A total of 36 students participated in ten focus groups. Their educational backgrounds are given in Table 2. These students had volunteered during the first two waves of COVID-19 (April 2020 - April 2021) at a time when infection with SARS-CoV-2 resulted in severe outcomes and no vaccinations were available.
Table 2 Students’ educational background
Total n (%)
27 (75.0%)
Year 1-3
5 (13.9%)
Year 4-6
22 (61.1%)
Occupational therapy
2 (5.5%)
Year 2
1 (2.8%)
Year 4
1 (2.8%)
Public Health (post-graduate)
2 (5.5%)
Speech Therapy: year 3
1 (2.8%)
Social work: year 3
1 (2.8%)
Social science (undergraduate): year 3
1 (2.8%)
2 (5.5%)
36 (100%)
As is shown in Figure 2, three overarching themes with subthemes were generated, particularly related to experiences.
The first broad theme was students’ motivations for becoming involved in C&CT. These ranged from being able to work from home, to making a difference, and honing their skills.
Work from home
At the start of the pandemic, universities were shut, and students returned home, often far away from Cape Town. While few were afraid of contracting COVID-19 themselves, many lived with older family members with co-morbidities placing them at risk of severe disease. Being able to work telephonically, from home, meant there was minimal threat to loved ones.
Contact tracing was the best means of assisting and keeping [family] safe as well, rather than stepping out and putting them at risk as well as myself. (W2G2S1)
I thought that it would be a great opportunity to help out from home. (W2G2S2)
Make a difference
Many students expressed an intense desire to make a difference. After infection had become established in communities, many heard about the epidemic’s toll, the demands put on front-line health workers in hospitals and the increasing deaths, including those of family members. Students wanted to contribute to mitigating the impact of COVID-19 particularly in disadvantaged communities. They spoke of wanting to feel useful and to do something meaningful that would overcome their sense of social isolation, which was frustrating and disempowering.
I kind of felt lost in a way,... sudden change to being at home, the option of going out wasn't there. Being a health professional and having taken an oath each and every year to want to do the society justice in every way possible. I think for me, that was … my drive. (W1G6S1)
My dad is a frontline worker. And being home and seeing how hard he was working and hearing the stories first-hand of the great need, really motivated me … There’s this doctor inside of me that thinks “I want to help and play my part and contribute to the great need, in our society and community in whatever way I can”. (W1G4S5)
Many students reflected on their intended profession and believed they had skills to assist people which drew them into collective efforts to address COVID-19. For health sciences students, their identity as professionals-in-training was important, and they wanted to put skills into practice, to make a difference.
I wanted to make a difference and, you know, be a part of something, especially when we have medical training behind it. (W1G3S3)
I signed up. I simply joined because I was missing the interaction between a health professional and any sort of patient really. So, I think it was really my longing for the clinical field. (W1G4S1)
Improve skills
COVID-19 was a new disease and the learning curve for everyone involved was significant. Students expressed excitement at the opportunity to learn and improve their skills.
It was quite an amazing opportunity to take responsibility. So, I think in med school, … usually our hands are held ... So, it's quite interesting to be one-on-one with patients and be able to speak and have the responsibility that I'm giving the correct advice. (W1G4S4)
By September 2020 university work resumed, and most who then joined the pods were medical students in their fifth or sixth years of study who needed a placement to complete their compulsory electives of either two or four weeks. Some wanted to use the opportunity to intentionally improve their confidence in interviewing and communication skills. Others wanted to hone skills in efficient history-taking, in understanding and managing people’s complex lives, or obtain a better understanding of public health.
it was also like a matter of just practicing … interviewing skills… I felt it was an opportunity for me to … validate for myself. (W1G6S1)
So, I just thought like, it would help me to learn how to work with deeper issues, how to work with real life issues. (W1G4S4)
Combination of motivations
For many students who volunteered, it was not one factor but a combination of factors, that made volunteering for remote C&CT attractive.
And then I must admit, when they said, we could use this toward our elective, that was the cherry on top of contributing to society and be able to do something with my peers and having it benefit me as well as doing a greater good, was sort of my overall motivation. (W1G4S5)
Navigating roles and responsibilities
In all groups, students reflected on the roles and responsibilities they had to navigate in C&CT. They described a range of challenges, but these were clearly balanced by excitement and experiences of teamwork, training, and support within the pods.
