Our updated systemic review provides new insights into the critical role of optimal Hb concentrations during preconception and pregnancy. Unique aspects of this review are the dual focus on low and high Hb concentrations and consideration of a range of both maternal and infant health outcomes. During pregnancy, anemia was associated with increased risk of poor birth outcomes (LBW, VLBW, PTB, SGA, stillbirth, perinatal and neonatal mortality) and adverse maternal outcomes (post-partum hemorrhage, preeclampsia, prenatal depression, blood-transfusion and maternal mortality). Likewise, during high maternal Hb was associated with increased risk of poor birth outcomes (VLBW, PTB, SGA, stillbirth) and adverse maternal outcomes (preeclampsia, gestational diabetes and maternal mortality). Reported associations varied by trimester of pregnancy and Hb cutoff values but not anemia etiology.
This review builds on our prior review [15] with the addition of 53 new studies for a total 148 studies and includes new outcomes including maternal depression and maternal mortality in the meta-analyses. This review expands upon prior reviews on maternal anemia and adverse birth outcomes [10, 164–170]. Low maternal Hb during pregnancy, depending on the timing of assessment and cutoff used, was associated with up to nearly a 5-fold increased risk of poor birth outcomes. This review highlights the importance of early prevention and treatment of anemia, before many women even seek antenatal care. The strongest associations with anemia were noted during the preconception period (for LBW and SGA) and during the first trimester (for VLBW). Throughout pregnancy, anemia remained an important predictor of poor birth outcomes. One exception was that anemia during the third trimester was associated with a reduced risk of stillbirth. This was based on limited data, and the reason for this association is unclear. Overall, anemia defined using lower Hb cutoffs were associated with greatest risks of adverse outcomes.
The underlying mechanisms of the associations between anemia with birth outcomes are complex and multifactorial and may include nutritional deficiencies (e.g., iron, vitamin A, folic acid, or vitamin B12 deficiency), infectious causes (e.g., malaria, schistosomiasis, hookworm infection, HIV), hemoglobinopathies (sickle cell anemia, thalassemias), and inflammation [171]. Iron deficiency has been reported to contribute to up to 75% of all types of anemia during pregnancy [171]. Iron deficiency results from insufficient dietary intake coupled with increased systemic demand, impaired absorption, or blood loss. The prevalence of iron deficiency varies geographically, with higher prevalence in low-income countries. Across pregnancy, there are changes in iron requirements and iron absorption, with decreases in requirements the first trimester followed by a nearly three-fold increase in the third trimester due to increased maternal red blood cell mass expansion, placental demand, and fetal growth [172, 173]. IDA is associated with lower oxygen delivery to the tissues, fatigue, increased risk of infection, and cardiac failure in severe cases [174]. Among offspring, IDA is associated with poor perinatal outcomes including LBW, intrauterine growth restriction, PTB, neonatal anemia. Although iron deficiency has been largely attributed to nutritional causes (e.g., insufficient iron intake or poor iron absorption), several non-nutritional causes may be important to consider as well. Inflammation (due to infectious causes or low-grade inflammation observed in individuals with overweight or obesity) may also impact iron uptake and metabolism via increased hepcidin levels, resulting in anemia of inflammation despite sufficient iron stores [172]. Furthermore, although outside of the scope of the present review, it is important to consider the interplay between hemoglobinopathies and iron deficiency. Recent studies report that thalassemia carriers have altered iron metabolism and erythropoiesis [175–177]. Within our review, relationships between maternal Hb and birth outcomes did not vary by anemia etiology; this is likely attributable to the lack of information across included studies with respect to prevalence of iron deficiency and merits further examination.
Maternal anemia was also associated with a range of adverse maternal outcomes. For several outcomes, results were consistent with those of prior reviews [15] (postpartum hemorrhage, transfusion, and pre-eclampsia), but some outcomes were new to this review (prenatal and post-partum depression and maternal mortality). Maternal anemia during pregnancy was associated with a 44% increased risk of prenatal depression, however, there is insufficient information to understand how this association varies by timing of Hb assessment or cutoff used. Overall, associations between maternal anemia and maternal mortality were non-significant; however, when lower cutoffs of ≤ 100 g/L and ≤ 90 g/L were used, maternal Hb was associated with nearly a 3 to 5-fold increase in maternal mortality. Data are lacking on the importance of timing of maternal Hb assessment and maternal mortality.
Much of the existing literature has focused on anemia during pregnancy; however, our review demonstrates that high maternal Hb concentrations during this time are likewise associated with up to a 2-fold increased odds of adverse infant outcomes (LBW, VLBW, PTB, SGA, stillbirth, and perinatal mortality) and maternal outcomes (pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes and maternal mortality). There are several potential mechanisms to consider when reflecting on the maternal health and birth outcomes associated with high Hb concentrations. Plasma volume expansion is a normal process during pregnancy and facilitates the transfer of nutrients to the fetus. High Hb concentrations may be a result of inadequate plasma volume expansion, which has been reported as a risk factor for both SGA and pre-eclampsia [178]. High Hb concentrations may also be a result of higher iron status. While higher iron status is generally viewed favorably during pregnancy, iron is a pro-oxidant that can result in DNA damage of placenta cells and interfere with metabolic processes related to glucose metabolism if the body is experiencing iron overload [179–181]. High iron status during pregnancy has been associated with SGA and gestational diabetes in previous studies [34, 182].
Key strengths of this review are the inclusion of both ends of the spectrum for Hb concentrations and the range of adverse outcomes for both the mother and infant. Stratification of results by Hb cutoff and timing of assessment also adds further depth and understanding to these complex relationships. Associations between anemia and adverse outcomes tend to be stronger earlier in pregnancy while associations between high Hb and adverse outcomes were inconsistent across time points. Mixed findings in the second trimester may point to a need to further examine optimal cutoffs during this period. This review is limited by the data available. Notably, there is a lack of data on the etiology of anemia or high Hb and many gaps remain in understanding the role of timing and cutoffs across preconception and pregnancy. Studies that reported data using multiple Hb cutoffs or time pointes were more heavily weighted in the overall estimates. Hb is a convenient and widely used biomarker in nutrition and health research, however it remains unclear if the associations with adverse outcomes are being driven by direct alterations in functional Hb for essential functions or by the indirect underlying causes of anemia (e.g. iron deficiency vs hemoglobinopathy) or high Hb (e.g. excess iron vs failure of plasma volume expansion). Further research is needed to better understand the implications of the etiology of anemia for redefining optimal Hb cutoffs during pregnancy and optimizing public health programs for women.