Flow patterns in LV in terms of phase averaged velocity distribution, velocity vector field, vorticity distribution, and streamlines for the four cases are presented here. Out of 20 phases of a cardiac cycle, flow field details of Early Diastole (ED, phase 1), Mid-Diastole (MD, phase 7), Late Diastole (LD, phase 11), Early Systole (ES, phase 13), Mid-Systole (MS, phase 16) and Late Systole (LS, phase 19) are selected for discussion. In the figures showing the flow details, the top right of LV is the region below MV and the top left is that below AV (Fig. 3).
A. BMHV Case 1: MV90o-AV0o
Figure 5a shows the velocity field obtained from phase averaging of 50 cardiac cycles at various stages of a cardiac cycle for MV at 90o and AV at 0o orientations. The phase averaging technique can filter out the noise and capture the coherent part of the flow. A similar technique has been used earlier by Fortini et al. (2010). The asymmetric compression of an axisymmetric sac of uniform thickness under the influence of uniform surrounding pressure is rather perplexing and remains to be explained. The leaflets of an open BMHV form a central orifice and two peripheral orifices thereby producing three co-flowing non-circular jets inclined towards the long axis. Therefore, a usually expected jet ensuing with the opening of MV and a growing vortex ring around it are found to be missing during early and peak diastolic phases. Instead, relatively high-velocity flow is seen at ED to impinge and turn along the Anterior (septal) wall of the LV forming a large-scale counterclockwise vortex in the mid-region and a partially visible small clockwise vortex in the basal region below AV. The corresponding streamlines in Fig. 5b display the flow path more discernibly. A large vortical region in the middle of the LV does not allow the flow from the MV to directly reach the central part of the LV, instead, it first fills the upper mid-region and the basal region pushing outwardly the anterior wall. With the continuous filling, the LV is seen to regain its regular shape at MD wherein not only a high-speed jet is seen to hit the posterior wall in the basal region but also the flow along the anterior wall fills the apical region while turning counterclockwise. However, the corresponding streamlines in Fig. 5b show the vortical region decreased in size and confined between a saddle point close to the posterior wall in the mid-region and a point of confluence close to the posterior wall in the apical region. The majority of the flow coming from the MV is seen to fill the LV outside the vortical region, and a small part of it makes its way to the vortex from the point of confluence. Further, with a lapse of time and the reduced filling rate at LD before the closing of the MV, the entire basal region is occupied by the three jets from the MV – a jet flow from the anterior peripheral orifice tending to turn toward the outflow tract, a jet flow from the central orifice toward the long axis, and a jet flow from the posterior orifice forming the counterclockwise vortex next to the posterior wall. Interestingly, the flow returning from the apex region and rising along the posterior wall meets the flow from the MV in the mid-region and results in a fully formed counterclockwise vortex. The corresponding streamlines show a well-grown counterclockwise vortex with the point of confluence shifted along the apical wall toward the anterior side and a pair of contra-rotating vortices above next to the posterior wall.
As the contraction of the LV sac commences with the compression stroke of the SuperPump marking the beginning of the systole, the MV closes while the AV opens to facilitate ejection of the LV fluid. The image of ES in Fig. 5a displays the mid-section of the anterior wall pushing the fluid with higher velocity, which quickly gets diverted in opposite directions toward the apex and the AV. Further, the flow from the basal region appears to curvaceously move toward the outflow tract, and that from the apical region joins it in a circuitous fashion along the posterior wall. The corresponding streamlines in ES in Fig. 5b present a complex flow field marked by multiple foci and saddle points. Here, two foci spiraling out (source plus vortex) counterclockwise are unstable and the one spiraling inward (sink plus vortex) clockwise is stable according to the topological features of flow pattern (Perry AE 1986). The stability dictates the state of the flow as stable and unstable relate to the laminar and turbulent flows, respectively. On attaining the peak ejection rate at the MS, the anterior wall caves in with hardly any push-flow along it in the mid-region. However, the outflow in the basal region and the one joining it from the apex region appears to gain strength. The low-velocity islands in somewhat triangular formation occupying the central part of the LV present an unusual pattern hitherto unseen during the systole from ES to MS. Just before the closing of the AV when the outflow rate reduces during the LS, the flow from the basal region hits the anterior wall and diverts toward the apex completing a longish counterclockwise vortex. At this stage contraction of the LV is near to its maximum, and the flow pattern assumes the inception of the diastole as can be judged from the comparison with the ED. The corresponding streamlines show centrally located vortical structure in MS and LS of Fig. 5b, which is surprisingly growing in spite of increased compression at LS. These vortical structures have two distinct zones demarcated by bandlike clustering of the streamlines – the inner zone has streamlines spiraling inward, whereas the outer zone has streamlines spiraling outward. It is worth noting that these are sectional planar images of a highly complex 3D flow evolving from the combination of contra-spiraling flows having a common focal point.