Certain logistics associated with carrying out the responsibilities of case and contact tracing were described as particularly challenging. The aspect most often shared was that of incorrect phone numbers for cases on the daily spreadsheet, which was not unique to the student experience. Trying to find correct numbers was time-consuming, frustrating, and generated additional work – calling laboratories or health services for alternative numbers. This resulted in delays in getting to cases or leaving cases uncontacted.
I think one of the main challenges I encountered was just trying to get hold of some numbers that weren't answering. And I know I phoned quite a few of the hospitals to try and chase up another number. And I found that some of the hospitals were not always very forthcoming with patient numbers… which is understandable, but at the same time, it did make the job a little bit trickier. (W2G3S3)
Another logistical challenge was that of students not being informed when food parcels had arrived as requested or whether cases had arrived at isolation facilities. They did not always have adequate information to convey, when anxious cases or families of cases contacted them for updates, leaving students frustrated.
I arranged a home visit and a food parcel, but it didn't come on the Friday. They were calling me the whole weekend. And I thought maybe it will come on the Monday. And then on the Monday I had to apply for an isolation facility, food parcel and a home visit to check the situation there. But I think they only got there on Wednesday…. On Tuesday, they called me that the patient passed away in their room in the house. (W2G3S1)
A further logistical challenge was when updated policies had not been adequately disseminated to healthcare providers and the public more generally or had not been properly understood. These included changes to lengths of isolation and quarantine, and concepts such as false positive or negative tests. Students felt the fallout as they had to explain these changes to cases and contacts.
There was a lot of misconception and a lot of confusion about what the actual policy was, for… the evidence of being a case… You had to try and argue what we've been taught, but … it was quite tricky. (W1G5S1)
And if you have a positive test, there's no point of testing again, for the hopes of getting a negative test … That was quite frustrating for me having to explain to people the process of false negatives. (W2G2S2)
Case management
Students found managing cases and, particularly, responses to bad news, challenging. When the C&CT teams were set up, the expectation had not been for students and other volunteers to have to break the news of a positive COVID-19 result, but very quickly it became evident that the health services were not managing to inform cases quickly enough. This meant that this responsibility often fell to students who, in turn, had to deal with a wide range of responses from cases – from denial to anger and fear. There was anger about who may have transmitted the virus to them; anxiety about managing difficult living situations with the demands of isolation; and fear of death. Students had to be adept at managing these various responses.
There was such an array of reactions to testing positive... you would call, and they would be totally freaked out... you would have to take more of a take a step back and make sure they're feeling okay. And then … tell things to them in a much more gentle way. (W1G6S1)
So, when I broke the news to another case, she actually started crying. And that was a bit hard for me because … it was on the phone. And there was like nothing that I could do to comfort her. And then she also started asking me if she was going to die from COVID. So that was a lesson in … practicing empathy, being honest, but also like helping instilling hope in the patient at the same time. (W1G5S2)
In a few instances, cases were afraid of the stigma of having contracted COVID-19 and did not want their friends or community members to know.
The stigma around being infected with COVID was common.... And people were very afraid about the delivery of food packages and picking them up for isolation facilities; about whether it's going to say “COVID-19” and the neighbours knowing. (W1G1S3)
Students also found that conversations were difficult when individuals they contacted were very ill or in hospital. While they were trying to gather information, they had to be sensitive to the capacity of cases to engage. In some instances, cases had already died when students called, or died within days of their call. This was very difficult and often distressing.
I called the case and, you know, and she said to me, no, I'm in hospital. And we had to ask, how are you? When were you admitted and all that stuff. And she was very open to having the conversation with me, you know, very cheerful lady... Around five in the evening... I'm texting to ask... “is everything okay?”. “She passed away”. And then you start asking yourself, Where did you go wrong? I ...call[ed] the ambulance centre... trying to get them a quicker ambulance... You know, these people are very vulnerable. So they’re bound to be a bit attached to you. And they look to you for assistance. They look to you for help... Then I just stopped … I don't know. I think I managed. (W1G2S1)
I do think that even the documents can’t really prepare you for calling someone whose family member is deceased or for them calling you to tell you that a case you were following has passed on. (W2G2S2)
Creating boundaries was also difficult for students as they were aware that they were often the one point of contact for cases who felt isolated and overwhelmed. Some found that they were pulled into ongoing contact with cases and their families. They became a link into the health service and a source of information particularly when family members were unable to reach loved ones. Cases were meant to be followed up by service-based case managers, but as numbers soared, ongoing contact with cases became increasingly difficult. This left students in a difficult position, as they were meant to be the initial contact service but took on more of the ongoing contact responsibilities.
