Water pipe has several universal components, including a water bowl, metal body, head with holes in the bottom, and flexible hose with a mouthpiece. The device works by burning charcoal that then burns a tobacco mixture, as well as heats the water. Smoking of the charcoal helps move the tobacco through the water and hose and up to the mouthpiece [40]. This study provides a general idea about the differences in the prevalence of Water pipe smoking among university students from Palestine, Jordan, and Turkey. We detected a high prevalence of Water pipe smoking among university students, and the highest prevalence was in Palestine. The available data concerning the prevalence of Water pipe smoking in the Middle East is limited [41].
These results indicate the need for a health warning for university students about the harmful effects of Water pipe. The water in Water pipe does not filter these components [40]. Nicotine is a mood-altering ingredient of Water pipe that reaches the brain of the Water pipe smokers in mere seconds and makes them feel recognized for a while. However, they become crave and tired after that effect disappears. Furthermore, Water pipe smokers are exposed to substances that can damage their lungs. Thus, Water pipe smokers are at higher risk for chronic obstructive and restrictive lung diseases, such as lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD), and emphysema [42].
Forced Expiratory Volume in 1 second (FEV1), Forced Vital Capacity (FVC), and FEV1/FVC Ratio are essential parameters for the diagnosis of obstructive and restrictive pulmonary diseases. Water pipe smoking results in a significant reduction in FEV1, FVC, and FEV1/FVC ratio. Furthermore, Water pipe smoking increases the probability of developing gastric cancer, even though the mechanism is still unknown. Also, Water pipe smokers are exposed to decreased production of saliva, which is a natural cleanser of the mouth. So, the Water pipe smoker’s mouth is dry, and more susceptible to cavities and at higher risk for tooth decay and bad breath. The more a person smokes Water pipe, the worse their breath will smell. An alteration in oral microbial flora was also documented among Water pipe smokers [42, 43]. Subsequently, the increase in the prevalence of Water pipe smoking among university students in Palestine and Jordan is an epidemic, which requires efforts to increase awareness of the harmful effects of Water pipe smoking among students.
The Global Youth Tobacco Survey Collaborative Group estimated that 10 to 18% of adolescents aged from 13 to 15 years use tobacco products other than cigarettes, mostly in the Eastern Mediterranean region. The high prevalence of Water pipe smoking among the Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan deserves attention. Particularly, the students’ composition of the Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan consists of Jordanian students and a certain percentage of students from Arab countries with a high prevalence of Water pipe smoking, such as Iraq, Palestine, and Arab Gulf countries. The health care professionals and academics can be considered as role models for their students and the community in fighting Water pipe smoking and promoting smoking cessation through health awareness educational activities, including lectures, workshops, and conferences.
The study results concerning the differences of distribution of Water pipe smoking among different faculties showed that there are several potential explanations for the high prevalence of Water pipe smoking among students from faculties of Engineering, followed by students from the faculties of medical sciences. The high stress, the limited awareness that Water pipe smoking can relieve stress, and the popular belief that Water pipe smoking is less toxic than cigarettes were the main factors accounting for the relationship between the difficulty of the specialisation field and increasing prevalence of smoking in general and Water pipe smoking in particular [44, 45]. However, the majority of the students of medical faculties were knowledgeable about the harmful effects of Water pipe smoking because of their educational courses. However, Water pipe smoker students had less knowledge than Water pipe non-smoker students, with a statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) regarding knowledge of smoking as a harmful effect on their health, and risk factor of heart diseases, cancer, pulmonary diseases, mental conditions, and addiction [46]. So, Water pipe smoker students did not take what they learned from the courses seriously to quit Water pipe smoking and develop their own health [47].
Other factors, such as curiosity and social trends, are the main reasons for Water pipe smoking [39]. However, the low exposure to education related to Water pipe hazards and cessation in medical school or postgraduate training is probably the main contributing factor for the high frequency of Water pipe smoking among university students. The study results show that the study level and current residency were not significantly associated with the prevalence of Water pipe smoking among university students. However, this study might draw attention to important points, especially that all study variables are interrelated with others. Most university students started Water pipe smoking at ages below 24 years old, and the proportion increases with age and level of study. Thus, the adolescence, which in parallel with the university life, distance from parents, and lifestyle changes might have psychological and physiological effects that lead to increased prevalence of Water pipe smoking among university students. Subsequently, there is a need to improve dominant educational style that focuses on the curriculum offered without drawing the attention of academics to the need to get closer to the students and their lifestyles during their high school and university life at a sensitive age [45].
Also, Water pipe smoking is more prevalent among university students due to severe stress, very busy schedules, the lifestyle of university hostiles, friendships between students and distance from parents, and increasing responsibilities [48]. Thus, this explains the highest percentage of Water pipe smokers among Master’s students and those living in private hostiles surrounding the universities. There is a social stigma associated with Water pipe smoking [49]. Therefore, the study results in comparison with others which were in favour of Turkey had shown that the culture of the Turkish community concerning Turkish students’ lifestyle is full of study and provision of work opportunities during the university life to fill their leisure time and keep them away from all health risks caused. Furthermore, Turkey might implement strategies of medical schools and residency training programs that have additional benefits of reducing the prevalence of Water pipe smoking in the general population [50].
Water pipe smoking has almost the same health risks as cigarette smoking because Water pipe smoke also requires charcoal to be burnt, which interacts with tobacco, creating fumes that can be just as toxic as cigarette smoke. The Water pipe smoker still receives nicotine, which is a highly addictive substance. However, Water pipe smoking might be more toxic than cigarette smoking. People who smoke Water pipe might be exposed to the toxins in the smoke longer than if they smoked cigarettes. They may take 200 puffs during a 1 hour-long Water pipe session, which is equal to 10-times what a person puffs on a cigarette (an average of 20 times). Furthermore, the amount of nicotine delivered through Water pipe smoking is more than 2.5-times the amount of nicotine delivered to cigarette smoking [51]. However, the lack of Water pipe smoking among some university students does not necessarily mean that those students do not smoke cigarettes. Nevertheless, the health risks associated with Water pipe smoking and limited research in the Middle East prompted us to carry out this study.
The current study is the first to provide a comparison of the prevalence of Water pipe smoking and associated factors among university students in the Middle East. Thus, the study results could provide a baseline for future studies in Middle Eastern countries. This study is the first to utilize the core factors related to Water pipe smoking among university students in three different Middle East countries, and these findings will be useful for making future local and regional comparisons. Also, the study included university students from the best universities and belonging to an age group in need of care, attention, and awareness.
However, the study did not provide information concerning the prevalence of Water pipe smoking relative to cigarette smoking, marking Water pipe smoking among university students as a potential public health concern in the Middle East and completely neglected to mention cigarette smoking. Furthermore, the study is cross-sectional; this in itself is considered as a limitation of the study. The cross-sectional design is not intended for generalisations, and hindered any attempt to make causal associations between independent and dependent variables. Also, any future study will require more public and private universities to achieve a representative sample from the university student population, so that the results can be generalised in Palestine, Jordan, and Turkey.