Ethical approval and consent to participate
The study was carried out at the San Raffaele Medical Center, Milano, Italy, was conducted according to the principles delineated in the Declaration of Helsinki, and was approved by the San Raffaele Ethics Committee (approval number NCH01-2016). All methods were performed in accordance with the San Raffaele Medical Center guidelines and regulations. The research participants were included after written and oral informed consent was obtained either from the patients or from one of their family members in case of inability to give consent.
The research population, inclusion and exclusion criteria
The research group consisted of forty-five patients, in addition to two control groups (14 patients with benign pituitary pathology and 15 healthy subjects).
Research group: Forty-five patients with spontaneous SAH were referred to the Intensive Care Unit in the Neurosurgical Department during the study recruitment period, from October 2016 to October 2021. The inclusion criteria were: (1) non-traumatic SAH diagnosed by non-contrast computed tomography (CT); (2) insertion of external ventricular drainage (EVD) within 72 h post-admission; and (3) cerebral angiography within the first 24 hours. The exclusion criteria for the study were: (1) traumatic SAH; (2) no need for external ventricular drainage; (3) active CNS infection; (4) active systemic disease (e.g., malignancy, cirrhosis, or renal failure); (5) age below 18; and (6) pregnancy.
Control groups: Fifteen healthy volunteers were enrolled in a control group for the serum glutamate and enzyme analyses. In addition, 14 patients affected by benign pituitary pathology were enrolled in a control group for CSF analysis. These patients were candidates for trans-sphenoidal (TNS) surgery, which involves CSF drainage as part of the scheduled procedure. As for the SAH group, CSF samples were collected at the end of the surgery, at the same time as blood samples.
Management, definitions, and end points
At admission, clinical status was assessed by means of the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) and Hunt Hess. In addition, the Fisher scale grade was determined based on the initial CT scan. At admission, patients were divided into two categories: a good grade (GCS ≥ 9, HH I-II, Fisher I-III) and a poor grade (GCS ≤ 8, HH III-V, Fisher IV). Treatment for SAH was according to the best clinical practice. In case of a diagnosis of cerebral vascular aneurysm at angiography, the aneurism was isolated from the normal circulation either by surgical clipping or coiling, depending on the morphological angiographic characteristics of the aneurism. The presence of vasospasm was assessed using angiography, which was performed in case of exacerbation of clinical and/or vital signs of the patients during hospitalization. A control CT scan is performed on 5-7 days after SAH, discovered the presence of hypodense areas due to ischemia. Demographic and clinical variables, including age, gender, symptoms at onset, comorbidity, and treatment modality (clipping or coiling) were recorded. Thirty-eight patients underwent invasive treatment of the underlying aneurism, consisting of either early clipping (n = 9) or coiling (n = 28) or both (n=1). Seven patients had a negative angiography for cerebrovascular abnormalities. Persistent increased intracranial pressure (ICP > 20 mm Hg) refractory to medical treatment is a relatively common complication of SAH, especially in patients with a poor neurological condition at admission 28. Patients presenting with SAH are admitted to an intensive care unit for hemodynamic and neurological monitoring, and commonly an external intraventricular catheter (EVD) is inserted for drainage of CSF and recording intracranial pressure. This is followed by definitive treatment of the ruptured aneurysm or pathology causing the SAH 29. In this study, all SAH participants underwent surgery for placement of an external ventricular drain (EVD) as part of the treatment protocol in an intensive care unit. The presence of neurological deficits was assessed by an independent neurosurgeon at discharge from the hospital and outcome was assessed 3 months after SAH according to the Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS). The patients were then stratified into good (GOS IV-V) vs. poor (GOS I-III) outcome.
Serum and CSF sample collection
At admission, blood samples were collected for GOT1, GPT, glutamate, and aspartate level measurements. CSF samples were collected from the EVD at three different time points (day 0-3, 5-7, and 14 post-SAH). Venous blood and CSF samples were collected at the same time points. Control CSF samples were obtained intraoperatively under general anesthesia from age- and sex-matched patients who were candidates for trans-sphenoidal (TNS) surgery (n = 14). This procedure involved lumbar drainage placement as part of the treatment protocol. Blood samples from healthy volunteers (n = 15) were collected to analyze the serum GOT1, GPT, glutamate, and aspartate levels. All samples were immediately centrifuged, and supernatants were stored at -20˚C until further assessment.
Determination of free glutamic acid and aspartic acid in CSF
The levels of the glutamate and aspartate were evaluated by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), as previously described 30. This analysis was based on o-phtaldialdehyde (OPA) pre-column amino acid derivatization and was carried out on a reversed–phase C18 column using an isocratic run and fluorometric detection 31.
Determination of GOT and GPT enzyme activity in CSF
GOT1 and GPT levels were measured using a Reflotron Plus, Sprint system (Roche), and test strips for GOT1 and GPT (10745120 and 10745123; Roche).
Statistical analysis
Comparisons of the glutamate and GOT1 levels between the SAH participants and the control groups are presented as mean ± standard deviation (SD). The magnitude of the differences in the levels of GOT1 and glutamate between the SAH and control groups was assessed using effect size test. To compare between a good or poor outcome, chi-square test was used for categorical variables, and Student’s t‑test for continuous variables. The comparison between glutamate in serum and GOT1 in CSF samples was determined by Mann Whitney test. Pearson’s analyses for bivariate correlations were used to compare CSF GOT1 and glutamate and serum glutamate levels. Finally, logistic regression analysis was used to evaluate the ability of GOT1 and glutamate levels to predict the neurological outcome. SPSS software version 25 was used for all statistical analyses.