You … become the only point of contact for some people in terms of where they're getting the information and the advice that they're getting. Certain cases end up calling you quite often, just to … know what the next step is, especially when it's for a family member. (W2G2S2)
People contacting me after I'd done...the main interview… because they didn't get communication from the case manager ... they often resorted to contacting me back to sort out issues like work letters, and sick letters... I just kept having to give them reassurance, I just tried to re-explain the whole concept of the case manager and the fact that I was just the initial person contacting them, and that their case would be dealt with. (W1G2S1)
Their own age and that of the cases they were calling was another issue. Students seemed to find their own age concerning as they saw it as a measure of experience. Many felt relieved that cases did not know they were dealing with a young student. In contrast, students typically avoided calling elderly cases, being fearful of managing someone who may be very ill or may have died.
I didn’t disclose my age ever. So they think … when you say you are from the Department of Health, they … assume that you are a professional. (W1G2S3)
If there was someone who's 90 years old, I would not take that person, … I didn't want to take that person, because I feared that perhaps they had passed away, or were… near approaching … the end of life. And I didn't want to involve myself in that matter. (W1G3S2)
One student described how having COVID-19 him/herself made a difference in terms of the ability to genuinely empathise with cases.
Three days into contact tracing I got COVID. I was really compassionate, and I had empathy as I was literally in their shoes. (W2G1S3)
Dealing with employers
As most of the cases contacted by the students were employed, students needed to communicate with their employers. They described this as challenging because of cases’ employment circumstances – employers who were not properly informed about COVID-19; those who did not appear to trust their employees; or, who showed disrespect towards employees.
Oftentimes people's employers would not be very understanding. And particularly if people were informally employed or employed as domestic workers… Often employers would be unreasonable in responding to their diagnosis. One case that stands out for me was a super-spreader case where the person had phoned, I think, almost 100 of her friends and contacts that she'd seen in the preceding week, to tell them to shut down … but hadn't told her domestic worker that she had COVID, which was absolutely inexcusable. Completely shocking behaviour. (W1G5S3)
Language barriers
The home language of many cases, living in affected working-class and vulnerable communities, was Afrikaans or Xhosa. Students expressed concern and frustration at not being proficient in languages other than their home language/s and the implications of this for the cases they called. They described how creativity was needed to bridge language divides. These included cases asking other family members to take the call and translate for them, or students moving between languages as best they could. Those, with local conversational language skills, found that they had to be careful to explain medical terminology in lay terms, so that cases were clear about what was being said. These language-related challenges had implications for time-management as this was often not straight-forward.
I think my biggest challenge was the language barrier. I only have really basic isiXhosa from our training at varsity. And I think [that] in-person, perhaps it's a little bit easier to communicate in a second or third language. Because you have body language (W1G5S3)
It's one thing, being able to speak the language, conversationally, but it's another thing having to explain concepts in that language, and especially like medical, scientific things. So … that was what was daunting for me… Once I actually got started and actually spoke to some cases, it … got easier... The cases themselves really appreciated … having someone who… speaks your home language... you're still able … to find that common ground… I think that was really helpful and somewhat made them more receptive as well, to everything that we were sharing. (W1G3S1)
Telephone consultations
Challenges with communicating with cases over the phone extended beyond the use of spoken language. As they did not see cases in person, they were unable to read body language and demonstrate empathy through touch or facial expressions.
With comforting a patient, it's very challenging to do that on the phone, because what are you supposed to do? So the only thing that you have [are] comforting words… I think it's very helpful when the patient is there sitting in front of you, especially when you're breaking that news to the patient as well as the family. Face to face interaction is very important during that time. (W2G3S2)
A few students also commented on the usefulness of being invisible – hiding behind a phone – particularly when they felt uncertain.
So in some ways, it's almost nice to hide behind the phone as it were, in terms of you just choose your words, they can’t see that you're feeling a bit awkward. (W1G5S1)
Despite challenges associated with telemedicine, students spoke of how their skills of listening and communicating had improved. This benefit was experienced as they returned to their studies.
