistical differences between groups was performed using a pairwise Wilcoxon rank sum test with continuity correction and p-value adjustment using the Benjamini & Hochberg correction. Significant differences (threshold padj <0.05) between groups are labeled with a bar. d. Bar plots of proportional abundance of subject group MNPs within individual MNP cell clusters (labeled as in Figure 4a) at each Sample time point. Testing for significant differences between groups was performed using pairwise proportion test with continuity correction and p-value adjustment using Bonferroni correction (more than two groups compared) and a proportion test (two groups compared). Significant differences (threshold padj <0.05) between groups are labeled with a bar. e. Pie chart of proportion of MNPs that had RSV reads detected (RSVpos) and those that did not (RSVneg) (top, left) and bar chart of proportion of subject group MNPs that had RSV detected and those that did not (top, right). Testing for differences between groups was performed using a proportion test. Significant differences (threshold padj <0.05) between groups are noted with a bar. Box plots of percentage of cellular transcriptome occupied by RSV transcripts in RSV “infected” MNPs in Sample 1 (bottom, left) and Sample 2 (bottom, right). Testing for significant differences between groups was performed using a two-sided unpaired t test. f, Volcano plot demonstrating DEGs between MNP clusters 2,3, and 10 and all other MNPs (top). DGE testing was performed using Seurat’s FindAllMarkers in default settings (Wilcoxon rank sum test with Bonferroni p-value adjustment) comparing clusters 2,3, and 10 and all other MNPs (a positive avg_log2FC indicates increased expression by clusters 2,3, and 10 cells, and a negative avg_log2FC indicates increased expression by all other MNPs). Violin plots (bottom) grouped by Sample time point and split by subject group of Cluster 2,3,10 module usage. Testing for differences between groups was performed using a Kruskall-Wallis test as well as pairwise Wilcoxon rank sum test with p-value adjustment using the Benjamini & Hochberg correction (for comparisons amongst more than two groups) and an unpaired two-sided t test (for comparisons between two groups). Significant differences (threshold padj <0.05) between groups are labeled with a bar. g, Violin plots of regulons32 with significant differences in usage between groups in Sample 1 MNPs. Testing for differences between groups was performed using a Wilcoxon rank sum test with p-value adjustment using the Bonferroni correction. Significant differences (threshold padj <0.05) between groups are labeled with a bar. h, Feature plot of GADD45A expression in subclustered MNPs (top) and dot plots of GADD45A expression by cells within each MNP cluster (labeled as in Figure 4a) at each Sample time point. The size of the dot indicates percent of cells within an individual cluster expressing a particular transcript, and the color indicates the average expression of the transcript within the cell population.