Rootstock-mediated variation in shoot agronomical and physiological parameters
Fruit yield and gas exchange
Experimental rootstocks provoked 1.4, 2 and 1.6-fold variation in fruit yield of the commercial variety under optimal and limited P and NPK fertilization, respectively (Fig. 1a-c). On average, reduced P and NPK fertilization (25% of optimal) decreased fruit yield by 15 and 20% compared to control conditions, respectively (Fig.1b). Importantly, the photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance were also reduced under nutrient deficiency, more significantly under low-NPK (Fig. 2a, b).
Leaf nutritional status
The total concentration of macro (N, P, K, Mg, S, and Ca) and micro (Fe, Mn, B, and Zn) nutrients in the leaves was similarly reduced by 19 and 33% under low-P and low-NPK compared to optimal fertilization, respectively (Fig. 2c, d). Leaf N concentration was significantly reduced (10%) under low-NPK conditions, but not under low-P, although the rootstocks provoked a similar 1.2 (low-P) to 1.3-fold (control and low-NPK) variation in this parameter (Fig. 3a). Leaf P was reduced by 14% under low nutrient supply compared to optimal nutrition, and the rootstocks generated a similar 1.6 (optimal) to 1.8-fold (low-P) variation (Fig. 3b). Leaf K was reduced under limited nutrition, particularly under low-NPK (20%), and the rootstocks generated 1.4 (optimal) to 1.6-fold (low nutrition) variation (Fig. 3c). Interestingly, the highest rootstock-mediated change was found for leaf Na concentration (2.4 to 3-fold; Fig. 3d), while the minimal variation was found for leaf C (1.1-fold, irrespective of the treatment), although it was the only element that increased under low-P (10%) and low-NPK (8%) conditions, compared to optimal nutrition (Fig. 3e). In general, the leaf concentrations of other macro (Mg, S, Ca) and micro (Fe, Mn, B, Zn) nutrients were reduced under low-P and low-NPK with a rootstock-mediated variability ranging between 1.5 and 2.4-fold (Fig. 3f-l).
Pollinator preference
Based on stamen marks scoring levels observed over the flowering period, where L0 is the lowest (no visits) and L2 is the highest (feeding interest) score (Fig. 4a), plants cultivated under optimal fertilization had the highest L0 value, while those growing under low-NPK scored the highest in intermediate interest (L1) (Fig. 4b). Indeed, according to L1+L2 (percentage of flowers visited), the plants grown under limited fertilization were more visited than those grown under optimal nutrient supply (Fig. 4b). However, flowers on plants grown under low-P were preferred by the pollinators in their foraging activity, since they registered the highest L2 score, while flowers under low-NPK were the less preferred according to this criterion (Fig. 4 b, c). The set of experimental rootstocks also altered the pollinator preference depending on the fertilization regime, inducing 1.6 (control), 1.9 (low-NPK) and 2-fold (low-P) variation in the highest pollinator preference criterion L2 (Fig. 4d-f).
Correlations between agronomical and physiological parameters and pollinator preferences.
To check whether the level of pollinator preference can be an indicator of the plant performance, the intensity of visits during the overall flowering period was compared with the final fruit yield and the physiological and nutritional status in all graft combinations, expecting that the choice of the pollinator reflects the benefits of the rootstock on scion performance. Interestingly, the fruit yield of grafted plants correlated positively with the pollinator preference L2 under low-NPK (r=0.48, P≤0.01) and low-P (r= 0.35 P≤0.05) deficit, while this correlation was negative under optimal fertilization (r= -0.32, P≤0.05) (Fig. 5a-c).
Fruit yield correlated positively with AN, gs, and leaf P, S, Mg, Ca, Fe, Mn and total macronutrients, while it was negative with leaf C concentration, irrespective of the fertilization regime (Fig. 6). Leaf N only correlated with yield under optimal and low-NPK fertilization, but not under low-P, while leaf K consistently positively correlated with yield under low-P and low-NPK. Leaf Zn and B correlated positively with yield but more significantly under limited fertilization, while leaf micronutrients strongly correlated with yield under low-P but not under low-NPK.
Under optimal fertilisation, photosynthesis positively correlated with leaf N, C and K, and negatively with the rest of the nutrients (Fig. 6a). However, AN positively correlated with most of the leaf nutrients under limited fertilisation, but negatively with leaf C and Na, although with some differences: while leaf Ca, Mg, K, S, Mn and Zn are common positive factors under both limiting conditions (Fig. 6b, c), leaf N and P positively influenced AN under low-NPK (Fig. 6c), but not under low-P (Fig. 6b).
Pollinator preference L2 was positively correlated with leaf N, C, K, and Zn under limited fertilization, particularly leaf N (both), K and Zn (-NPK), while leaf S, Na, B, Ca, and Fe correlated negatively (Fig. 6b, c). However, the opposite was found under control conditions, since L2 positively correlated with most nutrients, including Na, Ca, B and Fe, but negatively with major nutrients N, C and P (Fig. 6a).
Leaf N positively correlated with leaf C, P and K under optimal, and more weakly under low-NPK and low-P (only C and K). However, leaf N correlated negatively with the rest of nutrients under optimal fertilization, but positively with Fe and Zn under limited supply (Fig. 6a-c). Except for N, leaf C negatively correlated with most of nutrients irrespective of the fertilization regime (Fig. 6a-c). Leaf P correlated positively with the rest of nutrients (except Na, Fe and B under control), more significantly under low fertilization, particularly with Zn.
By pooling the three treatments together (Fig. 6d), yield is positively influenced by AN and leaf mineral status, negatively affecting leaf C concentration, but uncoupled from the pollinator preference (L2), which is mainly influenced by the leaf C status. However, under limited fertilization (-P and –NPK), yield is strongly linked to pollinator preference, which is positively related to the leaf C and mineral status, particularly N, K, and Zn, which positively affect AN (Fig. 6e).
Overall, rootstock-mediated yield and AN are intimately related through the leaf mineral status, influencing leaf C and pollinator foraging decisions, probably through source-sink relations, which is agronomically more relevant under limited fertilizer supply.