The results of the present study indicate that EBUS-TBNA performed with No-suction or 10 ml suction is non-inferior to 20 ml suction pressure for sample adequacy. The amount of suction did not influence the diagnostic yield. Traditionally, most operators have used negative vacuum suction pressures in the hope of achieving good cellular material for cytology. However, this is based mostly on individual experiences and extrapolation from the technique of conventional TBNA, where negative suction is advocated.(14)
Our results show that overall specimen adequacy of EBUS-TBNA aspirates using "No-suction" was higher than that obtained by 10 ml suction and 20 ml suction (90%, 83.49%, and 77.88% respectively). This indicates that EBUS-TBNA without suction provides the highest proportion of adequate samples for cytopathological analysis. As per our results, both No-suction and 10 ml suction are non-inferior to 20 ml of suction pressure in terms of sample adequacy. Furthermore, we found that the no-suction technique was actually superior to 20 ml suction at a superiority margin of 3.92%. Also, within the subgroups of sarcoidosis, tuberculosis, and lung cancer, adequacy of EBUS-TBNA aspirates obtained by each of the three suction pressures was similar.
Comparisons between different suction pressures for obtaining samples while performing EBUS have been sparsely reported. The study by Casal et al(7) compared the concordance between No-suction and 10 ml suction during EBUS-TBNA and found no significant difference between the adequacy (88% vs. 88%) or quality of samples. Their study design differed from ours in that they applied each of the two suction pressures on the same lymph node. Similarly, two other authors have also reported similar specimen adequacy using 20 ml suction or without suction.(1, 2) The adequacy obtained in these studies was higher than that obtained in our study. However, in one of those studies, the authors performed four-needle punctures per node and applied both suction pressures in the same node for two passes each. It is possible that puncturing the node using one suction pressure could have altered the nodal architecture and influenced the yield of the suction pressure applied subsequently. Keeping these limitations in view, this study was designed to obtain a sample from each lymph node with a randomly assigned suction pressure only.
On the other hand, few studies have reported better yields with higher suction pressure. Boonsarngsuk et al(8) compared 0 ml, 20 ml, and 40 ml suction pressure in EBUS-TBNA and found no difference in the adequacy and diagnostic yield between 20 ml and 40 ml suction pressure; both of these, however, were superior to the results obtained by zero suction. Although this was the only study to compare three different suction pressures, it enrolled only 66 patients in whom one pass was performed using each of the three pressures. Thus, the possibility of the first-pass effect may have influenced the results. Furthermore, it must be kept in mind that the Vaclok syringe provided with the EBUS scope has a maximum capacity of 20 ml suction. The study mentioned above used a customized syringe to apply 40 ml suction; this may compromise the uniformity of study methodology and add to the cost and logistic difficulties in real-world setting.
The overall diagnostic yield of EBUS-TBNA in our study was similar in each of the suction groups (No-suction: 63.6%, 10 ml: 52.3% and 20 ml: 57.7%; p= not significant). Subgroup analysis revealed that the diagnostic yield was highest in lung cancer in all the three suction categories compared to TB and sarcoidosis, although no statistical difference was observed. The overall diagnostic yield was relatively low compared to several previous reports, but comparable to that reported in the large AQuIRE registry.(4) Several reasons may explain this finding. Firstly, we calculated the yield based on the cytological results of the first three passes with either of the three suction pressures. The results of additional passes, if obtained, were not included in the final analysis. Secondly, only the findings of cytological smears were taken into account while calculating the diagnostic yield. The results from other investigations such as clot core biopsy, cell blocks, and GeneXpert were not considered since they are not done at our center as a routine protocol. It has been reported that GeneXpert may provide additive value in EBUS-TBNA for the diagnosis of Tuberculosis.(15)
