OPCs express ADAM10 mRNA
To determine whether ADAM10 is expressed in OPCs, combined ISH and immunohistochemical staining with an NG2 antibody (an OPC-specific marker) was used. Alkaline phosphatase and NBT/BCIP staining (blue) were used to identify ADAM10 expression, and HRP-labelled immunohistochemical staining (brown) was used to label OPCs. OPCs expressing ADAM10 were stained blue purple. Consistent with previous studies,10 ADAM10 mRNA expression was predominantly distributed in the gray matter area where neurons were concentrated, including the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, thalamus, and cerebellar granular cells in the adult mouse CNS (Figure 1A, B). However, double staining indicated that there were several ADAM10 ISH-positive cells coexpressing NG2 in the white matter area, including the corpus callosum and dentate gyrus of the hippocampus (Fig. 1C, D).
ADAM10 is a conditional ablation in OPCs
We generated OPCs conditional knockout ADAM10 mice by inserting two loxP sites in the cis orientation into the third exon of the ADAM10 gene (Figure 2A). OPC-specific deletion of ADAM10 was obtained by crossing NG2–Cre transgenic mice with ADAM10 loxp/loxp mice16, and PCR analysis of mouse tail DNA was used to genotype NG2-Cre/ADAM10loxp/loxp (referred to ADAM10 cKO mice). PCR analysis of genomic tail DNA of wild-type (wt/wt), heterozygous (wt/fl), or ADAM10 cKO (fl/fl) mice showed that wild-type mice could detect the floxed alleles and deleted alletes (exon3 transcript) but not the Cre gene, whereas heterozygous mice could detect the Cre gene, floxed, and deleted alletes, whereas ADAM10 cKO mice could detect the Cre gene but not deleted alletes (Figure 2B). Western blotting showed that the levels of the active, mature 68 kDa ADAM10 protein were slightly decreased in the whole brain of ADAM10 cKO mice, but there was no significant difference from WT mice, due to the lower expression of ADAM10 in OPCs compared with other neural cells. (Figure 2C, E). When comparing the expression of ADAM10 in the cortex, hippocampus, diencephalon, corpus collasum, and cerebellum of WT and ADAM10 cKO mice, we found that there was a significant decrease in ADAM10 expression in the hippocampus, corpus collasum, and cerebellum of ADAM10 cKO mice, which are the main distribution areas of white matter (Figure 2D, F). Moreover, co-immunostaining with anti-NG2 and anti-ADAM10 antibodies showed that the OPCs from ADAM10 cKO mice did not express ADAM10 in vitro, further suggesting that ADAM10 is conditionally ablated in OPCs (Figure 2G).
ADAM10 cKO mice exhibit the “anxiety and depression-like” performances
Compared with control littermates, ADAM10 cKO mice began showing a significant loss of back hair and reduction in weight and length on the postnatal day (30±2.1), and finally died on (65±5) days after birth (Figure 3A, B, C). Further dissection revealed that the brain and thymus of ADAM10 cKO mice were significantly smaller, the abdominal lymph nodes and spleen were larger, and the intestinal smooth muscle was thicker (Figure 3D, E, F).
Long-term video recording revealed that ADAM10 cKO mice exhibited increased self-grooming and tremor-like behaviour that might be linked to the pathogenesis of anxiety (Figure 4A, B, Supplementary video 1, 2). Therefore, a series of behavioural tests relevant to anxiety and depression were performed on ADAM10 cKO mice. In the OFT, we observed spontaneous exploratory behaviour of ADAM10 cKO and WT mice over 60 min. We found that the exploratory paths were sparser, and the stop duration was longer in ADAM10 cKO mice than in WT mice (Figure 4C). We quantified this by analyzing the cumulative distance travelled in 10 min and found that it was significantly reduced in ADAM10 cKO mice by (33.3±2.1)%. Likewise, the average speed was also reduced by (28.7±1.8) %, and time immobile (speed≤2 cm/s) was increased by (3.7±0.5) times (Figure 4D). In the EPM test, compared with WT mice, the percentage of time spent in the open arms of the maze and the percentage of open arm entries (% OAE) were increased in ADAM10 cKO mice, suggesting that ADAM10 cKO mice have anxiety-like properties (Figure 4E, F). Previous results suggested that enhanced anxiety can predispose mice to depression-like behaviour under some conditions.17 We therefore performed the TST, which is frequently used in studies of depression. ADAM10 cKO mice showed a significantly increased percentage of immobility episodes ( t = −4.668, df = 6, p = 0.023) (Figure 4G). Moreover, the immobility periods were significantly longer in ADAM10 cKO mice ( t = −14.905, df =4, p = 0.031) (Figure 4H). Taken together, these behavioural results indicate that ADAM10 cKO mice have obvious “anxiety and depression.
Conditional deletion of ADAM10 in OPC results in premature myelination and failure of myelin maintenance
Mood disorders such as anxiety and depression are common features of demyelinating diseases.19, 19 Previous results suggest that myelination of axon tracts within the CNS occurs throughout the first 30–40 days after birth in rodent animals.2, 20 We assessed myelin formation in the brains of WT and ADAM10 cKO mice on P7, P14, P30, and P60 using FluoroMyelin Green fluorescent myelin staining. In WT mice, Fluoromyelin Green positive signals (green) began to appear on P30 in the corpus callosum, thalamus, and other white matter areas, and there was a gradual increase in the density of Fluoromyelin Green staining from P30 to P60. However, in ADAM10 cKO mice, positive signals began to appear on P14 in the corpus callosum, thalamus, and other white matter areas, and the density of Fluoromyelin Green (green) significantly increased at P30 and subsequently decreased at P60. Compared with WT mice, the density of Fluoromyelin Green (green) was higher on P30, but weaker on P60 in ADAM10 cKO mice, suggesting that conditional deletion of ADAM10 in OPC results in premature, but maintenance failure of CNS myelination (Figure 5A, B). To further investigate the influence of ADAM10 on myelination in the brain, we examined the expression of the mature OL marker MBP by immunohistochemistry and western blotting. Compared with WT mice, the immunofluorescence intensity of MBP was stronger in the corpus callosum of ADAM10 cKO mice at P30, while it was weaker in the corpus callosum at P60 (Figure 5C, D).