Because it's just over the phone, I think you're forced to be a little bit more attentive with what the person is saying. And just pay attention to their tone in order for you to actually figure out their state of mind and to try and help them as best as possible. (W1G5S2)
I think my patient communication improved a lot. Because when you’re speaking over the phone, there's a different kind of barrier compared to talking in person...while still allowing them to feel heard and not cutting them off... And now I'm able to do the same in my in-person clinical activities. And I found that one of the skills I… learned was to try to relay my empathy without being in front of somebody while still asking them quite personal information. (W2G4S2)
Hierarchies and teamwork
Students and healthcare professionals worked side-by-side in multi-professional pod teams. These teams comprised doctors, nurses, social workers, psychologists, physiotherapists, and other health professionals who volunteered their assistance. Besides the pod leaders, there were no hierarchies. Students appreciated the teamwork and the flattening of the usual hierarchy they experienced.
It was the first time as a medical student that I have ever experienced that kind of flattening of the hierarchy and it was really nice, it made me feel a lot more welcomed and a lot more useful. (W1G2S1)
It was really nice to be part of a multidisciplinary team and feel like you’re actually contributing and to be treated like a colleague and you’re basically on the same level as all these people on the group. (W2G1S1)
The multi-professional nature of the pod reassured students that they were supported and could get assistance or refer the patient to someone else if they were not able to manage issues adequately. They drew on different team-members and learnt from the experience of their peers, as well as the more experienced pod members.
COVID was a completely new disease that no doctors really knew about. And so it was quite fun to be learning with future colleagues, and you were … all at the same level, where no one knows about this. (W1G4S5)
The team worked. You don’t have to suffer alone and you can always ask for help. Even if you don’t know the answer, there’s always someone else who might be able to come up with a solution. (W1G5S2)
Many voiced that students other than health science students, could be involved with the work. Some suggested that enrolling volunteer students with computational skills could have solved longstanding unresolved technical issues such as wrong phone numbers as well as improved workflow efficiencies.
..taking psychology, medical students and social work students … they're the people that are in the field, mostly. And I think we understand better … issues that ha[ve] to do with people's attitude, people's characters… Because it would be hard to take someone who doesn't understand … what support means to someone. (W1G4S2)
There are a lot of young students, … particularly engineers, Comm Sci students, people with amazing technology skills, … communication skills … who would probably love to put those skills to use in a pandemic context. (W1G4S5)
While not a concern expressed more widely, one student remarked that the work ended abruptly and felt incomplete given the intensity of the work and their roles in teams. They suggested instituting a closure event for volunteers.
We went through quite an intense period where we all worked together, but then we … just stopped… We never heard after that, what happened with the team… So maybe some sort of closure would have been nice. (W1G5S3)
Training and support
Being prepared helped students feel more confident. The online training, videos, and documents, read before starting, oriented them to the scope of work; prepared them to ask specific questions when making calls; and detailed the documentation required, including the reports to the PDoH. Debriefing sessions enabled students to speak about their experiences, their feelings, fears as well as their triumphs. Despite the support and the training, many found their work responsibilities quite daunting.
I was given some documents of the interview process... I took that document and just typed it out nicely for myself that fit onto one page. So, the first hour of the elective was spent purely on preparing myself… I took that document and I tried to memorize it, because I'm not the most comfortable person with phone calls. (W2G2S1)
The debrief session really helped me, because I didn’t want to talk about it, the personal situations on the phone … with my family. But in that situation, a lot of people [were] going through the same thing. So, I felt like I could let those feelings out and it helped hearing a lot of people were either feeling the same way or had gone through similar phone calls and get advice on that. (W2G4S2)
Suggestions for volunteer training and improved resources, recommended by students who worked over Wave 1, were implemented. These improvements were commented on as strengths by students working over Wave 2.
We actually were giving more information … than what the media and the general Department of Health has given. One is to make sure that they keep their houses well ventilated during isolation… So have an FAQ for people. (W1G4S1)
Training was the old “see one, do one, teach one” training. It wasn't so formal, and we just … learned on the job. It sounds like they've developed it quite a lot, which is great. (W1G5S3)
Some suggested additional training that would both assure quality of calls and give students more confidence. These included shadowing experienced volunteers and conducting observed simulated telephone calls.
