Cortical astrogenesis is enhanced in Dyrk1a+/− mice
During development, the neural stem cells of the dorsal telencephalon (also referred to as radial glia cells) first generate the excitatory neurons of the neocortex and subsequently, glial cells. This switch to gliogenesis occurs at around embryonic day (E) 18 in the mouse [33], with new-born astroglial cells migrating away from the germinal ventricular zone (VZ), thereafter maturing and dividing to populate the entire neocortex [37]. In astrocytes, the expression of GFAP and other protein markers of late differentiation commences during the first week of postnatal life [33]. Thus, cortical astrogenesis was evaluated in haploinsufficient Dyrk1a+/− mice by immunostaining the brain for GFAP at postnatal day (P) 5 and P7. GFAP+ cells with the characteristic astrocyte staining accumulated in the white matter and cortical layer (I) close to the meninges (Fig. 1a,b,d) of Dyrk1a+/− and Dyrk1a+/+ mice at both developmental stages. A few GFAP+ astrocytes were detected in the remaining cortical layers (II to VI) in P5 and P7 control brains, with these cells concentrated in layer (VI), next to the germinal region (Fig. 1b,d). A similar distribution of GFAP+ cells to that in the controls was seen in the P5 Dyrk1a+/− neocortex but with significantly more cells (Fig. 1c). Astrocytes were more abundant in mutant neocortices at P7 and they were more widespread across the cortical plate than in control animals (Fig. 1d,e). Hence, the production of cortical astrocytes appears to be enhanced in postnatal Dyrk1a+/− mutants.
NOTCH and JAK-STAT signalling are key pathways for the initiation of gliogenesis in the developing cerebral cortex [33]. DYRK1A regulates these two pathways in opposite directions, restraining NOTCH signalling by limiting the capacity of its intracellular domain to sustain transcription [38], while promoting JAK-STAT signalling and enhancing STAT3 transcriptional activity [39]. The expression of the progliogenic genes Notch2, Sox4, Sox11 and Nfib was enhanced in the cerebral cortex of new-born Dyrk1a+/− mice [12], suggesting possible defects in the differentiation of the mutant progenitors at the onset of gliogenesis. Thus, the gliogenic potential of dorsal Dyrk1a+/− progenitors was evaluated by electroporating the eGFP reporter plasmid into E16.5 Dyrk1a+/+ and Dyrk1a+/− brains, and visualizing the astroglial progeny of the electroporated progenitors in the P5 cerebral cortex immunostained for GFAP (Supplementary Fig. S1a,b). The percentage of cortical GFP+ cells that expressed GFAP (GFAP+;GFP+ cells/total GFP+ cells) was similar in the two genotypes (Supplementary Fig. S1c), indicating that DYRK1A haploinsufficiency does not compromise the capacity of dorsal progenitors to differentiate into astrocytes. These progenitors were then immunolabeled in E17.5 brains using the progenitor marker SOX2 [40], when cortical neurogenesis is almost complete in both the Dyrk1a+/− mutant and control embryos [12]. However, SOX2+ cells were more abundant in the dorsal germinal region of Dyrk1a+/− than control embryos (Supplementary Fig. S2). Thus, the increase in the number of cortical astrocytes in postnatal Dyrk1a+/− mutants (Fig. 1) does not seem to be a result of an increased capacity of the progenitors to differentiate into astrocytes but rather, to an accumulation of progenitors at the end of the neurogenic period.
Accordingly, we then assessed whether the abnormal number of astrocytes in Dyrk1a+/− pups was maintained in young adult (P60) animals. GFAP expression in healthy brains varies across regions and this expression is undetectable in many astrocytes by immunohistochemistry, or difficult to attribute to individual cells [41]. Therefore, astrocytes were labelled in adult samples using antibodies against the SOX9 transcription factor expressed by all brain astrocytes outside the neurogenic regions [42]. In Dyrk1a+/+ and Dyrk1a+/− cerebral cortices SOX9+ cells were distributed similarly through all layers, although they were more abundant in the mutant neocortex (Fig. 2). A similar increase in SOX9+ cells was observed in the Dyrk1a+/− hippocampus (Supplementary Fig. S3a-c), consistent with the reportedly higher density of GFAP+ cells in the hippocampus of Dyrk1a+/− mutants [36]. Microglia also influence neural circuit development [29] and a dysfunction of these cells has been implicated in ASD [30]. However, when brain microglia were labelled with the cell marker IBA1 (ionized calcium binding adapter molecule 1: [43]), no differences in the number of hippocampal or neocortical IBA1+ microglial cells was seen between control and Dyrk1a+/− mutants, or in their IBA1 staining (Supplementary Fig. S3d,e and Fig. S4). Together, these results suggest that microglia do not contribute to the brain phenotype in DYRK1A syndrome and that the abnormal number of astrocytes in the Dyrk1a+/− mice was not the result of pathological gliosis but rather, it reflects a developmental problem.