Consistent with the immunohistochemistry staining, western blotting showed that the level of MBP expression was also higher on P30 and lower on P60 in the ADAM10 cKO mouse brain (Figure 6A, C). We also compared the expression levels of Proteolipid Protein (PLP), which accounts for approximately 50% of the myelin protein in adult CNS myelin. We found the same results as MBP in the corpus callosum of WT and ADAM10 cKO mice at P60 (Figure 6C, D).
Electron microscopy (EM) showed that there was a significant reduction in the number of myelinated axons in the corpus callosum of ADAM10 cKO mice on P60 compared with WT mice (Figure 6E). Moreover, compared with WT mice, myelinated axons were characterised by higher G ratios and thinner myelin sheaths in the corpus callosum of ADAM10 cKO mice (Figure 6F, G). However, ultrastructural defects of myelin were not observed on P60 in adult ADAM10 cKO mice (Supplementary Figure1). Taken together, these results indicate that ADAM10 is essential for CNS myelination in mice.
Conditional deletion of ADAM10 interfered with the development of OPCs
Since dysmyelination implies fewer OPCs or mature OLs, we speculate that conditional deletion of ADAM10 in OPCs interferes with their development. Therefore, we examined the expression of Olig2 (a sustained marker for oligodendrocyte lineage cells from primary to mature OLs) and CC1 (a marker for post-mitotic cells).
OLs) in the corpus callosum of WT and ADAM10 cKO mice at P7, P14, P30, and P60 (Figure 7A, B). We found that the density of Olig2+ cells was similar in the corpus callosum of the WT and ADAM10 cKO mice on P7, P14 and P30, but lower in ADAM10 cKO mice than that of WT mice on P60; the density of CC1+ cells continuously increased from P7 to P60 in the corpus callosum of WT mice, but it peaked on P30, and decreased on P60 in ADAM10 cKO mice. It is also worth noting that the density of Olig2+/CC1- cells was reduced from P7 to P60 in both WT and ADAM10 cKO mice. However, the degree of decrease was greater at P30 and P60 in the corpus callosum of ADAM10 cKO mice than in WT mice, further demonstrating that the reduction of Olig2+/CC1- OPC counts may be the reason for the difference in Olig2+ oligodendrocyte lineage cells in ADAM10 cKO mice.
We then examined the expression of NG2 and PDGFa, two OPC markers, in the corpus callosum of WT and ADAM10 cKO mice on P7, P14, P30, and P60 (Figure 8A, B, C). We found no significant difference in the density of NG2+ and PDGFa+ cells in the corpus callosum of WT and ADAM10 cKO mice on P7 and P14. However, at P30 and P60, the number of NG2﹢and PDGFa+ cells was lower in the corpus callosum of ADAM10 cKO mice than in WT mice, suggesting a downsized OPC pool in the brains of ADAM10 cKO mice. Next, we immunostained with an antibody against the cell cycle marker Ki-67 and found that the number of Ki67+ cells in the corpus callosum of ADAM10 cKO mice was statistically lower on P30 and P60 than that in WT mice (Figure8D, E, F), suggesting that the proliferation of NG2+ and PDGFa+ OPCs was decreased in ADAM10 cKO mice.
Activation of Notch-1 signalling is impaired in ADAM10 cKO mice
The similar abnormal CNS development between ADAM10 cKO and Notch-1 cKO mice21 suggests that defects in myelination and OPC proliferation in ADAM10 cKO mice may be caused by inhibition of the Notch-1 signalling pathway. To investigate whether Notch-1 signaling is inactivated after ADAM10 conditional ablation in OPCs, we examined the expression of Notch-1 and Notch-1 fragments in the corpus collasum of WT and ADAM10 cKO mice by western blotting. We found that the Notch-1 S2 fragment (72kDa) was significantly reduced in the corpus collasum of ADAM10 cKO mice, whereas the Notch-1 S1 cleavage product (120kDa) was not significantly changed in the corpus collasum of ADAM10 cKO mice (Figure 9A, B). We also immunoblotted extracts from the corpus collasum of WT and ADAM10 cKO mice, using an antibody directed against the Notch1 intracellular domain (NICD). We also found that there was a stronger decline in the generation of NICD in the corpus collasum of ADAM10 cKO mice than in WT mice (Figure 9A, C).
To further demonstrate whether ADAM10 cKO affects the Notch-1 pathway in addition to altering Notch-1 expression, we used qRT–PCR to examine the expression levels of Hes1, Hes5, Hey1, and Hey2, which are the four major Notch-1 signalling downstream target genes. We found that levels of Hes1, Hes5, Hey1, and Hey2 expression were decreased by 60.1, 58.2, 38.9 and 51.4% in the corpus collasum of ADAM10 cKO mice, respectively (Figure 9D), indicating that Notch-1 signalling was downregulated in the corpus collasum of ADAM10 cKO mice.