What would have helped me to be more confident in my contract tracing is some kind of quality control ... Maybe …[a] mock interview would be interesting. Not that I did a bad job… but someone could be doing a bad job … and nobody would know. And I think that's a problem. (W2G2S1)
In SA, WhatsApp is the preferred application for communication – between individuals and within groups. Consequently, much of the communication and support in pods was through WhatsApp groups. One group housed essential information, health education material and general communication to be shared with cases. Members of the pod, including students, were able to pose questions on the pod WhatsApp group and obtain an almost immediate response. The group became a powerful source of communication, advice, information, and support. The students felt they could ask any question and not feel “dumb”.
The WhatsApp group was incredibly beneficial, and I don’t think I would have managed without it. I think it was probably incredibly critical to this whole service functioning and being efficient ... Because then you’re learning from everybody else as well and you’re gaining knowledge from their experience. (W2G2S2)
The pod acted as a safety-net and also offered support beyond the immediate cases students were working on. When students faced a difficult situation or were distressed or going through their own issues, they could contact pod members or leaders for assistance that was readily offered. Students appreciated the kindness shown to them by both the cases they called, as well as pod members. The work was an opportunity to participate in a different kind of patient care, focusing entirely on the circumstances faced by the patient, their family, and their contacts.
It was interesting that people were so kind in response to me and I loved that space because it felt like for the first time in six years of medicine that it was about the patient fully…I connected with a human being. (W1G1S2)
Students worked long hours as each call could take up to an hour or more. They spoke of the different ways in which they learnt to cope with the stresses of the work. They got some ideas from pod leaders or team members – listening to music, knitting, reading, walking, to ensure they took breaks between calls.
It’s very cathartic to have a good rant to someone close to you, the kind of debrief after a call. And … I also agree with making time for hobbies. I love baking and playing music. It’s fun to invest in a hobby that sort of takes your mind off all that’s going on. (W1G4S5)
Personal and professional growth
Despite challenges described by students, the opportunity to be part of a C&CT team clearly gave students opportunities to develop and grow personally and professionally.
Personal impact
The work had an emotional and physical toll on many students, who typically described it as a “draining” experience as they felt unprepared for the numerous stories of hardship. Students had to hold a supportive space for cases and contacts, but many questioned their own abilities.
But after a while, it did get quite taxing on me to have people like call me constantly or WhatsApp me and ask me for things. I had one person as well who …messaged me at three o'clock in the morning, and I don't actually know why I was awake. And I think he wasn't doing very well… He needed an ambulance… I think I dealt with quite well. And he ended up being fine, but it was … a bit stressful. (W1G4S3)
The pressure of providing for these people balanced with how personally uncomfortable and unqualified you feel, is very draining (W1G1S2)
Despite the challenges, students found making calls and speaking to cases fulfilling. The people called were receptive and spoke openly, often being so grateful to be contacted. This kept student volunteers motivated to make further calls.
I think a lot of them didn't expect a phone call. And when you do check in and just ask them how they are doing, what are the symptoms like and give them some information on what they could do to make themselves feel better. Hearing how grateful they were and how much they appreciated that. That motivated me to keep going as well. (W2G4S2)
I would never think that complete strangers would be so grateful.... But they were very understanding and, in fact, very thankful that we had… provided support to them as being in food or in the work certificates for their bosses.... they answered everything, and they never really withhold any information when we get asked anything. (W1G3S3)
Some framed the challenges of the work as an opportunity to learn about the range of illnesses caused by SARS-CoV-2 and how people managed their illness. This was fulfilling as it would assist them professionally.
Personally, I learned a lot about COVID-19 just working and trying to help the front liners by contacting these cases. You get to learn a lot by experience from one patient to the other because every patient deals with COVID-19 differently. So, I think that was really a good opportunity for me in my career. (W2G3S2)
The work made many feel professional and responsible as they were a source of knowledge. Ultimately, they had to trust themselves to do a good job.
Most of the patients that I called, wanted somebody to explain to them what was really going on. Because there's a lot of myths and misconceptions about COVID-19. So, I got to tell patients the truth about COVID-19 and address the myths, that they heard from friends, or they heard from unreliable sources. (W2G3S2)
It was a really great opportunity for us to learn to trust ourselves and to trust the future health professionals that we are becoming. (W2G1S2)
Making a difference
Throughout, students felt positive about having made a real difference in people’s lives. They found it rewarding to alleviate people’s stresses and burdens by linking them to resources.
