We evaluated the relationship between PSST score and biochemistry and anthropometric indices. We used the PSST questionnaire, which rates the impact of premenstrual symptoms on daily activities. Another usage of PSST is to screen for premenstrual dysphoric disorder. The mean PSST Score in our study was 20.46± 12.05. Study participants were classified into three groups based on PSST cut-offs. Majority of the participants (38.7%) had mild PMS symptoms, while moderate and severe PMS symptoms were observed in 31.7% and 27.5% of the participants, respectively. We also compared the demographic characteristics of participants in the different PMS categories, and found that individuals with severe PMS were younger than individuals with those with mild PMS (P= 0.017).
We found no significant difference in anthropometric parameters between PMS severity groups. The definition for abdominal obesity was WC >80 cm. Based on a recent systematic review and meta-analysis in Iran the cut off for abdominal obesity was 89.24 cm in women (39). Therefore, based on either reference range the participants in our study had abdominal obesity. This finding was predictable as all participants had abdominal obesity based on national cut off. Therefore, it can be inferred that subjects with severe PMS symptoms had lower WC and BMI. Although this difference was not statistically significant, having a mean WC below 89.24 cm indicates a clinical significance. Therefore, the findings of our study indicated that participants with severe PMS had a lower degree of abdominal obesity although there was no clinical or statistical difference between groups in terms of BMI.
It was previously shown that BMI and PMS severity were linearly correlated (40, 41). A study showed that women with BMI higher than 27.5 kg/m2 had a higher chance of developing severe PMS after 10 years compared to women with BMI below 20 kg/m2 (40). This finding was in contrast to the findings of our study. However, our study did not include obese or underweight women based on BMI categories. While the BMI of the participants in our study was in the normal range, there was an inverse relationship between PMS severity and WC and BMI. This relationship might be attributed to lack of subjects with high BMI and WC. Similarly, a study found a U-shape relationship between BMI and PMS (42). A possible reason for the relationship between BMI and PMS symptom severity might be the lower level of estradiol in women with adiposity compared to normal-weight women (40, 43). This hypothesis may not be tested in our study because sex hormones were not assessed for study subjects.
Our study indicated a significant relationship between age and PSST score indicating that younger individuals were more likely to experience more severe PMS symptoms. It was previously shown that younger women experience more severe PMS symptoms (44-46). These findings were in line with our study findings. Hypothetically PMS should increase with age; therefore, external factors were presented as the causes of high experience of severe PMS among younger women (47). The relationship between younger age and more severe PMS might be due to the high prevalence of mental disorders, including depression, among younger women (47). Our findings indicated a significant relationship between depression and PSST score, which might be an indicative of the role of depression in severity of PMS among younger women. Previous studies also indicated that depression during the luteal phase might aggravate PMS severity (48-52). As our study was cross-sectional, we could not indicate causation. Therefore, our study findings could not document whether PMS causes depression or depression aggravates PMS.
We found a significant relationship between serum vitamin D tertiles and PSST score indicating lower Vitamin D intakes in women with more severe PMS symptoms. This finding was in line with the findings of a previous study (53). This effect might be related to the anti-inflammatory effects of vitamin D (54).
No significant difference in crude nutrient intakes was found between PMS severity groups. This finding could be due to effect of other confounders especially energy intake. Therefore, the regression analysis was performed using the energy adjusted nutrient intakes.
Based on the findings of multinomial logistic regression, higher SFA intake was less likely to develop moderate PMS symptoms, while higher MUFA intake was related to severe PMS symptoms, which were in line with the findings of a previous study (45). We found a significant relationship between PMS and PUFA. In contrast to the findings of our study, a previous study indicated no significant relationship between PUFA intake and PMS (45). Currently, no documented mechanism has been suggested for the relationship between PMS severity and SFA, MUFA, and PUFA intake (45). As the regression analysis adjusts the variables, including BMI and central adiposity, the results of our study suggested that type of fatty acid intake, but not total fat intake, can be an independent risk factor for PMS severity.
We reported a significant association between PMS and riboflavin, which was similar to the findings of a previous study (46). The possible mechanism for the effect of riboflavin on PMS severity is its role in inflammation and pain pathway (55, 56).
One of the limitations of the current study was not evaluating serum estradiol and the presence of polycystic ovarian syndrome, which were not possible due to financial limitations. We included 139 cases in our cross-sectional study. In several studies with the same method as us, the sample size was much bigger. Therefore, we mention that our study sample size could be bigger, and we could have a more reliable result. The cross-sectional study gives us an overview of our subject. But outcomes of cross-sectional studies should be evaluated by more accurate studies like case-control, cohorts, or RCT. We could not find a significant association between some variables and PMS, but some studies reported an association between this variable. Hence, the prevalence of some confounding factors in our study disrupted our findings.
For future research, we suggest a larger sample size for studies, at least 800. Therefore, a more accurate result can be obtained. Researchers can commit case-control or cohort studies for more accurate results. Some confounding factors spoil the result, and we recommend deleting these factors.