The vorticity field, shown in Fig. 5b, depicts the dominance of counterclockwise vorticity in all the phases of both the diastole and systole. Though the streamlines show remarkable vortical structures, the overall magnitude of the vorticity is rather low as it depends on the velocity gradient and not on the absolute velocity. However, the region below the MV close to the posterior wall is marked with spots of relatively higher vorticity of the opposite signs in MD and LD as expected in the shear flow of the jet.
B. BMHV Case 2: MV90o-AV90o
Figure 6 shows the flow patterns in the LV for Case 2, wherein the BMHV at the AV position is rotated by 90° to change the orientation of its leaflets parallel to the anterior wall. What is most surprising and unexpected to observe is the shift in caving in of the LV from the anterior wall (seen in Fig. 5) to the posterior wall during the systole. For changing the orientation of the BMHV at the AV position, the LV sac was required to be removed, which was carefully refitted in the same position, as it was. Therefore, we surmise that the dynamics of the outflow during the systole creates a non-uniform pressure field, and the region of higher differential pressure tends to cave in.
Velocity vector fields, depicted in Fig. 6a, show three representative stages of the diastole and systole phases. The beginning of the diastole, ED, is marked by a single jet flow along the long axis from the basal region, and almost no flow in the region below the MV, which could be attributed to the peculiar shape of the posterior wall. The corresponding streamlines in Fig. 6b depict a system of co-rotating counterclockwise vortices in the region of very low velocities along the posterior wall. Compared to Case 1, the contrasting feature noted here is the flow from the MV reaching directly to the apex. With an increasing rate of filling, at the peak diastole MD, the central jet, created jointly from the central and anterior orifices, spreads and reaches the apical region and turns counterclockwise along the posterior wall. The posterior-orifice jet flow separately impinges on the posterior wall which is recovering from the caved-in state. The corresponding image MD in Fig. 6b shows the streamlines from the MV directly hitting the apex. Such smooth access of the flow to the
apex during the LV filling is physiologically a healthy sign. Spiraling inward streamlines, indicative of the laminar flow, exhibit two vortical structures of opposite signs. Toward the end of the diastole at LD, in completely inflated LV, the posterior-orifice jet with higher velocity entraps a small counterclockwise vortex against the posterior wall, as seen in Fig. 6a, and then turns clockwise but gets interrupted by the flow from the basal region. However, a fully-formed counterclockwise vortex is seen just below. This flow pattern is elucidated more clearly by the streamlines in the corresponding Fig. 6b, wherein the flow field is broadly divided into two parts demarcated by a bunch of streamlines emerging from the MV and impinging on the anterior wall in the apical region. The region above this demarcation is occupied by a clockwise vortical structure and the one below is occupied by a large-scale counterclockwise vortical structure, which has spiraling outward streamlines. The change in streamlines of foci from spiraling inward at the peak of diastole (MD) to spiraling outward for late diastole (LD) reflects the complex dynamics of the flow within a pulsating finite volume.
In all stages of the systole from early (ES) to late (LS), well-directed streamlines toward the AV suggest a rather relatively smooth ejection of the outflow. At the time of closing and opening of the valves, the transient flow has a connection between the systole and diastole, for example, the impressions of the LS and LD flow patterns become the precursor to that of the ED and ES, respectively. The vorticities of opposite signs show a nearly balanced distribution with overall low magnitudes except for some spots of higher values in the region below the MV at the LD and ES.