Sometimes you feel like you can [help], whether it be speaking through fears or misconceptions, or just reassuring someone or giving them advice on [drugs]. I found [it] quite rewarding, being able to really calm someone's fears and being able to be that source of information and comfort to someone. (W1G5S1)
So being able to … apply for them to go to an isolation and quarantine facility if they can’t do that at home. Or being able to contact someone to send a food parcel or something; or send a field team or something like that. I think that that definitely helped.... at least I can make an impact for that person and hopefully make the experience a bit easier for them. (W1G3S1)
This work was different to students’ previous interaction with patients during their training, as they perceived their learning role as having little impact. This experience was, in contrast, more meaningful.
At the end of it, … I was very happy. I genuinely felt like I made a difference. Whereas… sometimes in med school, you’re … just poking and prodding patients and asking them questions and you're not really doing anything for them, you’re just learning through them. (W1G3S3)
Knowledge and skills
The work of case and contact tracing was a steep learning curve, but also good practice for all students’ future careers. As skills were practiced, students became more confident about their own abilities.
I feel more confident with interviewing people and made me realize that even if it's something you don't feel comfortable with initially, it's … a skill that improves with practice. (W1G6S2)
The skill that I gained was the confidence to be able to just pick up the phone and talk to people … It’s made me more confident in terms of going up to a patient and just speaking to them. (W2G1S1)
Besides breaking bad news, gathering and communicating essential information, students appreciated the opportunity to learn and practice reflection, problem-solving, organisational, interviewing, and history taking skills.
It's been an interesting experience. I feel like I've gained useful skills in terms of my career. I'd have to call different people, different institutions, try to gain information, people skills in terms of navigating people who might not be having a great day or getting information from people where it's not their job to help you, but you try and play on the best intention. I don't know how to say it, but negotiating, basically. (W2G2S1)
…grappling with confidentiality issues as well, especially with employees... You have to disclose who the person is because otherwise they won't be able to trace like who needs to isolate. (W1G5S3)
Many students thought that making case and contact tracing a formal elective option had worked well for medical students, universities, and the health department. They developed skillsets in telephonic consultations. This was highlighted, as telemedicine is sure to become a future communication vehicle, for both consultations and health messaging. Some advocated for placements that would allow students to practice core skills such as ‘breaking bad news’.
the phone calls were a good strategy… I recommend … for future purposes because it's much of a digital age now. (W1G2S4)
But rather [than] just telephonic interviews. Health interviews, I think would be advantageous. You know, high impact, short time and being able to address things through that way. (W1G3S2)
Students just have one day in which they do contact tracing so that they can just learn how to break bad news. I think it's a good learning experience in one's career. Just have the exposure. (W2G3S2)
Students expressed concern about the living circumstances of the people they called. Abject poverty was evident as many cases and contacts lived in desperate circumstances of overcrowded homes and limited access to sanitation facilities. For many, taking time off from work would mean no income for themselves or their families. This was in stark contrast to students’ own life experience and highlighted the vast differences in socio-economic circumstances across the city. They reflected on their own privilege and discomfort when asking personal questions of cases, whose socio-economic challenges were in such deep contrast to their own life experiences.
What was also really challenging is hearing people's living conditions. And then trying to advise someone to isolate back where they live with multiple other people? You'd call someone and .. “Well, you can't go to work for … two weeks”. And they'd be, “I have to go to work, otherwise, I don't have food. I don't have money for food”… So that was really tough… and challenging too, to actually hear about... (W1G3S1)
Getting to know people's living situations was not easy. I think a particular experience for me was … it was a household of ten. And … two bedroom and one bathroom, but the case actually refused to go into isolation. So, he literally just stayed in one room and decided to use a bucket and a face cloth to shower. (W1G3S3)
Students gained insight into communities and individuals’ lives, as making calls to people with COVID-19 exposed them to the social determinants of health.
It was just really interesting… [to] get a look into other people's issues and the challenges that they were facing. And then of course, to help them even if just in a small way. (W1G2S1)
Just having that those calls, they were kind of like a window to the outside of what's actually happening and in other people's life... For example, hearing about ten people living in one flat ... it's hectic out there. (W1G6S1)
Students often felt humbled by their experience and were left with an awareness of their own privilege in society.
