In Figure 2, the XRD pattern of the milled LCD screen powder is presented. As may be observed, no specific diffraction peaks are exhibited, indicating an amorphous material. This result may be expected, since the main component of the LCD screens is silicon [28], combined with small amounts of different metallic oxides, such as indium, REE and tin (not detectable by XRD due to the detection limit of the diffractometer).
To confirm the presence of rare earth elements (REE) in the milled and sieved LCD powder, SEM-EDS qualitative elemental analyses were carried out. The results are shown in Figure 3, where the qualitative chemical distributions of different elements are shown; silicon, aluminum, some REE, indium, tin and iron may be observed. In addition, all the RE elements are uniformly distributed. As can be appreciated, the elements with the highest concentrations are silicon, aluminum and oxygen, probably as oxides compounds (SiO2 and Al2O3), whereas the REE are concentrated in the smallest particles. Moreover, the fine particle size ensures the homogeneity of the sample and the percentage of the rare earth elements that can be recovered [29]. For this reason, the powder sieved at - 325 mesh (44 µm) was selected for the leaching study.
The results of the chemical analysis obtained by Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP-OES) show the presence of rare earths, such as Pr (24 mg kg-1), Gd (93 mg kg-1), Er (477 mg kg-1) and others elements, such as In (2422 mg kg-1), Sn (835 mg kg-1), Fe (2827 mg kg-1) and Zn (9 mg kg-1). According to the structural and chemical characterization (SEM-EDS and ICP), the LCD screen waste is composed of a mixture of oxides of Si, Al, Fe, and small amounts of oxides of Gd, In, Pr and Er. It is important to note that these materials are in sufficient quantities to justify their separation [30].
To select the adequate experimental conditions for selectively separating Gd and Pr from the other elements, a thermodynamic analysis using the Hydra-Medusa software [21] was performed; this analysis shows that Gd(III) forms a soluble species Gd2(P2O7)2+ with the pyrophosphate ion (P207)4- up to pH 8, with a log k (complex stability constant) value of 20.5. However, the stability constant for praseodymium ion (Pr(III)) has not been reported, however, considering that the log k values for the REE close to Pr are similar for the same type of complexes (Nd(III) = 20, Sm3+ = 20.2, Eu(III) = 20.3, Gd (III) = 20.5) [32], it is possible to infer that the behavior of this element with PPi is comparable. The reaction between the PPi ion and Gd is shown in equation 1:
See formula 1 in the supplementary files.
In addition, the interaction between PPi ion and Fe(III) was considered, since plays an important role in the proposed method, which is based on a final magnetic separation of the leaching residue. The Hydro-Medusa analysis confirms that Fe(III) forms a stable complex, Fe2(P2O7)- up to pH 8, with a log k of 22.2.
Therefore, based on theoretical analyses, under the experimental conditions selected, the PPi forms stable complexed with Gd(III), Pr(III) and Fe(III). Furthermore, these ions precipitate as hydroxides in alkaline solutions (above pH 8). Species distribution diagrams are constructed from the logarithm of the reaction equilibrium constant (k) of the reagents [31]. The speciation diagram for the Gd is shown in Figure 4. This analysis helped to establish the adequate leaching conditions: pH values between 4 and 6, room temperature (25 °C), assisted by ultrasound to improve the dissolution process [25, 33].
After performing the ultrasonic-assisted leaching process for 60 minutes at room temperature, a solid residue was obtained (leach residue), which was analysed by XRD (Figure 5). As can be appreciated in Figure 5a, the leach residue consisted of an amorphous material, together with small amount of crystalline Fe, which is identified as a peak near to 2-theta of 44 °. Due to the presence of metallic iron, the residue was subjected to a magnetic separation, obtaining a magnetic and a non-magnetic solid. Both solids were independently analyzed by XRD (Figures 5b and 5c). As can be observed, the non-magnetic residue (Figure 5b) shows an XRD pattern typical of an amorphous material, attributed to silica base material, which was not affected by the leach. In contrast, the magnetic residue (Figure 5c) is a crystalline iron matrix, probably with small amounts of other metals (gadolinium, praseodymium or similar elements), since a slight displacement of the diffraction peak is detected from its theoretical position at 2-theta of 44 °. The three residues (combined leach, magnetic and non-magnetic), were qualitatively characterized by SEM, using back-scattered electrons (BSE). As can be observed, the powders are composed by irregular and polygonal particles. In addition, there are no differences in contrast in each residue, which indicates that the residues contain a homogenous distribution of atoms along the particles. However, comparing the different residues, the magnetic residue (Figure 5c) appears brighter, which may be ascribed to the presence of compounds that contain atoms with greater atomic number, such as REE.