However, the diagnostic yield of our study was better than previous studies for the same hypothesis. Casal et al(7) found a diagnostic yield of 36% and 34% in the 10 ml suction and No-suction group, respectively; in malignant disorders, the yield was still lower, i.e., 28% and 26% respectively. Lin et al(2) compared use of suction vs. no-suction and stylet vs. no stylet and reported a diagnostic yield of 32.2%( suction–stylet), 31.8% (suction–no stylet), and 31% (stylet–no-suction). Various registries on the diagnostic yield of EBUS-TBNA suggest a wide variation, possibly due to lack of stringent and uniform definition of this pathological outcome.(4) In fact, some authors have loosely defined diagnostic yield simply as "the presence of lymphocytes or any specific diagnosis".(4) In addition, most studies on EBUS emerge from Western countries, where malignancy constitutes a disproportionately high component of all procedures. In contrast, the majority of our subjects had a benign disease; this may be an important determinant of sample adequacy or diagnostic yield. The AQuIRE Bronchoscopy Registry (2011) reports unadjusted diagnostic yields of 37% to 54% for different hospitals.(4) A recent Indian study reported a diagnostic yield of 63% among 1582 patients, with a mean of two nodes being sampled.(16) It is known that several factors affect the diagnostic yield of EBUS, such as nodal size, number of needle punctures per node, nature of sedation or anesthesia, and the size of the needle used.(3, 5, 6, 17) On the other hand, diagnostic yield as low as 27% has also been reported, probably reflecting a real-world medical scenario wherein negative results are high in the absence of a robust and easily available diagnostic gold standard.(18) Recently, it has been postulated that ultrasonographic characteristics of lymph nodes influence the adequacy and diagnostic yield of EBUS aspirates.(9, 19) In a retrospective analysis, it was observed that the presence of well-defined margins, central hilar structure, and nodal conglomeration are independent predictors of benign etiology.(20) In our study, all lymph node characteristics were comparable in the three suction groups, except for the fact that nodes yielding adequate samples were larger, and diagnostic yield was better in the heterogeneous nodes in the 20 ml suction group. Similarly, in the no-suction group, nodes that were diagnostic were larger than non-diagnostic nodes. None of the other nodal characteristics influenced the adequacy or diagnostic yield between the three suction pressure groups.
Bleeding, albeit mild, is one of the commonest complications of EBUS-TBNA, followed by other less common events such as arrhythmias, hypotension, and respiratory failure.(21) One of the hypotheses of the current study was that the use of negative suction might lead to bloody aspirates, thereby qualifying as inadequate and non-diagnostic specimens. This was proven correct because 15.4% of aspirates obtained by 20 ml suction were predominantly blood, compared to 10.9% and 13.8% bloody samples using no-suction and 10 ml suction respectively, although this difference was not statistically significant. Similarly, previous studies that analyzed the proportion of bloody samples obtained with and without suction have not found any difference.(7, 22) On the other hand, using endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration (EUS-FNA), Wallace et al(23) found that the odds of obtaining a bloody aspirate was 4.7 times higher when suction was used compared to without suction. We opine that similar inferences may be drawn for EBUS-TBNA, a procedure that technically resembles EUS.
To our knowledge, this randomized trial is the largest yet to assess the utility of negative suction during EBUS-TBNA. The fact that we used only one of the three suction pressures per node helped to negate the potential bias likely due to the "first-pass effect." This, along with the "blinding" of the cytopathologist, helped control for the confounding effects of various lymph node characteristics on the outcome parameters. Also, the present study had a mix of patients with mediastinal lymphadenopathy due to both benign and malignant diseases, more closely reflecting a real-life clinical scenario and thus making the results more generalizable.
There are some limitations to this study as well. Firstly, we did not routinely use cell-block or tissue core for the processing of samples. Secondly, Gene Xpert and liquid cultures for TB were not done separately for aspirates obtained with each of the three suction pressures and hence were not used for calculating the study outcomes. Thirdly, the procedures were performed by different operators with varying levels of experience in EBUS, although this possibly makes our results more generalizable. Despite these shortcomings, we feel that this study adds useful information to the technique of EBUS-TBNA and has potential practice changing implications.