C. MMHV Case 3: MV180o-AV0o
Figure 7 shows phase averaged velocity and vorticity distributions along with velocity vectors and streamlines superimposed, respectively, for various stages of diastole and systole phases of a cardiac cycle for Case 3 wherein MMHVs are fitted at 180o orientation in MV position (major orifice facing the posterior wall) and at 0o orientation in AV position (major orifice facing the anterior wall). Caving in of the posterior wall during the late systole and early diastole is evident here also. Compared to the BMHV the effective orifice area of the MMHV is smaller, therefore magnitudes of both velocity and vorticity are expected to be higher as seen in the color-coded scales. On completion of the systole when diastole commences with the opening of the MV, the filling of the LV begins with a well-spread diffused jet flow along the posterior wall whose concave surface deflects it straight to the apical region as seen in ED of Fig. 7a. This flow then hits the anterior wall and turns around clockwise to form a well-defined vortex below the basal region. Similar observations are reported in the literature by several researchers (Mouret et al. 2005; Querzoli et al. 2010; Vuki ́cevi ́c et al. 2012 and Wang et al. 2016). The finer details of the flow, missed in the low-velocity regions, are clearly depicted by the streamlines in the corresponding Fig. 7b. During the peak diastole, the mitral jet velocity significantly increases and subsequently creates two contra-rotating vortices on both sides (see MD of Fig. 7a). These vortices are, actually, a cross-section of a vortex ring that is seen to descend and tilt while growing in size as clearly seen not only in LD but its impression is also seen in ES wherein a clockwise vortex facilitates smooth outflow. With the further contraction of the LV when the posterior wall caves in at the peak of the systole (MS) and pushes perpendicularly the fluid in contact. This movement of the posterior wall destroys the neighboring counterclockwise vortex, but it results in acceleration of the outflow along the anterior wall. Further, near the end of the systole (LS), the LV volume reduces to its minimum with a clockwise vortex below the basal region. The streamline plots show large vortical structures, all of them clockwise with the flow spiraling out at all the instants of the diastole and systole phases. This phenomenon clearly explains the advantage of the physiological clockwise vortex in LV flow dynamics. The vorticity distribution shows higher strength for the clockwise vorticity which concurs with the general flow pattern.
D. MMHV Case 4: MV180o-AV180o
Figure 8 shows flow patterns for Case 4 where the minor orifice of the MMHV at the AV position faces the anterior wall. It is surprising to note the absence of the caving in of the LV wall. But the rear wall did cave in which is not visible in the present view, however, its effect on the posterior wall, in the form of a slight bulge from the mid systole to the early diastole (MS, LS, and ED), is visible. Overall, there is a good similarity between the flow patterns seen in Figs. 8 except for some minor features seen in MS and LS. The LV filling in Fig. 7 is comparatively more efficient as the flow appears to reach the apex more closely, which is physiologically favorable.
Figure 9 summarizes the main features of the flow patterns observed in all four cases. Here, the flowlines are drawn to display the mid-diastole and mid-systole stages. Flowlines in the region of the opaque base of the model, just below the MV and AV, are extrapolated from what is seen in the LV. In the case of BMHVs, as the flow takes a longer counterclockwise (anti-physiological) path to fill the LV during the diastole, the exiting flow during the systole needs to find a circuitous route instead of straight from the central region of the LV as two streamlines cannot cross each other. A change in the BMHV orientation at the AV position, despite altering the caving in of the LV wall from the anterior to posterior sides, does not seem to affect the outflow. In the case of MMHVs, the filling process during the diastole is executed smoothly wherein the flow takes the clockwise vortical path along the posterior wall akin to the physiological flow pattern. As the flow direction is naturally towards the outflow tract, the ejection of flow during the systole is more efficient. However, the final exit of the flow from the AV is affected by the orientation of the leaflet. When the MMHV at the AV position is fitted at 0°, the open leaflet is aligned with the approaching flow which will exit with less resistance. However, with the change in the orientation of the MMHV to 180°, the exiting flow is likely to impinge on the face of the open leaflet thereby experiencing some rise in the resistance.
E. Energy loss
A plot of dissipative energy loss (EL) per meter, calculated using Eq. 5 from the strain rate fields of all the cases, is shown in Fig. 10 for all the phases of a cardiac cycle. For better clarity of the difference in magnitudes with low values, a logarithmic scale is used. The peak EL value of about 4–5 mW/m is observed around the mid-diastole for MMHV cases, whereas for BMHVs it is about 1 mW/m towards the late diastole. This can be attributed to the higher local velocities between MD and LD phases near the MV region which resulted in higher velocity gradients and hence higher strain rates for the MMHVs. However, the ascending trend of the EL during diastole reaching its peak and then continuous decline till the late systole is consistently the same for all the cases. This trend matches with those reported in both in vitro (Hayashi et al. 2015) and in vivo (Stugaard et al. 2015) studies with varying magnitude depending on various factors associated with ejection fraction, beat rate and health condition.
The area under each curve was estimated to obtain the net energy loss per meter over a complete cardiac cycle. Case 4 for MMHVs fitted in the MV position with its major orifice facing the posterior wall and in the AV position with its minor orifice facing the anterior wall (M180-A180) registered the highest EL, which was used to normalize the net EL values of other cases. The normalized net energy loss, thus obtained, is plotted in the inset of Fig. 10. The energy loss for the BMHVs is reduced by a huge margin of about 80%, but it is due to the entirely different valve design. What is more surprising is that by merely changing the orientation of the MMHV at the AV position by 180° (M180-A0), a significant reduction in the EL by about 25% is obtained.