The mean ambient temperature (AT) and relative humidity (RH) documented in this study were outside the thermoneutral zone (TNZ) of 22 – 30 oC and 28 – 60 %, respectively, established for sheep under tropical environment (Suprayogi et al., 2006; Khalek, 2007; Marai et al., 2007; Papanastasiou et al., 2015). The lowest AT recorded during the harmattan season was 14oC during the morning hours and 10oC during the night hours, which indicated that, the animals were subjected to extreme cold environmental conditions. The TNZ is the comfort zone or the zone of indifference of the animal where the animals’ performance is maximized with no compensatory efforts required by the animal for the maintenance of its homeostasis (Bianca, 1976; Silanikove, 2000).
CIDR retention rate improves oestrus synchronisation, and therefore, the oestrus response rate (ORR), which resulted in higher pregnancy rates in ewes (Moeini et al., 2007; Sidi et al., 2016). The higher value of CIDR retention rate and therefore higher oestrus response rate in the treatment groups obtained in the present study may be as a result of hesperidin ability to scavenge toxic free radical species, combat inflammation and ameliorate oxidative stress induced by the CIDR insertion and exposure of the animals to severe thermal stress. This resulted in higher oestrus synchronisation, demonstrating the ameliorative effects of hesperidin in improving oestrus synchronisation in thermally stressed Yankasa ewes. The finding of this study agrees with the findings of Omontese et al. (2010) and Omontese et al. (2014) who administered ascorbic acid to does and had CIDR retention of 85% and to Yankasa ewes with CIDR retention of 90%, respectively. CIDR losses were found to be higher in the control group and this agrees with the findings of Romano (2004), who carried out similar experiment and obtained similar results in Nubian goats, though no antioxidants were used in the study. High losses of CIDR in ewes have been reported by several authors (Ainsworthl and Doww, 1986; Maxwell and Barnes, 1986; Rhodes and Nathanielsz, 1988; Wheaton et al., 1993) and might have been due to lack of use of the CIDR applicator and methods of insertion of the CIDR. When CIDR are not carefully inserted intravaginally, it causes irritation of the vaginal mucosa, which may result in inflammation and predisposes the ewes to infection and probably loss of the CIDR and lower oestrus synchronisation rate and oestrus response rates (Swelum et al., 2015).
The significant ORR values obtained in the present study may be due to the radical scavenging ability of hesperidin, which resulted in higher ORR. The results of the present study resonate with the findings of Musa et al. (2018), who found higher ORR values in antioxidant supplemented Yankasa ewes. Oxidative stress is associated with the different phases of the oestrous cycle in addition to that from severe environmental conditions, during which excess ROS are produced, resulting in poor oestrous outcomes. The effect of selenium (Se) supplementation on the reproductive performance of Merino ewes mated out of the normal breeding season was investigated by Sánchez et al. (2008) and found that though selenium supplementation had a positive effect on oestrus synchronisation in ewes mated out of the breeding season, it did not improve significantly ewe fertility or lamb birth weight, even though selenium supplemented ewes had higher lambing rate and produced more lambs than those not synchronized. In their study they associated selenium supplementation at the early stages of pregnancy to result in selenium toxicity and embryonic mortality. In another study by (Mashamaite, 2019) on South Africa indigenous goats, selenium supplementation did not have any significant effect on the number and size follicles, oestrus response and duration, oestrus onset, pregnancy and kidding rates, gestation length and litter size. Earlier studies by (Sánchez et al., 2008) had indicated that selenium supplementation to Merino sheep had inhibitory effects resulting in embryonic mortality during earlier pregnancy. With hesperidin supplementation, ROS are scavenged and destroyed, thus resulting in enhanced ORR. However, the findings of current study disagree with the findings of Gore (2016), who investigated the effect of β-carotene (an antioxidant radical scavenger) supplementation on oestrus synchronisation and milk production in Saanen goats and found that β-carotene supplementation had no effect on ORR. The discrepancies could be due to species variation, location, health status and season during which the study was conducted.