The cerebral cortex of Dyrk1a+/− mice is deficient in ventral oligodendrocyte progenitor cells
The OPCs that populate the developing cerebral cortex are produced in temporal waves and in different domains of the VZ. In mice, the first OPCs are generated in the ventral telencephalon and they enter the cortex after E16. At birth, another wave of OPC production commences in the dorsal telencephalon, and these dorsal OPCs spread throughout the cortex and reach similar proportions to ventral OPCs by around P10 [35, 44]. Based on the defects in myelination in children with DYRK1A syndrome and the hypoplasia of the CC (the major white matter tract of the brain) [16, 19], and given the expression of DYRK1A by OPCs in the human (CoDEx database, [45]) and mouse (Supplementary Fig. S5, [46]) brain, oligodendroglial development could also be affected in this syndrome. To assess this possibility, we first counted the cells expressing the oligodendroglial marker OLIG2 in the CC midline of control and Dyrk1a+/− mutants at different developmental times (Fig. 3a,b). There was a significantly lower percentage of OLIG2+ cells (OLIG2+ nuclei/total nuclei) in Dyrk1a+/− brain at E17.5 and P0. Moreover, a smaller but significant reduction of OLIG2+ cells was also observed at P7 when dorsal OPCs start populating the CC, although OPC numbers reached normal levels three days later (Fig. 3c). The delayed occupation of the mutant CC by OLIG2+ cells suggests that ventral OPC production may be impaired. Hence, we examined the onset of oligodendrogenesis (E15.5) in the lateral ganglionic eminence (LGE), the main contributor of ventral originated callosal OPCs [44]. New-born OPCs continue to express OLIG2 as they move from the VZ to the mantle zone and they then begin to express platelet-derived growth factor receptorα (PDGFRα [47]: Fig. 3a). Consistent with a deficit in OPC production, the mantel zone of the Dyrk1a+/− LGE contained fewer OLIG2+ cells and fewer double labelled OLIG2+;PDGFRα+ cells than the control LGE (Fig. 3d,e).
Dorsal OPC production was then evaluated in a similar manner but at E17.5, the time at which the first OLIG2+ cells appear in the dorsal germinal region. The Dyrk1a+/− dorsal telencephalon had fewer OLIG2+ cells and fewer OLIG2+PDGFRα+ OPCs in the germinal region than the controls, as well as fewer OLIG2+ cells in the intermediate zone migrating towards the cortical plate (Fig. 3f,g). However, OPC numbers in these cortical regions reached normal levels 24 h later (Fig. 3h), suggesting that OPC production in the dorsal Dyrk1a+/− embryonic brain is not impaired but slightly delayed.
Altered oligodendroglial differentiation in Dyrk1a+/− mutants
Progression along the oligodendroglia lineage was examined in the Dyrk1a+/− mutant cerebral cortex by analysing the expression of differentiation markers (Fig. 4a). Dyrk1a+/− and control P7 brain sections were initially labelled for OLIG2 and the oligodendrocyte marker CC1 (Fig. 4a), the latter expressed in the lateral part of the CC in control brains and diminishing progressively towards the medial region to become almost undetectable at the midline (Fig. 4b). The same lateral to medial expression gradient was observed in the CC of Dyrk1a+/− mutants but with a smaller proportion of CC1+ cells (CC1 + cells/total cells), and with a smaller population of oligodendroglial cells that expresses CC1+ (CC1+;OLIG2+ cells/total OLIG2+ cells) in the mutants than in the controls (Fig. 4c). Moreover, the area of the CC labelled for MBP, a marker of mature myelinating oligodendrocytes (Fig. 4a), was also more restricted in Dyrk1a+/− mice at P7 (Supplementary Fig. S6). When the same studies were performed later in development, from P10 to P60, there were no differences between the genotypes in the relative CC1+ oligodendrocyte numbers in the centre of the CC (Fig. 4d,e). Hence, oligodendroglial development appears to be delayed in the Dyrk1a+/− cerebral cortex.
