In the present study, we measured retinal vascular geometric parameters in eyes with idiopathic ERM and analyzed which retinal vessel geometric parameters are associated with idiopathic ERM. Our results demonstrate that compared with age-matched controls, and while adjusting for concomitant risk factors, eyes with idiopathic ERM are more likely to manifest structural changes in retinal microvascular network; wider retinal venules and smaller total fractal dimensions. To the best of our knowledge, our study is the first to comprehensively examine the direct association between idiopathic ERM and retinal vascular geometric parameters.
Previous epidemiological studies have reported inconsistent associations between idiopathic ERM and potential systemic cardiovascular risk factors. Miyazaki et al.6 demonstrated that serum cholesterol is significantly associated with ERM and Ng et al.5 showed that hypercholesterolemia and narrower arteriolar diameter are significantly associated with ERM. Furthermore, in the Singapore Malay Eye Study7, narrower retinal arteriolar diameter was found to be associated with ERM. However, in the Beaver Dam study, neither narrowing of the retinal arterioles nor a history of cardiovascular disease was associated with the presence of ERM11. In the present study, we observed that wider retinal venules are significantly associated with idiopathic ERM, independent of vascular risk factors. We assume that the wider retinal vascular caliber may be a result of disturbances in the hemodynamics of the retinal blood flow of eyes with idiopathic ERM. It has earlier been speculated that hypoxia may have a role in the formation of idiopathic ERMs12–14. Armstrong et al.12 have reported on the presence of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) not only in proliferative diabetic membranes, but in idiopathic ERMs as well. Lim et al.14 have described the presence of hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α), a transcription factor that plays an essential role in the systemic homeostasis response to hypoxia, in nondiabetic ERMs. The HIF-1 triggers the activation of several genes that result in the production of VEGF and other angiogenic factors13. It is possible that the presence of ERM—that is attributable to traction and/or shear stress applied to the retina—and associated hypoxic conditions affect retinal caliber. Moreover, we speculate that wider retinal venules may be related to the macular edema, which is often observed in eyes with idiopathic ERM.
Fractal dimension and branching angle reflect the status of the circulatory function of blood vessels. An optimal branching angle is associated with greater efficiency in blood flow with lower energy expenditure15. Given that the normal human retinal circulation is a “self-similar” and fractal pattern, fractal analysis may provide an objective, quantitative technique to evaluate retinal vessel geometry16. In previous studies, smaller retinal fractal dimension was found to be associated with systemic disease, including proliferative diabetic retinopathy17 and hypertension9. However, the relationship between fractal dimension and branching angle and idiopathic ERM has not been well studied. In the present study, smaller total and arteriolar fractal dimension and larger venular branching angle were significantly associated with idiopathic ERM. However, this significance was lost (except for total fractal dimension) after multivariate adjustment for confounding variables. A smaller fractal dimension represents less branching density, reflecting potential changes in blood flow or endothelial dysfunction in eyes with idiopathic ERM.
Tortuosity or curvature of the retinal vessels is also a crucial parameter that describes the geometric pattern of retinal vasculature, which may represent the state of the retinal microcirculation. Vascular tortuosity may be linked with tissue perfusion impairment as a complex response mechanism mediated by secretions from vascular endothelial cells. These vascular endothelial cells play an essential role in autoregulation of blood flow by producing vasoactive endothelial factors such as nitric oxide and endothelin18. These mediators stimulate angiogenesis and thus increase tortuosity, which subsequently promotes better tissue perfusion. In the present study, the finding that increased venular tortuosity is associated with idiopathic ERM was not significant after multivariate adjustment. Despite being insignificant, this trend may demonstrate a potential role for alterations in blood flow and changes in the geometric pattern of the retinal vasculature in the pathogenesis of idiopathic ERM.
There are recent studies that investigated foveal microvasculature using optical coherence tomography angiography in eyes with ERMs. Okawa et al.19 have reported that the foveal avascular zones of eyes with ERM were significantly smaller than those of the control eyes. Kim et al.4 have also described that compared with the fellow eyes, eyes with ERMs had a lower parafoveal vascular densities and smaller FAZ areas even after surgery. Previous studies that involved the use of fluorescein angiography to image the macular regions of eyes with ERMs revealed a reduced mean capillary flow velocity in these eyes20. Kadonosono et al.21,22 have also evaluated the retinal capillary blood flow velocity in patients with ERM and reported that the mean capillary blood flow in the perifoveal area was reduced as well. Afterward, Shinoda et al.23 measured the tissue blood flow in the macular area using scanning laser Doppler flowmetry and reported that the mean blood flow was significantly lower in eyes with ERMs than in control eyes. Furthermore, they suggested that the pathological reduction of retinal capillary blood flow velocity reported by Kadonosono et al.21,22 may not be compensated for, even by the blood vessel dilation found in eyes with ERMs, to decrease the mean blood flow. These findings are consistent with our results, showing the changes that occur in the geometric pattern of the retinal vasculature of eyes with idiopathic ERM. Alterations in the retinal vasculature, wider retinal venules and smaller fractal dimensions, may induce the hemodynamic disturbances in the microcirculation of eyes with ERM, even though the pathophysiologic mechanisms and a causality relationship between retinal vascular geometry and ERM remains unclear.
There are some limitations to our study. Firstly, the design of the study was retrospective and cross-sectional. Therefore, whether retinal vascular geometric changes are antecedent or consequent to idiopathic ERM cannot be determined from these data. Further longitudinal studies are needed to assess causality. Secondly, we only included eyes with idiopathic ERM, therefore, our results cannot be extended to eyes with secondary ERMs. The different causes and pathogenic mechanisms of idiopathic and secondary ERMs may result in not only differences in membrane characteristics but also in differences in retinal vascular geometry. Lastly, although the structural pathology in patients with ERM predominantly involve the macula, the SIVA program analyzed retinal microvasculature taken centered on the optic disc.
In conclusion, alterations in retinal vascular geometric parameters, particularly wider retinal venules and smaller fractal dimensions, were found to be associated with the presence of idiopathic ERM. This association was independent of cardiovascular risk factors. Our findings provide the first direct evidence of microvasculature network changes in the retinas of patients with idiopathic ERM, possibly reflecting hemodynamic disturbances of the microcirculation in these patients.