I think it's made me very aware of … my privilege and how much I have to be grateful for. Because a lot of the time when we were phoning people about the difficult circumstances about how many people are staying in their house, or how they might not have any support from family. (W2G4S2)
Some remarked how people’s living conditions impacted on viral transmission. They maintained that adding health resources – personnel and systems – together with changes to social conditions that facilitated viral transmission, such as overcrowded housing, could have limited the pandemic locally. COVID-19 exposed social inequities.
If problems such as housing could be like taken care of, there will be less overcrowding, therefore, the spread would be less... If there are more health care workers. (W2G4S3)
The back-up provided by the pod gave students the confidence to be able to speak with authority. They were asked to introduce themselves as being from the Department of Health, which gave them confidence and many felt like qualified health professionals.
It is quite strange speaking to people a lot older than you and increasingly having this authority of knowledge of being a health professional. (W1G1S4)
While having the authority of the PDoH behind them, students felt an enormous sense of responsibility to give of their best, not only to the patients but also their peers on the pod.
..the responsibility of knowing that you have to get it done. And so the next team can do their job, you have to be diligent about doing your own…typing out everything, making sure everything makes sense. Everything is submitted on time. So, there was a lot of fulfilment in doing that. (W1G2S2)
A few expressed concerns about their role as part of the team, representing the PDoH when they contacted cases. They highlighted that those called assumed that they were doctors. This left some feeling like imposters which reinforced their sense of being out of their depth.
People just assume you are a doctor (W1G1S5)
Every time I introduced myself as [] from the Department of Health, … is this really the way I am supposed to introduce myself? I felt a bit of a fraud when I did that (W1G1S1)
I definitely felt like an imposter in the beginning, because I just went from being like a medical student and now suddenly on the phone with people... a lot of pressure to make sure you're providing the right info and as much as you can learn beforehand... we were one of the first batches when they called for volunteers from the younger classes. So yeah, I just felt very much like a bit out of my depth and… I hoped I could provide this necessary skill. (W1G6S2)
Some raised that over time their involvement in the work led to a certain status. They became a resource in their own families and communities where they were able to share knowledge and information.
I talked to some of my family members who had COVID-19. And other people in my life were like, asking questions about COVID-19, because I already did contact tracing. So, I knew how to advise them and it… made me more of an advocate in terms of assisting people and giving them information. (W2G3S1)
Reflective moments
While many students benefited in their development as future health care professionals, the work also led to personal growth, providing all with opportunities to reflect on the kind of work they desired as future professionals. Additionally, long conversations with seriously ill cases made them think about managing patients’ mortality, their own lives and spirituality.
There was this one woman with comorbidities I was talking to. At the time, she was feeling well, but we … dialled into her conversation about her mortality, and her fears, surrounding … her other comorbidities and how they may affect her illness… So, it was also emotional, … talking to someone with the real … fear of dying. And… you can never really say that “you're not going to” or that “everything is going to be fine”. But you also don't want to scare them, you still want to reassure them. So I think it … shaped my understanding of … the limited time that we have on this earth, and in a way just made me think more about the spiritual aspects. (W2G4S1)
Public health in action
Some students highlighted the benefits of learning about public health and health systems. These are often not valued by health sciences students who are largely orientated towards direct clinical work with individuals. Exposure to public health is often theoretical or research orientated, and students do not have much service exposure to working practically in public health orientated projects. They believed that the C&CT exposure was important as it offered students an opportunity to see ‘public health in action’ – both the exposure to public health functions and understanding the epidemiological trajectory of the pandemic. They recommended that more practical public health training should be included in their curriculum and remarked how they appreciated the opportunity of being involved.
It was really lovely to be part of a public health response...it was really great in terms of getting that practical exposure. (W1G3S1)
Include, even if there isn't a pandemic, some sort of public health practical training... as part of our actual core curriculum so that we can get a good understanding of it, because it is really important. (W2G4S1)
A few students also reflected that the experience had given them a different perspective and greater appreciation of the work of the Department of Health.
…my perspective of the Department of Health. I feel like they all care more than I have been led to believe as a med student. As a general member of society, you learn a lot of negative stories… And having actually a positive experience where you feel like you are working for a government that cares. (W2G2S1)