Cortical white matter alterations and thinner callosal axons in the Dyrk1a+/− mutant mice
To assess whether the alterations in OPC production and differentiation influence the onset and progression of myelination in Dyrk1a+/− mutants, the ultrastructure of the neocortical Dyrk1a+/− white matter was analysed at P19, at the onset of myelination (myelination of the CC commences in the second postnatal week and continues at high rates until P45 [48]). Electron microscopy showed that there was a similar percentage of myelinated axons in control and Dyrk1a+/− mutants (Dyrk1a+/+ 6.6 ± 0.8%, Dyrk1a+/− 4.7 ± 0.9%; P = 0.1359, Student’s t-test: see Supplementary Fig. S7a), although in the mutants these axons had a smaller calibre and their myelin sheaths were slightly thicker than those around the control axons (smaller g-ratios: axon diameter/fibre diameter: Supplementary Fig. S7b,c). Myelin maturation requires its compaction, and it starts after a few membrane wraps and depends on MBP synthesis [49]. Therefore, the small g-ratios of Dyrk1a+/− axons (Supplementary Fig. S7c) could result from a delay in oligodendrocyte differentiation and it correlates with weaker MBP expression. The CC of Dyrk1a+/− mice was examined after the rapid phase of myelination, at 2 months of age. At this age, callosal axons in Dyrk1a+/− mutants were abnormally packed (No. of total axons/1,000 µm2 Dyrk1a+/+ 2,578 ± 211, Dyrk1a+/− 3,433 ± 292; P = 0.038, Student’s t-test) and the proportion of myelinated axons in the mutant CC decreased significantly (myelinated axons/total axons Dyrk1a+/+ 53.21 ± .27 %, Dyrk1a+/− 34.48 ±1.24 %; P = 0.002, Student’s t-test: Fig. 5a). As in P19 animals, myelinated callosal axons were thinner in 2-month-old Dyrk1a+/− mice than in the controls (Fig. 5b,c), although the g-ratio values were normal (Fig. 5c,d). This result indicates that myelin-membrane growth is not affected in Dyrk1a+/− mutants and that compaction of the growing myelin sheaths would appear to be delayed. As axon diameter is a determinant factor for myelination [50, 51], hypomyelination of the Dyrk1a+/− mutant’s CC could result from dysfunctional axon development.
To further characterize the white matter in the Dyrk1a+/− cerebral cortex the expression of MBP and PLP, two major myelin-associated proteins in the CNS, was analysed in 2-month-old mice. At this age, similar cortical expression of Mbp and Plp1 (the gene encoding PLP) was evident in Dyrk1a+/+ and Dyrk1a+/− mice, along with similar levels of MBP isoforms. However, the cerebral cortex of Dyrk1a+/− mutants accumulated twice as much PLP than the controls (Supplementary Fig. S8), suggesting alterations in myelin biogenesis and/or PLP trafficking to the oligodendrocyte plasma membrane.
Dyrk1a +/− mutants have abnormal nodes of Ranvier
Deficient axon-oligodendroglia communication can affect myelin biogenesis, and the formation and maintenance of the nodes of Ranvier, events that are crucial for the rapid propagation of the APs through saltatory conduction [50, 51]. Therefore, the organization of the nodes and the flanking paranodes was examined in the CC of Dyrk1a+/- mice by immunostaining for NAV1.6 (voltage-gated sodium channel Nav1.6), the major sodium channel in the node region [52], and for the CASPR (contactin-associated protein) that concentrates in the paranodal region [53]. No differences in callosal axon node densities were observed between Dyrk1a+/- mutants and control mice (Fig. 6a,b). However, axonal regions immunolabeled for NAV1.6 were shorter in Dyrk1a+/- mice (Fig. 6c,d) and their labelling was significantly weaker (Fig. 6e,f), indicating that mutant nodes may contain fewer NAV1.6 channels that could affect the speed of AP propagation.
Slower conduction velocities in the Dyrk1a+/- corpus callosum
The abnormalities described so far in the CC of Dyrk1a+/− mice indicate possible dysfunctions in AP propagation. To assess this possibility the conduction velocities of compound action potentials (CAPs) evoked by stimulation of callosal axons were measured in young (2-month-old) Dyrk1a+/− and control mice (Fig. 7a). Conduction velocities arising from myelinated and unmyelinated axons were significantly slower in Dyrk1a+/− mutants, although greater differences between the genotypes were evident in continuous rather than in saltatory conduction (slower velocities with respect to controls - myelinated axons 7.76 ± 3.2 %, unmyelinated axons 15.63 ± 3.3 %: see Fig. 7b,c). Hence, both myelin defects and axon dysfunction may contribute to the abnormal conduction velocities in Dyrk1a+/− mutants.
Myelination continues at different rates throughout life to adapt brain circuits to diverse physiological needs [35]. Therefore, the same in vivo recordings were performed in aged (12-month-old) Dyrk1a+/− and control mice, and like young animals continuous and saltatory conduction velocities were slower in older Dyrk1a+/− mutants (myelinated axons 22.43 ± 4.4 % and unmyelinated axons 19.27 ± 4.6 %: see Fig. 7b,c). Notably, both continuous and saltatory conduction velocities decreased with age in Dyrk1a+/− CCs, whereas only continuous conduction velocities were affected by age in control animals (Fig. 7b,c). This result indicates that defects in myelin homeostasis are enhanced with age in Dyrk1a+/− mutants. Abnormalities in the CC would be expected to alter network synchronicity, thereby affecting higher brain functions [54]. Thus, the structural CC defects reported here probably contribute to the cognitive, language deficits and autistic traits in DYRK1A syndrome.