The overall beneficial effects of hesperidin resulted in shorter TOO, which falls within the normal range of 13 – 19 days reported by Greyling and Brink (1987). Hesperidin as an antioxidant, with ability to scavenger excess reactive oxygen species (ROS) resulted in better cell wall and other cellular components often damaged by excess ROS associated with thermal stress and reproductive processes. Its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antiviral properties improved TOO in Yankasa ewes. The findings of this study disagree with the findings of Trout et al. (1998), who investigated the characteristics of oestrous cycle and antioxidant status in lactating dairy cattle exposed to heat stress, and observed that there was no variation in TOO in the antioxidant treatment and control groups. The findings of the current study are also contrary to the result of Vaadala et al. (2019), who reported that the use of the flavonoid, baicalein, in female mice prolonged oestrus and also suppressed fertility output. This differences in findings may be due to species variation and the season during the studies were carried out. The current study was carried out in Yankasa ewes during the cold-dry harmattan season with chilly night time temperatures of 10oC and under a montane vegetation. The study by Trout et al., (1998) was conducted in a heat stressed environment in cattle, while that of Vaadala et al. (2019) was conducted in female mice under laboratory conditions.
The higher oestrus duration (OD) (hours) obtained in this study corroborates the findings of Sejian et al., (2014), who obtained a significant increase in oestrus duration (36.68 ± 2.42 hours) in Malpura ewes administered mineral and antioxidant supplementation, while other parameters like oestrous response rate (100%) and length of oestrous cycle (14.29 ± 0.18) were not different. The mean oestrus duration (hours) fell within the range of 24 – 36 hours reported by various researchers (Vivanco, 1986; Jarquin et al., 2014; Zohara et al., 2014). This shows that hesperidin improved the OD in Yankasa ewes. This might have been due to free radical scavenging capacity of hesperidin thereby enabling the animals to cope with the harsh thermal stress during the harmattan season. However, the result of the current study disagrees with the findings of Gore, (2016) who investigated the effect of β-carotene (an antioxidant radical scavenger) supplementation on oestrus synchronisation and milk production in Saanen goats and found that β-carotene supplementation had no effect on OD. The discrepancies in the findings could be due to species and breed variations, location and the season during which the study was carried out. Furthermore, the current study was carried out during the cold dry harmattan season, while Gore, (2016) conducted his study in goats indicating species variations and under sub-tropical conditions. Different climatic factors have been noted to influence onset and oestrus duration with prolong higher temperatures shortening the duration of oestrus and reducing the intensity of oestrus behaviour in ewes (Romano and Fahning, 2013). Cold stress induces shorter oestrus length in West Bengal goats in treatment group than the control (Kumar et al., 2015), which agrees with the findings of this study. Cold stress has been reported to shorten OD, and may even result in total loss of the oestrous cycle event in rats (Tumenbayar et al., 2019). Extreme cold stress is associated with the depletion of the energy reserves resulting negative energy balance and increased metabolic activity in ewes and other farm animals, which adversely influences homeostasis and cause overall poor reproductive performance (Gebregeziabhear and Ameha, 2015). OD may be influenced by season, species, breed, location, health status, management style, nutrition and the stage of the oestrous cycle (Omontese et al., 2017).
Residual effect observed in this study after withdrawal of hesperidin is an indication of a drug's continued effect in the body and expresses the long-term drug effects. Drug residual effects is well studied in cases of drug abuse in humans (Roehrs et al., 1986; Spencer & Boren, 1990; Fitzgerald and Vietri, 2015) and in animal studies (Atabaki et al., 2020; Sharma et al., 2021). It is, however, poorly documented in animals. In this study hesperidin demonstrated significant residual effects after two weeks of withdrawal of treatment, by improving ORR, OD and shortening of the TOO in Yankasa ewes. The findings of this study resonate with the findings of Pinna and Sala, (2019), who found that hesperidin and genistein mix elicited residual vasorelaxations effect after L-NAME pretreatment were blocked by incubation with glybenclamide. Their findings concluded that regular moderate consumption of citrus fruit or juice may confer protection to both mother and foetus, and might reduce blood pressure, and the risk of foetal vascular complications such as preeclampsia and intrauterine growth restriction. Also, semi-professional cyclists were administered a single dose each of 500 mg of hesperidin had enhanced physical performance due to the amelioration of oxidative status in the volunteers (Martínez-Noguera et al., 2019; Ávila‐gálvez et al., 2021).