To characterize their magnetic behavior, the hysteresis loops of each residue were acquired and are presented in Figure 6. In this figure, it can be observed that the magnetic residue presents a saturation magnetization of 120 emu g-1, attributed to the presence of an iron alloy with undefined composition, in good agreement with the XRD pattern show in Figure 5(c). It is known that, pure iron shows a specific saturation magnetization near to 217 emu g-1, therefore, the reduced magnetization value corresponds to iron, containing very low concentrations of materials that possesses slight magnetization, in accordance with the XRD patterns, since no other phases were detected.
The non-magnetic residue shows ferrimagnetic behavior, with a very low specific saturation magnetization of approximately 0.08 emu g-1, attributed to the presence of small amounts of ferrimagnetic materials as oxides, although these was not observed in XRD pattern due to the detection limit of the analysis equipment.
In addition, the magnetic hysteresis loop of the combined leach residue shows ferrimagnetic behavior, with a specific saturation magnetization around 0.19 emu g-1. This confirms mostly amorphous silica and aluminum oxides, together with small quantities of ferrimagnetic materials, as iron and RE metals and/or oxides.
The chemical composition of the leach liquor and the solid residues (magnetic and non-magnetic) were quantified by ICP. The results are shown in Table 1 as the percentages of the total element in the initial LCD powder in each of the following states: present in the leach liquor, remaining in the LCD powder (non-magnetic residue) or recovered in the magnetic residue. According to these results, the magnetic material (0.3 g) is composed mainly of Fe, Pr and Gd, corresponding to 94.5%, 86.8% and 85.4%, respectively, of the total amount of each element contained in the LCD screens; this represents an important concentration of these elements, with a higher recovery compared to conventional leaching [34]. On the other hand, 98.6% of the In, 73.9% of the Sn and 84.34% of the Er remained in the non-magnetic solid (2.58 g). As for the leach liquor, it contained appreciable percentages of Er (12.0%), Sn (24.6%) and Zn (91.2%).
It is worth mentioning that when the leaching process is carried out without PPi, the separation of Gd and Pr was not achieved nor were these elements leached. on the other hand, when the leaching is performed without ultrasound, a magnetic residue is not produced; therefore, the ultrasound radiation promotes the selective separation of Gd and Pr from other REE, as magnetic materials and the pyrophosphate ion maintains the solubility of the REE.
As the magnetic residue shown a selective separation of Gd and Pr, together with iron, an elemental mapping was performed by SEM-EDS analysis, which is shown in Figure 7. In this figure, the presence of a homogeneous distribution of Fe, Gd and Pr can be observed, confirming the concentration of these elements into the magnetic residue.
The formation of an iron base alloy containing rare earth elements, as Gd and Pr, is an interesting result in itself, and it can be ascribed to the ultrasound effect during the leaching process. It is well-known that the ultrasound produces mechanical effects, such as micro jets and shock waves, which cause microscopic turbulence in the solution and high-speed collisions between the solids [35]. These effects are difficult to achieve with conventional mechanical agitation [26]. According to some authors [35,36], sonochemistry or ultrasonic irradiation of water produces the free radicals H· and OH· that can combine to produce H2O2. [35]:
See formulas 2, 3, and 4 in the supplementary files.
The presence of H2 and H2O2, promote chemical and physical effects since they can act as strong reducing agents, as follows:
See formula 5 in the supplementary files.
In ultrasonic leaching, the formation of these agents promote an iron ion reduction from Fe3+ and/or Fe2+ to Fe0, as shown in Eq. (5), which could incorporate Gd(III) and Pr(III) into its crystal structure or they could be also reduced to metallic phases as an alloy. These solid products can be recovered by applying a magnetic field, obtaining a concentrated magnetic residue composed mainly of Fe, Gd and Pr, as was demonstrated previously. Therefore, the magnetic separation of the residue formed after the ultrasonic-assisted leach, followed by a magnetic separation, is a facile and economic method for concentrating Gd and Pr elements from LCD wastes.