The higher pregnancy and lambing rates observed in this study might have been as a result of the ability of hesperidin to ameliorate oxidative stress associated with severe thermal stress and pregnancy and parturition (Agarwal et al., 2005). The finding agrees with the result of a study conducted by (Safarnavadeh and Rastegarpanah, 2011) in rats using oil from Satureja khuzestanica, which showed a 93.33 % pregnancy rate. Satureja khuzestanica oil contains flavonoids, such as p-cymene and carvacrol, which through their antioxidant capacity had the ability to combat oxidative stress, improve oocyte quality and pre-implantation embryo survival, thus, improving pregnancy rates (Safarnavadeh and Rastegarpanah, 2011). The supplementation with vitamin C (ascorbic acid) in women resulted in higher pregnancy rates in women who had luteal phase defect indicating the beneficial effect of ascorbic acid as an antioxidant (Henmi et al., 2003). Another study using supplementation composed of vitamin E, iron, zinc, selenium and L-arginine showed an increase in ovulation and pregnancy rates in women and, thus, supporting the findings of the current study (Westphal et al., 2004). The findings of this study are contrary to the results obtained by Ozyurtlu et al. (2010), who investigated the characterization of oestrus synchronisation and other fertility parameters in Awassi ewes during the non-breeding season and found no variations in parameters studies. Such results might have been influenced by breed variation and genetic make-up, location, nutrition, environmental conditions and the healthy status of the ewes.
The shorter gestation length found in this study may be associated with the radical scavenging capacity of hesperidin. Oxidative stress is associated with severe environment conditions and pregnancy due to physiologic and metabolic processes that are necessary for the development of the offspring. The findings of this study agree with the report of Mukasa-Mugerwa et al. (1994), Fogarty et al. (2005), Hucal, (2011), Petrovic et al. (2013) and Menatian et al. (2010). The findings of this study found the gestation length to fall within the normal range established for sheep with 138 – 157 days reported by Tilton, (1964). Iyiola-Tunji et al. (2010) reported a different range of 150.3 ± 0.61 to 153.3 ± 0.60 days for all Nigerian breed genotypes (Balami, Uda and Yankasa) investigated, except for the pure Balami breed which had a shorter gestation length (137.1 ± 0.81 days). The findings of Iyiola-Tunji et al. (2010) on gestation length was carried out on genotypes not pure Yankasa breed and may show variation in gestation length. Gestation length in ewes is dependent upon several factors including: genotype, health status of the dam, body condition score, breed, nutritional status, age, number of foetuses, sex of the foetus, foetal birth weight, environmental conditions associated with the breeding seasons including the effect of thermal stress and the sire used for breeding (Tilton, 1964; Forbes, 1967; Anderson et al., 1981; Oztirk and Aktas, 1996; Iyiola-Tunji et al., 2010; Hucal, 2011; Petrovic et al., 2013). Higher lambing weight is reported to induce earlier lambing whether single or twin pregnancies and male offspring tend to result to earlier lambing than female offspring due to their body size and weight (Salifu, 2014; Parraguez et al., 2020; Sales et al., 2020). Higher foetal weight induce stress which activates the generation of cortisol and initiate earlier lambing (Senger, 2007; Salifu, 2014). Though studies regarding antioxidant effect on lambing weight are somewhat mixed and varied with some finding increase in lambing rates (Capper et al., 2005), others did not find any variation (Ali et al., 2004; Sterndale et al., 2018). They attributed the variations to be due to use of different doses of vitamin E, routes of administration, and duration of treatments, in addition to eventual differences in sheep pregnancy rank and breed and other undefined factors.
The higher lambing weights in the treatment group obtained in this study agrees with the findings of (Sales et al., 2019) who administered Vit C and E to ewes and found that the lambs from supplemented ewes had higher lambing weights than the control in both single and twin pregnancies. Melatonin supplementation given to pregnant ewes under heat stressed conditions improved the redox status of heat-stressed ewes and increased the mean number and bodyweight of lambs born per ewe, as well as the milk production (Bouroutzika et al., 2020). Higher lamb birth weights were also obtained from undernourished pregnant ewes given supplementation of vitamins C and E, which resulted in counteraction of hypoxemia and oxidative stress associated with intrauterine growth restriction (Parraguez et al., 2022a and b). Supplementation with vitamins C and E alone or in combination with concentrate on pregnancy outcomes and growth and survival of lambs during early postnatal stages (lactation) showed increased birth weight and higher body weight (BW) at weaning in ewes and higher lamb survival rates (Parraguez et al., 2020; Parraguez et al., 2022a). This demonstrates the antioxidant capacity of ascorbic acid and vitamin E in improving foetal oxygenation by counteracting maternal hypoxia and oxidative stress. Without the antioxidants the undernourished pregnant ewes might have experienced lipid peroxidation and impairment of redox homeostasis, and thus, reducing the oxygenation capacity of the red blood cells and therefore, decreased foetal body weight (Nawito et al., 2016; Parraguez et al., 2020; Sales et al., 2020). Antioxidants supplementation has been associated with increased umbilical flow that favoured foetal growth, increased angiogenesis, favoured placental function and foetal development (Kasimanickam et al., 2010; Thakor et al., 2010; Parraguez et al., 2013). Improved placental efficiency and lambing weight have been reported in pregnant undernourished rats (Richter et al., 2009). This is further supported by the findings of Parraguez et al., (2011) who obtained increased placental efficiency between 10% and 45% in single ovine pregnancies developed under oxidative stress in chronically hypoxic environment on high plateaus. Foetal hypoxia has been reported to predisposes the offspring to congenital anomalies and chronic diseases in future life (Silvestro et al., 2020). However, the use of several antioxidants such as melatonin, erythropoietin, vitamin C, resveratrol and hydrogen, have demonstrated potential protective effects in prenatal hypoxia (Silvestro et al., 2020). Hesperidin as a free radical scavenger, ameliorated oxidative stress through impairment of lipid peroxidation and improvement of cell wall integrity, improved oxygenation between the dam and foetus, higher lambing weights and therefore better performance.
No statistically significant differences were recorded between the two treatments regarding the fecundity. This finding is consistent with the work of Ozyurtlu et al. (2010) who investigated the effect of oestrus synchronisation in sheep on fertility parameters and found no variation. The studies of Ataman and Aköz, (2006) and Ozyurtlu et al., (2010) also obtained similar results implying hesperidin supplementation did not alter fecundity in sheep. Discrepancies above may be caused by some factors such as genotype, nutrition, environmental conditions, housing and management. Contrary to the findings of this study on fecundity, Kamiloğlu et al. (2017) obtained significantly higher fecundity rates in Tuj sheep. They attributed their findings to the inclusion of testosterone immunization and its synergy with oestrus synchronisation agents administered to the ewes. The results of this study showed that fecundity was not influenced by hesperidin treatment.
In conclusion it was observed that hesperidin significantly increased oestrus synchronisation outcomes and fertility parameters in Yankasa ewes.
It is therefore recommended that farmers in Plateau State, Nigeria could be advised to administer hesperidin to Yankasa ewes during thermally-stressed conditions. The study involved a limited number of ewes on the Jos Plateau, it is therefore also recommended that further studies involving more ewes be carried out in other thermally stressed environments where Yankasa ewes are raised. Further studies are also required to elucidate on the molecular mechanism of action of hesperidin in ameliorating thermal stress in Yankasa ewes.